- |
| -- | Operating mode options |
| --checkconfig | Operating mode options |
| --cite | Operating mode options |
| --config-prefix=STR | Operating mode options |
| --config=STR | Operating mode options |
| --disable-guide-message | Gnuastro configure options |
| --disable-progname | Gnuastro configure options |
| --dontdelete | Input output options |
| --enable-check-with-valgrind | Gnuastro configure options |
| --enable-debug | Gnuastro configure options |
| --enable-gnulibcheck | Gnuastro configure options |
| --enable-gnulibcheck | Known issues |
| --enable-guide-message=no | Gnuastro configure options |
| --enable-progname | Gnuastro configure options |
| --enable-progname=no | Gnuastro configure options |
| --enable-reentrant | CFITSIO |
| --hdu=STR/INT | Input output options |
| --help | Arguments and options |
| --help | Operating mode options |
| --help | --help |
| --help output customization | --help |
| --ignorecase | Input output options |
| --keepinputdir | Input output options |
| --keepinputdir | Automatic output |
| --lastconfig | Operating mode options |
| --log | Operating mode options |
| --numthreads | Configuration files |
| --numthreads | Multi-threaded operations |
| --numthreads=INT | Operating mode options |
| --onlyversion=STR | Operating mode options |
| --outfitsnocommit | Input output options |
| --outfitsnoconfig | Input output options |
| --outfitsnodate | Input output options |
| --outfitsnoversions | Input output options |
| --output | Configuration files |
| --output=STR | Input output options |
| --prefix | Installation directory |
| --printparams | Options |
| --printparams | Operating mode options |
| --program-prefix | Executable names |
| --program-suffix | Executable names |
| --program-transform-name | Executable names |
| --quiet | Operating mode options |
| --searchin=STR | Input output options |
| --setdirconf | Operating mode options |
| --setdirconf | Current directory and User wide |
| --setusrconf | Operating mode options |
| --setusrconf | Current directory and User wide |
| --stdintimeout | Input output options |
| --tableformat=STR | Input output options |
| --type=STR | Input output options |
| --usage | Arguments and options |
| --usage | Operating mode options |
| --usage | --usage |
| --version | Operating mode options |
| --wcslinearmatrix=STR | Input output options |
| --with-python | Gnuastro configure options |
| --without-libgit2 | Gnuastro configure options |
| --without-libjpeg | Gnuastro configure options |
| --without-libtiff | Gnuastro configure options |
| --without-pgplot | WCSLIB |
| -? | Operating mode options |
| -D | Input output options |
| -h STR/INT | Input output options |
| -I | Input output options |
| -K | Input output options |
| -mecube (DS9) | Viewing FITS file contents with DS9 or TOPCAT |
| -N INT | Operating mode options |
| -o STR | Input output options |
| -P | Operating mode options |
| -q | Operating mode options |
| -S | Operating mode options |
| -s STR | Input output options |
| -T STR | Input output options |
| -t STR | Input output options |
| -U | Operating mode options |
| -V | Operating mode options |
. |
| ./.gnuastro/ | Current directory and User wide |
| ./configure | Configuring |
| ./configure | Installation directory |
| ./configure options | Gnuastro configure options |
| .bashrc | --help |
| .bashrc | Generating random numbers |
\ |
| g (gravitational constant) | Constants |
| h (Plank’s constant) | Constants |
$ |
| $HOME | Current directory and User wide |
| $HOME/.local/etc/gnuastro | Current directory and User wide |
2 |
| 24-bit terminal | Vector graphics colors |
| 2D histogram | Column statistics color-magnitude diagram |
| 2D histogram | 2D Histograms |
| 2D histogram | Statistical operations |
| 2MASS All-Sky Catalog | Available databases |
3 |
| 32-bit | Configuration information |
| 3D data cube | Detecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data |
| 3D data-cubes | Dimensionality changing operators |
| 3D data-cubes | Measurements per slice spectra |
6 |
| 64-bit | Configuration information |
A |
| A4 paper size | A4 print book |
| A4 print book | A4 print book |
| AAVSO Photometric All Sky Survey, DR9 | Available databases |
| AB magnitude | Unit conversion operators |
| AB magnitude | Brightness flux magnitude |
| AB Magnitude | Unit conversion library |
| Abd al-rahman Sufi | Sufi simulates a detection |
| Abell 370 galaxy cluster | Detecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data |
| Abraham de Moivre | Circles and the complex plane |
| ACIS | Detecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data |
| ACS | Warp |
| ACS camera | Surface brightness limit of image |
| Adding Ghostscript fonts | Drawing with vector graphics |
| Additions to Gnuastro | Suggest new feature |
| Adjacency matrix | Binary datasets |
| Adobe systems | Recognized file formats |
| ADQL (Astronomical Data Query Language) | Query |
| ADU | Instrumental noise |
| ADU | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Advanced camera for surveys | Warp |
| Advanced Camera for Surveys | Linear warping basics |
| Advanced Packaging Tool (APT, Debian) | Dependencies from package managers |
| Affine Transformation | Linear warping basics |
| Airy projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| AKARI/FIS All-Sky Survey | Available databases |
| Akima spline interpolation | Interpolation |
| al-Shirazi, Qutb al-Din | Fourier series historical background |
| Albert. A. Michelson | Science and its tools |
| Algorithm: watershed | Labeled datasets |
| Alias (shell) | Invoking astnoisechisel |
| Alias, shell | Invoking astmkprof |
| Align | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Align | Interpolation |
| Align pixel and WCS coordinates | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Aligning an image | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| All-sky Survey of GALEX DR5 | Available databases |
| AllWISE Data Release | Available databases |
| Almagest | Sufi simulates a detection |
| Amplifier | Tessellation |
| Angular coverage | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Annotation of images for paper | Annotations for figure in paper |
| Announcements | Announcements |
| Anonymous bug submission | Report a bug |
| Anscombe F. J. | Science and its tools |
| Anscombe’s quartet | Science and its tools |
| ANSI C | Why C |
| apt-get | Dependencies from package managers |
| Arch GNU/Linux | Dependencies from package managers |
| Area of pixel on sky | Pixel information images |
| Area resampling | Pixel information images |
| Area, ellipse | Morphology measurements nonparametric |
| Argp argument parser | --help |
| Argp argument parser | Mandatory source code files |
| ARGP_HELP_FMT | --help |
| args.h | Mandatory source code files |
| Argument list too long | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| Argument list too long | Invoking astarithmetic |
| Arguments to programs | Arguments and options |
| Aristarchus of Samos | Fourier series historical background |
| Array | Linked lists |
| ASCII plot | Invoking aststatistics |
| ASCII table, FITS | Recognized table formats |
| ASCII85 encoding | ConvertType input and output |
| ASCII85 encoding | EPS files |
| astprogname | Naming convention |
| Astrometry | Zero point estimation |
| ASTRON | Available databases |
| Astronomical data format | Recognized file formats |
| Astronomical Data Query Language (ADQL) | Query |
| Astronomical Magnitude system | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Astronomical Unit (AU) | Constants |
| Astronomical Units (AU) | Unit conversion operators |
| Astronomical Units (AU) | Unit conversion library |
| Asynchronous thread allocation | Invoking astcrop |
| Atmosphere | Convolve |
| Atmosphere emission lines | Sky lines in optical IFUs |
| AU (Astronomical Unit) | Constants |
| authors-cite.h | Mandatory source code files |
| Auto-complete in the shell | Executable names |
| Autocomplete (in the shell/Bash) | Shell TAB completion |
| Autocomplete (in the shell/Bash) | Mandatory source code files |
| Autocomplete (in the shell/Bash) | Bash programmable completion |
| Automatic configuration file writing | Configuration file format |
| Automatic output file names | Automatic output |
| Automatically created build files | Bootstrapping |
| Available number of threads | Multi-threaded operations |
| Average | Statistical operations |
| Average, weighted | Convolve |
| Avogradro’s number | Constants |
| AWK | Extract clumps and objects |
| AWK | Standard input |
| AWK | Table |
| AWK | Invoking asttable |
| AWK | Invoking astarithmetic |
| AWK | Invoking aststatistics |
| AWK | Table input output |
| Axis ratio | Defining an ellipse and ellipsoid |
| Axis ratio | Dimensions |
| Azimuthal range (radial profile) | Invoking astscript-radial-profile |
| Azophi | Sufi simulates a detection |
B |
| Background flux | Photon counting noise |
| Background flux | Sky value definition |
| Background pixels | Detection options |
| Backup | Configure and build in RAM |
| Bad pixels | Accounting for non-exposed pixels |
| Baffle | Accounting for non-exposed pixels |
| Balmer limit | Spectral lines library |
| Band-merged unWISE Catalog | Available databases |
| Base of natural logarithm (e) | Constants |
| Bash auto-complete | Shell TAB completion |
| Bash auto-complete | Mandatory source code files |
| Bash auto-complete | Bash programmable completion |
| Bash programmable completion | Shell TAB completion |
| Bash programmable completion | Mandatory source code files |
| Bash programmable completion | Bash programmable completion |
| Best use of CPU threads | A note on threads |
| Bi-linear interpolation | Resampling |
| Bias current | Tessellation |
| Bias level in detectors | Photon counting noise |
| Bicubic interpolation | Resampling |
| Bicubic interpolation | Quantifying signal in a tile |
| Bimodal histogram | Sigma clipping |
| Bin width, histogram | Histogram and Cumulative Frequency Plot |
| Binary datasets | Binary datasets |
| Binary image | Recognized file formats |
| Binary image | Detection options |
| Binary table, FITS | Recognized table formats |
| Bisquare function of Tukey | Fitting options |
| Bit | Numeric data types |
| bit-32 | Configuration information |
| bit-64 | Configuration information |
| Bitwise operators | Bitwise operators |
| Bitwise Or | Arithmetic on datasets |
| Biweight function of Tukey | Fitting options |
| Black and white image | Recognized file formats |
| blank color channel | Recognized file formats |
| Blank data | Generic data container |
| Blank pixel | Blank pixels |
| Blank pixel | Conditional operators |
| Blank values | Color for bright regions and grayscale for faint |
| Blur image | Convolve |
