GNU Astronomy Utilities

7.4.7 Invoking MakeCatalog

MakeCatalog will do measurements and produce a catalog from a labeled dataset and optional values dataset(s). The executable name is astmkcatalog with the following general template

$ astmkcatalog [OPTION ...] InputImage.fits

One line examples:

## Create catalog with RA, Dec, Magnitude and Magnitude error,
## from Segment's output:
$ astmkcatalog --ra --dec --magnitude seg-out.fits

## Same catalog as above (using short options):
$ astmkcatalog -rdm seg-out.fits

## Write the catalog to a text table:
$ astmkcatalog -rdm seg-out.fits --output=cat.txt

## Output columns specified in `columns.conf':
$ astmkcatalog --config=columns.conf seg-out.fits

## Use object and clump labels from a K-band image, but pixel values
## from an i-band image.
$ astmkcatalog K_segmented.fits --hdu=DETECTIONS --clumpscat     \
               --clumpsfile=K_segmented.fits --clumpshdu=CLUMPS  \

If MakeCatalog is to do processing (not printing help or option values), an input labeled image should be provided. The options described in this section are those that are particular to MakeProfiles. For operations that MakeProfiles shares with other programs (mainly involving input/output or general processing steps), see Common options. Also see Common program behavior for some general characteristics of all Gnuastro programs including MakeCatalog.

The various measurements/columns of MakeCatalog are requested as options, either on the command-line or in configuration files, see Configuration files. The full list of available columns is available in MakeCatalog measurements. Depending on the requested columns, MakeCatalog needs more than one input dataset, for more details, please see MakeCatalog inputs and basic settings. The upper-limit measurements in particular need several configuration options which are thoroughly discussed in Upper-limit settings. Finally, in MakeCatalog output the output file(s) created by MakeCatalog are discussed.