. |
| .emacs file | Emacs Initialization |
| .emacs file, beginning of | Beginning init File |
' |
| ' for quoting | Run a Program |
( |
| (debug) in code | debug-on-quit |
* |
| * (multiplication) | defun |
| * for read-only buffer | Read-only buffer |
| *scratch* buffer | print-elements-of-list |
/ |
| / (division) | Large buffer case |
% |
| % (remainder function) | Compute a Remainder |
< |
| <= (less than or equal) | Inc Example parts |
> |
| > (greater than) | if in more detail |
A |
| Accumulate, type of recursive pattern | Accumulate |
| add-hook | Text and Auto-fill |
| and | kill-new function |
| and | fwd-para let |
| Anonymous function | lambda |
| apostrophe for quoting | Run a Program |
| append-to-buffer | append-to-buffer |
| apply | Columns of a graph |
| apropos | Columns of a graph |
| Argument as local variable | Dec Example altogether |
| ‘argument’ defined | Arguments |
| ‘argument list’ defined | defun |
| Argument, wrong type of | Wrong Type of Argument |
| Arguments | Arguments |
| Arguments, variable number of | Variable Number of Arguments |
| Arguments’ data types | Data types |
| Asterisk for read-only buffer | Read-only buffer |
| Auto Fill mode turned on | Text and Auto-fill |
| autoload | Autoload |
| Automatic mode selection | Text and Auto-fill |
| Axis, print horizontal | print-X-axis |
| Axis, print vertical | print-Y-axis |
B |
| beginning-of-buffer | beginning-of-buffer |
| ‘bind’ defined | setq |
| Binding, dynamic | Lexical & Dynamic Binding Differences |
| Binding, lexical | Lexical & Dynamic Binding Differences |
| Bindings, key, fixing unpleasant | Miscellaneous |
| ‘body’ defined | defun |
| Body of graph | Readying a Graph |
| Buffer size | Buffer Size & Locations |
| buffer-file-name | Buffer Names |
| buffer-menu, bound to key | Key Bindings |
| buffer-name | Buffer Names |
| Buffer, history of word | Buffer Names |
| Bug, most insidious type | Another Bug |
| Building robots | Building Robots |
| Byte compiling | Byte Compiling |
C |
| C language primitives | Primitive Functions |
| C, a digression into | Digression into C |
| ‘call’ defined | Switching Buffers |
| cancel-debug-on-entry | debug-on-entry |
| car, introduced | car cdr & cons |
| cdr, introduced | car cdr & cons |
| Changing a function definition | Change a defun |
| Chest of Drawers, metaphor for a symbol | Symbols as Chest |
| Clipping text | Cutting & Storing Text |
| Code installation | Permanent Installation |
| ‘command’ defined | How to Evaluate |
| Comments in Lisp code | Change a defun |
| Common Lisp | Lisp History |
| compare-windows | Key Bindings |
| concat | Data types |
| cond | Recursion with cond |
| condition-case | condition-case |
| Conditional ’twixt two versions of Emacs | Simple Extension |
| Conditional with if | if |
| cons cell | Lists diagrammed |
| cons, introduced | cons |
| copy-region-as-kill | copy-region-as-kill |
| copy-to-buffer | copy-to-buffer |
| Count words recursively | recursive-count-words |
| count-words-example | count-words-example |
| count-words-in-defun | count-words-in-defun |
| Counting | Counting |
| Counting words in a defun | Words in a defun |
| Counting words in a defun | count-words-in-defun |
| curly quotes | Complete zap-to-char |
| current-buffer | Getting Buffers |
| current-kill | current-kill |
| curved quotes | Complete zap-to-char |
| Customizing your .emacs file | Emacs Initialization |
| Cutting and storing text | Cutting & Storing Text |
D |
| Data types | Data types |
| debug | debug |
| debug-on-entry | debug-on-entry |
| debug-on-quit | debug-on-quit |
| debugging | Debugging |
| default.el init file | Site-wide Init |
| defconst | defcustom |
| defcustom | defcustom |
| Deferment in recursion | No Deferment |
| Definition installation | Install |
| Definition writing | Writing Defuns |
| Definition, how to change | Change a defun |
| defsubst | defcustom |
| defun | defun |
| defvar | defvar |
| defvar for a user customizable variable | defvar and asterisk |
| defvar with an asterisk | defvar and asterisk |
| delete-and-extract-region | Digression into C |
| Deleting text | Cutting & Storing Text |
| describe-function | simplified-beginning-of-buffer |
| describe-function, introduced | Finding More |
| Digression into C | Digression into C |
