Processing math: 100%

GNU Astronomy Utilities

Index: Macros, structures and functions

All Gnuastro library’s exported macros start with GAL_, and its exported structures and functions start with gal_. This abbreviation stands for GNU Astronomy Library. The next element in the name is the name of the header which declares or defines them, so to use the gal_array_fset_const function, you have to #include <gnuastro/array.h>. See Gnuastro library for more. The pthread_barrier constructs are our implementation and are only available on systems that do not have them, see Implementation of pthread_barrier.

Jump to:   G   P  
Index EntrySection

gal_arithmeticArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_FLAG_FREEArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_FLAG_NUMOKArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_FLAG_QUIETArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_FLAGS_BASICArithmetic on datasets
gal_arithmetic_load_colArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ABSArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ACOSArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ACOSHArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ANDArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ASINArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ASINHArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ATANArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ATAN2Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ATANHArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_AUArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_AU_TO_LYArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_AU_TO_PCArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_AVOGADROArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_BITANDArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_BITLSHArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_BITNOTArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_BITORArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_BITRSHArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_BITXORArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_CArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_COSArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_COSHArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_COUNTERArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_COUNTS_TO_JYArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_COUNTS_TO_SBArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_DEGREE_TO_RAArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_DIVIDEArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_EArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ECB1950_TO_ECJ2000Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ECB1950_TO_EQB1950Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ECB1950_TO_EQJ2000Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ECB1950_TO_GALACTICArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ECJ2000_TO_ECB1950Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ECJ2000_TO_EQB1950Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ECJ2000_TO_EQJ2000Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ECJ2000_TO_GALACTICArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_EQArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_EQB1950_TO_ECB1950Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_EQB1950_TO_ECJ2000Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_EQB1950_TO_EQJ2000Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_EQB1950_TO_GALACTICArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_EQJ2000_TO_ECB1950Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_EQJ2000_TO_ECJ2000Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_EQJ2000_TO_EQB1950Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_EQJ2000_TO_GALACTICArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_GArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_GALACTIC_TO_ECB1950Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_GALACTIC_TO_ECJ2000Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_GALACTIC_TO_EQB1950Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_GALACTIC_TO_EQJ2000Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_GEArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_GTArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_HArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_INDEXArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ISBLANKArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_JY_TO_COUNTSArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_JY_TO_MAGArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_LEArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_LOGArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_LOG10Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_LTArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_LYArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_LY_TO_AUArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_LY_TO_PCArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_MAG_TO_JYArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_MAG_TO_SBArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_MAKENEWArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_MAKENEWArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_MAXArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_MAXVALArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_MEANArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_MEANVALArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_MEDIANArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_MINArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_MINUSArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_MINVALArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_MODULOArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_MULTIPLYArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_NEArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_NOBLANKArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_NOTArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_NUMBERArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_ORArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_PC_TO_AUArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_PC_TO_LYArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_PIArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_PLUSArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_POWArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_QUANTILEArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_RA_TO_DEGREEArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_SB_TO_COUNTSArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_SB_TO_MAGArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_SINArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_SINHArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_SIZEArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_SQRTArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_STDArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_STDVALArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_STITCHArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_SUMArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_SUMVALArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_SWAPArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_TANArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_TANHArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_TO_FLOAT32Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_TO_FLOAT64Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_TO_INT16Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_TO_INT32Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_TO_INT64Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_TO_INT8Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_TO_UINT16Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_TO_UINT32Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_TO_UINT64Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_TO_UINT8Arithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_UNIQUEArithmetic on datasets
GAL_ARITHMETIC_OP_WHEREArithmetic on datasets
gal_arithmetic_operator_stringArithmetic on datasets
gal_arithmetic_set_operatorArithmetic on datasets
gal_array_file_recognizedArray input output
gal_array_name_recognizedArray input output
gal_array_name_recognized_multiextArray input output
gal_array_readArray input output
gal_array_read_one_chArray input output
gal_array_read_one_ch_to_typeArray input output
gal_array_read_to_typeArray input output
gal_binary_connected_adjacency_listBinary datasets
gal_binary_connected_adjacency_matrixBinary datasets
gal_binary_connected_componentsBinary datasets
gal_binary_connected_indexs(gal_data_tBinary datasets
gal_binary_dilateBinary datasets
gal_binary_erodeBinary datasets
gal_binary_holes_fillBinary datasets
gal_binary_holes_labelBinary datasets
gal_binary_number_neighborsBinary datasets
gal_binary_openBinary datasets
gal_blank_alloc_writeLibrary blank values
gal_blank_as_stringLibrary blank values
gal_blank_flagLibrary blank values
gal_blank_flag_applyLibrary blank values
gal_blank_flag_notLibrary blank values
gal_blank_flag_removeLibrary blank values
GAL_BLANK_FLOAT32Library blank values
GAL_BLANK_FLOAT64Library blank values
gal_blank_initializeLibrary blank values
gal_blank_initialize_arrayLibrary blank values
GAL_BLANK_INTLibrary blank values
GAL_BLANK_INT16Library blank values
GAL_BLANK_INT32Library blank values
GAL_BLANK_INT64Library blank values
GAL_BLANK_INT8Library blank values
gal_blank_isLibrary blank values
GAL_BLANK_LONGLibrary blank values
gal_blank_not_minmax_coordsLibrary blank values
gal_blank_numberLibrary blank values
gal_blank_presentLibrary blank values
gal_blank_removeLibrary blank values
gal_blank_remove_reallocLibrary blank values
gal_blank_remove_rowsLibrary blank values
GAL_BLANK_SIZE_TLibrary blank values
GAL_BLANK_STRINGLibrary blank values
gal_blank_trimLibrary blank values
GAL_BLANK_UINTLibrary blank values
GAL_BLANK_UINT16Library blank values
GAL_BLANK_UINT32Library blank values
GAL_BLANK_UINT64Library blank values
GAL_BLANK_UINT8Library blank values
GAL_BLANK_ULONGLibrary blank values
gal_blank_writeLibrary blank values
gal_box_border_from_centerBounding box
gal_box_border_rotate_around_centerBounding box
gal_box_bound_ellipseBounding box
gal_box_bound_ellipse_extentBounding box
gal_box_bound_ellipsoidBounding box
gal_box_bound_ellipsoid_extentBounding box
gal_box_overlapBounding box
GAL_COLOR_*Color functions
gal_color_id_to_nameColor functions
gal_color_in_rgbColor functions
GAL_COLOR_INVALIDColor functions
gal_color_name_to_idColor functions
GAL_CONFIG_HAVE_FITS_IS_REENTRANTConfiguration information
GAL_CONFIG_HAVE_GNUMAKE_HConfiguration information
GAL_CONFIG_HAVE_LIBGIT2Configuration information
GAL_CONFIG_HAVE_PTHREAD_BARRIERConfiguration information
GAL_CONFIG_HAVE_PYTHONConfiguration information
GAL_CONFIG_HAVE_WCSLIB_DIS_HConfiguration information
GAL_CONFIG_HAVE_WCSLIB_MJDREFConfiguration information
GAL_CONFIG_HAVE_WCSLIB_OBSFIXConfiguration information
GAL_CONFIG_HAVE_WCSLIB_VERSIONConfiguration information
GAL_CONFIG_SIZEOF_LONGConfiguration information
GAL_CONFIG_SIZEOF_SIZE_TConfiguration information
GAL_CONFIG_VERSIONConfiguration information
gal_convolve_spatialConvolution functions
gal_convolve_spatial_correct_ch_edgeConvolution functions
gal_cosmology_ageCosmology library
gal_cosmology_angular_distanceCosmology library
gal_cosmology_comoving_volumeCosmology library
gal_cosmology_critical_densityCosmology library
gal_cosmology_distance_modulusCosmology library
gal_cosmology_luminosity_distanceCosmology library
gal_cosmology_proper_distanceCosmology library
gal_cosmology_to_absolute_magCosmology library
gal_cosmology_velocity_from_zCosmology library
gal_cosmology_z_from_velocityCosmology library
gal_data_allocDataset allocation
gal_data_alloc_emptyDataset allocation
gal_data_array_callocArrays of datasets
gal_data_array_freeArrays of datasets
gal_data_array_ptr_callocArrays of datasets
gal_data_array_ptr_freeArrays of datasets
gal_data_copyCopying datasets
gal_data_copy_string_to_numberCopying datasets
gal_data_copy_to_allocatedCopying datasets
gal_data_copy_to_new_typeCopying datasets
gal_data_copy_to_new_type_freeCopying datasets
gal_data_freeDataset allocation
gal_data_free_contentsDataset allocation
gal_data_initializeDataset allocation
gal_ds9_reg_read_polygonSAO DS9 library
gal_eps_name_is_epsEPS files
gal_eps_shape_id_to_nameEPS files
gal_eps_shape_name_to_idEPS files
gal_eps_suffix_is_epsEPS files
gal_eps_to_ptEPS files
gal_eps_writeEPS files
gal_fit_1d_linearFitting functions
gal_fit_1d_linear_estimateFitting functions
gal_fit_1d_linear_no_constantFitting functions
gal_fit_1d_polynomialFitting functions
gal_fit_1d_polynomial_estimateFitting functions
gal_fit_1d_polynomial_robustFitting functions
GAL_FIT_INVALIDFitting functions
GAL_FIT_LINEARFitting functions
gal_fit_name_from_idFitting functions
gal_fit_name_robust_from_idFitting functions
gal_fit_name_robust_to_idFitting functions
gal_fit_name_to_idFitting functions
GAL_FIT_POLYNOMIALFitting functions
GAL_FIT_ROBUST_CAUCHYFitting functions
GAL_FIT_ROBUST_FAIRFitting functions
GAL_FIT_ROBUST_HUBERFitting functions
GAL_FIT_ROBUST_NUMBERFitting functions
GAL_FIT_ROBUST_OLSFitting functions
GAL_FIT_ROBUST_WELSCHFitting functions
gal_fits_bitpix_to_typeCFITSIO and Gnuastro types
gal_fits_datatype_to_typeCFITSIO and Gnuastro types
gal_fits_file_recognizedFITS macros errors filenames
gal_fits_hdu_datasumFITS HDUs
gal_fits_hdu_datasum_encodedFITS HDUs
gal_fits_hdu_datasum_ptrFITS HDUs
gal_fits_hdu_formatFITS HDUs
gal_fits_hdu_is_healpixFITS HDUs
gal_fits_hdu_numFITS HDUs
gal_fits_hdu_openFITS HDUs
gal_fits_hdu_open_formatFITS HDUs
gal_fits_img_infoFITS arrays
gal_fits_img_info_dimFITS arrays
gal_fits_img_readFITS arrays
gal_fits_img_read_kernelFITS arrays
gal_fits_img_read_to_typeFITS arrays
gal_fits_img_writeFITS arrays
gal_fits_img_write_corr_wcs_strFITS arrays
gal_fits_img_write_to_ptrFITS arrays
gal_fits_img_write_to_typeFITS arrays
gal_fits_io_errorFITS macros errors filenames
gal_fits_key_clean_str_valueFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_date_to_secondsFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_date_to_struct_tmFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_exists_fptrFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_img_blankFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_list_addFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_list_add_dateFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_list_add_endFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_list_add_git_commitFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_list_add_software_versionsFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_list_fullcomment_addFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_list_fullcomment_add_endFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_list_reverseFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_list_title_addFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_list_title_add_endFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_readFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_read_from_ptrFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_writeFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_write_filenameFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_write_in_ptrFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_write_title_in_ptrFITS header keywords
gal_fits_key_write_wcsstrFITS header keywords
GAL_FITS_MAX_NDIMFITS macros errors filenames
gal_fits_name_is_fitsFITS macros errors filenames
gal_fits_name_save_as_stringFITS macros errors filenames
gal_fits_open_to_writeFITS HDUs
gal_fits_suffix_is_fitsFITS macros errors filenames
gal_fits_tab_formatFITS tables
gal_fits_tab_infoFITS tables
gal_fits_tab_readFITS tables
gal_fits_tab_sizeFITS tables
gal_fits_tab_writeFITS tables
gal_fits_type_to_bin_tformCFITSIO and Gnuastro types
gal_fits_type_to_bitpixCFITSIO and Gnuastro types
gal_fits_type_to_datatypeCFITSIO and Gnuastro types
gal_fits_unique_keyvaluesFITS header keywords
gal_fits_with_keyvalueFITS header keywords
gal_git_describeGit wrappers
gal_jpeg_name_is_jpegJPEG files
gal_jpeg_readJPEG files
gal_jpeg_suffix_is_jpegJPEG files
gal_jpeg_writeJPEG files
gal_kdtree_createK-d tree
gal_kdtree_nearest_neighbourK-d tree
gal_label_clump_significanceLabeled datasets
gal_label_grow_indexsLabeled datasets
gal_label_indexsLabeled datasets
GAL_LABEL_INITLabeled datasets
GAL_LABEL_RIVERLabeled datasets
GAL_LABEL_TMPCHECKLabeled datasets
gal_label_watershedLabeled datasets
gal_list_data_addList of gal_data_t
gal_list_data_add_allocList of gal_data_t
gal_list_data_freeList of gal_data_t
gal_list_data_lastList of gal_data_t
gal_list_data_numberList of gal_data_t
gal_list_data_popList of gal_data_t
gal_list_data_removeList of gal_data_t
gal_list_data_reverseList of gal_data_t
gal_list_data_select_by_idList of gal_data_t
gal_list_data_select_by_nameList of gal_data_t
gal_list_data_to_array_ptrList of gal_data_t
gal_list_dosizet_addDoubly linked ordered list of size_t
gal_list_dosizet_freeDoubly linked ordered list of size_t
gal_list_dosizet_pop_smallestDoubly linked ordered list of size_t
gal_list_dosizet_printDoubly linked ordered list of size_t
gal_list_dosizet_to_sizetDoubly linked ordered list of size_t
gal_list_f32_addList of float
gal_list_f32_freeList of float
gal_list_f32_lastList of float
gal_list_f32_numberList of float
gal_list_f32_popList of float
gal_list_f32_printList of float
gal_list_f32_reverseList of float
gal_list_f32_to_arrayList of float
gal_list_f64_addList of double
gal_list_f64_freeList of double
gal_list_f64_lastList of double
gal_list_f64_numberList of double
gal_list_f64_popList of double
gal_list_f64_printList of double
gal_list_f64_reverseList of double
gal_list_f64_to_arrayList of double
gal_list_f64_to_dataList of double
gal_list_i32_addList of int32_t
gal_list_i32_freeList of int32_t
gal_list_i32_lastList of int32_t
gal_list_i32_numberList of int32_t
gal_list_i32_popList of int32_t
gal_list_i32_printList of int32_t
gal_list_i32_reverseList of int32_t
gal_list_i32_to_arrayList of int32_t
gal_list_osizet_addOrdered list of size_t
gal_list_osizet_popOrdered list of size_t
gal_list_osizet_to_sizet_freeOrdered list of size_t
gal_list_sizet_addList of size_t
gal_list_sizet_freeList of size_t
gal_list_sizet_lastList of size_t
gal_list_sizet_numberList of size_t
gal_list_sizet_popList of size_t
gal_list_sizet_printList of size_t
gal_list_sizet_reverseList of size_t
gal_list_sizet_to_arrayList of size_t
gal_list_str_addList of strings
gal_list_str_catList of strings
gal_list_str_extractList of strings
gal_list_str_freeList of strings
gal_list_str_lastList of strings
gal_list_str_numberList of strings
gal_list_str_popList of strings
gal_list_str_printList of strings
gal_list_str_reverseList of strings
gal_list_void_addList of void
gal_list_void_freeList of void
gal_list_void_lastList of void
gal_list_void_numberList of void
gal_list_void_popList of void
gal_list_void_reverseList of void
gal_pdf_name_is_pdfPDF files
gal_pdf_suffix_is_pdfPDF files
gal_pdf_writePDF files
gal_permutation_apply_onlydim0Tile grid
gal_pool_maxPooling functions
gal_pool_meanPooling functions
gal_pool_medianPooling functions
gal_pool_minPooling functions
gal_pool_sumPooling functions
gal_python_type_from_numpyPython interface
gal_python_type_to_numpyPython interface
gal_qsort_index_multi_dQsort functions
gal_qsort_index_multi_iQsort functions
gal_qsort_index_singleQsort functions
gal_qsort_index_single_TYPE_dQsort functions
gal_qsort_index_single_TYPE_iQsort functions
gal_qsort_TYPE_dQsort functions
gal_qsort_TYPE_iQsort functions
