GNU Astronomy Utilities

5.2.4 Annotations for figure in paper

To make a nice figure from your FITS images, it is important to show more than merely the raw image (converted to a printer friendly format like PDF or JPEG). Annotations (or visual metadata) over the raw image greatly help the readers clearly see your argument and put the image/result in a larger context. Examples include:

Because of the modular philosophy of Gnuastro, ConvertType is only focused on converting your FITS images to printer friendly formats like JPEG or PDF. But to present your results in a slide or paper, you will often need to annotate the raw JPEG or PDF with some of the features above. The good news is that there are many powerful plotting programs that you can use to add such annotations. As a result, there is no point in making a new one, specific to Gnuastro. In this section, we will demonstrate this using the very powerful PGFPlots134 package of LaTeX.

Single script for easy running: In this section we are reviewing the reason and details of every step which is good for educational purposes. But when you know the steps already, these separate code blocks can be annoying. Therefore the full script (except for the data download step) is available in Full script of annotations on figure.

PGFPlots uses the same LaTeX graphic engine that typesets your paper/slide. Therefore when you build your plots and figures using PGFPlots (and its underlying package PGF/TiKZ135) your plots will blend beautifully within your text: same fonts, same colors, same line properties, etc. Since most papers (and presentation slides136) are made with LaTeX, PGFPlots is therefore the best tool for those who use LaTeX to create documents. PGFPlots also does not need any extra dependencies beyond a basic/minimal TeX-live installation, so it is much more reliable than tools like Matplotlib in Python that have hundreds of fast-evolving dependencies137.

To demonstrate this, we will create a surface brightness image of a galaxy in the F160W filter of the ABYSS survey138. In the code-block below, let’s make a “build” directory to keep intermediate files and avoid populating the source. Afterwards, we will download the full image and crop out a 20 arcmin wide image around the galaxy with the commands below. You can run these commands in an empty directory.

$ mkdir build
$ wget
$ astcrop ah_f160w.fits --center=53.1616278,-27.7802446 --mode=wcs \
          --width=20/3600 --output=build/crop.fits

To better show the low surface brightness (LSB) outskirts, we will warp the image, then convert the pixel units to surface brightness with the commands below. It is very important that the warping is done before the conversion to surface brightness (in units of mag/arcsec\(^2\)), because the definition of surface brightness is non-linear. For more, see the surface brightness topic of Brightness, Flux, Magnitude and Surface brightness, and for a more complete tutorial, see FITS images in a publication.

$ zeropoint=25.94
$ astwarp build/crop.fits --centeroncorner --scale=1/3 \
$ pixarea=$(astfits build/scaled.fits --pixelareaarcsec2)
$ astarithmetic build/scaled.fits $zeropoint $pixarea counts-to-sb \

We are now ready to convert the surface brightness image into a PDF. To better show the LSB features, we will also limit the color range with the --fluxlow and --fluxhigh options: all pixels with a surface brightness brighter than 22 mag/arcsec\(^2\) will be shown as black, and all pixels with a surface brightness fainter than 30 mag/arcsec\(^2\) will be white. These thresholds are being defined as variables, because we will also need them below (to pass into PGFPlots). We will also set --borderwidth=0, because the coordinate system we will add over the image will effectively be a border for the image (separating it from the background).

$ sblow=22
$ sbhigh=30
$ astconvertt build/sb.fits --colormap=gray --borderwidth=0 \
              --fluxhigh=$sbhigh --fluxlow=$sblow --output=build/sb.pdf

Please open sb.pdf and have a look. Also, please open sb.fits in DS9 (or any other FITS viewer) and play with the color range. Can the surface brightness limits be changed to better show the LSB structure? If so, you are free to change the limits above.

We now have the printable PDF representation of the image, but as discussed above, it is not enough for a paper. We will add 1) a thick line showing the size of 20 kpc (kilo parsecs) at the redshift of the central galaxy, 2) coordinates and 3) a color bar, showing the surface brightness level of each grayscale level.

To get the first job done, we first need to know the redshift of the central galaxy. To do this, we can use Gnuastro’s Query program to look into all the objects in NED within this image (only asking for the RA, Dec and redshift columns). We will then use the Match program to find the NED entry that corresponds to our galaxy.