| directory-files | Files List |
| Division | Large buffer case |
| dolist | dolist |
| dotimes | dotimes |
| dotted pair | Lists diagrammed |
| Drawers, Chest of, metaphor for a symbol | Symbols as Chest |
| Duplicated words function | the-the |
| Dynamic binding | Lexical & Dynamic Binding Differences |
E |
| edebug | edebug |
| Else | else |
| Emacs version, choosing | Simple Extension |
| ‘empty list’ defined | Lisp Atoms |
| ‘empty string’ defined | Review |
| eobp | fwd-para while |
| eq | Review |
| eq (example of use) | last-command & this-command |
| equal | Review |
| Erasing text | Cutting & Storing Text |
| error | Body of current-kill |
| Error for symbol without function | Void Function |
| Error for symbol without value | Void Variable |
| Error message generation | Making Errors |
| ‘evaluate’ defined | Run a Program |
| Evaluating inner lists | Evaluating Inner Lists |
| Evaluation | Evaluation |
| Evaluation practice | Practicing Evaluation |
| Every, type of recursive pattern | Every |
| Example variable, fill-column | fill-column Example |
| ‘expression’ defined | Lisp Atoms |
F |
| Falsehood and truth in Emacs Lisp | Truth & Falsehood |
| FDL, GNU Free Documentation License | GNU Free Documentation License |
| files-in-below-directory | Files List |
| fill-column, an example variable | fill-column Example |
| filter-buffer-substring | last-command & this-command |
| Find a File | Find a File |
| Find function documentation | Finding More |
| Find source of function | Finding More |
| Flowers in a field | Lisp Lists |
| Focusing attention (narrowing) | Narrowing & Widening |
| ‘form’ defined | Lisp Atoms |
| Formatting convention | append save-excursion |
| Formatting help | Typing Lists |
| forward-paragraph | forward-paragraph |
| forward-sentence | forward-sentence |
| ‘function’ defined | Making Errors |
| ‘function’ defined | Making Errors |
| ‘function definition’ defined | defun |
| Function definition installation | Install |
| Function definition writing | Writing Defuns |
| Function definition, how to change | Change a defun |
| Functions, primitive | Primitive Functions |
G |
| Generate an error message | Making Errors |
| Getting a buffer | Getting Buffers |
| Global set key | Key Bindings |
| ‘global variable’ defined | Determining the Element |
| global-set-key | Key Bindings |
| global-unset-key | Key Bindings |
| Graph prototype | Readying a Graph |
| graph-body-print | graph-body-print |
| graph-body-print Final version. | The final version |
| Graph, printing all | Print Whole Graph |
H |
| Handling the kill ring | Kill Ring |
| Help typing lists | Typing Lists |
| Horizontal axis printing | print-X-axis |
I |
| if | if |
| ‘if-part’ defined | if in more detail |
| indent-tabs-mode | Indent Tabs Mode |
| Indentation for formatting | append save-excursion |
| Initialization file | Emacs Initialization |
| Initializing a variable | defvar |
| Inner list evaluation | Evaluating Inner Lists |
| insert-buffer | insert-buffer |
| insert-buffer-substring | append-to-buffer overview |
| insert-buffer, new version body | New insert-buffer |
| Insidious type of bug | Another Bug |
| Install a Function Definition | Install |
| Install code permanently | Permanent Installation |
| interactive | Interactive |
| ‘interactive function’ defined | How to Evaluate |
| Interactive functions | Interactive |
| Interactive options | Interactive Options |
| interactive, example use of | insert-buffer interactive |
| Interpreter, Lisp, explained | Run a Program |
| Interpreter, what it does | Lisp Interpreter |
K |
| Keep, type of recursive pattern | Keep |
| Key bindings, fixing | Miscellaneous |
| Key setting globally | Key Bindings |
| Key unbinding | Key Bindings |
| Keymaps | Keymaps |
| Keyword | Optional Arguments |
| Kill ring handling | Kill Ring |
| Kill ring overview | Kill Ring Overview |
| kill-append | kill-append function |
| kill-new | kill-new function |
| kill-region | kill-region |
| Killing text | Cutting & Storing Text |
L |
| lambda | lambda |
| length | length |
| lengths-list-file | lengths-list-file |
| lengths-list-many-files | lengths-list-many-files |
| let | let |
| let expression sample | Sample let Expression |