GAL_SPECLINES_Al_III_1855Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Al_III_1863Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_ANGSTROM_*Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ar_I_1067Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ar_I_7868Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ar_III_7136Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ar_III_7751Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ar_IV_2854Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ar_IV_2868Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ar_IV_4711Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ar_IV_4740Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ar_IV_7171Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ar_IV_7237Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ar_IV_7263Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ar_VSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ar_XIVSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_C_I_9824Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_C_I_9850Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_C_II_1335Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_C_II_1336Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_C_II_2324Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_C_II_2325Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_C_II_7236Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_C_III_1909Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_C_III_4647Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_C_III_4650Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_C_III_5651Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_C_III_5698Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_C_III_977Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_C_IV_1548Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_C_IV_1551Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_C_IV_5801Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_C_IV_5812Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ca_II_8498Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ca_II_8542Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ca_II_8662Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ca_VSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Cl_IISpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Cl_III_5518Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Cl_III_5538Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_4179Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_4233Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_4287Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_4304Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_4417Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_4452Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_4489Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_4491Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_4523Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_4556Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_4583Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_4584Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_4630Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_4924Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_5018Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_5169Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_5198Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_5235Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_5276Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_5316_62Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_5316_78Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_6369Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_6516Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_7155Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_7172Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_7453Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_8617Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_II_8892Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_III_4658Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_III_5085Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_III_5270Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_IV_2829Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_IV_2836Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_IV_4903Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_IV_5236Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_V_3839Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_V_3891Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_V_3911Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_V_4071Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_V_4181Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_V_4227Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_VI_3663Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_VI_5146Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_VI_5176Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_VI_5335Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_VI_5424Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_VI_5638Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_VI_5677Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_VII_3586Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_VII_3759Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_VII_4893Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_VII_5159Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_VII_5276Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_VII_5721Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_VII_6087Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_XSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_XI_2649Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_XI_7892Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_XIIISpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Fe_XIVSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_H_10Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_H_11Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_H_12Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_H_13Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_H_14Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_H_15Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_H_16Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_H_17Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_H_18Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_H_19Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_H_8Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_H_9Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_H_alphaSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_H_betaSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_H_deltaSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_H_epsilonSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_H_gammaSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_I_10028Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_I_10031Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_I_10830Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_I_2945Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_I_3188Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_I_3488Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_I_3889Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_I_4026Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_I_4144Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_I_4471Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_I_5876Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_I_7065Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_I_7281Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_I_7816Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_II_1640Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_II_2733Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_II_3203Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_II_4686Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_He_II_8237Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_INVALIDSpectral lines library
gal_speclines_line_angstromSpectral lines library
gal_speclines_line_codeSpectral lines library
gal_speclines_line_nameSpectral lines library
gal_speclines_line_redshiftSpectral lines library
gal_speclines_line_redshift_codeSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ly_alphaSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ly_betaSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ly_deltaSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ly_epsilonSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ly_gammaSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Mg_II_2796Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Mg_II_2803Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Mg_V_2783Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Mg_V_2928Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_I_3466_50Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_I_3466_54Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_I_5200Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_I_7468Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_I_8680Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_I_8703Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_I_8712Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_II_2143Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_II_5755Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_II_6548Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_II_6583Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_III_1747Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_III_1749Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_III_4510Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_III_4634Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_III_4641Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_III_4642Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_III_990Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_III_991_51Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_III_991_58Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_IV_1486Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_V_1238Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_N_V_1243Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_NAME_*Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ne_III_3869Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ne_III_3967Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ne_V_3346Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ne_V_3426Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ne_VIII_770Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ne_VIII_780Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ni_II_7378Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ni_II_7411Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Ni_IIISpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_NUMBERSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_I_1302Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_I_6046Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_I_6300Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_I_6364Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_I_7002Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_I_7254Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_I_8446Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_II_3726Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_II_3729Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_II_4317Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_II_4415Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_II_7320Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_II_7331Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_III_1661Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_III_1666Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_III_2321Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_III_3133Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_III_3312Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_III_3444Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_III_4363Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_III_4959Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_III_5007Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_IV_1397Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_IV_1400Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_VI_1032Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_O_VI_1038Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Pa_10Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Pa_11Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Pa_12Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Pa_13Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Pa_14Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Pa_15Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Pa_16Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Pa_17Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Pa_18Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Pa_19Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Pa_20Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Pa_9Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Pa_deltaSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Pa_epsilonSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Pa_gammaSpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_S_II_10287Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_S_II_10320Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_S_II_10336Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_S_II_4069Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_S_II_4076Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_S_II_6716Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_S_II_6731Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_S_III_6312Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_S_III_9069Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_S_III_9531Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_S_VIIISpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_S_XIISpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Si_II_1260Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Si_II_1265Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Si_II_6347Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Si_IIISpectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Si_IV_1394Spectral lines library
GAL_SPECLINES_Si_IV_1403Spectral lines library
gal_statistics_cfpStatistical operations
gal_statistics_clip_madStatistical operations
gal_statistics_clip_sigmaStatistical operations
gal_statistics_concentrationStatistical operations
gal_statistics_has_negativeStatistical operations
gal_statistics_histogramStatistical operations
gal_statistics_histogram2dStatistical operations
gal_statistics_is_sortedStatistical operations
gal_statistics_madStatistical operations
gal_statistics_maximumStatistical operations
gal_statistics_meanStatistical operations
gal_statistics_mean_stdStatistical operations
gal_statistics_medianStatistical operations
gal_statistics_median_madStatistical operations
gal_statistics_minimumStatistical operations
gal_statistics_modeStatistical operations
GAL_STATISTICS_MODE_GOOD_SYMStatistical operations
gal_statistics_mode_mirror_plotsStatistical operations
gal_statistics_no_blank_sortedStatistical operations
gal_statistics_numberStatistical operations
gal_statistics_outlier_bydistanceStatistical operations
gal_statistics_outlier_flat_cfpStatistical operations
gal_statistics_quantileStatistical operations
gal_statistics_quantile_functionStatistical operations
gal_statistics_quantile_function_indexStatistical operations
gal_statistics_quantile_indexStatistical operations
gal_statistics_regular_binsStatistical operations
gal_statistics_sort_decreasingStatistical operations
gal_statistics_sort_increasingStatistical operations
gal_statistics_stdStatistical operations
gal_statistics_std_from_sumsStatistical operations
gal_statistics_sumStatistical operations
gal_statistics_uniqueStatistical operations
gal_table_col_vector_extractTable input output
gal_table_cols_to_vectorTable input output
gal_table_comments_add_introTable input output
GAL_TABLE_DEF_WIDTH_DBLTable input output
GAL_TABLE_DEF_WIDTH_FLTTable input output
GAL_TABLE_DEF_WIDTH_INTTable input output
GAL_TABLE_DEF_WIDTH_LINTTable input output
GAL_TABLE_DEF_WIDTH_STRTable input output
gal_table_displayflt_from_strTable input output
gal_table_displayflt_to_strTable input output
GAL_TABLE_FORMAT_AFITSTable input output
GAL_TABLE_FORMAT_BFITSTable input output
GAL_TABLE_FORMAT_TXTTable input output
gal_table_infoTable input output
gal_table_list_of_indexsTable input output
gal_table_print_infoTable input output
gal_table_readTable input output
GAL_TABLE_SEARCH_NAMETable input output
GAL_TABLE_SEARCH_UNITTable input output
gal_table_writeTable input output
gal_table_write_logTable input output
gal_threads_attr_barrier_initGnuastro's thread related functions
gal_threads_dist_in_threadsGnuastro's thread related functions
gal_threads_numberGnuastro's thread related functions
gal_threads_spin_offGnuastro's thread related functions
gal_tiff_dir_string_readTIFF files
gal_tiff_name_is_tiffTIFF files
gal_tiff_readTIFF files
gal_tiff_suffix_is_tiffTIFF files
gal_tiff_writeTIFF files
gal_tile_blockIndependent tiles
gal_tile_block_blank_flagIndependent tiles
gal_tile_block_check_tilesIndependent tiles
gal_tile_block_incrementIndependent tiles
gal_tile_block_relative_to_otherIndependent tiles
gal_tile_block_write_const_valueIndependent tiles
gal_tile_fullTile grid
gal_tile_full_free_contentsTile grid
gal_tile_full_id_from_coordTile grid
gal_tile_full_permutationTile grid
gal_tile_full_sanity_checkTile grid
gal_tile_full_two_layersTile grid
gal_tile_full_values_smoothTile grid
gal_tile_full_values_writeTile grid
gal_tile_series_from_minmaxIndependent tiles
gal_tile_start_coordIndependent tiles
gal_tile_start_end_coordIndependent tiles
gal_tile_start_end_ind_inclusiveIndependent tiles
gal_txt_contains_stringText files
gal_txt_image_readText files
gal_txt_line_statText files
gal_txt_read_to_listText files
gal_txt_stdin_readText files
gal_txt_table_infoText files
gal_txt_table_readText files
gal_txt_trim_spaceText files
gal_txt_writeText files
GAL_TYPE_BITLibrary data types
gal_type_bit_stringLibrary data types
GAL_TYPE_COMPLEX32Library data types
GAL_TYPE_COMPLEX64Library data types
GAL_TYPE_FLOAT32Library data types
GAL_TYPE_FLOAT64Library data types
gal_type_from_nameLibrary data types
gal_type_from_stringLibrary data types
GAL_TYPE_INTLibrary data types
GAL_TYPE_INT16Library data types
GAL_TYPE_INT32Library data types
GAL_TYPE_INT64Library data types
GAL_TYPE_INT8Library data types
GAL_TYPE_INVALIDLibrary data types
gal_type_is_intLibrary data types
gal_type_is_listLibrary data types
GAL_TYPE_LONGLibrary data types
gal_type_maxLibrary data types
gal_type_minLibrary data types
gal_type_nameLibrary data types
gal_type_outLibrary data types
GAL_TYPE_SIZE_TLibrary data types
gal_type_sizeofLibrary data types
GAL_TYPE_STRINGLibrary data types
gal_type_string_to_numberLibrary data types
GAL_TYPE_STRLLLibrary data types
gal_type_to_stringLibrary data types
GAL_TYPE_UINTLibrary data types
GAL_TYPE_UINT16Library data types
GAL_TYPE_UINT32Library data types
GAL_TYPE_UINT64Library data types
GAL_TYPE_UINT8Library data types
GAL_TYPE_ULONGLibrary data types
gal_units_au_to_lyUnit conversion library
gal_units_au_to_pcUnit conversion library
gal_units_counts_to_jyUnit conversion library
gal_units_counts_to_magUnit conversion library
gal_units_counts_to_nanomaggyUnit conversion library
gal_units_counts_to_sbUnit conversion library
gal_units_dec_to_degreeUnit conversion library
gal_units_degree_to_decUnit conversion library
gal_units_degree_to_raUnit conversion library
gal_units_extract_decimalUnit conversion library
gal_units_ly_to_auUnit conversion library
gal_units_ly_to_pcUnit conversion library
gal_units_mag_to_countsUnit conversion library
gal_units_mag_to_sbUnit conversion library
gal_units_nanomaggy_to_countsUnit conversion library
gal_units_pc_to_auUnit conversion library
gal_units_pc_to_lyUnit conversion library
gal_units_ra_to_degreeUnit conversion library
gal_units_sb_to_countsUnit conversion library
gal_units_sb_to_magUnit conversion library
gal_units_zeropoint_changeUnit conversion library
gal_warp_pixelareaWarp library
gal_warp_wcsalignWarp library
gal_warp_wcsalign_freeWarp library
gal_warp_wcsalign_initWarp library
gal_warp_wcsalign_onpixWarp library
gal_warp_wcsalign_onthreadWarp library
gal_warp_wcsalign_templateWarp library
gal_wcs_angular_distance_degWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_box_vertices_from_centerWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_clean_small_errorsWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_coordsys_convertWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_coordsys_convert_pointsWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_COORDSYS_ECB1950World Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_COORDSYS_ECJ2000World Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_COORDSYS_EQB1950World Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_COORDSYS_EQJ2000World Coordinate System
gal_wcs_coordsys_identifyWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_coordsys_name_to_idWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_coordsys_sys1_ref_in_sys2World Coordinate System
gal_wcs_copyWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_copy_new_crvalWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_coverageWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_createWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_decompose_pc_cdeltWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_dimension_nameWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_distortion_convert(structWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_DISTORTION_DSSWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_distortion_identifyWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_distortion_name_from_idWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_distortion_name_to_idWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_distortion_name_to_idWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_DISTORTION_SIPWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_DISTORTION_TPDWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_DISTORTION_TPVWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_DISTORTION_WATWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_FLTERRORWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_freeWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_img_to_worldWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_LINEAR_MATRIX_CDWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_LINEAR_MATRIX_PCWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_on_tileWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_pixel_area_arcsec2World Coordinate System
gal_wcs_pixel_scaleWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_AIRWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_AITWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_ARCWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_AZPWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_BONWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_CARWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_CEAWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_CODWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_COEWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_COOWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_COPWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_CSCWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_CYPWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_HPXWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_MERWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_MOLWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_projection_name_from_idWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_projection_name_to_idWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_PARWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_PCOWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_QSCWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_SFLWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_SINWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_STGWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_SZPWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_TANWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_TSCWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_XPHWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_ZEAWorld Coordinate System
GAL_WCS_PROJECTION_ZPNWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_readWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_read_fitsptrWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_remove_dimensionWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_to_cdWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_warp_matrixWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_world_to_imgWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_writeWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_write_in_fitsptrWorld Coordinate System
gal_wcs_write_wcsstrWorld Coordinate System