$ astquery ned --dataset=objdir --overlapwith=build/sb.fits \
           --column=ra,dec,z --output=ned.fits
$ astmatch ned.fits -h1 --coord=53.1616278,-27.7802446 \
           --ccol1=RA,Dec --aperture=1/3600
$ redshift=$(asttable ned_matched.fits -cz)
$ echo $redshift

Now that we know the redshift of the central object, we can define the coordinates of the thick line that will show the length of 20 kpc at that redshift. It will be a horizontal line (fixed Declination) across a range of RA. The start of this thick line will be located at the top edge of the image (at the 95-percent of the width and height of the image). With the commands below we will find the three necessary parameters (one declination and two RAs). Just note that in astronomical images, RA increases to the left/east, which is the reason we are using the minimum and + to find the RA starting point.

$ scalelineinkpc=20
$ coverage=$(astfits build/sb.fits --skycoverage --quiet | awk 'NR==2')
$ scalelinedec=$(echo      $coverage | awk '{print $4-($4-$3)*0.05}')
$ scalelinerastart=$(echo  $coverage | awk '{print $1+($2-$1)*0.05}')
$ scalelineraend=$(astcosmiccal --redshift=$redshift --arcsectandist \
                      | awk '{start='$scalelinerastart'; \
                             width='$scalelineinkpc'/$1/3600; \
                             print start+width}')

To draw coordinates over the image, we need to feed these values into PGFPlots. But manually entering numbers into the PGFPlots source will be very frustrating and prone to many errors! Fortunately there is an easy way to do this: LaTeX macros. New macros are defined by this LaTeX command:


Anywhere that LaTeX confronts \macroname, it will replace value when building the output. We will have one file called macros.tex in the build directory and define macros based on those values. We will use the shell’s printf command to write these macro definition lines into the macro file. We just have to use double backslashes in the printf command, because backslash is a meaningful character for printf, but we want to keep one of them. Also, we put a \n at the end of each line, otherwise, all the commands will go into a single line of the macro file. We will also place the random ‘ma’ string at the start of all our LaTeX macros to help identify the macros for this plot.

$ macros=build/macros.tex
$ printf '\\newcommand{\\maScaleDec}'"{$scalelinedec}\n" > $macros
$ printf '\\newcommand{\\maScaleRAa}'"{$scalelinerastart}\n" >> $macros
$ printf '\\newcommand{\\maScaleRAb}'"{$scalelineraend}\n" >> $macros
$ printf '\\newcommand{\\maScaleKpc}'"{$scalelineinkpc}\n" >> $macros
$ printf '\\newcommand{\\maCenterZ}'"{$redshift}\n" >> $macros

Please open the macros file after these commands and have a look to see if they do conform to the expected format above. Another set of macros we will need to feed into PGFPlots is the coordinates of the image corners. Fortunately the coverage variable found above is also useful here. We just need to extract each item before feeding it into the macros. To do this, we will use AWK and keep each value with the temporary shell variable ‘v’.

$ v=$(echo $coverage | awk '{print $1}')
$ printf '\\newcommand{\\maCropRAMin}'"{$v}\n" >> $macros
$ v=$(echo $coverage | awk '{print $2}')
$ printf '\\newcommand{\\maCropRAMax}'"{$v}\n" >> $macros
$ v=$(echo $coverage | awk '{print $3}')
$ printf '\\newcommand{\\maCropDecMin}'"{$v}\n" >> $macros
$ v=$(echo $coverage | awk '{print $4}')
$ printf '\\newcommand{\\maCropDecMax}'"{$v}\n" >> $macros

Finally, we also need to pass some other numbers to PGFPlots: 1) the major tick distance (in the coordinate axes that will be printed on the edge of the image). We will assume 7 ticks for this image. 2) The minimum and maximum surface brightness values that we gave to ConvertType when making the PDF; PGFPlots will define its color-bar based on these two values.

$ v=$(echo $coverage | awk '{print ($2-$1)/7}')
$ printf '\\newcommand{\\maTickDist}'"{$v}\n" >> $macros
$ printf '\\newcommand{\\maSBlow}'"{$sblow}\n" >> $macros
$ printf '\\newcommand{\\maSBhigh}'"{$sbhigh}\n" >> $macros

All the necessary numbers are now ready. Please copy the contents below into a file called my-figure.tex. This is the PGFPlots source for this particular plot. Besides the coordinates and scale-line, we will also add some text over the image and an orange arrow pointing to the central object with its redshift printed over it. The parameters are generally human-readable, so you should be able to get a good feeling of every line. There are also comments which will show up as a different color when you copy this into a plain-text editor.