| Blur image | PSF |
| Bonne projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Book formats | Getting help |
| Bootstrapping | Bootstrapping |
| Border on an image | Drawing with vector graphics |
| Brahe, Tycho | Science and its tools |
| Breadth first search | Defining an ellipse and ellipsoid |
| Breadth first search | Binary datasets |
| brew | Dependencies from package managers |
| Brightness | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Brightness | Galaxies |
| Buffers (Emacs) | Coding conventions |
| Bug | Report a bug |
| Bug | Gnuastro project webpage |
| Bug reporting | Report a bug |
| Bug tracker | Report a bug |
| bug-gnuastro@gnu.org | Report a bug |
| Build | Quick start |
| Build individual profiles | MakeProfiles output dataset |
| Build tree | Test scripts |
| Building from source | Dependencies from package managers |
| Butterfly projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Byte | Numeric data types |
| Bzip2 | Downloading and validating input data |
C |
| C compiler | Invoking astbuildprog |
| C preprocessor | Invoking astbuildprog |
| C programming language | Why C |
| C, plotting | PGPLOT |
| C: restrict | Generic data container |
| C++ programming language | Why C |
| C99 | Pointers |
| Cache, system | A note on threads |
| Calendar | Sort FITS files by night |
| Calibration | Zero point estimation |
| Camera | Resampling |
| CANDELS survey | Crop options |
| CANDELS survey | Surface brightness limit of image |
| Carbon footprint | Separate shell variables for multiple outputs |
| Caspar Wessel | Circles and the complex plane |
| Catalog, Gaia | Available databases |
| Catalog, Vizier | Available databases |
| CatWISE 2020 catalog | Available databases |
| Cauchy’s function (robust weight) | Fitting options |
| CC | Invoking astbuildprog |
| CCD | Tessellation |
| CCD | Warp |
| CDELT | Angular coverage on the sky |
| CDELT | Moire pattern in stacking and its correction |
| CDELT | Input output options |
| CDELTi | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| CDS, VizieR | Available databases |
| Celestial sphere | Pointings that account for sky curvature |
| Celestial sphere | Brightness flux magnitude |
| CentOS | Dependencies from package managers |
| Central management | Gnuastro project webpage |
| CFITSIO | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| CFITSIO | Configuration information |
| CFITSIO | FITS files |
| CFITSIO version on outputs | Output FITS files |
| Change converted pixel values | Pixel visualization |
| Channel | Tessellation |
| Channel | Array input output |
| Channel (color) | Color |
| Channel, color | Pixel colors |
| Charge-coupled device | Warp |
| Check | Quick start |
| Check center of crop | Crop output |
| Checking detection algorithms | MakeProfiles |
| Checking tests | Tests |
| Checksum | Downloading and validating input data |
| CHECKSUM : FITS keyword | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| Chi-squared | Fitting functions |
| CIII doublet | Spectral lines library |
| Circle (great) | Coordinate and border operators |
| Circle (small) | Coordinate and border operators |
| Citation information | Mandatory source code files |
| Claudius Ptolemy | Sufi simulates a detection |
| CLI: command-line user interface | Command-line interface |
| CLI: repeating operations | Command-line interface |
| Clipping of outliers | Clipping outliers |
| Clump | Labeled datasets |
| Clump magnitude limit | Quantifying measurement limits |
| CMYK | Pixel colors |
| Coaddition | Moire pattern in stacking and its correction |
| Coaddition | Stacking operators |
| Coaddition | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Coadds | Random number generators |
| COBE spherical cube projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Color | Pixel colors |
| Color channel | Color |
| Color channel | Pixel colors |
| Color channel | Array input output |
| Color in macOS terminals | Drawing with vector graphics |
| Color-magnitude diagram | Column statistics color-magnitude diagram |
| Color-magnitude diagram | 2D histogram as an image |
| Colormap | Pixel colors |
| Colormap, gray-scale | Colormaps for single-channel pixels |
| Colormap, HSV | Colormaps for single-channel pixels |
| Colormap: SLS | Pixel visualization |
| Colormap: SLS-inverse | Pixel visualization |
| Colormap: Viridis | Pixel visualization |
| Colors | Color functions |
| Colors (web) | Vector graphics colors |
| Colors, broad-band photometry | General program usage tutorial |
| Colorspace, gray-scale | Pixel visualization |
| Colorspace, HSV | Pixel visualization |
| Columns (Vector) | Vector columns |
| Command-line arguments | Arguments and options |
| Command-line help | Getting help |
| Command-line options | Arguments and options |
| Command-line scroll | --help |
| Command-line searching text | --help |
| Command-line user interface | Command-line interface |
| Command-line, long outputs | --help |
| Command-line, viewing full book | Info |
| Comments | Sufi simulates a detection |
| Commutative property | Merging multiple warpings |
| Comoving distance | Distance on a 2D curved space |
| Compare Moffat and Gaussian | PSF |
| Compare Poisson and Gaussian | Photon counting noise |
| Compile | Quick start |
| Compiled PostScript | Recognized file formats |
| Compiler, C | Invoking astbuildprog |
| Compiling from source | Dependencies from package managers |
| Completeness | Extract clumps and objects |
| Completeness | Completeness limit of each detection |
| Completion in the shell | Shell TAB completion |
| Completion in the shell | Mandatory source code files |
| Completion in the shell | Bash programmable completion |
| Complex numbers | Invoking astconvolve |
| Compression | NoiseChisel output |
| Compression | Segment output |
| Compression quality in JPEG | ConvertType input and output |
| Concave polygons | Crop options |
| Concave polygons | Polygons |
| Configuration file directories | Configuration file precedence |
| Configuration file format | Configuration file format |
| Configuration file precedence | Configuration file precedence |
| Configuration file suffix | Configuration file format |
| Configuration files | Options |
| Configuration files | Configuration files |
| Configuration files, system wide | System wide |
| Configuration files, writing | Configuration file format |
| Configuration, not finding library | Known issues |
| Configure options | Configuring |
| Configure options particular to Gnuastro | Gnuastro configure options |
| Configuring | Configuring |
| Conic equal area projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Conic equidistant projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Conic orthomorphic projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Conic perspective projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Connected component labeling | Segment |
| Connected component labeling | Binary datasets |
| Connected components | Mathematical morphology operators |
| Connectivity | Binary datasets |
| Continuum subtraction | Continuum subtraction |
| Contour | Contour options |
| Convenient book formats | Getting help |
| Convention for program source | Program source |
| Converting data formats | ConvertType |
| Converting image formats | ConvertType |
| ConvertType (astconvertt) | ConvertType |
| Convex Hull | Polygons |
| Convex polygons | Crop options |
| Convex polygons | Polygons |
| Convolution | Convolve |
| Convolution | Convolution process |
| Convolution | Quantifying signal in a tile |
| Convolution | PSF |
| Convolution kernel | FITS arrays |
| Convolutional Neural Networks | Pooling operators |
| Cookbook | Tutorials |
| Coordinate matching | Matching |
| Coordinate scales | Angular coverage on the sky |
| Coordinate system: Ecliptic | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| Coordinate system: Ecliptic | World Coordinate System |
| Coordinate system: Equatorial | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| Coordinate system: Equatorial | World Coordinate System |
| Coordinate system: Galactic | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| Coordinate system: Galactic | World Coordinate System |
| Coordinate system: Supergalactic | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| Coordinate system: Supergalactic | World Coordinate System |
| Coordinate transformation | Linear warping basics |
| Coordinates, homogeneou | Linear warping basics |
| Copyright | Your rights |
| Correlated noise | NoiseChisel optimization for detection |
| Correlated noise | Measuring the dataset limits |
| Correlated noise | Upper limit magnitude of each detection |
| Correlated noise | Surface brightness limit of image |
| Correlated noise | Upper limit surface brightness of image |
| Correlation | Convolution process |
| Cosmic ray removal | Sky value definition |
| Cosmic rays | Convolve |
| Cosmic rays | Warp |
| Cosmic rays | Sky value definition |
| Cosmic rays | Quantifying signal in a tile |
| COSMOS survey | Crop |
| Cotes, Roger | Circles and the complex plane |
| Counting error | Photon counting noise |
| Counting from zero. | Options |
| Counts | Instrumental noise |
| Counts | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Covariance matrix | Fitting functions |
| Coverage of image over sky | HDU information and manipulation |
| CPPFLAGS | Known issues |
| CPPFLAGS | Headers |
| CPPFLAGS | Invoking astbuildprog |
| CPU threads | Multi-threaded operations |
| CPU threads, number | Configuration files |
| CPU threads, set number | Operating mode options |
| CPU, using all threads | Multi-threaded operations |
| CRLF line terminator | Text files |
| Crop (astcrop) | Crop |
| Crop a given section of image | Crop section syntax |
| Crop part of image | Crop |
| Crop section format | Crop section syntax |
| CRVALi | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| CTYPEi | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Cube (3D) spectra | Detecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data |
| Cubes (3D data) | Dimensionality changing operators |
| Cubes (3D data) | Measurements per slice spectra |
| Cubic spline interpolation | Interpolation |
| Cumulative Frequency Plot | Histogram and Cumulative Frequency Plot |
| cURL (downloading tool) | Optional dependencies |
| Customize --help output | --help |
| Customize executable names | Executable names |
| Customizing installation | Configuring |
| Cylindrical equal area projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Cylindrical perspective projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
D |
| Dark Energy Survey data release 1 | Available databases |
| Dark level in detectors | Photon counting noise |
| Dark night | Random number generators |