pthread_barrier_destroyImplementation of pthread_barrier
pthread_barrier_initImplementation of pthread_barrier
pthread_barrier_tImplementation of pthread_barrier
pthread_barrier_waitImplementation of pthread_barrier
pthread_barrierattr_tImplementation of pthread_barrier


Jump to:   -   .   \   $   2   3   6  
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
Index EntrySection

--Operating mode options
--checkconfigOperating mode options
--citeOperating mode options
--config-prefix=STROperating mode options
--config=STROperating mode options
--disable-guide-messageGnuastro configure options
--disable-prognameGnuastro configure options
--dontdeleteInput output options
--enable-check-with-valgrindGnuastro configure options
--enable-debugGnuastro configure options
--enable-gnulibcheckGnuastro configure options
--enable-gnulibcheckKnown issues
--enable-guide-message=noGnuastro configure options
--enable-prognameGnuastro configure options
--enable-progname=noGnuastro configure options
--hdu=STR/INTInput output options
--helpArguments and options
--helpOperating mode options
--help output customization--help
--ignorecaseInput output options
--keepinputdirInput output options
--keepinputdirAutomatic output
--lastconfigOperating mode options
--logOperating mode options
--numthreadsConfiguration files
--numthreadsMulti-threaded operations
--numthreads=INTOperating mode options
--onlyversion=STROperating mode options
--outfitsnocommitInput output options
--outfitsnoconfigInput output options
--outfitsnodateInput output options
--outfitsnoversionsInput output options
--outputConfiguration files
--output=STRInput output options
--prefixInstallation directory
--printparamsOperating mode options
--program-prefixExecutable names
--program-suffixExecutable names
--program-transform-nameExecutable names
--quietOperating mode options
--searchin=STRInput output options
--setdirconfOperating mode options
--setdirconfCurrent directory and User wide
--setusrconfOperating mode options
--setusrconfCurrent directory and User wide
--stdintimeoutInput output options
--tableformat=STRInput output options
--type=STRInput output options
--usageArguments and options
--usageOperating mode options
--versionOperating mode options
--wcslinearmatrix=STRInput output options
--with-pythonGnuastro configure options
--without-libgit2Gnuastro configure options
--without-libjpegGnuastro configure options
--without-libtiffGnuastro configure options
-?Operating mode options
-DInput output options
-h STR/INTInput output options
-IInput output options
-KInput output options
-mecube (DS9)Viewing FITS file contents with DS9 or TOPCAT
-N INTOperating mode options
-o STRInput output options
-POperating mode options
-qOperating mode options
-SOperating mode options
-s STRInput output options
-T STRInput output options
-t STRInput output options
-UOperating mode options
-VOperating mode options

./.gnuastro/Current directory and User wide
./configureInstallation directory
./configure optionsGnuastro configure options
.bashrcGenerating random numbers

g (gravitational constant)Constants
h (Plank’s constant)Constants

$HOMECurrent directory and User wide
$HOME/.local/etc/gnuastroCurrent directory and User wide

24-bit terminalVector graphics colors
2D histogramColumn statistics color-magnitude diagram
2D histogram2D Histograms
2D histogramStatistical operations
2MASS All-Sky CatalogAvailable databases

32-bitConfiguration information
3D data cubeDetecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data
3D data-cubesDimensionality changing operators
3D data-cubesMeasurements per slice spectra

64-bitConfiguration information

A4 paper sizeA4 print book
A4 print bookA4 print book
AAVSO Photometric All Sky Survey, DR9Available databases
AB magnitudeUnit conversion operators
AB magnitudeBrightness flux magnitude
AB MagnitudeUnit conversion library
Abd al-rahman SufiSufi simulates a detection
Abell 370 galaxy clusterDetecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data
Abraham de MoivreCircles and the complex plane
ACISDetecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data
ACS cameraSurface brightness limit of image
Adding Ghostscript fontsDrawing with vector graphics
Additions to GnuastroSuggest new feature
Adjacency matrixBinary datasets
Adobe systemsRecognized file formats
ADQL (Astronomical Data Query Language)Query
ADUInstrumental noise
ADUBrightness flux magnitude
Advanced camera for surveysWarp
Advanced Camera for SurveysLinear warping basics
Advanced Packaging Tool (APT, Debian)Dependencies from package managers
Affine TransformationLinear warping basics
Airy projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
AKARI/FIS All-Sky SurveyAvailable databases
Akima spline interpolationInterpolation
al-Shirazi, Qutb al-DinFourier series historical background
Albert. A. MichelsonScience and its tools
Algorithm: watershedLabeled datasets
Alias (shell)Invoking astnoisechisel
Alias, shellInvoking astmkprof
AlignAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Align pixel and WCS coordinatesAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Aligning an imageAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
All-sky Survey of GALEX DR5Available databases
AllWISE Data ReleaseAvailable databases
AlmagestSufi simulates a detection
Angular coverageBrightness flux magnitude
Annotation of images for paperAnnotations for figure in paper
Anonymous bug submissionReport a bug
Anscombe F. J.Science and its tools
Anscombe’s quartetScience and its tools
apt-getDependencies from package managers
Arch GNU/LinuxDependencies from package managers
Area of pixel on skyPixel information images
Area resamplingPixel information images
Area, ellipseMorphology measurements nonparametric
Argp argument parser--help
Argp argument parserMandatory source code files
args.hMandatory source code files
Argument list too longKeyword inspection and manipulation
Argument list too longInvoking astarithmetic
Arguments to programsArguments and options
Aristarchus of SamosFourier series historical background
ArrayLinked lists
ASCII plotInvoking aststatistics
ASCII table, FITSRecognized table formats
ASCII85 encodingConvertType input and output
ASCII85 encodingEPS files
astprognameNaming convention
AstrometryZero point estimation
ASTRONAvailable databases
Astronomical data formatRecognized file formats
Astronomical Data Query Language (ADQL)Query
Astronomical Magnitude systemBrightness flux magnitude
Astronomical Unit (AU)Constants
Astronomical Units (AU)Unit conversion operators
Astronomical Units (AU)Unit conversion library
Asynchronous thread allocationInvoking astcrop
Atmosphere emission linesSky lines in optical IFUs
AU (Astronomical Unit)Constants
authors-cite.hMandatory source code files
Auto-complete in the shellExecutable names
Autocomplete (in the shell/Bash)Shell TAB completion
Autocomplete (in the shell/Bash)Mandatory source code files
Autocomplete (in the shell/Bash)Bash programmable completion
Automatic configuration file writingConfiguration file format
Automatic output file namesAutomatic output
Automatically created build filesBootstrapping
Available number of threadsMulti-threaded operations
AverageStatistical operations
Average, weightedConvolve
Avogradro’s numberConstants
AWKExtract clumps and objects
AWKStandard input
AWKInvoking asttable
AWKInvoking astarithmetic
AWKInvoking aststatistics
AWKTable input output
Axis ratioDefining an ellipse and ellipsoid
Axis ratioDimensions
Azimuthal range (radial profile)Invoking astscript-radial-profile
AzophiSufi simulates a detection

