GNU arch has been decommissioned. It has been superceded by GNU Bazaar

GNU arch

 [image of the GNU arch octopus squirting ink] [ English | Esperanto | Japanese ]

Table of Contents

Introduction to arch

GNU arch is a revision control system, similar in purpose to tools such as CVS, SCCS, and Subversion. It is used to keep track of the changes made to a source tree and to help programmers combine and otherwise manipulate changes made by multiple people or at different times.

GNU arch has some features that make it particularly useful for public free software projects: it's easy to learn; it's inexpensive and easy to administer; it's a distributed system so there's no need to give write permission to every project participant; it has excellent support for the kinds of branching and merging that can make a free software project team shine.

Another goal of the arch project is to help free software development projects work better: migrating from CVS or another system to arch should help your project operate more effectively. If you maintain a GNU or other free software project, please consider joining the gnu-arch-users mailing list and exploring how arch can benefit your efforts.

GNU Arch was created and written mainly by Tom Lord. GNU Arch 1 (also known as tla) is currently maintained by Andy Tai.

Downloading arch

GNU arch can be found on [via HTTP] and [via FTP]. It can also be found on one of our FTP mirrors. The latest release is version 1.3.5.

Snapshots of the latest development sources can be found at and prerelease candidates of the next version can be found at

Development source can be obtained following these steps:

(assuming you have a copy of tla; if not, download an official release or a snapshot and build)

Once you have "tla" in your path, to check out for the first time, do

  cd your_work_directory
  tla register-archive
  tla register-archive
  tla get tla--atai-dists--1.3.4 tlasrc
  cd tlasrc
  tla build-config config
Then, afterwards, you can
   cd tlasrc/tla
   tla update
to sync your copy with the latest source. The official sources are signed with this PGP public key

arch Links

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Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.

Updated: $Date: 2021/05/01 02:58:55 $ $Author: bandali $