| Dash shell | Separate shell variables for multiple outputs |
| Data | Quantifying signal in a tile |
| Data cubes | Dimensionality changing operators |
| Data format conversion | ConvertType |
| Data structures | Headers |
| Data type | Generic data container |
| Data’s depth | Surface brightness limit of image |
| Database, Gaia | Available databases |
| Database, VizieR | Available databases |
| Dataset: binary | Binary datasets |
| DATASUM : FITS keyword | HDU information and manipulation |
| DATASUM : FITS keyword | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| DATASUM : FITS keyword | FITS HDUs |
| DATASUM : FITS keyword | FITS HDUs |
| Date: FITS format | FITS header keywords |
| de Moivre, Abraham | Photon counting noise |
| de Moivre, Abraham | Circles and the complex plane |
| de Vaucouleur profile | Galaxies |
| Debian | Dependencies from package managers |
| Debug | Separate build and source directories |
| Debug | Operating mode options |
| Debug | Invoking astbuildprog |
| Debugging | Gnuastro configure options |
| Debugging | Building and debugging |
| Decimal digits | Printing floating point numbers |
| Decimal separator | Numeric locale |
| Declination | Pointings that account for sky curvature |
| Declination | Column arithmetic |
| Declination | Arithmetic on datasets |
| Declination | Unit conversion library |
| Declination | Unit conversion library |
| Default executable search directory | Installation directory |
| Default library search directory | Installation directory |
| Default option values | Options |
| Default option values | Configuration files |
| Define section to crop | Crop section syntax |
| Dependencies, Gnuastro | Mandatory dependencies |
| Depth of data | Zero point tutorial with reference image |
| Depth of data | Quantifying measurement limits |
| Depth of data | Pointing pattern simulation |
| Detached threads | Gnuastro's thread related functions |
| Detection | Convolve |
| Detection | NoiseChisel |
| Detections false | Completeness limit of each detection |
| Detector | Resampling |
| developer-build | Building and debugging |
| developer-build | Test scripts |
| Development packages | Known issues |
| Diagram, Color-magnitude | 2D histogram as an image |
| Diffraction limited | PSF |
| Dilation | Mathematical morphology operators |
| Dilation | Binary datasets |
| Dilation (image processing) | NoiseChisel optimization |
| Directory, install | Installation directory |
| Discrete Fourier transform | Invoking astconvolve |
| Distance, elliptical/ellipsoidal | Dimensions |
| Distance, Manhattan | Dimensions |
| Distortion | Pixel information images |
| Distortion, optical | Warp |
| Distortion, WCS | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| Distortion, WCS | World Coordinate System |
| Distortion, WCS | World Coordinate System |
| Distribution mode | Sky value misconceptions |
| Distributions, GNU/Linux | Dependencies from package managers |
| Dithering | Pointing pattern design |
| dnf | Dependencies from package managers |
| Doppler effect | Continuum subtraction |
| Doublet: CIII | Spectral lines library |
| Doublet: MgII | Spectral lines library |
| Doublet: NII | Spectral lines library |
| Doublet: OII | Spectral lines library |
| Doublet: OIII | Spectral lines library |
| Doublet: SII | Spectral lines library |
| Douglas Rushkoff | Science and its tools |
| Drizzle | Resampling |
| DS9 | Reddest clumps cutouts and parallelization |
| DS9 | Extract clumps and objects |
| DS9 | Pixel visualization |
| DS9 | Segment output |
| DSS WCS distortion | World Coordinate System |
| Dynamic libraries | Installation directory |
| Dynamic linking | Linking |
| Dynamic linking | Linking |
| Dynamic range | Color images with full dynamic range |
E |
| e (base of natural logarithm) | Constants |
| Ecliptic coordinate system | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| Ecliptic coordinate system | Coordinate conversion operators |
| Ecliptic coordinate system | World Coordinate System |
| Edges, image | Resampling |
| Effective radius | Morphology measurements nonparametric |
| Effective radius | Galaxies |
| Efficient use of CPU threads | A note on threads |
| Ellipse | Defining an ellipse and ellipsoid |
| Ellipse | Dimensions |
| Ellipse area | Morphology measurements nonparametric |
| Ellipsoid | Defining an ellipse and ellipsoid |
| Ellipsoid | Dimensions |
| Ellipsoidal distance | Dimensions |
| Elliptical distance | Defining an ellipse and ellipsoid |
| Elliptical distance | Dimensions |
| Emacs buffers | Coding conventions |
| Encapsulated PostScript | Recognized file formats |
| Environment | Installation directory |
| Environment variable, HOME | Installation directory |
| Environment variables | Installation directory |
| Environment variables | Installation directory |
| Environment variables | Generating random numbers |
| Epoch time, Unix | FITS header keywords |
| Epoch, Unix time | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| Epoch, Unix time | Column arithmetic |
| Epoch, Unix time | Sort FITS files by night |
| EPS | Recognized file formats |
| EPS | Pixel visualization |
| EPS | EPS files |
| EPS | PDF files |
| Equatorial coordinate system | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| Equatorial coordinate system | Coordinate conversion operators |
| Equatorial coordinate system | World Coordinate System |
| Erosion | Mathematical morphology operators |
| Erosion | NoiseChisel |
| Erosion | Detection options |
| Erosion | Binary datasets |
| Erosion (image processing) | NoiseChisel optimization |
| Error in surface brightness | Surface brightness error of each detection |
| Error, floating point round-off | Invoking astconvolve |
| etc | Configuration files |
| Euler angles | Defining an ellipse and ellipsoid |
| Euler angles | Bounding box |
| Euler, Leonhard | Circles and the complex plane |
| Euler’s number (e) | Constants |
| eval to evaluate string as command | Separate shell variables for multiple outputs |
| Evaluate string as command (eval ) | Separate shell variables for multiple outputs |
| Exact area resampling | Resampling |
| Executable names | Executable names |
| Exposure map | Pointing pattern simulation |
| Exposure time | Brightness flux magnitude |
| eXtreme Deep Field (XDF) survey | General program usage tutorial |
| eXtreme Deep Field (XDF) survey | Surface brightness limit of image |
F |
| Fair function (robust weight) | Fitting options |
| False color | Pixel colors |
| False detections | Completeness limit of each detection |
| Feature request | Gnuastro project webpage |
| Feature requests | Suggest new feature |
| Fedora | Dependencies from package managers |
| File flags | Writing scripts to automate the steps |
| File I/O | Configure and build in RAM |
| File operations | Data containers |
| File system Hierarchy Standard | Configuration files |
| file systems, tmpfs | Configure and build in RAM |
| Filename suffix | Arguments |
| Filter | Color |
| Filter transmission curve | Zero point of an image |
| Fine structure constant | Constants |
| first-in-first-out | Linked lists |
| first-in-first-out | FITS header keywords |
| first-in-first-out | Interpolation |
| FITS | Output FITS files |
| FITS | FITS files |
| FITS filename suffixes | Arguments |
| FITS image viewer | SAO DS9 |
| FITS or FITS/TXT | Options |
| FITS standard | CFITSIO |
| FITS standard | Linear warps to be called explicitly |
| FITS standard | Generic data container |
| FITS Tables | Recognized table formats |
| Fitting | Data modeling |
| Fitting | Fitting functions |
| Fitting (least squares) | Least squares fitting |
| Fitting (polynomial) | Fitting functions |
| FK5 | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| Flag (mask) images | Bitwise operators |
| Flags, file | Writing scripts to automate the steps |
| Flat field | Preparing input and generating exposure map |
| Flattening (CNNs) | Dimensionality changing operators |
| Flip coordinates | Linear warping basics |
| Floating point error | Measuring elliptical parameters |
| Floating point numbers | Printing floating point numbers |
| Floating point round-off error | Invoking astconvolve |
| FLT | Options |
| Flux | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Flux density (wavelength) | Unit conversion operators |
| Flux to magnitude conversion | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Fonts | Drawing with vector graphics |
| Foreground pixels | Detection options |
| FORTRAN | Generic data container |
| Fourier spectrum | Invoking astconvolve |
| Free software | Your rights |
| Free Software Foundation | Contributing to Gnuastro |
| Free Software Foundation | Copyright assignment |
| FSF | Contributing to Gnuastro |
| Full Width at Half Maximum | PSF |
| Function gradient over pixel area | Sampling from a function |
| Function groups | Coding conventions |
| Functions for user interface | Mandatory source code files |
| FWHM | NoiseChisel optimization for detection |
| FWHM | Morphology measurements nonparametric |
| FWHM | PSF |
G |
| Gaia catalog | Available databases |
| GAIA Data Release (2 or 3) | Available databases |
| Gain | Instrumental noise |
| Gain | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Galactic coordinate system | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| Galactic coordinate system | Coordinate conversion operators |
| Galactic coordinate system | World Coordinate System |
| Galaxy kinematics | Continuum subtraction |
| Galaxy profiles | Galaxies |
| Galileo, Galilei | Science and its tools |
| Gaussian | Invoking astnoisechisel |
| Gaussian | Invoking astsegment |
| Gaussian | Invoking astmkcatalog |
| Gaussian distribution | Quantifying signal in a tile |
| Gaussian distribution | PSF |
| Gaussian FWHM | PSF |
| Gaussian noise | Least squares fitting |
| GCC | Invoking astbuildprog |
| GCC: GNU Compiler Collection | New to GNU/Linux? |
| GCC: GNU Compiler Collection | Summary and example on libraries |
| GCC: GNU Compiler Collection | Invoking astbuildprog |
| GCC: GNU Compiler Collection | Invoking astbuildprog |
| GCC: GNU Compiler Collection | Coding conventions |
| Gedit | Sufi simulates a detection |
| General file operations | Data containers |
| Generalized de Vaucouleur profile | Galaxies |
| Gérard de Vaucouleurs | Galaxies |
| Ghostscript fonts | Drawing with vector graphics |
| Git | Optional dependencies |
| Git | Version controlled source |
| Git | Gnuastro configure options |
| Git | Table input output |
| Git | Git wrappers |
| Global warming | Separate shell variables for multiple outputs |
| GNOME | NoiseChisel output |
| GNOME 3 | Command-line interface |
| Gnomonic (tangential) projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Gnomonic projection (TAN in WCS) | Area of non-blank pixels on sky |