Background fluxPhoton counting noise
Background fluxSky value definition
Background pixelsDetection options
BackupConfigure and build in RAM
Bad pixelsAccounting for non-exposed pixels
BaffleAccounting for non-exposed pixels
Balmer limitSpectral lines library
Band-merged unWISE CatalogAvailable databases
Base of natural logarithm (e)Constants
Bash auto-completeShell TAB completion
Bash auto-completeMandatory source code files
Bash auto-completeBash programmable completion
Bash programmable completionShell TAB completion
Bash programmable completionMandatory source code files
Bash programmable completionBash programmable completion
Best use of CPU threadsA note on threads
Bi-linear interpolationResampling
Bias currentTessellation
Bias level in detectorsPhoton counting noise
Bicubic interpolationResampling
Bicubic interpolationQuantifying signal in a tile
Bimodal histogramSigma clipping
Bin width, histogramHistogram and Cumulative Frequency Plot
Binary datasetsBinary datasets
Binary imageRecognized file formats
Binary imageDetection options
Binary table, FITSRecognized table formats
Bisquare function of TukeyFitting options
BitNumeric data types
bit-32Configuration information
bit-64Configuration information
Bitwise operatorsBitwise operators
Bitwise OrArithmetic on datasets
Biweight function of TukeyFitting options
Black and white imageRecognized file formats
blank color channelRecognized file formats
Blank dataGeneric data container
Blank pixelBlank pixels
Blank pixelConditional operators
Blank valuesColor for bright regions and grayscale for faint
Blur imageConvolve
Blur imagePSF
Bonne projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Book formatsGetting help
Border on an imageDrawing with vector graphics
Brahe, TychoScience and its tools
Breadth first searchDefining an ellipse and ellipsoid
Breadth first searchBinary datasets
brewDependencies from package managers
BrightnessBrightness flux magnitude
Buffers (Emacs)Coding conventions
BugReport a bug
BugGnuastro project webpage
Bug reportingReport a bug
Bug trackerReport a bug
bug-gnuastro@gnu.orgReport a bug
BuildQuick start
Build individual profilesMakeProfiles output dataset
Build treeTest scripts
Building from sourceDependencies from package managers
Butterfly projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
ByteNumeric data types
Bzip2Downloading and validating input data

C compilerInvoking astbuildprog
C preprocessorInvoking astbuildprog
C programming languageWhy C
C, plottingPGPLOT
C: restrictGeneric data container
C++ programming languageWhy C
Cache, systemA note on threads
CalendarSort FITS files by night
CalibrationZero point estimation
CANDELS surveyCrop options
CANDELS surveySurface brightness limit of image
Carbon footprintSeparate shell variables for multiple outputs
Caspar WesselCircles and the complex plane
Catalog, GaiaAvailable databases
Catalog, VizierAvailable databases
CatWISE 2020 catalogAvailable databases
Cauchy’s function (robust weight)Fitting options
CCInvoking astbuildprog
CDELTAngular coverage on the sky
CDELTMoire pattern in stacking and its correction
CDELTInput output options
CDELTiAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
CDS, VizieRAvailable databases
Celestial spherePointings that account for sky curvature
Celestial sphereBrightness flux magnitude
CentOSDependencies from package managers
Central managementGnuastro project webpage
CFITSIOKeyword inspection and manipulation
CFITSIOConfiguration information
CFITSIO version on outputsOutput FITS files
Change converted pixel valuesPixel visualization
ChannelArray input output
Channel (color)Color
Channel, colorPixel colors
Charge-coupled deviceWarp
CheckQuick start
Check center of cropCrop output
Checking detection algorithmsMakeProfiles
Checking testsTests
ChecksumDownloading and validating input data
CHECKSUM: FITS keywordKeyword inspection and manipulation
Chi-squaredFitting functions
CIII doubletSpectral lines library
Circle (great)Coordinate and border operators
Circle (small)Coordinate and border operators
Citation informationMandatory source code files
Claudius PtolemySufi simulates a detection
CLI: command-line user interfaceCommand-line interface
CLI: repeating operationsCommand-line interface
Clipping of outliersClipping outliers
ClumpLabeled datasets
Clump magnitude limitQuantifying measurement limits
CMYKPixel colors
CoadditionMoire pattern in stacking and its correction
CoadditionStacking operators
CoadditionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
CoaddsRandom number generators
COBE spherical cube projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
ColorPixel colors
Color channelColor
Color channelPixel colors
Color channelArray input output
Color in macOS terminalsDrawing with vector graphics
Color-magnitude diagramColumn statistics color-magnitude diagram
Color-magnitude diagram2D histogram as an image
ColormapPixel colors
Colormap, gray-scaleColormaps for single-channel pixels
Colormap, HSVColormaps for single-channel pixels
Colormap: SLSPixel visualization
Colormap: SLS-inversePixel visualization
Colormap: ViridisPixel visualization
ColorsColor functions
Colors (web)Vector graphics colors
Colors, broad-band photometryGeneral program usage tutorial
Colorspace, gray-scalePixel visualization
Colorspace, HSVPixel visualization
Columns (Vector)Vector columns
Command-line argumentsArguments and options
Command-line helpGetting help
Command-line optionsArguments and options
Command-line scroll--help
Command-line searching text--help
Command-line user interfaceCommand-line interface
Command-line, long outputs--help
Command-line, viewing full bookInfo
CommentsSufi simulates a detection
Commutative propertyMerging multiple warpings
Comoving distanceDistance on a 2D curved space
Compare Moffat and GaussianPSF
Compare Poisson and GaussianPhoton counting noise
CompileQuick start
Compiled PostScriptRecognized file formats
Compiler, CInvoking astbuildprog
Compiling from sourceDependencies from package managers
CompletenessExtract clumps and objects
CompletenessCompleteness limit of each detection
Completion in the shellShell TAB completion
Completion in the shellMandatory source code files
Completion in the shellBash programmable completion
Complex numbersInvoking astconvolve
CompressionNoiseChisel output
CompressionSegment output
Compression quality in JPEGConvertType input and output
Concave polygonsCrop options
Concave polygonsPolygons
Configuration file directoriesConfiguration file precedence
Configuration file formatConfiguration file format
Configuration file precedenceConfiguration file precedence
Configuration file suffixConfiguration file format
Configuration filesOptions
Configuration filesConfiguration files
Configuration files, system wideSystem wide
Configuration files, writingConfiguration file format
Configuration, not finding libraryKnown issues
Configure optionsConfiguring
Configure options particular to GnuastroGnuastro configure options
Conic equal area projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Conic equidistant projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Conic orthomorphic projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Conic perspective projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Connected component labelingSegment
Connected component labelingBinary datasets
Connected componentsMathematical morphology operators
ConnectivityBinary datasets
Continuum subtractionContinuum subtraction
ContourContour options
Convenient book formatsGetting help
Convention for program sourceProgram source
Converting data formatsConvertType
Converting image formatsConvertType
ConvertType (astconvertt)ConvertType
Convex HullPolygons
Convex polygonsCrop options
Convex polygonsPolygons
ConvolutionConvolution process
ConvolutionQuantifying signal in a tile
Convolution kernelFITS arrays
Convolutional Neural NetworksPooling operators
Coordinate matchingMatching
Coordinate scalesAngular coverage on the sky
Coordinate system: EclipticKeyword inspection and manipulation
Coordinate system: EclipticWorld Coordinate System
Coordinate system: EquatorialKeyword inspection and manipulation
Coordinate system: EquatorialWorld Coordinate System
Coordinate system: GalacticKeyword inspection and manipulation
Coordinate system: GalacticWorld Coordinate System
Coordinate system: SupergalacticKeyword inspection and manipulation
Coordinate system: SupergalacticWorld Coordinate System
Coordinate transformationLinear warping basics
Coordinates, homogeneouLinear warping basics
CopyrightYour rights
Correlated noiseNoiseChisel optimization for detection
Correlated noiseMeasuring the dataset limits
Correlated noiseUpper limit magnitude of each detection
Correlated noiseSurface brightness limit of image
Correlated noiseUpper limit surface brightness of image
CorrelationConvolution process
Cosmic ray removalSky value definition
Cosmic raysConvolve
Cosmic raysWarp
Cosmic raysSky value definition
Cosmic raysQuantifying signal in a tile
COSMOS surveyCrop
Cotes, RogerCircles and the complex plane
Counting errorPhoton counting noise
Counting from zero.Options
CountsInstrumental noise
CountsBrightness flux magnitude
Covariance matrixFitting functions
Coverage of image over skyHDU information and manipulation
CPPFLAGSKnown issues
CPPFLAGSInvoking astbuildprog
CPU threadsMulti-threaded operations
CPU threads, numberConfiguration files
CPU threads, set numberOperating mode options
CPU, using all threadsMulti-threaded operations
CRLF line terminatorText files
Crop (astcrop)Crop
Crop a given section of imageCrop section syntax
Crop part of imageCrop
Crop section formatCrop section syntax
CRVALiAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
CTYPEiAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Cube (3D) spectraDetecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data
Cubes (3D data)Dimensionality changing operators
Cubes (3D data)Measurements per slice spectra
Cubic spline interpolationInterpolation
Cumulative Frequency PlotHistogram and Cumulative Frequency Plot
cURL (downloading tool)Optional dependencies
Customize --help output--help
Customize executable namesExecutable names
Customizing installationConfiguring
Cylindrical equal area projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Cylindrical perspective projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions

Dark Energy Survey data release 1Available databases
Dark level in detectorsPhoton counting noise
Dark nightRandom number generators
Dash shellSeparate shell variables for multiple outputs
DataQuantifying signal in a tile
Data cubesDimensionality changing operators
Data format conversionConvertType
Data structuresHeaders
Data typeGeneric data container
Data’s depthSurface brightness limit of image
Database, GaiaAvailable databases
Database, VizieRAvailable databases
Dataset: binaryBinary datasets
DATASUM: FITS keywordHDU information and manipulation
DATASUM: FITS keywordKeyword inspection and manipulation
Date: FITS formatFITS header keywords
de Moivre, AbrahamPhoton counting noise
de Moivre, AbrahamCircles and the complex plane
de Vaucouleur profileGalaxies
DebianDependencies from package managers
DebugSeparate build and source directories
DebugOperating mode options
DebugInvoking astbuildprog
DebuggingGnuastro configure options
DebuggingBuilding and debugging
Decimal digitsPrinting floating point numbers
Decimal separatorNumeric locale
DeclinationPointings that account for sky curvature
DeclinationColumn arithmetic
DeclinationArithmetic on datasets
DeclinationUnit conversion library
DeclinationUnit conversion library
Default executable search directoryInstallation directory
Default library search directoryInstallation directory
Default option valuesOptions
Default option valuesConfiguration files
Define section to cropCrop section syntax
Dependencies, GnuastroMandatory dependencies
Depth of dataZero point tutorial with reference image
Depth of dataQuantifying measurement limits
Depth of dataPointing pattern simulation
Detached threadsGnuastro's thread related functions
Detections falseCompleteness limit of each detection
developer-buildBuilding and debugging
developer-buildTest scripts
Development packagesKnown issues
Diagram, Color-magnitude2D histogram as an image
Diffraction limitedPSF
DilationMathematical morphology operators
DilationBinary datasets
Dilation (image processing)NoiseChisel optimization
Directory, installInstallation directory
Discrete Fourier transformInvoking astconvolve
Distance, elliptical/ellipsoidalDimensions
Distance, ManhattanDimensions
DistortionPixel information images
Distortion, opticalWarp
Distortion, WCSKeyword inspection and manipulation
Distortion, WCSWorld Coordinate System
Distortion, WCSWorld Coordinate System
Distribution modeSky value misconceptions
Distributions, GNU/LinuxDependencies from package managers
DitheringPointing pattern design
dnfDependencies from package managers
Doppler effectContinuum subtraction
Doublet: CIIISpectral lines library
Doublet: MgIISpectral lines library
Doublet: NIISpectral lines library
Doublet: OIISpectral lines library
Doublet: OIIISpectral lines library
Doublet: SIISpectral lines library
Douglas RushkoffScience and its tools
DS9Reddest clumps cutouts and parallelization
DS9Extract clumps and objects
DS9Pixel visualization
DS9Segment output
DSS WCS distortionWorld Coordinate System
Dynamic librariesInstallation directory
Dynamic linkingLinking
Dynamic linkingLinking
Dynamic rangeColor images with full dynamic range