  %% Define the coordinates and colorbar
      axis on top,
      x dir=reverse,
      scale only axis,
      minor tick num=10,
      every tick/.style={black},
      xtick distance=\maTickDist,
      ytick distance=\maTickDist,
      yticklabel style={rotate=90},
      ylabel={Declination (degrees)},
      xlabel={Right Ascension (degrees)},
      ticklabel style={font=\small,
        /pgf/number format/.cd, precision=4,/tikz/.cd},
      x label style={at={(axis description cs:0.5,0.02)},
      y label style={at={(axis description cs:0.07,0.5)},
      colormap name=gray,
      point meta min=\maSBlow,
      point meta max=\maSBhigh,
      colorbar style={
        ylabel={Surface brightness (mag/arcsec$^2$)},
        yticklabel style={
          /pgf/number format/.cd, precision=1, /tikz/.cd},
        y label style={at={(axis description cs:5.3,0.5)},

    %% Put the image in the proper positions of the plot.
    \addplot graphics[ xmin=\maCropRAMin,  xmax=\maCropRAMax,
                       ymin=\maCropDecMin, ymax=\maCropDecMax]

    %% Draw the scale factor.
    \addplot[black, line width=5, name=scaleline] coordinates
            {(\maScaleRAa,\maScaleDec) (\maScaleRAb,\maScaleDec)}
            node [anchor=north west] {\large $\maScaleKpc$ kpc};

  %% Add some text anywhere over the plot. The text is added two
  %% times: the first time with a white background (that with a
  %% certain opacity), the second time just the text with opacity.
  \node[anchor=south west, fill=white, opacity=0.5]
       at (0.01\linewidth,0.01\linewidth)
       {(a) Text can be added here};
  \node[anchor=south west]
       at (0.01\linewidth,0.01\linewidth)
       {(a) Text can be added here};

  %% Add an arrow to highlight certain structures.
  \draw [->, red!70!yellow, line width=5]
  -- node [anchor=south, rotate=45]{$z=\maCenterZ$}

Finally, we need another simple LaTeX source for the main PDF “report” that will host this figure. This can actually be your paper or slides for example. Here, we will suffice to the minimal working example.


%% Import the TiKZ package and activate its "external" feature.

%% PGFPlots (which uses TiKZ).
\pgfplotsset{axis line style={thick}}
  /pgfplots/colormap={gray}{rgb255=(0,0,0) rgb255=(255,255,255)}

%% Import the macros.

%% Start document.
You can write anything here.

%% Add the figure and its caption.
  \caption{A demo image.}

%% Finish the document.

You are now ready to create the PDF. But LaTeX creates many temporary files, so to avoid populating our top-level directory, we will copy the two .tex files into the build directory, go there and run LaTeX. Before running it though, we will first delete all the files that have the name pattern *-figure0*, these are “external” files created by TiKZ+PGFPlots, including the actual PDF of the figure.

$ cp report.tex my-figure.tex build
$ cd build
$ rm -f *-figure0*
$ pdflatex -shell-escape -halt-on-error report.tex

You now have the full “report” in report.pdf. Try adding some extra text on top of the figure, or in the caption and re-running the last four commands. Also try changing the 20kpc scale line length to 50kpc, or try changing the redshift, to see how the length and text of the thick scale-line will automatically change. But the good news is that you also have the raw PDF of the figure that you can use in other places. You can see that file in report-figure0.pdf.

In a larger paper, you can add multiple such figures (with different .tex files that are placed in different figure environments with different captions). Each figure will get a number in the build directory. TiKZ also allows setting a file name for each “external” figure (to avoid such numbers that can be annoying if the image orders are changed). PGFPlots is also highly customizable, you can make a lot of changes and customizations. Both TiKZ139 and PGFPLots140 have wonderful manuals, so have a look trough them.





To build slides, LaTeX has packages like Beamer, see


See Figure 1 of Alliez et al. 2019.