| GNU Astronomy Utilities (Gnuastro) | Introduction |
| GNU Autoconf | Bootstrapping dependencies |
| GNU Autoconf | Bootstrapping |
| GNU Autoconf | Synchronizing |
| GNU Autoconf | Configuring |
| GNU Autoconf | Building and debugging |
| GNU Autoconf Archive | Bootstrapping dependencies |
| GNU Autoconf Archive | Bootstrapping |
| GNU Automake | Bootstrapping dependencies |
| GNU Automake | Bootstrapping |
| GNU Automake | Building and debugging |
| GNU Autoreconf | Separate build and source directories |
| GNU AWK | Angular coverage on the sky |
| GNU AWK | Aperture photometry |
| GNU AWK | Reddest clumps cutouts and parallelization |
| GNU AWK | Extract clumps and objects |
| GNU AWK | Standard input |
| GNU AWK | Table |
| GNU AWK | Invoking asttable |
| GNU AWK | Invoking astarithmetic |
| GNU AWK | Invoking aststatistics |
| GNU AWK | Single value measurements |
| GNU AWK | Installed scripts |
| GNU AWK | Sort FITS files by night |
| GNU AWK | Table input output |
| GNU Bash | Command-line interface |
| GNU Bash | Writing scripts to automate the steps |
| GNU Bash | Installation directory |
| GNU Bash | Installation directory |
| GNU Bash | Installed scripts |
| GNU Bash | Program design philosophy |
| GNU Bash | Mandatory source code files |
| GNU Binutils | Linking |
| GNU build system | Mandatory dependencies |
| GNU build system | Bootstrapping |
| GNU build system | Installation directory |
| GNU build system | Configure and build in RAM |
| GNU build system | Separate build and source directories |
| GNU build system | Headers |
| GNU build system | Headers |
| GNU build system | Building and debugging |
| GNU C library | New to GNU/Linux? |
| GNU C library | Bootstrapping dependencies |
| GNU C library | Bootstrapping |
| GNU C library | Gnuastro configure options |
| GNU C library | Configure and build in RAM |
| GNU C library | Info |
| GNU C Library | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| GNU C library | Adding new columns to MakeCatalog |
| GNU C library | Linking |
| GNU C library | Labeled datasets |
| GNU C library | Coding conventions |
| GNU C library | Mandatory source code files |
| GNU coding standards | Introduction |
| GNU coding standards | Coding conventions |
| GNU coding standards | Coding conventions |
| GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) | New to GNU/Linux? |
| GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) | Summary and example on libraries |
| GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) | Invoking astbuildprog |
| GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) | Invoking astbuildprog |
| GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) | Coding conventions |
| GNU Coreutils | Multi-threaded operations |
| GNU Coreutils | Invoking asttable |
| GNU Coreutils | Program design philosophy |
| GNU CPP | Invoking astbuildprog |
| GNU Debugger | Gnuastro configure options |
| GNU Debugger (GDB) | Separate build and source directories |
| GNU Emacs | Command-line interface |
| GNU Emacs | Sufi simulates a detection |
| GNU Emacs | Info |
| GNU Emacs | Coding conventions |
| GNU Emacs | Coding conventions |
| GNU Emacs | Coding conventions |
| GNU free documentation license | Science and its tools |
| GNU Free Documentation License | Your rights |
| GNU Free Documentation License | GNU Free Doc License |
| GNU General Public License (GPL) | Science and its tools |
| GNU General Public License (GPL) | Your rights |
| GNU General Public License (GPL) | GNU General Public License |
| GNU Grep | --help |
| GNU Grep | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| GNU Grep | CosmicCalculator basic cosmology calculations |
| GNU Grep | The TEMPLATE program |
| GNU Gzip | NoiseChisel output |
| GNU Gzip | Segment output |
| GNU help2man | Bootstrapping dependencies |
| GNU Info | Accessing documentation |
| GNU Info | Info |
| GNU Libtool | Optional dependencies |
| GNU Libtool | Bootstrapping dependencies |
| GNU Libtool | Bootstrapping |
| GNU Libtool | Known issues |
| GNU Libtool | Linking |
| GNU Libtool | Linking |
| GNU Libtool | Linking |
| GNU Libtool | BuildProgram |
| GNU Libtool | Invoking astbuildprog |
| GNU Libtool | Building and debugging |
| GNU Make | Reddest clumps cutouts and parallelization |
| GNU Make | Optional dependencies |
| GNU Make | How to run simultaneous operations |
| GNU Make | Makefile extensions |
| GNU Make | Invoking astbuildprog |
| GNU Parallel | How to run simultaneous operations |
| GNU Portability Library (Gnulib) | Bootstrapping dependencies |
| GNU Portability Library (Gnulib) | Bootstrapping |
| GNU Portability Library (Gnulib) | Gnuastro configure options |
| GNU Portability Library (Gnulib) | Known issues |
| GNU Portability Library (Gnulib) | Coding conventions |
| GNU Savannah | Gnuastro project webpage |
| GNU Scientific Library | GNU Scientific Library |
| GNU Scientific Library | Generating random numbers |
| GNU Scientific Library | Least squares fitting |
| GNU Scientific Library | Permutations |
| GNU Scientific Library | Interpolation |
| GNU Scientific Library | Interpolation |
| GNU SED | Installed scripts |
| GNU Sed | Sort FITS files by night |
| GNU software documentation | Info |
| GNU style options | Options |
| GNU Tar | Quick start |
| GNU Texinfo | Your rights |
| GNU Texinfo | Bootstrapping dependencies |
| GNU Texinfo | Bootstrapping |
| GNU Texinfo | A4 print book |
| GNU Texinfo | Known issues |
| GNU Wget | Downloading and validating input data |
| GNU/Linux | New to GNU/Linux? |
| Gnuastro coding convention | Coding conventions |
| Gnuastro common options | Common options |
| Gnuastro major version number | GNU Astronomy Utilities 1.0 |
| Gnuastro program structure convention | Program source |
| Gnuastro project page | Report a bug |
| Gnuastro test scripts | Test scripts |
| Gnulib | Program design philosophy |
| Gnulib: GNU Portability Library | Bootstrapping dependencies |
| Gnulib: GNU Portability Library | Bootstrapping |
| Gnulib: GNU Portability Library | Gnuastro configure options |
| Gnulib: GNU Portability Library | Known issues |
| Gnulib: GNU Portability Library | Coding conventions |
| GPL | GNU General Public License |
| GPL Ghostscript | Optional dependencies |
| GPL Ghostscript | Optional dependencies |
| GPL Ghostscript | Known issues |
| GPL Ghostscript | Recognized file formats |
| Gradient over pixel area | Sampling from a function |
| Graphic user interface | Command-line interface |
| Graphics (raster) | Raster and Vector graphics |
| Graphics (vector) | Raster and Vector graphics |
| Gravitational constant (g) | Constants |
| Gravitational lensing | Warp |
| Gray night | Random number generators |
| Grayscale | Colormaps for single-channel pixels |
| Great circle | Coordinate and border operators |
| Groups of similar functions | Coding conventions |
| GSL | Least squares fitting |
| GUI: graphic user interface | Command-line interface |
| GUI: repeating operations | Command-line interface |
| Gzip | Quick start |
| Gzip | Release tarball |
H |
| H-alpha | Viewing spectra and redshifted lines |
| H-alpha | Spectral lines library |
| H-beta | Viewing spectra and redshifted lines |
| H-beta | Spectral lines library |
| H-delta | Spectral lines library |
| H-epsilon | Spectral lines library |
| H-gamma | Spectral lines library |
| Halted program | Report a bug |
| Hammer-Aitoff projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Hashbang | Writing scripts to automate the steps |
| HDD | Configure and build in RAM |
| HDU | Arguments and options |
| HDU | Input output options |
| HDU | Invoking astfits |
| Header data unit | Arguments and options |
| Header data unit | Input output options |
| Header file | Coding conventions |
| HEALPix | Invoking astfits |
| HEALPix polar projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| HEALPix projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Help | Getting help |
| help-gnuastro mailing list | help-gnuastro mailing list |
| help-gnuastro@gnu.org | help-gnuastro mailing list |
| Hexadecimal encoding | ConvertType input and output |
| Hexadecimal encoding | EPS files |
| Hipparchus of Nicaea | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Histogram | Histogram and Cumulative Frequency Plot |
| Histogram | Sky value misconceptions |
| Histogram | Statistical operations |
| Histogram, 2D | Column statistics color-magnitude diagram |
| Histogram, 2D | 2D Histograms |
| Histogram, 2D | Statistical operations |
| history | Writing scripts to automate the steps |
| HOME | Installation directory |
| HOME/.local/ | Installation directory |
| Homebrew | Dependencies from package managers |
| Homogeneous coordinates | Linear warping basics |
| Homography | Linear warping basics |
| Hook (programming) | Larger steps sizes for better calibration |
| Hook (programming) | Accounting for non-exposed pixels |
| HSV: Hue Saturation Value | Colormaps for single-channel pixels |
| HSV: Hue Saturation Value | Pixel visualization |
| Hubble Space Telescope (HST) | General program usage tutorial |
| Hubble Space Telescope (HST) | Tessellation |
| Hubble Space Telescope (HST) | Crop |
| Hubble Space Telescope (HST) | Warp |
| Hubble Space Telescope (HST) | Linear warping basics |
| Huber function (robust weight) | Fitting options |
| Hue, saturation, value | Pixel visualization |
| Hyper Suprime-Cam | Tessellation |
| Hyperbolic functions | Trigonometric and hyperbolic operators |
| Hyperspectral imaging | Detecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data |
I |
| IAU, international astronomical union | Fits |
| ICRS | Coordinate conversion operators |
| Identifying outliers | Quantifying signal in a tile |
| IEEE 754 | Invoking asttable |
| IEEE 754 | Invoking asttable |
| IEEE 754 (floating point) | Printing floating point numbers |
| IFU | Detecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data |
| IFU: Integral Field Unit | Dimensionality changing operators |
| IFU: Integral Field Unit | Morphology measurements nonparametric |
| IFU: Integral Field Unit | Measurements per slice spectra |
| Image | Pixel colors |
| Image annotation | Annotations for figure in paper |
| Image blurring | PSF |
| Image edges | Resampling |
| Image format conversion | ConvertType |
| Image mosaic | Crop |
| Image mosaic | Warp |
| Image noise | Noise basics |
| Image tiles | Crop |
| Image transformations | MakeProfiles |
| Image’s sky coverage | HDU information and manipulation |
| ImageMagick | Bootstrapping dependencies |
| Imaging surveys | Crop |
| Immediate neighbors | Binary datasets |
| Inconsistent results | Report a bug |
| Individual profiles | MakeProfiles output dataset |