e (base of natural logarithm)Constants
Ecliptic coordinate systemKeyword inspection and manipulation
Ecliptic coordinate systemCoordinate conversion operators
Ecliptic coordinate systemWorld Coordinate System
Edges, imageResampling
Effective radiusMorphology measurements nonparametric
Effective radiusGalaxies
Efficient use of CPU threadsA note on threads
EllipseDefining an ellipse and ellipsoid
Ellipse areaMorphology measurements nonparametric
EllipsoidDefining an ellipse and ellipsoid
Ellipsoidal distanceDimensions
Elliptical distanceDefining an ellipse and ellipsoid
Elliptical distanceDimensions
Emacs buffersCoding conventions
Encapsulated PostScriptRecognized file formats
EnvironmentInstallation directory
Environment variable, HOMEInstallation directory
Environment variablesInstallation directory
Environment variablesInstallation directory
Environment variablesGenerating random numbers
Epoch time, UnixFITS header keywords
Epoch, Unix timeKeyword inspection and manipulation
Epoch, Unix timeColumn arithmetic
Epoch, Unix timeSort FITS files by night
EPSRecognized file formats
EPSPixel visualization
EPSEPS files
EPSPDF files
Equatorial coordinate systemKeyword inspection and manipulation
Equatorial coordinate systemCoordinate conversion operators
Equatorial coordinate systemWorld Coordinate System
ErosionMathematical morphology operators
ErosionDetection options
ErosionBinary datasets
Erosion (image processing)NoiseChisel optimization
Error in surface brightnessSurface brightness error of each detection
Error, floating point round-offInvoking astconvolve
etcConfiguration files
Euler anglesDefining an ellipse and ellipsoid
Euler anglesBounding box
Euler, LeonhardCircles and the complex plane
Euler’s number (e)Constants
eval to evaluate string as commandSeparate shell variables for multiple outputs
Evaluate string as command (eval)Separate shell variables for multiple outputs
Exact area resamplingResampling
Executable namesExecutable names
Exposure mapPointing pattern simulation
Exposure timeBrightness flux magnitude
eXtreme Deep Field (XDF) surveyGeneral program usage tutorial
eXtreme Deep Field (XDF) surveySurface brightness limit of image

Fair function (robust weight)Fitting options
False colorPixel colors
False detectionsCompleteness limit of each detection
Feature requestGnuastro project webpage
Feature requestsSuggest new feature
FedoraDependencies from package managers
File flagsWriting scripts to automate the steps
File I/OConfigure and build in RAM
File operationsData containers
File system Hierarchy StandardConfiguration files
file systems, tmpfsConfigure and build in RAM
Filename suffixArguments
Filter transmission curveZero point of an image
Fine structure constantConstants
first-in-first-outLinked lists
first-in-first-outFITS header keywords
FITSOutput FITS files
FITS filename suffixesArguments
FITS image viewerSAO DS9
FITS standardLinear warps to be called explicitly
FITS standardGeneric data container
FITS TablesRecognized table formats
FittingData modeling
FittingFitting functions
Fitting (least squares)Least squares fitting
Fitting (polynomial)Fitting functions
FK5Keyword inspection and manipulation
Flag (mask) imagesBitwise operators
Flags, fileWriting scripts to automate the steps
Flat fieldPreparing input and generating exposure map
Flattening (CNNs)Dimensionality changing operators
Flip coordinatesLinear warping basics
Floating point errorMeasuring elliptical parameters
Floating point numbersPrinting floating point numbers
Floating point round-off errorInvoking astconvolve
FluxBrightness flux magnitude
Flux density (wavelength)Unit conversion operators
Flux to magnitude conversionBrightness flux magnitude
FontsDrawing with vector graphics
Foreground pixelsDetection options
FORTRANGeneric data container
Fourier spectrumInvoking astconvolve
Free softwareYour rights
Free Software FoundationContributing to Gnuastro
Free Software FoundationCopyright assignment
FSFContributing to Gnuastro
Full Width at Half MaximumPSF
Function gradient over pixel areaSampling from a function
Function groupsCoding conventions
Functions for user interfaceMandatory source code files
FWHMNoiseChisel optimization for detection
FWHMMorphology measurements nonparametric

Gaia catalogAvailable databases
GAIA Data Release (2 or 3)Available databases
GainInstrumental noise
GainBrightness flux magnitude
Galactic coordinate systemKeyword inspection and manipulation
Galactic coordinate systemCoordinate conversion operators
Galactic coordinate systemWorld Coordinate System
Galaxy kinematicsContinuum subtraction
Galaxy profilesGalaxies
Galileo, GalileiScience and its tools
GaussianInvoking astnoisechisel
GaussianInvoking astsegment
GaussianInvoking astmkcatalog
Gaussian distributionQuantifying signal in a tile
Gaussian distributionPSF
Gaussian FWHMPSF
Gaussian noiseLeast squares fitting
GCCInvoking astbuildprog
GCC: GNU Compiler CollectionNew to GNU/Linux?
GCC: GNU Compiler CollectionSummary and example on libraries
GCC: GNU Compiler CollectionInvoking astbuildprog
GCC: GNU Compiler CollectionInvoking astbuildprog
GCC: GNU Compiler CollectionCoding conventions
GeditSufi simulates a detection
General file operationsData containers
Generalized de Vaucouleur profileGalaxies
Gérard de VaucouleursGalaxies
Ghostscript fontsDrawing with vector graphics
GitOptional dependencies
GitVersion controlled source
GitGnuastro configure options
GitTable input output
GitGit wrappers
Global warmingSeparate shell variables for multiple outputs
GNOMENoiseChisel output
GNOME 3Command-line interface
Gnomonic (tangential) projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Gnomonic projection (TAN in WCS)Area of non-blank pixels on sky
GNU Astronomy Utilities (Gnuastro)Introduction
GNU AutoconfBootstrapping dependencies
GNU AutoconfBootstrapping
GNU AutoconfSynchronizing
GNU AutoconfConfiguring
GNU AutoconfBuilding and debugging
GNU Autoconf ArchiveBootstrapping dependencies
GNU Autoconf ArchiveBootstrapping
GNU AutomakeBootstrapping dependencies
GNU AutomakeBootstrapping
GNU AutomakeBuilding and debugging
GNU AutoreconfSeparate build and source directories
GNU AWKAngular coverage on the sky
GNU AWKAperture photometry
GNU AWKReddest clumps cutouts and parallelization
GNU AWKExtract clumps and objects
GNU AWKStandard input
GNU AWKInvoking asttable
GNU AWKInvoking astarithmetic
GNU AWKInvoking aststatistics
GNU AWKSingle value measurements
GNU AWKInstalled scripts
GNU AWKSort FITS files by night
GNU AWKTable input output
GNU BashCommand-line interface
GNU BashWriting scripts to automate the steps
GNU BashInstallation directory
GNU BashInstallation directory
GNU BashInstalled scripts
GNU BashProgram design philosophy
GNU BashMandatory source code files
GNU BinutilsLinking
GNU build systemMandatory dependencies
GNU build systemBootstrapping
GNU build systemInstallation directory
GNU build systemConfigure and build in RAM
GNU build systemSeparate build and source directories
GNU build systemHeaders
GNU build systemHeaders
GNU build systemBuilding and debugging
GNU C libraryNew to GNU/Linux?
GNU C libraryBootstrapping dependencies
GNU C libraryBootstrapping
GNU C libraryGnuastro configure options
GNU C libraryConfigure and build in RAM
GNU C libraryInfo
GNU C LibraryKeyword inspection and manipulation
GNU C libraryAdding new columns to MakeCatalog
GNU C libraryLinking
GNU C libraryLabeled datasets
GNU C libraryCoding conventions
GNU C libraryMandatory source code files
GNU coding standardsIntroduction
GNU coding standardsCoding conventions
GNU coding standardsCoding conventions
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)New to GNU/Linux?
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)Summary and example on libraries
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)Invoking astbuildprog
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)Invoking astbuildprog
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)Coding conventions
GNU CoreutilsMulti-threaded operations
GNU CoreutilsInvoking asttable
GNU CoreutilsProgram design philosophy
GNU CPPInvoking astbuildprog
GNU DebuggerGnuastro configure options
GNU Debugger (GDB)Separate build and source directories
GNU EmacsCommand-line interface
GNU EmacsSufi simulates a detection
GNU EmacsInfo
GNU EmacsCoding conventions
GNU EmacsCoding conventions
GNU EmacsCoding conventions
GNU free documentation licenseScience and its tools
GNU Free Documentation LicenseYour rights
GNU Free Documentation LicenseGNU Free Doc License
GNU General Public License (GPL)Science and its tools
GNU General Public License (GPL)Your rights
GNU General Public License (GPL)GNU General Public License
GNU Grep--help
GNU GrepKeyword inspection and manipulation
GNU GrepCosmicCalculator basic cosmology calculations
GNU GrepThe TEMPLATE program
GNU GzipNoiseChisel output
GNU GzipSegment output
GNU help2manBootstrapping dependencies
GNU InfoAccessing documentation
GNU InfoInfo
GNU LibtoolOptional dependencies
GNU LibtoolBootstrapping dependencies
GNU LibtoolBootstrapping
GNU LibtoolKnown issues
GNU LibtoolLinking
GNU LibtoolLinking
GNU LibtoolLinking
GNU LibtoolBuildProgram
GNU LibtoolInvoking astbuildprog
GNU LibtoolBuilding and debugging
GNU MakeReddest clumps cutouts and parallelization
GNU MakeOptional dependencies
GNU MakeHow to run simultaneous operations
GNU MakeMakefile extensions
GNU MakeInvoking astbuildprog
GNU ParallelHow to run simultaneous operations
GNU Portability Library (Gnulib)Bootstrapping dependencies
GNU Portability Library (Gnulib)Bootstrapping
GNU Portability Library (Gnulib)Gnuastro configure options
GNU Portability Library (Gnulib)Known issues
GNU Portability Library (Gnulib)Coding conventions
GNU SavannahGnuastro project webpage
GNU Scientific LibraryGNU Scientific Library
GNU Scientific LibraryGenerating random numbers
GNU Scientific LibraryLeast squares fitting
GNU Scientific LibraryPermutations
GNU Scientific LibraryInterpolation
GNU Scientific LibraryInterpolation
GNU SEDInstalled scripts
GNU SedSort FITS files by night
GNU software documentationInfo
GNU style optionsOptions
GNU TarQuick start
GNU TexinfoYour rights
GNU TexinfoBootstrapping dependencies
GNU TexinfoBootstrapping
GNU TexinfoA4 print book
GNU TexinfoKnown issues
GNU WgetDownloading and validating input data
GNU/LinuxNew to GNU/Linux?
Gnuastro coding conventionCoding conventions
Gnuastro common optionsCommon options
Gnuastro major version numberGNU Astronomy Utilities 1.0
Gnuastro program structure conventionProgram source
Gnuastro project pageReport a bug
Gnuastro test scriptsTest scripts
GnulibProgram design philosophy
Gnulib: GNU Portability LibraryBootstrapping dependencies
Gnulib: GNU Portability LibraryBootstrapping
Gnulib: GNU Portability LibraryGnuastro configure options
Gnulib: GNU Portability LibraryKnown issues
Gnulib: GNU Portability LibraryCoding conventions
GPLGNU General Public License
GPL GhostscriptOptional dependencies
GPL GhostscriptOptional dependencies
GPL GhostscriptKnown issues
GPL GhostscriptRecognized file formats
Gradient over pixel areaSampling from a function
Graphic user interfaceCommand-line interface
Graphics (raster)Raster and Vector graphics
Graphics (vector)Raster and Vector graphics
Gravitational constant (g)Constants
Gravitational lensingWarp
Gray nightRandom number generators
GrayscaleColormaps for single-channel pixels
Great circleCoordinate and border operators
Groups of similar functionsCoding conventions
GSLLeast squares fitting
GUI: graphic user interfaceCommand-line interface
GUI: repeating operationsCommand-line interface
GzipQuick start
GzipRelease tarball

