GNU Astronomy Utilities Synchronizing

The bootstrapping script (see Bootstrapping) is not regularly needed: you mainly need it after you have cloned Gnuastro (once) and whenever you want to re-import the files from Gnulib, or Autoconf archives96 (not too common). However, Gnuastro developers are constantly working on Gnuastro and are pushing their changes to the official repository. Therefore, your local Gnuastro clone will soon be out-dated. Gnuastro has two mailing lists dedicated to its developing activities (see Developing mailing lists). Subscribing to them can help you decide when to synchronize with the official repository.

To pull all the most recent work in Gnuastro, run the following command from the top Gnuastro directory. If you do not already have a built system, ignore make distclean. The separate steps are described in detail afterwards.

$ make distclean && git pull && autoreconf -f

You can also run the commands separately:

$ make distclean
$ git pull
$ autoreconf -f

If Gnuastro was already built in this directory, you do not want some outputs from the previous version being mixed with outputs from the newly pulled work. Therefore, the first step is to clean/delete all the built files with make distclean. Fortunately the GNU build system allows the separation of source and built files (in separate directories). This is a great feature to keep your source directory clean and you can use it to avoid the cleaning step. Gnuastro comes with a script with some useful options for this job. It is useful if you regularly pull recent changes, see Separate build and source directories.

After the pull, we must re-configure Gnuastro with autoreconf -f (part of GNU Autoconf). It will update the ./configure script and all the Makefile.in97 files based on the hand-written configurations (in and the files). After running autoreconf -f, a warning about TEXI2DVI might show up, you can ignore that.

The most important reason for rebuilding Gnuastro’s build system is to generate/update the version number for your updated Gnuastro snapshot. This generated version number will include the commit information (see Version numbering). The version number is included in nearly all outputs of Gnuastro’s programs, therefore it is vital for reproducing an old result.

As a summary, be sure to run ‘autoreconf -f’ after every change in the Git history. This includes synchronization with the main server or even a commit you have made yourself.

If you would like to see what has changed since you last synchronized your local clone, you can take the following steps instead of the simple command above (do not type anything after #):

$ git checkout master             # Confirm if you are on master.
$ git fetch origin                # Fetch all new commits from server.
$ git log master..origin/master   # See all the new commit messages.
$ git merge origin/master         # Update your master branch.
$ autoreconf -f                   # Update the build system.

By default git log prints the most recent commit first, add the --reverse option to see the changes chronologically. To see exactly what has been changed in the source code along with the commit message, add a -p option to the git log.

If you want to make changes in the code, have a look at Developing to get started easily. Be sure to commit your changes in a separate branch (keep your master branch to follow the official repository) and re-run autoreconf -f after the commit. If you intend to send your work to us, you can safely use your commit since it will be ultimately recorded in Gnuastro’s official history. If not, please upload your separate branch to a public hosting service, for example, Codeberg, and link to it in your report/paper. Alternatively, run make distcheck and upload the output gnuastro-X.X.X.XXXX.tar.gz to a publicly accessible web page so your results can be considered scientific (reproducible) later.


(96) is defined for you to check if significant (for Gnuastro) updates are made in these repositories, since the last time you pulled from them.


In the GNU build system, ./configure will use the files to create the necessary Makefile files that are later read by make to build the package.