| info-gnuastro@gnu.org | Synchronizing |
| INFOPATH | Installation directory |
| Input/Output, file | Configure and build in RAM |
| Inside-out construction | Defining an ellipse and ellipsoid |
| Inside-out construction | Sampling from a function |
| Install directory | Installation directory |
| Install with no superuser access | Installation directory |
| Installation | Installation |
| Installation, customizing | Configuring |
| Installed help methods | Getting help |
| Instrumental noise | Instrumental noise |
| INT | Options |
| Integer overflow | Integer benefits and pitfalls |
| Integer, Signed | Numeric data types |
| Integral field unit | Detecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data |
| Integral Field Unit | Morphology measurements nonparametric |
| Integral field unit (IFU) | Dimensionality changing operators |
| Integral field unit (IFU) | Measurements per slice spectra |
| Integration over pixel | Sampling from a function |
| Integration to infinity | Profile magnitude |
| Internal default value | Configuration files |
| Internally stored option value | Multi-threaded operations |
| Interpolation | Resampling |
| Interpolation | Interpolation |
| Interpolation, bi-linear | Resampling |
| Interpolation, bicubic | Resampling |
| Interpolation, bicubic | Quantifying signal in a tile |
| Interpolation, nearest-neighbor | Quantifying signal in a tile |
| Interpolation: Akima spline | Interpolation |
| Interpolation: monotonic | Interpolation |
| Interpolation: Polynomial | Interpolation |
| Interpolation: Spline | Interpolation |
| Interpolation: Steffen | Interpolation |
| Intervals, histogram | Histogram and Cumulative Frequency Plot |
| IRAF | Recognized file formats |
| ISO C90 | Why C |
| Issue | Gnuastro project webpage |
| iTerm | Drawing with vector graphics |
| IVOA | Query |
J |
| Jansky (Jy) | Unit conversion operators |
| Jansky (Jy) | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Jansky (Jy) | Unit conversion library |
| Java programming language | Why C |
| Java Virtual Machine (JVM) | Why C |
| Jaynes E. T. | Science and its tools |
| Johnson filters | Zero point of an image |
| Johnson vs. SDSS filters | Zero point of an image |
| JPEG compression quality | ConvertType input and output |
| JPEG compression quality | JPEG files |
| JPEG format | Optional dependencies |
| JPEG format | Gnuastro configure options |
| JPEG format | Recognized file formats |
| JPEG format | JPEG files |
| JVM: Java virtual machine | Why C |
K |
| K-d tree | K-d tree |
| k-d tree matching | Matching |
| Ken Thomson | Science and its tools |
| Kernel, convolution | Convolve |
| Kernel, convolution | FITS arrays |
| Kernel, Linux | Memory management |
| Kernighan, Brian | Why C |
| Kinematics (galaxies) | Continuum subtraction |
L |
| Labeling | NoiseChisel |
| Language of command-line | Numeric locale |
| Large astronomical images | Crop |
| last-in-first-out | Linked lists |
| last-in-first-out | FITS header keywords |
| LaTeX | Bootstrapping dependencies |
| LaTeX | Recognized file formats |
| LaTeX | Program design philosophy |
| Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Multithreaded programming |
| LC_ALL | Numeric locale |
| LC_NUMERIC | Numeric locale |
| LD_LIBRARY_PATH | Installation directory |
| LD_LIBRARY_PATH | Known issues |
| LDFLAGS | Known issues |
| LDFLAGS | Invoking astbuildprog |
| Learning GNU Info | Info |
| Least squares fitting | Least squares fitting |
| Least squares fitting | Fitting functions |
| Lensing simulations | MakeProfiles |
| Leonhard Euler | Circles and the complex plane |
| less | --help |
| libgit2 | Optional dependencies |
| libgit2 | Gnuastro configure options |
| libgit2 | Git wrappers |
| libjpeg | Optional dependencies |
| libjpeg | Gnuastro configure options |
| Library search directory | Installation directory |
| Library: shared | Linking |
| libtiff | Optional dependencies |
| libtiff | Gnuastro configure options |
| Light year | Constants |
| Light-year | Unit conversion operators |
| Light-year | Unit conversion library |
| Limit, object/clump magnitude | Quantifying measurement limits |
| Limit, surface brightness | Image surface brightness limit |
| Limit, surface brightness | Surface brightness limit of image |
| Limit, Surface brightness | MakeCatalog output |
| Line terminator, CRLF | Text files |
| Linear spatial filtering | Convolution process |
| Linked list | Linked lists |
| Linked list | FITS header keywords |
| Linking | Linking |
| Linking: Dynamic | Linking |
| Linking: dynamic | Linking |
| Linking: Static | Linking |
| Linux | New to GNU/Linux? |
| Linux kernel | Configure and build in RAM |
| Linux kernel | Memory management |
| Linux Mint | Dependencies from package managers |
| Locale | Numeric locale |
| Long option abbreviation | Options |
| Long outputs | --help |
| Lord Kelvin | Science and its tools |
| Lorentzian function (robust weight) | Fitting options |
| Low level programming | Why C |
| Luminosity | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Lyman limit | Spectral lines library |
| Lyman-alpha | Spectral lines library |
| Lzip | Quick start |
| Lzip | Release tarball |
M |
| M51 | Detecting large extended targets |
| macOS | Dependencies from package managers |
| macOS terminal 24-bit color | Drawing with vector graphics |
| MacPorts | Dependencies from package managers |
| Macro | Headers |
| MAD (median absolute deviation) | MAD clipping |
| MAD (Median absolute deviation) | Statistical operations |
| Magnitude | Unit conversion library |
| Magnitude | Unit conversion library |
| Magnitude | Unit conversion library |
| Magnitude (nanomaggy) | Unit conversion library |
| Magnitude limit | Magnitude limit of image |
| Magnitude zero point | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Magnitude, AB | Unit conversion operators |
| Magnitude, AB | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Magnitude, AB | Unit conversion library |
| Magnitude, object/clump detection limit | Quantifying measurement limits |
| Magnitude, upper limit | Upper limit magnitude of each detection |
| Magnitudes from flux | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Mailing list archives | Report a bug |
| Mailing list archives | help-gnuastro mailing list |
| Mailing list: bug-gnuastro | Report a bug |
| Mailing list: bug-gnuastro | Gnuastro project webpage |
| Mailing list: gnuastro-commits | Developing mailing lists |
| Mailing list: gnuastro-commits | Commit guidelines |
| Mailing list: gnuastro-commits | Commit guidelines |
| Mailing list: gnuastro-commits | Commit guidelines |
| Mailing list: gnuastro-devel | Gnuastro project webpage |
| Mailing list: gnuastro-devel | Developing mailing lists |
| Mailing list: help-gnuastro | help-gnuastro mailing list |
| Mailing list: info-gnuastro | Version numbering |
| Mailing list: info-gnuastro | Announcements |
| Mailing list: info-gnuastro | Synchronizing |
| main function | Mandatory source code files |
| Main parameters C structure | Mandatory source code files |
| main.c | Mandatory source code files |
| main.h | Mandatory source code files |
| Major version number | Version numbering |
| Make | How to run simultaneous operations |
| Make | Makefile extensions |
| make check | Tests |
| Makefile | Reddest clumps cutouts and parallelization |
| MakeProfiles (astmkprof) | MakeProfiles |
| Making a distribution package | Developer's checklist |
| Making profiles pixel by pixel | Defining an ellipse and ellipsoid |
| Man pages | Man pages |
| Management hub | Gnuastro project webpage |
| Mandatory arguments | Arguments and options |
| Mandatory arguments | --usage |
| Manhattan distance | Dimensions |
| Manhattan metric | Processing options |
| MANPATH | Installation directory |
| Mask (flag) images | Bitwise operators |
| Matching | Matching |
| Matching by k-d tree | Matching |
| Mathematical morphology | Mathematical morphology operators |
| Mathematical morphology | Binary datasets |
| Matplotlib | Annotations for figure in paper |
| matplotlib | Pixel visualization |
| Matplotlib, Python | Program design philosophy |
| Matplotlib, Python | PGPLOT |
| Matrix | Linear warping basics |
| Matrix (covariance) | Fitting functions |
| Matrix multiplication | Merging multiple warpings |
| Matrix, adjacency | Binary datasets |
| Maximum | Statistical operations |
| Mean | Quantifying signal in a tile |
| Mean | Statistical operations |
| Median | Quantifying signal in a tile |
| Median | Statistical operations |
| Median absolute deviation (MAD) | MAD clipping |
| Median absolute deviation (MAD) | Statistical operations |
| Memory management | Memory management |
| Memory management | Gnuastro's thread related functions |
| Memory-mapped file | Memory management |
| Memory, non-volatile | Memory management |
| Memory, volatile | Memory management |
| Mercator projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Meridian | Coordinate and border operators |
| Meta image | Pixel information images |
| Meta-data | Fits |
| Metacharacters on the command-line In case your arguments or option values contain any of the shell’s meta-characters, you have to quote them. | Arguments and options |
| Metadata | Sufi simulates a detection |
| Metric: Manhattan, Taxicab, Radial | Processing options |
| MgII doublet | Spectral lines library |
| Michelson, Albert. A. | Science and its tools |
| Minimum | Statistical operations |
| Minor version number | Version numbering |
| Mixing pixel values | Convolve |
| Mixing pixel values | Resampling |
| Möbius, August. F. | Linear warping basics |
| mock.fits | Tests |
| Mode of a distribution | Sky value misconceptions |
| Modeling | Data modeling |
| Modeling stars | Stars |
| Modifying print book | A4 print book |
| Modularity | Review of library fundamentals |
| Moffat beta | PSF |
| Moffat function | PSF |
| Moffat FWHM | PSF |
| Moiré pattern or fringes | Moire pattern in stacking and its correction |
| Mollweide projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Moments | Measuring elliptical parameters |
| Monte carlo integration | Sampling from a function |
| Mosaicing | Crop |
| Mosaicing | Warp |
| Multi-Extension FITS | Viewing FITS file contents with DS9 or TOPCAT |
| Multi-threaded operation | Qsort functions |
| Multi-threaded programs | Multi-threaded operations |
| Multi-value columns (vector) | Vector columns |
| Multiple file opening, reentrancy | CFITSIO |
| Multiplication, Matrix | Linear warping basics |
| Multiplication, matrix | Merging multiple warpings |
| Multithreaded programming | Multithreaded programming |
| MUSE | Detecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data |
| MUSE | Vector columns |
N |
| Names of executables | Executable names |
| Names, customize | Executable names |