H-alphaViewing spectra and redshifted lines
H-alphaSpectral lines library
H-betaViewing spectra and redshifted lines
H-betaSpectral lines library
H-deltaSpectral lines library
H-epsilonSpectral lines library
H-gammaSpectral lines library
Halted programReport a bug
Hammer-Aitoff projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
HashbangWriting scripts to automate the steps
HDDConfigure and build in RAM
HDUArguments and options
HDUInput output options
HDUInvoking astfits
Header data unitArguments and options
Header data unitInput output options
Header fileCoding conventions
HEALPixInvoking astfits
HEALPix polar projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
HEALPix projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
HelpGetting help
help-gnuastro mailing listhelp-gnuastro mailing list
help-gnuastro@gnu.orghelp-gnuastro mailing list
Hexadecimal encodingConvertType input and output
Hexadecimal encodingEPS files
Hipparchus of NicaeaBrightness flux magnitude
HistogramHistogram and Cumulative Frequency Plot
HistogramSky value misconceptions
HistogramStatistical operations
Histogram, 2DColumn statistics color-magnitude diagram
Histogram, 2D2D Histograms
Histogram, 2DStatistical operations
historyWriting scripts to automate the steps
HOMEInstallation directory
HOME/.local/Installation directory
HomebrewDependencies from package managers
Homogeneous coordinatesLinear warping basics
HomographyLinear warping basics
Hook (programming)Larger steps sizes for better calibration
Hook (programming)Accounting for non-exposed pixels
HSV: Hue Saturation ValueColormaps for single-channel pixels
HSV: Hue Saturation ValuePixel visualization
Hubble Space Telescope (HST)General program usage tutorial
Hubble Space Telescope (HST)Tessellation
Hubble Space Telescope (HST)Crop
Hubble Space Telescope (HST)Warp
Hubble Space Telescope (HST)Linear warping basics
Huber function (robust weight)Fitting options
Hue, saturation, valuePixel visualization
Hyper Suprime-CamTessellation
Hyperbolic functionsTrigonometric and hyperbolic operators
Hyperspectral imagingDetecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data

IAU, international astronomical unionFits
ICRSCoordinate conversion operators
Identifying outliersQuantifying signal in a tile
IEEE 754Invoking asttable
IEEE 754Invoking asttable
IEEE 754 (floating point)Printing floating point numbers
IFUDetecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data
IFU: Integral Field UnitDimensionality changing operators
IFU: Integral Field UnitMorphology measurements nonparametric
IFU: Integral Field UnitMeasurements per slice spectra
ImagePixel colors
Image annotationAnnotations for figure in paper
Image blurringPSF
Image edgesResampling
Image format conversionConvertType
Image mosaicCrop
Image mosaicWarp
Image noiseNoise basics
Image tilesCrop
Image transformationsMakeProfiles
Image’s sky coverageHDU information and manipulation
ImageMagickBootstrapping dependencies
Imaging surveysCrop
Immediate neighborsBinary datasets
Inconsistent resultsReport a bug
Individual profilesMakeProfiles output dataset
INFOPATHInstallation directory
Input/Output, fileConfigure and build in RAM
Inside-out constructionDefining an ellipse and ellipsoid
Inside-out constructionSampling from a function
Install directoryInstallation directory
Install with no superuser accessInstallation directory
Installation, customizingConfiguring
Installed help methodsGetting help
Instrumental noiseInstrumental noise
Integer overflowInteger benefits and pitfalls
Integer, SignedNumeric data types
Integral field unitDetecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data
Integral Field UnitMorphology measurements nonparametric
Integral field unit (IFU)Dimensionality changing operators
Integral field unit (IFU)Measurements per slice spectra
Integration over pixelSampling from a function
Integration to infinityProfile magnitude
Internal default valueConfiguration files
Internally stored option valueMulti-threaded operations
Interpolation, bi-linearResampling
Interpolation, bicubicResampling
Interpolation, bicubicQuantifying signal in a tile
Interpolation, nearest-neighborQuantifying signal in a tile
Interpolation: Akima splineInterpolation
Interpolation: monotonicInterpolation
Interpolation: PolynomialInterpolation
Interpolation: SplineInterpolation
Interpolation: SteffenInterpolation
Intervals, histogramHistogram and Cumulative Frequency Plot
IRAFRecognized file formats
ISO C90Why C
IssueGnuastro project webpage
iTermDrawing with vector graphics

Jansky (Jy)Unit conversion operators
Jansky (Jy)Brightness flux magnitude
Jansky (Jy)Unit conversion library
Java programming languageWhy C
Java Virtual Machine (JVM)Why C
Jaynes E. T.Science and its tools
Johnson filtersZero point of an image
Johnson vs. SDSS filtersZero point of an image
JPEG compression qualityConvertType input and output
JPEG compression qualityJPEG files
JPEG formatOptional dependencies
JPEG formatGnuastro configure options
JPEG formatRecognized file formats
JPEG formatJPEG files
JVM: Java virtual machineWhy C

K-d treeK-d tree
k-d tree matchingMatching
Ken ThomsonScience and its tools
Kernel, convolutionConvolve
Kernel, convolutionFITS arrays
Kernel, LinuxMemory management
Kernighan, BrianWhy C
Kinematics (galaxies)Continuum subtraction

Language of command-lineNumeric locale
Large astronomical imagesCrop
last-in-first-outLinked lists
last-in-first-outFITS header keywords
LaTeXBootstrapping dependencies
LaTeXRecognized file formats
LaTeXProgram design philosophy
Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryMultithreaded programming
LC_ALLNumeric locale
LC_NUMERICNumeric locale
LD_LIBRARY_PATHInstallation directory
LDFLAGSKnown issues
LDFLAGSInvoking astbuildprog
Learning GNU InfoInfo
Least squares fittingLeast squares fitting
Least squares fittingFitting functions
Lensing simulationsMakeProfiles
Leonhard EulerCircles and the complex plane
libgit2Optional dependencies
libgit2Gnuastro configure options
libgit2Git wrappers
libjpegOptional dependencies
libjpegGnuastro configure options
Library search directoryInstallation directory
Library: sharedLinking
libtiffOptional dependencies
libtiffGnuastro configure options
Light yearConstants
Light-yearUnit conversion operators
Light-yearUnit conversion library
Limit, object/clump magnitudeQuantifying measurement limits
Limit, surface brightnessImage surface brightness limit
Limit, surface brightnessSurface brightness limit of image
Limit, Surface brightnessMakeCatalog output
Line terminator, CRLFText files
Linear spatial filteringConvolution process
Linked listLinked lists
Linked listFITS header keywords
Linking: DynamicLinking
Linking: dynamicLinking
Linking: StaticLinking
LinuxNew to GNU/Linux?
Linux kernelConfigure and build in RAM
Linux kernelMemory management
Linux MintDependencies from package managers
LocaleNumeric locale
Long option abbreviationOptions
Long outputs--help
Lord KelvinScience and its tools
Lorentzian function (robust weight)Fitting options
Low level programmingWhy C
LuminosityBrightness flux magnitude
Lyman limitSpectral lines library
Lyman-alphaSpectral lines library
LzipQuick start
LzipRelease tarball

M51Detecting large extended targets
macOSDependencies from package managers
macOS terminal 24-bit colorDrawing with vector graphics
MacPortsDependencies from package managers
MAD (median absolute deviation)MAD clipping
MAD (Median absolute deviation)Statistical operations
MagnitudeUnit conversion library
MagnitudeUnit conversion library
MagnitudeUnit conversion library
Magnitude (nanomaggy)Unit conversion library
Magnitude limitMagnitude limit of image
Magnitude zero pointBrightness flux magnitude
Magnitude, ABUnit conversion operators
Magnitude, ABBrightness flux magnitude
Magnitude, ABUnit conversion library
Magnitude, object/clump detection limitQuantifying measurement limits
Magnitude, upper limitUpper limit magnitude of each detection
Magnitudes from fluxBrightness flux magnitude
Mailing list archivesReport a bug
Mailing list archiveshelp-gnuastro mailing list
Mailing list: bug-gnuastroReport a bug
Mailing list: bug-gnuastroGnuastro project webpage
Mailing list: gnuastro-commitsDeveloping mailing lists
Mailing list: gnuastro-commitsCommit guidelines
Mailing list: gnuastro-commitsCommit guidelines
Mailing list: gnuastro-commitsCommit guidelines
Mailing list: gnuastro-develGnuastro project webpage
Mailing list: gnuastro-develDeveloping mailing lists
Mailing list: help-gnuastrohelp-gnuastro mailing list
Mailing list: info-gnuastroVersion numbering
Mailing list: info-gnuastroAnnouncements
Mailing list: info-gnuastroSynchronizing
main functionMandatory source code files
Main parameters C structureMandatory source code files
main.cMandatory source code files
main.hMandatory source code files
Major version numberVersion numbering
MakeHow to run simultaneous operations
MakeMakefile extensions
make checkTests
MakefileReddest clumps cutouts and parallelization
MakeProfiles (astmkprof)MakeProfiles
Making a distribution packageDeveloper's checklist
Making profiles pixel by pixelDefining an ellipse and ellipsoid
Man pagesMan pages
Management hubGnuastro project webpage
Mandatory argumentsArguments and options
Mandatory arguments--usage
Manhattan distanceDimensions
Manhattan metricProcessing options
MANPATHInstallation directory
Mask (flag) imagesBitwise operators
Matching by k-d treeMatching
Mathematical morphologyMathematical morphology operators
Mathematical morphologyBinary datasets
MatplotlibAnnotations for figure in paper
matplotlibPixel visualization
Matplotlib, PythonProgram design philosophy
Matplotlib, PythonPGPLOT
MatrixLinear warping basics
Matrix (covariance)Fitting functions
Matrix multiplicationMerging multiple warpings
Matrix, adjacencyBinary datasets
MaximumStatistical operations
MeanQuantifying signal in a tile
MeanStatistical operations
MedianQuantifying signal in a tile
MedianStatistical operations
Median absolute deviation (MAD)MAD clipping
Median absolute deviation (MAD)Statistical operations
Memory managementMemory management
Memory managementGnuastro's thread related functions
Memory-mapped fileMemory management
Memory, non-volatileMemory management
Memory, volatileMemory management
Mercator projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
MeridianCoordinate and border operators
Meta imagePixel information images
Metacharacters on the command-line In case your arguments or option values contain any of the shell’s meta-characters, you have to quote them.Arguments and options
MetadataSufi simulates a detection
Metric: Manhattan, Taxicab, RadialProcessing options
MgII doubletSpectral lines library
Michelson, Albert. A.Science and its tools
MinimumStatistical operations
Minor version numberVersion numbering
Mixing pixel valuesConvolve
Mixing pixel valuesResampling
Möbius, August. F.Linear warping basics
Mode of a distributionSky value misconceptions
ModelingData modeling
Modeling starsStars
Modifying print bookA4 print book
ModularityReview of library fundamentals
Moffat betaPSF
Moffat functionPSF
Moiré pattern or fringesMoire pattern in stacking and its correction
Mollweide projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
MomentsMeasuring elliptical parameters
Monte carlo integrationSampling from a function
Multi-Extension FITSViewing FITS file contents with DS9 or TOPCAT
Multi-threaded operationQsort functions
Multi-threaded programsMulti-threaded operations
Multi-value columns (vector)Vector columns
Multiple file opening, reentrancyCFITSIO
Multiplication, MatrixLinear warping basics
Multiplication, matrixMerging multiple warpings
Multithreaded programmingMultithreaded programming
MUSEDetecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data
MUSEVector columns

