Quasi-Random Sequences¶
This chapter describes functions for generating quasi-random sequences
in arbitrary dimensions. A quasi-random sequence progressively covers a
-dimensional space with a set of points that are uniformly
distributed. Quasi-random sequences are also known as low-discrepancy
sequences. The quasi-random sequence generators use an interface that
is similar to the interface for random number generators, except that
seeding is not required—each generator produces a single sequence.
The functions described in this section are declared in the header file
Quasi-random number generator initialization¶
type gsl_qrng¶
This is a workspace for computing quasi-random sequences.
gsl_qrng *gsl_qrng_alloc(const gsl_qrng_type *T, unsigned int d)¶
This function returns a pointer to a newly-created instance of a quasi-random sequence generator of type
and dimensiond
. If there is insufficient memory to create the generator then the function returns a null pointer and the error handler is invoked with an error code ofGSL_ENOMEM
Sampling from a quasi-random number generator¶
int gsl_qrng_get(const gsl_qrng *q, double x[])¶
This function stores the next point from the sequence generator
in the arrayx
. The space available forx
must match the dimension of the generator. The pointx
will lie in the rangefor each
. An inline version of this function is used when
is defined.
Auxiliary quasi-random number generator functions¶
const char *gsl_qrng_name(const gsl_qrng *q)¶
This function returns a pointer to the name of the generator.
size_t gsl_qrng_size(const gsl_qrng *q)¶
void *gsl_qrng_state(const gsl_qrng *q)¶
These functions return a pointer to the state of generator
and its size. You can use this information to access the state directly. For example, the following code will write the state of a generator to a stream:void * state = gsl_qrng_state (q); size_t n = gsl_qrng_size (q); fwrite (state, n, 1, stream);
Saving and restoring quasi-random number generator state¶
Quasi-random number generator algorithms¶
The following quasi-random sequence algorithms are available,
type gsl_qrng_type¶
gsl_qrng_type *gsl_qrng_niederreiter_2¶
This generator uses the algorithm described in Bratley, Fox, Niederreiter, ACM Trans. Model. Comp. Sim. 2, 195 (1992). It is valid up to 12 dimensions.
gsl_qrng_type *gsl_qrng_sobol¶
This generator uses the Sobol sequence described in Antonov, Saleev, USSR Comput. Maths. Math. Phys. 19, 252 (1980). It is valid up to 40 dimensions.
gsl_qrng_type *gsl_qrng_halton¶
gsl_qrng_type *gsl_qrng_reversehalton¶
These generators use the Halton and reverse Halton sequences described in J.H. Halton, Numerische Mathematik, 2, 84-90 (1960) and B. Vandewoestyne and R. Cools Computational and Applied Mathematics, 189, 1&2, 341-361 (2006). They are valid up to 1229 dimensions.
gsl_qrng_type *gsl_qrng_niederreiter_2¶
The following program prints the first 1024 points of the 2-dimensional Sobol sequence.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_qrng.h>
main (void)
int i;
gsl_qrng * q = gsl_qrng_alloc (gsl_qrng_sobol, 2);
for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
double v[2];
gsl_qrng_get (q, v);
printf ("%.5f %.5f\n", v[0], v[1]);
gsl_qrng_free (q);
return 0;
Here is the output from the program:
$ ./a.out
0.50000 0.50000
0.75000 0.25000
0.25000 0.75000
0.37500 0.37500
0.87500 0.87500
0.62500 0.12500
0.12500 0.62500
It can be seen that successive points progressively fill-in the spaces between previous points.
Fig. 4 shows the distribution in the x-y plane of the first 1024 points from the Sobol sequence,

Fig. 4 Distribution of the first 1024 points from the quasi-random Sobol sequence¶
The implementations of the quasi-random sequence routines are based on the algorithms described in the following paper,
P. Bratley and B.L. Fox and H. Niederreiter, “Algorithm 738: Programs to Generate Niederreiter’s Low-discrepancy Sequences”, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol.: 20, No.: 4, December, 1994, p.: 494–495.