| Names, programs | Naming convention |
| NaN | Gnuastro text table format |
| NaN | Stacking operators |
| NaN | Linear warps to be called explicitly |
| NaN | Generating histograms and cumulative frequency plots |
| NaN | Detection options |
| NaN | Library blank values |
| NaN | Library blank values |
| NaN | Library blank values |
| NaN | Library blank values |
| NaN | FITS arrays |
| NaN | Qsort functions |
| NaN (Not a Number) | Color for bright regions and grayscale for faint |
| Nanomaggy | Image surface brightness limit |
| Nanomaggy | Unit conversion operators |
| Nanomaggy | Unit conversion operators |
| Nanomaggy | Unit conversion operators |
| Nanomaggy | Unit conversion library |
| Narrow-band image | Dimensionality changing operators |
| NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) | Available databases |
| Naval Observatory Merged Astrometric Dataset | Available databases |
| Navigating source files | Program source |
| Nearest-neighbor interpolation | Quantifying signal in a tile |
| Necessary parameters | Configuration files |
| NED (NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database) | Available databases |
| Neighborhood | Convolve |
| Neighbors, immediate | Binary datasets |
| NGC5195 | Detecting large extended targets |
| Nights (dark or gray) | Random number generators |
| NII doublet | Viewing spectra and redshifted lines |
| NII doublet | Spectral lines library |
| No access to superuser install | Installation directory |
| Noise | Noise basics |
| Noise | Quantifying signal in a tile |
| Noise (correlated) | Measuring the dataset limits |
| Noise (Gaussian) | Least squares fitting |
| Noise simulation | Photon counting noise |
| Noise, correlated | NoiseChisel optimization for detection |
| Noise, correlated | Surface brightness limit of image |
| Noise, correlated | Upper limit surface brightness of image |
| Noise, instrumental | Instrumental noise |
| Non-commutative operations | Merging multiple warpings |
| Non-linear distortion | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Non-linear distortion | Interpolation |
| Non-linearity (CCDs) | Uniting the different PSF components |
| Non-volatile memory | Memory management |
| Normalizing histogram | Histogram and Cumulative Frequency Plot |
| Not a Number (NaN) | Color for bright regions and grayscale for faint |
| nproc | Multi-threaded operations |
| Number | Statistical operations |
| Number count | Measuring the dataset limits |
| Number of CPU threads to use | Operating mode options |
| Number of CPU threads to use | Configuration files |
| Number of threads available | Multi-threaded operations |
| Number, version | Version numbering |
| Numbers, complex | Invoking astconvolve |
| Numbers, psuedo-random | Generating random numbers |
| Numbers, random | Generating random numbers |
| Numpy | Optional dependencies |
O |
| O-H lines (from atmosphere) | Sky lines in optical IFUs |
| Object magnitude limit | Quantifying measurement limits |
| Object oriented programming | Why C |
| Observing strategy | Pointing pattern design |
| Offset (in observing strategy) | Pointing pattern design |
| OII doublet | Spectral lines library |
| OIII doublet | Spectral lines library |
| On/Off options | Options |
| Online help | Getting help |
| Opening | Achieved surface brightness level |
| Opening (Mathematical morphology) | Binary datasets |
| Opening multi-extension FITS | Viewing FITS file contents with DS9 or TOPCAT |
| OpenMP | Multithreaded programming |
| openSUSE | Dependencies from package managers |
| Operations on files | Data containers |
| Operations, non-commutative | Merging multiple warpings |
| Operator, structure de-reference | Mandatory source code files |
| Optical distortion | Warp |
| Optimization | Invoking astbuildprog |
| Optimization | Building and debugging |
| Optimization flag | Coding conventions |
| Option values | Options |
| Optional and mandatory tokens | --usage |
| Options | Invoking astarithmetic |
| Options common to all programs | Common options |
| Options to programs | Arguments and options |
| Options, abbreviation | Options |
| Options, GNU style | Options |
| Options, on/off | Options |
| Options, repeated | Options |
| Options, short (-) and long (--) | Options |
| Order in search directory | Installation directory |
| Orthographic/synthesis projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Outlier | Clipping outliers |
| Outlier | Single value measurements |
| Outliers | Quantifying signal in a tile |
| Output file names, automatic | Automatic output |
| Output FITS headers | Output FITS files |
| Output, wrong | Report a bug |
| Overflow, integer | Integer benefits and pitfalls |
| Oversample | Sufi simulates a detection |
| Oversampling | Oversampling |
P |
| p | Mandatory source code files |
| Package managers | Dependencies from package managers |
| pacman | Dependencies from package managers |
| Pan-STARRS Data Release 1 | Available databases |
| Paper size, A4 | A4 print book |
| Paper size, US letter | A4 print book |
| Parabolic projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Parametric PSFs | PSF |
| Parsecs | Unit conversion operators |
| Parsecs | Unit conversion library |
| PATH | Installation directory |
| PDF | Recognized file formats |
| PDF | Pixel visualization |
| PDF | EPS files |
| PDF | PDF files |
| permutation | Permutations |
| Permutation | Matching |
| PGFPlots | Annotations for figure in paper |
| PGFPlots (LaTeX package) | Column statistics color-magnitude diagram |
| PGFPlots (LaTeX package) | 2D histogram as an image |
| PGFplots in TeX or LaTeX | Program design philosophy |
| PGFplots in TeX or LaTeX | PGPLOT |
| Phase angle | Invoking astconvolve |
| photo-electrons | Sky value definition |
| Photoelectrons | Resampling |
| Photon counting noise | Photon counting noise |
| Photon-starved images | Random number generators |
| Pi | Constants |
| Pi | Constants |
| Picture element | Resampling |
| Pipe | --help |
| Pixel | Detecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data |
| Pixel | Resampling |
| Pixel by pixel making of profiles | Defining an ellipse and ellipsoid |
| Pixel mixing | Pixel information images |
| Pixel mixing | Convolve |
| Pixel mixing | Resampling |
| Pixel mixing | Resampling |
| Pixel scale | Moire pattern in stacking and its correction |
| Pixel scale | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Pixel scale | Surface brightness limit of image |
| Pixelated graphics | Recognized file formats |
| Pixels | Pixel colors |
| Plain text | Recognized file formats |
| Plank’s constant (h) | Constants |
| Plate carree projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Plot, scatter | Column statistics color-magnitude diagram |
| Plot: contour | Contour options |
| Plotting directly in C | PGPLOT |
| Plugin | Linking |
| PNG standard | Colormaps for single-channel pixels |
| Point (Vector graphics; PostScript) | Marking objects for publication |
| Point (Vector graphics; PostScript) | Drawing with vector graphics |
| Point pixels | Resampling |
| Point source | PSF |
| Point spread function | Tutorials |
| Point spread function | PSF |
| Pointers | Pointers |
| Pointing | Moire pattern in stacking and its correction |
| Pointing | Pointing pattern simulation |
| Pointings | Pointing pattern design |
| Poisson distribution | Photon counting noise |
| Poisson distribution | Photon counting noise |
| Poisson noise | Larger steps sizes for better calibration |
| Poisson noise | Random number generators |
| Poisson, Siméon Denis | Photon counting noise |
| Polyconic projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Polygon | Coordinate and border operators |
| Polygons, Concave | Crop options |
| Polygons, Concave | Polygons |
| Polygons, Convex | Crop options |
| Polygons, Convex | Polygons |
| Polynomial fit | Fitting functions |
| Polynomial fit (robust) | Fitting options |
| Polynomial interpolation | Interpolation |
| Pooling | Pooling operators |
| Portable Document format | Recognized file formats |
| Portable script | Separate shell variables for multiple outputs |
| Portable shell | Installed scripts |
| Position angle | Measuring elliptical parameters |
| Position angle | Defining an ellipse and ellipsoid |
| Position angle | Dimensions |
| POSIX threads | Implementation of pthread_barrier |
| POSIX Threads | Gnuastro's thread related functions |
| POSIX threads library | Multithreaded programming |
| Post-fix notation | Reverse polish notation |
| Postage stamp images | Crop |
| PostScript | Recognized file formats |
| PostScript | Pixel visualization |
| PostScript | EPS files |
| PostScript | PDF files |
| PostScript point | Drawing with vector graphics |
| PostScript vs. PDF | Recognized file formats |
| Pre-Processor | Headers |
| Pre-processor macros | Headers |
| Precedence, configuration files | Configuration file precedence |
| Precision of floats | Printing floating point numbers |
| prefix/etc/gnuastro/ | System wide |
| Primary colors | Pixel colors |
| printf | Table input output |
| Printing floating point numbers | Printing floating point numbers |
| Prior WCS distortion | World Coordinate System |
| Probability density function | Photon counting noise |
| Probability density function | Histogram and Cumulative Frequency Plot |
| Probability density function | Sky value misconceptions |
| Profile, profile | Generate radial profile |
| Profiles, galaxies | Galaxies |
| progname-complete.bash | Mandatory source code files |
| progname.c, progname.h | Mandatory source code files |
| prognameparams | Mandatory source code files |
| Program crashing | Report a bug |
| Program names | Naming convention |
| Program structure convention | Program source |
| Programming, low level | Why C |
| ProgramName | Naming convention |
| Projections (world coordinate system) | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Projective transformation | Linear warping basics |
| Proper distance | Distance on a 2D curved space |
| Provenance | Invoking asttable |
| Provenance | New operands |
| Pseudo color | Pixel colors |
| PSF | Tutorials |
| PSF | Sufi simulates a detection |
| PSF | PSF |
| PSF image size | PSF |
| PSF over-sample | Oversampling |
| PSF width | PSF |
| PSF, Moffat compared Gaussian | PSF |
| Psuedo-random numbers | Generating random numbers |
| pthread | Multi-threaded operations |
| pthread_barrier | Implementation of pthread_barrier |
| Ptolemy, Claudius | Sufi simulates a detection |
| Public domain | Your rights |
| Purity | Extract clumps and objects |
| Purity | Completeness limit of each detection |
| Puzzle solving scientist | Science and its tools |
| PyPI | Optional dependencies |
| PyPI | Gnuastro configure options |