Names of executablesExecutable names
Names, customizeExecutable names
Names, programsNaming convention
NaNGnuastro text table format
NaNStacking operators
NaNLinear warps to be called explicitly
NaNGenerating histograms and cumulative frequency plots
NaNDetection options
NaNLibrary blank values
NaNLibrary blank values
NaNLibrary blank values
NaNLibrary blank values
NaNFITS arrays
NaNQsort functions
NaN (Not a Number)Color for bright regions and grayscale for faint
NanomaggyImage surface brightness limit
NanomaggyUnit conversion operators
NanomaggyUnit conversion operators
NanomaggyUnit conversion operators
NanomaggyUnit conversion library
Narrow-band imageDimensionality changing operators
NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED)Available databases
Naval Observatory Merged Astrometric DatasetAvailable databases
Navigating source filesProgram source
Nearest-neighbor interpolationQuantifying signal in a tile
Necessary parametersConfiguration files
NED (NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database)Available databases
Neighbors, immediateBinary datasets
NGC5195Detecting large extended targets
Nights (dark or gray)Random number generators
NII doubletViewing spectra and redshifted lines
NII doubletSpectral lines library
No access to superuser installInstallation directory
NoiseNoise basics
NoiseQuantifying signal in a tile
Noise (correlated)Measuring the dataset limits
Noise (Gaussian)Least squares fitting
Noise simulationPhoton counting noise
Noise, correlatedNoiseChisel optimization for detection
Noise, correlatedSurface brightness limit of image
Noise, correlatedUpper limit surface brightness of image
Noise, instrumentalInstrumental noise
Non-commutative operationsMerging multiple warpings
Non-linear distortionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Non-linear distortionInterpolation
Non-linearity (CCDs)Uniting the different PSF components
Non-volatile memoryMemory management
Normalizing histogramHistogram and Cumulative Frequency Plot
Not a Number (NaN)Color for bright regions and grayscale for faint
nprocMulti-threaded operations
NumberStatistical operations
Number countMeasuring the dataset limits
Number of CPU threads to useOperating mode options
Number of CPU threads to useConfiguration files
Number of threads availableMulti-threaded operations
Number, versionVersion numbering
Numbers, complexInvoking astconvolve
Numbers, psuedo-randomGenerating random numbers
Numbers, randomGenerating random numbers
NumpyOptional dependencies

O-H lines (from atmosphere)Sky lines in optical IFUs
Object magnitude limitQuantifying measurement limits
Object oriented programmingWhy C
Observing strategyPointing pattern design
Offset (in observing strategy)Pointing pattern design
OII doubletSpectral lines library
OIII doubletSpectral lines library
On/Off optionsOptions
Online helpGetting help
OpeningAchieved surface brightness level
Opening (Mathematical morphology)Binary datasets
Opening multi-extension FITSViewing FITS file contents with DS9 or TOPCAT
OpenMPMultithreaded programming
openSUSEDependencies from package managers
Operations on filesData containers
Operations, non-commutativeMerging multiple warpings
Operator, structure de-referenceMandatory source code files
Optical distortionWarp
OptimizationInvoking astbuildprog
OptimizationBuilding and debugging
Optimization flagCoding conventions
Option valuesOptions
Optional and mandatory tokens--usage
OptionsInvoking astarithmetic
Options common to all programsCommon options
Options to programsArguments and options
Options, abbreviationOptions
Options, GNU styleOptions
Options, on/offOptions
Options, repeatedOptions
Options, short (-) and long (--)Options
Order in search directoryInstallation directory
Orthographic/synthesis projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
OutlierClipping outliers
OutlierSingle value measurements
OutliersQuantifying signal in a tile
Output file names, automaticAutomatic output
Output FITS headersOutput FITS files
Output, wrongReport a bug
Overflow, integerInteger benefits and pitfalls
OversampleSufi simulates a detection

pMandatory source code files
Package managersDependencies from package managers
pacmanDependencies from package managers
Pan-STARRS Data Release 1Available databases
Paper size, A4A4 print book
Paper size, US letterA4 print book
Parabolic projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Parametric PSFsPSF
ParsecsUnit conversion operators
ParsecsUnit conversion library
PATHInstallation directory
PDFRecognized file formats
PDFPixel visualization
PDFEPS files
PDFPDF files
PGFPlotsAnnotations for figure in paper
PGFPlots (LaTeX package)Column statistics color-magnitude diagram
PGFPlots (LaTeX package)2D histogram as an image
PGFplots in TeX or LaTeXProgram design philosophy
PGFplots in TeX or LaTeXPGPLOT
Phase angleInvoking astconvolve
photo-electronsSky value definition
Photon counting noisePhoton counting noise
Photon-starved imagesRandom number generators
Picture elementResampling
PixelDetecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data
Pixel by pixel making of profilesDefining an ellipse and ellipsoid
Pixel mixingPixel information images
Pixel mixingConvolve
Pixel mixingResampling
Pixel mixingResampling
Pixel scaleMoire pattern in stacking and its correction
Pixel scaleAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Pixel scaleSurface brightness limit of image
Pixelated graphicsRecognized file formats
PixelsPixel colors
Plain textRecognized file formats
Plank’s constant (h)Constants
Plate carree projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Plot, scatterColumn statistics color-magnitude diagram
Plot: contourContour options
Plotting directly in CPGPLOT
PNG standardColormaps for single-channel pixels
Point (Vector graphics; PostScript)Marking objects for publication
Point (Vector graphics; PostScript)Drawing with vector graphics
Point pixelsResampling
Point sourcePSF
Point spread functionTutorials
Point spread functionPSF
PointingMoire pattern in stacking and its correction
PointingPointing pattern simulation
PointingsPointing pattern design
Poisson distributionPhoton counting noise
Poisson distributionPhoton counting noise
Poisson noiseLarger steps sizes for better calibration
Poisson noiseRandom number generators
Poisson, Siméon DenisPhoton counting noise
Polyconic projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
PolygonCoordinate and border operators
Polygons, ConcaveCrop options
Polygons, ConcavePolygons
Polygons, ConvexCrop options
Polygons, ConvexPolygons
Polynomial fitFitting functions
Polynomial fit (robust)Fitting options
Polynomial interpolationInterpolation
PoolingPooling operators
Portable Document formatRecognized file formats
Portable scriptSeparate shell variables for multiple outputs
Portable shellInstalled scripts
Position angleMeasuring elliptical parameters
Position angleDefining an ellipse and ellipsoid
Position angleDimensions
POSIX threadsImplementation of pthread_barrier
POSIX ThreadsGnuastro's thread related functions
POSIX threads libraryMultithreaded programming
Post-fix notationReverse polish notation
Postage stamp imagesCrop
PostScriptRecognized file formats
PostScriptPixel visualization
PostScriptEPS files
PostScriptPDF files
PostScript pointDrawing with vector graphics
PostScript vs. PDFRecognized file formats
Pre-processor macrosHeaders
Precedence, configuration filesConfiguration file precedence
Precision of floatsPrinting floating point numbers
prefix/etc/gnuastro/System wide
Primary colorsPixel colors
printfTable input output
Printing floating point numbersPrinting floating point numbers
Prior WCS distortionWorld Coordinate System
Probability density functionPhoton counting noise
Probability density functionHistogram and Cumulative Frequency Plot
Probability density functionSky value misconceptions
Profile, profileGenerate radial profile
Profiles, galaxiesGalaxies
progname-complete.bashMandatory source code files
progname.c, progname.hMandatory source code files
prognameparamsMandatory source code files
Program crashingReport a bug
Program namesNaming convention
Program structure conventionProgram source
Programming, low levelWhy C
ProgramNameNaming convention
Projections (world coordinate system)Align pixels with WCS considering distortions
Projective transformationLinear warping basics
Proper distanceDistance on a 2D curved space
ProvenanceInvoking asttable
ProvenanceNew operands
Pseudo colorPixel colors
PSFSufi simulates a detection
PSF image sizePSF
PSF over-sampleOversampling
PSF widthPSF
PSF, Moffat compared GaussianPSF
Psuedo-random numbersGenerating random numbers
pthreadMulti-threaded operations
pthread_barrierImplementation of pthread_barrier
Ptolemy, ClaudiusSufi simulates a detection
Public domainYour rights
PurityExtract clumps and objects
PurityCompleteness limit of each detection
Puzzle solving scientistScience and its tools
PyPIOptional dependencies
PyPIGnuastro configure options
PythonGnuastro configure options
Python MatplotlibProgram design philosophy
Python MatplotlibPGPLOT
Python programming languageWhy C
Python3Optional dependencies

qsortQsort functions
Quadrilateralized spherical cube projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Quality of compression in JPEGConvertType input and output
QuantileSkewness caused by signal and its measurement
QuantileQuantifying signal in a tile
QuantileInput to Statistics
QuantileDetection options
QuantileStatistical operations
Quantile of the meanSingle value measurements
Qutb al-Din al-ShiraziFourier series historical background

Radial metricProcessing options
Radial profileVector columns
Radial profileLeast squares fitting
Radial profileGenerate radial profile
Radial profile on ellipseDefining an ellipse and ellipsoid
Radio astronomyAvailable databases
Radius, effectiveGalaxies
RAMMemory management
RAMText functions for Makefiles
RAMGnuastro's thread related functions
RAMBinary datasets
RAM usage (maximum)Text functions for Makefiles
Random number generationImage surface brightness limit
Random number generator, SeedGenerating random numbers
Random number generator, SeedGenerating random numbers
Random number generator, SeedUpper-limit settings
Random number generator, SeedSampling from a function
Random number generator, SeedMakeProfiles profile settings
Random numbersGenerating random numbers
Random row selectionInvoking asttable
Raster graphicsRaster and Vector graphics
Raster graphicsRecognized file formats
Readout noiseInstrumental noise
Red HatDependencies from package managers
RedirectionSufi simulates a detection
Redirection in shellWriting scripts to automate the steps
Redirection of output--help
Redirection of output--help
Reentrancy, multiple file openingCFITSIO
Region file (SAO DS9)Crop options
Region file (SAO DS9)SAO DS9 library
Remembering optionsGetting help
Remote operationCommand-line interface
Removing ast from executablesExecutable names
Repeated optionsOptions
Report a bugGnuastro project webpage
ReproducibilityInvoking asttable
ReproducibilityUpper-limit settings
ReproducibilityAstronomy functions for Makefiles
ReproducibilityWhy C
Reproducible bug reportsReport a bug
Reproducible resultsCommand-line interface
ResamplingAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
ResamplingAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Resampling by areaPixel information images
Resource heavy operationsCommand-line interface
Rest frame wavelengthCosmicCalculator spectral line calculations
Rest-frameSpectral lines library
Rest-frame wavelengthCosmicCalculator input options
restrictGeneric data container
Results, wrongReport a bug
Reverse Polish NotationReverse polish notation
RGBPixel colors
RHELDependencies from package managers
Right AscensionPointings that account for sky curvature
Right AscensionColumn arithmetic
Right AscensionArithmetic on datasets
Right AscensionUnit conversion library
Right AscensionUnit conversion library
Ritchie, DennisWhy C
Robust polynomial fitFitting options
Robust Polynomial fitFitting functions
Roger CotesCircles and the complex plane
Root access, not possibleInstallation directory
Root parameter structureMandatory source code files
Rotation of coordinatesLinear warping basics
Round-off errorInvoking astconvolve
Round-off errorPolygons
Row selection, by randomInvoking asttable

SamplingSampling from a function
Sampling theoremResampling
Sanson-Flamsteed projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
SAO DS9Reddest clumps cutouts and parallelization
SAO DS9Extract clumps and objects
SAO DS9Pixel visualization
SAO DS9Segment output
SAO DS9SAO DS9 library
SAO DS9 region fileCrop options
SAO DS9 region fileSAO DS9 library
Saturated pixelsInterpolation operators
Saturated starsInterpolation
Saturation (CCDs)Uniting the different PSF components
Save output to file--help
Saving binary imageRecognized file formats
Scales, coordinateAngular coverage on the sky
ScalingLinear warping basics
Scatter plotColumn statistics color-magnitude diagram
Scientific LinuxDependencies from package managers
Scientist, puzzle solverScience and its tools
Script, shellWriting scripts to automate the steps
Scripts, startupInstallation directory
Scroll command-line--help
SDSSImage surface brightness limit
SDSSZero point of an image
SDSSUnit conversion operators
SDSSBrightness flux magnitude
SDSS DR12Available databases
SDSS Photometric Catalogue, Release 12Available databases
SDSS vs. Johnson filtersZero point of an image
SDSS, Sloan Digital Sky SurveyDetecting large extended targets
Search directory for executablesInstallation directory
Search directory orderInstallation directory
Searching text--help
Second momentMeasuring elliptical parameters
Section of an imageCrop
Secure shellCommand-line interface
SED, stream editorExecutable names
Seed, random number generatorImage surface brightness limit
Seed, Random number generatorGenerating random numbers
Seed, Random number generatorGenerating random numbers
Seed, Random number generatorUpper-limit settings
Seed, Random number generatorSampling from a function
Seed, Random number generatorMakeProfiles profile settings
SeeingPointing pattern simulation
sequent WCS distortionWorld Coordinate System
Sérsic indexGalaxies
Sérsic profileMorphology measurements nonparametric
Sérsic profileGalaxies
Sérsic, J. L.Galaxies
Setting output file names automaticallyAutomatic output
Setting PATHInstallation directory
SexagesimalColumn arithmetic
SexagesimalCrop options
SexagesimalArithmetic on datasets
SHA-1 checksumDownloading and validating input data
Shapes for marks (vector graphics)Drawing with vector graphics
Shared libraryLinking
Shared library versioningLinking
ShearLinear warping basics
ShebangWriting scripts to automate the steps
ShellCommand-line interface
ShellArguments and options
Shell aliasInvoking astnoisechisel
Shell aliasInvoking astmkprof
Shell auto-completeExecutable names
Shell historyWriting scripts to automate the steps
Shell redirectionWriting scripts to automate the steps
Shell scriptWriting scripts to automate the steps
Shell startupInvoking astnoisechisel
Shell startupInvoking astmkprof
Shell variablesInstallation directory
Shell, portableInstalled scripts
Shift + PageUP and Shift + PageDown--help
SI (International System of Units)Brightness flux magnitude
Sigma-clippingStacking operators
Sigma-clippingSky value misconceptions
Sigma-clippingStatistical operations
SignalQuantifying signal in a tile
Signal to noise ratioWarp
Signal to noise ratioResampling
Signal-to-noise ratioQuantifying signal in a tile
Signed integerNumeric data types
SII doubletSpectral lines library
Simulating noisePhoton counting noise
Simultaneous multithreadingMulti-threaded operations
Single channel CMYKColormaps for single-channel pixels
SIP distortionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
SIP WCS distortionKeyword inspection and manipulation
SIP WCS distortionWorld Coordinate System
SIP WCS distortionWorld Coordinate System
size_tOrdered list of size_t
size_tDoubly linked ordered list of size_t
Skewed Poisson distributionPhoton counting noise
SkewnessSkewness caused by signal and its measurement
SkewnessQuantifying signal in a tile
SkewnessBrightness measurements
SkySky lines in optical IFUs
SkySky value
Sky emission-linesSky lines in optical IFUs
Sky lineInterpolation
Sky valuePreparing input and generating exposure map
Sky valuePhoton counting noise
Sky valueSky value definition
Sky valueSky value definition
Slant zenithal projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Sloan Digital Sky Survey, SDSSDetecting large extended targets
SLS ColorPixel visualization
Small circleCoordinate and border operators
Software bugReport a bug
Source code buildingDependencies from package managers
Source code compilationDependencies from package managers
Source file navigationProgram source
Source treeTest scripts
Source, uncompressQuick start
SpectrumDetecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data
SpectrumVector columns
SpectrumMeasurements per slice spectra
Spectrum (of astronomical source)Measurements per slice spectra
Spectrum, FourierInvoking astconvolve
Speed of lightConstants
Spline (Akima) interpolationInterpolation
Spline (cubic) interpolationInterpolation
Spread of a point sourcePSF
SSDConfigure and build in RAM
SSHCommand-line interface
StackingMoire pattern in stacking and its correction
StackingStacking operators
StackingRandom number generators
StackingAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Stacking through sigma-clippingStacking operators
Standard deviationMeasuring elliptical parameters
Standard deviationStatistical operations
Standard error of meanStandard deviation vs error
Standard inputInput output options
Standard inputStandard input
Standard inputSeparate shell variables for multiple outputs
Standard inputAutomatic output
Standard inputConvertType input and output
Standard inputInvoking aststatistics
Standard inputText files
Standard outputSufi simulates a detection
Standard outputInvoking asttable
Standard output streamStandard input
Standard, FITSGeneric data container
Star formation main sequenceLeast squares fitting
Stars, modelingStars
Startup scriptsInstallation directory
Startup scriptsGenerating random numbers
Startup, shellInvoking astnoisechisel
Startup, shellInvoking astmkprof
Static document description formatRecognized file formats
Static linkingLinking
Statistical analysisScience and its tools
Steffen interpolationInterpolation
SteradianBrightness flux magnitude
Stereographic projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Stitch multiple imagesCrop
Stream editor, SEDExecutable names
Stream: standard inputStandard input
Stream: standard outputStandard input
StridePooling operators
Stroustrup, BjarneScience and its tools
Stroustrup, BjarneWhy C
Structure de-reference operatorMandatory source code files
Subaru TelescopeTessellation
Submit new tracker itemReport a bug
Suffix (filename)Arguments
Suffixes, EPS formatRecognized file formats
Suffixes, JPEG imagesRecognized file formats
Suffixes, PDF formatRecognized file formats
Suffixes, plain textRecognized file formats
Sufi, Abd al-rahmanSufi simulates a detection
SumStatistical operations
Sum for total fluxProfile magnitude
Supergalactic coordinate systemKeyword inspection and manipulation
Supergalactic coordinate systemWorld Coordinate System
Superuser, not possibleInstallation directory
Support request managerReport a bug
Surface BrightnessFITS images in a publication
Surface brightnessAchieved surface brightness level
Surface brightnessBrightness flux magnitude
Surface brightnessSurface brightness limit of image
Surface BrightnessArithmetic on datasets
Surface BrightnessUnit conversion library
Surface brightness errorSurface brightness error of each detection
Surface brightness limitImage surface brightness limit
Surface brightness limitSurface brightness limit of image
Surface brightness limitMakeCatalog output
SUSE Linux Enterprise ServerDependencies from package managers
SVO database (filter transmission curve)Zero point of an image
Symbolic linkExecutable names
System CacheA note on threads
System wide configuration filesSystem wide

Table viewerTOPCAT
Tables FITSRecognized table formats
Tabs are evilCoding conventions
TAN in WCS (Gnomonic projection)Area of non-blank pixels on sky
Tangential spherical cube projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
TAP (Table Access Protocol)Query
Task trackerReport a bug
Taxicab metricProcessing options
Terminal (true color, 24 bit)Vector graphics colors
TestQuick start
Test scriptsTest scripts
Tests, error in converting imagesKnown issues
Tests, only one passesKnown issues
Tests, runningTests
tests/during-dev.shBuilding and debugging
TeXKnown issues
TeXRecognized file formats
TeX LiveBootstrapping dependencies
Thread safetyWorld Coordinate System
Thread safetyQsort functions
ThresholdingBinary datasets
TIFF formatOptional dependencies
TIFF formatGnuastro configure options
TIFF formatRecognized file formats
TIFF formatTIFF files
TiKZAnnotations for figure in paper
Tilde expansion as option valuesOptions
Time zoneInvoking astscript-sort-by-night
Time, Unix epochKeyword inspection and manipulation
Time, Unix epochColumn arithmetic
Time, Unix epochSort FITS files by night
TimeoutInput output options
tmpfs file systemConfigure and build in RAM
TokensVector columns
Top processing source fileMandatory source code files
Top root structureMandatory source code files
TPD WCS distortionWorld Coordinate System
TPV distortionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
TPV WCS distortionKeyword inspection and manipulation
TPV WCS distortionWorld Coordinate System
TPV WCS distortionWorld Coordinate System
TrackerReport a bug
TrackerGnuastro project webpage
Trailing spaceCoding conventions
Transform imageMakeProfiles
Transformation, affineLinear warping basics
Transformation, projectiveLinear warping basics
Transmission curve of filtersZero point of an image
TrigonometryTrigonometric and hyperbolic operators
True color terminalVector graphics colors
Truncation radiusProfile magnitude
Tukey’s biweight (bisquare) functionFitting options
Turn over point (angular diameter distance)Cosmological coverage and visualizing tables
TypeNumeric data types

U.S. Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph CatalogAvailable databases
UbuntuDependencies from package managers
ui.cMandatory source code files
ui.hMandatory source code files
Uncompress sourceQuick start
Undetected objectsPhoton counting noise
Universal time coordinate (UTC)Invoking astscript-sort-by-night
Unix epoch timeKeyword inspection and manipulation
Unix epoch timeColumn arithmetic
Unix epoch timeSort FITS files by night
Unix epoch timeFITS header keywords
Unsigned integerNumeric data types
Upper limit magnitudeUpper limit magnitude of each detection
Upper-limitMeasuring the dataset limits
US letter paper sizeA4 print book
Usage pattern--usage
User interface functionsMandatory source code files
Using CPU threadsMulti-threaded operations
Using multiple CPU coresMulti-threaded operations
Using multiple threadsA note on threads
UTC (Universal time coordinate)Invoking astscript-sort-by-night

ValgrindGnuastro configure options
ValgrindGnuastro configure options
ValgrindSeparate build and source directories
ValgrindSeparate build and source directories
Values to optionsOptions
VarianceMeasuring elliptical parameters
Variance-covariance matrixFitting functions
Vatican libraryFits
Vector columnsVector columns
Vector graphicsRaster and Vector graphics
Vector graphicsRecognized file formats
Vector graphics pointDrawing with vector graphics
Verification, checksumDownloading and validating input data
Version controlReport a bug
Version controlVersion controlled source
Version control systemsOptional dependencies
Version control systemsGnuastro configure options
Version numberVersion numbering
Versioning: Shared libraryLinking
Vertices on sphere (sky)Coordinate and border operators
Viewing trackersReport a bug
VignettingAccounting for non-exposed pixels
VignettingPointing pattern simulation
Viridis: ColormapPixel visualization
Virtual consoleCommand-line interface
VisualizationColormaps for single-channel pixels
VizieRAvailable databases
void *Generic data container
Volatile memoryMemory management
VOTableAvailable databases
VoxelDetecting lines and extracting spectra in 3D data

Wall-clock timeA note on threads
Wassel, CasparCircles and the complex plane
WAT WCS distortionWorld Coordinate System
Watershed algorithmSegment
Watershed algorithmLabeled datasets
Wavelength flux densityUnit conversion operators
Wavelength, rest-frameCosmicCalculator input options
WCS distortionKeyword inspection and manipulation
WCS distortionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
WCS distortionWorld Coordinate System
WCS distortionWorld Coordinate System
WCS distortionInterpolation
WCS ProjectionsAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
WCS: World Coordinate SystemColumn arithmetic
WCSLIBAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
WCSLIBLinear warps to be called explicitly
WCSLIB thread safetyWorld Coordinate System
Web colorsVector graphics colors
Wedge (radial profile)Invoking astscript-radial-profile
Weight (in fitting)Fitting functions
Weight (in fitting)Fitting functions
Weighted averageConvolve
Welsch function (robust weight)Fitting options
White space characterConfiguration file format
Whole-Sky USNO-B1.0 CatalogAvailable databases
Wide Field Camera 3Warp
Wide Field Camera 3Linear warping basics
William ThomsonScience and its tools
Window Subsystem for LinuxNew to GNU/Linux?
WISE All-Sky data ReleaseAvailable databases
World Coordinate SystemWCSLIB
World Coordinate SystemLinear warps to be called explicitly
World Coordinate System (WCS)Column arithmetic
World Coordinate System (WCS)Dimensionality changing operators
World Coordinate System (WCS)Surface brightness limit of image
Writing configuration filesConfiguration file format
Wrong outputReport a bug
Wrong resultsReport a bug

xargs (extended arguments)Separate shell variables for multiple outputs
XDF surveyGeneral program usage tutorial
XDF surveySurface brightness limit of image

yumDependencies from package managers

Zenithal/azimuthal equal area projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Zenithal/azimuthal equidistant projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Zenithal/azimuthal polynomial projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Zenithal/azimuthal projectionAlign pixels with WCS considering distortions
Zero as blank/NaNColor for bright regions and grayscale for faint
Zero pointSufi simulates a detection
Zero pointZero point estimation
Zero point changeUnit conversion operators
Zero point changeUnit conversion library
Zero point magnitudeImage surface brightness limit
Zero point magnitudeBrightness flux magnitude
Zsh shellSeparate shell variables for multiple outputs
zypper, OpenSUSE package managerDependencies from package managers