| Python | Gnuastro configure options |
| Python Matplotlib | Program design philosophy |
| Python Matplotlib | PGPLOT |
| Python programming language | Why C |
| Python3 | Optional dependencies |
Q |
| qsort | Qsort functions |
| Quadrilateralized spherical cube projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Quality of compression in JPEG | ConvertType input and output |
| Quantile | Skewness caused by signal and its measurement |
| Quantile | Quantifying signal in a tile |
| Quantile | Input to Statistics |
| Quantile | Detection options |
| Quantile | Statistical operations |
| Quantile of the mean | Single value measurements |
| Query | Query |
| Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi | Fourier series historical background |
R |
| Radial metric | Processing options |
| Radial profile | Vector columns |
| Radial profile | Least squares fitting |
| Radial profile | Generate radial profile |
| Radial profile on ellipse | Defining an ellipse and ellipsoid |
| Radio astronomy | Available databases |
| Radius, effective | Galaxies |
| RAM | Memory management |
| RAM | Text functions for Makefiles |
| RAM | Gnuastro's thread related functions |
| RAM | Binary datasets |
| RAM usage (maximum) | Text functions for Makefiles |
| Random number generation | Image surface brightness limit |
| Random number generator, Seed | Generating random numbers |
| Random number generator, Seed | Generating random numbers |
| Random number generator, Seed | Upper-limit settings |
| Random number generator, Seed | Sampling from a function |
| Random number generator, Seed | MakeProfiles profile settings |
| Random numbers | Generating random numbers |
| Random row selection | Invoking asttable |
| Raster graphics | Raster and Vector graphics |
| Raster graphics | Recognized file formats |
| Readout noise | Instrumental noise |
| Red Hat | Dependencies from package managers |
| Redirection | Sufi simulates a detection |
| Redirection in shell | Writing scripts to automate the steps |
| Redirection of output | --help |
| Redirection of output | --help |
| Reentrancy, multiple file opening | CFITSIO |
| Region file (SAO DS9) | Crop options |
| Region file (SAO DS9) | SAO DS9 library |
| Remembering options | Getting help |
| Remote operation | Command-line interface |
| Removing ast from executables | Executable names |
| Repeated options | Options |
| Report a bug | Gnuastro project webpage |
| Reproducibility | Invoking asttable |
| Reproducibility | Upper-limit settings |
| Reproducibility | Astronomy functions for Makefiles |
| Reproducibility | Why C |
| Reproducible bug reports | Report a bug |
| Reproducible results | Command-line interface |
| Resampling | Resampling |
| Resampling | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Resampling | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Resampling | Interpolation |
| Resampling by area | Pixel information images |
| Resource heavy operations | Command-line interface |
| Rest frame wavelength | CosmicCalculator spectral line calculations |
| Rest-frame | Spectral lines library |
| Rest-frame wavelength | CosmicCalculator input options |
| restrict | Generic data container |
| Results, wrong | Report a bug |
| Reverse Polish Notation | Reverse polish notation |
| RGB | Color |
| RGB | Pixel colors |
| RHEL | Dependencies from package managers |
| Right Ascension | Pointings that account for sky curvature |
| Right Ascension | Column arithmetic |
| Right Ascension | Arithmetic on datasets |
| Right Ascension | Unit conversion library |
| Right Ascension | Unit conversion library |
| Ritchie, Dennis | Why C |
| river | Segment |
| Robust polynomial fit | Fitting options |
| Robust Polynomial fit | Fitting functions |
| Roger Cotes | Circles and the complex plane |
| Root access, not possible | Installation directory |
| Root parameter structure | Mandatory source code files |
| Rotation of coordinates | Linear warping basics |
| Round-off error | Invoking astconvolve |
| Round-off error | Polygons |
| Row selection, by random | Invoking asttable |
S |
| Sampling | Resampling |
| Sampling | Sampling from a function |
| Sampling theorem | Resampling |
| Sanson-Flamsteed projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| SAO DS9 | Reddest clumps cutouts and parallelization |
| SAO DS9 | Extract clumps and objects |
| SAO DS9 | Pixel visualization |
| SAO DS9 | Segment output |
| SAO DS9 | SAO DS9 library |
| SAO DS9 | SAO DS9 |
| SAO DS9 region file | Crop options |
| SAO DS9 region file | SAO DS9 library |
| Saturated pixels | Interpolation operators |
| Saturated stars | Interpolation |
| Saturation (CCDs) | Uniting the different PSF components |
| Save output to file | --help |
| Saving binary image | Recognized file formats |
| Scales, coordinate | Angular coverage on the sky |
| Scaling | Linear warping basics |
| Scatter plot | Column statistics color-magnitude diagram |
| Scientific Linux | Dependencies from package managers |
| Scientist, puzzle solver | Science and its tools |
| Script, shell | Writing scripts to automate the steps |
| Scripts, startup | Installation directory |
| Scroll command-line | --help |
| SDSS | Image surface brightness limit |
| SDSS | Zero point of an image |
| SDSS | Unit conversion operators |
| SDSS | Brightness flux magnitude |
| SDSS DR12 | Available databases |
| SDSS Photometric Catalogue, Release 12 | Available databases |
| SDSS vs. Johnson filters | Zero point of an image |
| SDSS, Sloan Digital Sky Survey | Detecting large extended targets |
| Search directory for executables | Installation directory |
| Search directory order | Installation directory |
| Searching text | --help |
| Second moment | Measuring elliptical parameters |
| Section of an image | Crop |
| Secure shell | Command-line interface |
| SED, stream editor | Executable names |
| Seed, random number generator | Image surface brightness limit |
| Seed, Random number generator | Generating random numbers |
| Seed, Random number generator | Generating random numbers |
| Seed, Random number generator | Upper-limit settings |
| Seed, Random number generator | Sampling from a function |
| Seed, Random number generator | MakeProfiles profile settings |
| Seeing | Pointing pattern simulation |
| Segmentation | NoiseChisel |
| Segmentation | NoiseChisel |
| sequent WCS distortion | World Coordinate System |
| Sérsic index | Galaxies |
| Sérsic profile | Morphology measurements nonparametric |
| Sérsic profile | Galaxies |
| Sérsic, J. L. | Galaxies |
| Setting output file names automatically | Automatic output |
| Setting PATH | Installation directory |
| Sexagesimal | Column arithmetic |
| Sexagesimal | Crop options |
| Sexagesimal | Arithmetic on datasets |
| SHA-1 checksum | Downloading and validating input data |
| Shapes for marks (vector graphics) | Drawing with vector graphics |
| Shared library | Linking |
| Shared library versioning | Linking |
| Shear | Linear warping basics |
| Shebang | Writing scripts to automate the steps |
| Shell | Command-line interface |
| Shell | Arguments and options |
| Shell alias | Invoking astnoisechisel |
| Shell alias | Invoking astmkprof |
| Shell auto-complete | Executable names |
| Shell history | Writing scripts to automate the steps |
| Shell redirection | Writing scripts to automate the steps |
| Shell script | Writing scripts to automate the steps |
| Shell startup | Invoking astnoisechisel |
| Shell startup | Invoking astmkprof |
| Shell variables | Installation directory |
| Shell, portable | Installed scripts |
| Shift + PageUP and Shift + PageDown | --help |
| SI (International System of Units) | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Sigma-clipping | Stacking operators |
| Sigma-clipping | Sky value misconceptions |
| Sigma-clipping | Statistical operations |
| Signal | Quantifying signal in a tile |
| Signal to noise ratio | Warp |
| Signal to noise ratio | Resampling |
| Signal-to-noise ratio | Quantifying signal in a tile |
| Signed integer | Numeric data types |
| SII doublet | Spectral lines library |
| Simulating noise | Photon counting noise |
| Simultaneous multithreading | Multi-threaded operations |
| Single channel CMYK | Colormaps for single-channel pixels |
| SIP distortion | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| SIP WCS distortion | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| SIP WCS distortion | World Coordinate System |
| SIP WCS distortion | World Coordinate System |
| size_t | Ordered list of size_t |
| size_t | Doubly linked ordered list of size_t |
| Skewed Poisson distribution | Photon counting noise |
| Skewness | Skewness caused by signal and its measurement |
| Skewness | Quantifying signal in a tile |
| Skewness | Brightness measurements |
| Sky | Sky lines in optical IFUs |
| Sky | Sky value |
| Sky emission-lines | Sky lines in optical IFUs |
| Sky line | Interpolation |
| Sky value | Preparing input and generating exposure map |
| Sky value | Photon counting noise |
| Sky value | Sky value definition |
| Sky value | Sky value definition |
| Slant zenithal projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Sloan Digital Sky Survey, SDSS | Detecting large extended targets |
| SLS Color | Pixel visualization |
| Small circle | Coordinate and border operators |
| Software bug | Report a bug |
| Source code building | Dependencies from package managers |
| Source code compilation | Dependencies from package managers |
| Source file navigation | Program source |
| Source tree | Test scripts |
| Source, uncompress | Quick start |
| Spectrum | Detecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data |
| Spectrum | Vector columns |
| Spectrum | Measurements per slice spectra |
| Spectrum (of astronomical source) | Measurements per slice spectra |
| Spectrum, Fourier | Invoking astconvolve |
| Speed of light | Constants |
| Spline (Akima) interpolation | Interpolation |
| Spline (cubic) interpolation | Interpolation |
| Spread of a point source | PSF |
| SSD | Configure and build in RAM |
| SSH | Command-line interface |
| Stacking | Moire pattern in stacking and its correction |
| Stacking | Stacking operators |
| Stacking | Random number generators |
| Stacking | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Stacking through sigma-clipping | Stacking operators |
| Standard deviation | Measuring elliptical parameters |
| Standard deviation | Statistical operations |
| Standard error of mean | Standard deviation vs error |
| Standard input | Input output options |
| Standard input | Standard input |
| Standard input | Separate shell variables for multiple outputs |
| Standard input | Automatic output |
| Standard input | ConvertType input and output |
| Standard input | Invoking aststatistics |
| Standard input | Text files |
| Standard output | Sufi simulates a detection |
| Standard output | Invoking asttable |
| Standard output stream | Standard input |
| Standard, FITS | Generic data container |
| Star formation main sequence | Least squares fitting |
| Stars, modeling | Stars |
| Startup scripts | Installation directory |
| Startup scripts | Generating random numbers |
| Startup, shell | Invoking astnoisechisel |
| Startup, shell | Invoking astmkprof |
| Static document description format | Recognized file formats |
| Static linking | Linking |
| Statistical analysis | Science and its tools |
| Steffen interpolation | Interpolation |
| Steradian | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Stereographic projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Stitch multiple images | Crop |
| STR | Options |
| Stream editor, SED | Executable names |
| Stream: standard input | Standard input |
| Stream: standard output | Standard input |
| Stride | Pooling operators |
| Stroustrup, Bjarne | Science and its tools |
| Stroustrup, Bjarne | Why C |
| Structure de-reference operator | Mandatory source code files |
| Structures | Headers |
| Subaru Telescope | Tessellation |
| Submit new tracker item | Report a bug |
| Suffix (filename) | Arguments |
| Suffixes, EPS format | Recognized file formats |
| Suffixes, JPEG images | Recognized file formats |
| Suffixes, PDF format | Recognized file formats |
| Suffixes, plain text | Recognized file formats |
| Sufi, Abd al-rahman | Sufi simulates a detection |
| Sum | Statistical operations |
| Sum for total flux | Profile magnitude |
| Supergalactic coordinate system | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| Supergalactic coordinate system | World Coordinate System |
| Superuser, not possible | Installation directory |
| Support request manager | Report a bug |
| Surface Brightness | FITS images in a publication |
| Surface brightness | Achieved surface brightness level |
| Surface brightness | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Surface brightness | Surface brightness limit of image |
| Surface Brightness | Arithmetic on datasets |
| Surface Brightness | Unit conversion library |
| Surface brightness error | Surface brightness error of each detection |
| Surface brightness limit | Image surface brightness limit |
| Surface brightness limit | Surface brightness limit of image |
| Surface brightness limit | MakeCatalog output |
| SUSE Linux Enterprise Server | Dependencies from package managers |
| SVO database (filter transmission curve) | Zero point of an image |
| Symbolic link | Executable names |
| System Cache | A note on threads |
| System wide configuration files | System wide |
T |
| Table viewer | TOPCAT |
| Tables FITS | Recognized table formats |
| Tabs are evil | Coding conventions |
| TAN in WCS (Gnomonic projection) | Area of non-blank pixels on sky |
| Tangential spherical cube projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| TAP (Table Access Protocol) | Query |
| Task tracker | Report a bug |
| Taxicab metric | Processing options |
| Terminal (true color, 24 bit) | Vector graphics colors |
| Test | Quick start |
| Test scripts | Test scripts |
| Tests, error in converting images | Known issues |
| Tests, only one passes | Known issues |
| Tests, running | Tests |
| tests/during-dev.sh | Building and debugging |
| TeX | Known issues |
| TeX | Recognized file formats |
| TeX Live | Bootstrapping dependencies |
| Thread safety | World Coordinate System |
| Thread safety | Qsort functions |
| Thresholding | Binary datasets |
| TIFF format | Optional dependencies |
| TIFF format | Gnuastro configure options |
| TIFF format | Recognized file formats |
| TIFF format | TIFF files |
| TiKZ | Annotations for figure in paper |
| Tilde expansion as option values | Options |
| Time zone | Invoking astscript-sort-by-night |
| Time, Unix epoch | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| Time, Unix epoch | Column arithmetic |
| Time, Unix epoch | Sort FITS files by night |
| Timeout | Input output options |
| tmpfs file system | Configure and build in RAM |
| Tokens | Vector columns |
| Top processing source file | Mandatory source code files |
| Top root structure | Mandatory source code files |
| TPD WCS distortion | World Coordinate System |
| TPV distortion | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| TPV WCS distortion | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| TPV WCS distortion | World Coordinate System |
| TPV WCS distortion | World Coordinate System |
| Tracker | Report a bug |
| Tracker | Gnuastro project webpage |
| Trailing space | Coding conventions |
| Transform image | MakeProfiles |
| Transformation, affine | Linear warping basics |
| Transformation, projective | Linear warping basics |
| Transmission curve of filters | Zero point of an image |
| Trigonometry | Trigonometric and hyperbolic operators |
| True color terminal | Vector graphics colors |
| Truncation radius | Profile magnitude |
| Tukey’s biweight (bisquare) function | Fitting options |
| Turn over point (angular diameter distance) | Cosmological coverage and visualizing tables |
| Tutorial | Tutorials |
| Type | Numeric data types |
U |
| U.S. Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog | Available databases |
| Ubuntu | Dependencies from package managers |
| ui.c | Mandatory source code files |
| ui.h | Mandatory source code files |
| Uncompress source | Quick start |
| Undetected objects | Photon counting noise |
| Universal time coordinate (UTC) | Invoking astscript-sort-by-night |
| Unix epoch time | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| Unix epoch time | Column arithmetic |
| Unix epoch time | Sort FITS files by night |
| Unix epoch time | FITS header keywords |
| Unsigned integer | Numeric data types |
| Upper limit magnitude | Upper limit magnitude of each detection |
| Upper-limit | Measuring the dataset limits |
| US letter paper size | A4 print book |
| Usage pattern | --usage |
| User interface functions | Mandatory source code files |
| Using CPU threads | Multi-threaded operations |
| Using multiple CPU cores | Multi-threaded operations |
| Using multiple threads | A note on threads |
| UTC (Universal time coordinate) | Invoking astscript-sort-by-night |
V |
| Valgrind | Gnuastro configure options |
| Valgrind | Gnuastro configure options |
| Valgrind | Separate build and source directories |
| Valgrind | Separate build and source directories |
| Values to options | Options |
| Variance | Measuring elliptical parameters |
| Variance-covariance matrix | Fitting functions |
| Vatican library | Fits |
| Vector columns | Vector columns |
| Vector graphics | Raster and Vector graphics |
| Vector graphics | Recognized file formats |
| Vector graphics point | Drawing with vector graphics |
| Verification, checksum | Downloading and validating input data |
| Version control | Report a bug |
| Version control | Version controlled source |
| Version control systems | Optional dependencies |
| Version control systems | Gnuastro configure options |
| Version number | Version numbering |
| Versioning: Shared library | Linking |
| Vertices on sphere (sky) | Coordinate and border operators |
| Viewing trackers | Report a bug |
| Vignetting | Accounting for non-exposed pixels |
| Vignetting | Pointing pattern simulation |
| Viridis: Colormap | Pixel visualization |
| Virtual console | Command-line interface |
| Visualization | Colormaps for single-channel pixels |
| VizieR | Available databases |
| void * | Generic data container |
| Volatile memory | Memory management |
| VOTable | Available databases |
| VOTable | TOPCAT |
| Voxel | Detecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data |
W |
| Wall-clock time | A note on threads |
| Warp | Interpolation |
| Wassel, Caspar | Circles and the complex plane |
| WAT WCS distortion | World Coordinate System |
| Watershed algorithm | Segment |
| Watershed algorithm | Labeled datasets |
| Wavelength flux density | Unit conversion operators |
| Wavelength, rest-frame | CosmicCalculator input options |
| WCS distortion | Keyword inspection and manipulation |
| WCS distortion | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| WCS distortion | World Coordinate System |
| WCS distortion | World Coordinate System |
| WCS distortion | Interpolation |
| WCS Projections | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| WCS: World Coordinate System | Column arithmetic |
| WCSLIB | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| WCSLIB | Linear warps to be called explicitly |
| WCSLIB thread safety | World Coordinate System |
| Web colors | Vector graphics colors |
| Wedge (radial profile) | Invoking astscript-radial-profile |
| Weight (in fitting) | Fitting functions |
| Weight (in fitting) | Fitting functions |
| Weighted average | Convolve |
| Welsch function (robust weight) | Fitting options |
| WFC3 | Warp |
| White space character | Configuration file format |
| Whole-Sky USNO-B1.0 Catalog | Available databases |
| Wide Field Camera 3 | Warp |
| Wide Field Camera 3 | Linear warping basics |
| William Thomson | Science and its tools |
| Window Subsystem for Linux | New to GNU/Linux? |
| WISE All-Sky data Release | Available databases |
| World Coordinate System | WCSLIB |
| World Coordinate System | Linear warps to be called explicitly |
| World Coordinate System (WCS) | Column arithmetic |
| World Coordinate System (WCS) | Dimensionality changing operators |
| World Coordinate System (WCS) | Surface brightness limit of image |
| Writing configuration files | Configuration file format |
| Wrong output | Report a bug |
| Wrong results | Report a bug |
X |
| xargs (extended arguments) | Separate shell variables for multiple outputs |
| XDF survey | General program usage tutorial |
| XDF survey | Surface brightness limit of image |
Y |
| yum | Dependencies from package managers |
Z |
| Zenithal/azimuthal equal area projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Zenithal/azimuthal equidistant projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Zenithal/azimuthal polynomial projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Zenithal/azimuthal projection | Align pixels with WCS considering distortions |
| Zero as blank/NaN | Color for bright regions and grayscale for faint |
| Zero point | Sufi simulates a detection |
| Zero point | Zero point estimation |
| Zero point change | Unit conversion operators |
| Zero point change | Unit conversion library |
| Zero point magnitude | Image surface brightness limit |
| Zero point magnitude | Brightness flux magnitude |
| Zsh shell | Separate shell variables for multiple outputs |
| zypper , OpenSUSE package manager | Dependencies from package managers |