| let expression, parts of | Parts of let Expression |
| let variables uninitialized | Uninitialized let Variables |
| let* | append save-excursion |
| let* | fwd-para let |
| Lexical binding | Lexical & Dynamic Binding Differences |
| Library, as term for “file” | Finding More |
| line-to-top-of-window | Simple Extension |
| Lisp Atoms | Lisp Atoms |
| Lisp history | Lisp History |
| Lisp interpreter, explained | Run a Program |
| Lisp interpreter, what it does | Lisp Interpreter |
| Lisp Lists | Lisp Lists |
| Lisp macro | Lisp macro |
| list-buffers, rebound | Key Bindings |
| Lists in a computer | List Implementation |
| load-library | Loading Files |
| load-path | Loading Files |
| Loading files | Loading Files |
| ‘local variable’ defined | Prevent confusion |
| Local variables list, per-buffer, | Text and Auto-fill |
| Location of point | Buffer Size & Locations |
| looking-at | fwd-para while |
| Loops | while |
| Loops and recursion | Loops & Recursion |
M |
| Maclisp | Lisp History |
| Macro, lisp | Lisp macro |
| Mail aliases | Mail Aliases |
| make-string | Y Axis Element |
| mapcar | mapcar |
| mark | save-excursion |
| mark-whole-buffer | mark-whole-buffer |
| match-beginning | fwd-para while |
| max | Columns of a graph |
| message | message |
| min | Columns of a graph |
| Mode line format | Mode Line |
| Mode selection, automatic | Text and Auto-fill |
| mode-line-format | Mode Line |
| Motion by sentence and paragraph | Regexp Search |
N |
| Narrowing | Narrowing & Widening |
| ‘narrowing’ defined | Buffer Size & Locations |
| new version body for insert-buffer | New insert-buffer |
| nil | Truth & Falsehood |
| nil , history of word | Buffer Names |
| No deferment solution | No deferment solution |
| nreverse | Counting function definitions |
| nth | nth |
| nthcdr | nthcdr |
| nthcdr | copy-region-as-kill |
| nthcdr, example | kill-new function |
| number-to-string | Y Axis Element |
O |
| occur | Key Bindings |
| optional | Optional Arguments |
| Optional arguments | Optional Arguments |
| Options for interactive | Interactive Options |
| or | Insert or |
| other-buffer | Getting Buffers |
P |
| Paragraphs, movement by | Regexp Search |
| Parts of a Recursive Definition | Recursive Definition Parts |
| Parts of let expression | Parts of let Expression |
| Passing information to functions | Arguments |
| Pasting text | Yanking |
| Patterns, searching for | Regexp Search |
| Per-buffer, local variables list | Text and Auto-fill |
| Permanent code installation | Permanent Installation |
| point | save-excursion |
| Point and buffer preservation | save-excursion |
| ‘point’ defined | Buffer Size & Locations |
| Point location | Buffer Size & Locations |
| Practicing evaluation | Practicing Evaluation |
| ‘predicate’ defined | Wrong Type of Argument |
| Preserving point and buffer | save-excursion |
| Primitive functions | Primitive Functions |
| Primitives written in C | Primitive Functions |
| Print horizontal axis | print-X-axis |
| Print vertical axis | print-Y-axis |
| print-elements-of-list | print-elements-of-list |
| print-elements-recursively | Recursion with list |
| print-graph Final version. | The final version |
| print-graph varlist | print-graph Varlist |
| print-X-axis | X Axis Tic Marks |
| print-X-axis-numbered-line | X Axis Tic Marks |
| print-X-axis-tic-line | X Axis Tic Marks |
| print-Y-axis | print-Y-axis Penultimate |
| Printing the whole graph | Print Whole Graph |
| progn | progn |
| Program, running one | Run a Program |
| Properties, in mode line example | Mode Line |
| Properties, mention of buffer-substring-no-properties | narrow Exercise |
| Prototype graph | Readying a Graph |
| push, example | kill-new function |
Q |
| quote | Run a Program |
| quoting using apostrophe | Run a Program |
R |
| re-search-forward | re-search-forward |
| Read-only buffer | Read-only buffer |
| Readying a graph | Readying a Graph |
| Rebinding keys | Keymaps |
| Recursion | Recursion |
| Recursion and loops | Loops & Recursion |
| Recursion without Deferments | No Deferment |
| Recursive Definition Parts | Recursive Definition Parts |
| Recursive pattern - accumulate | Accumulate |
| Recursive pattern - every | Every |
| Recursive pattern - keep | Keep |
| Recursive Patterns | Recursive Patterns |
| recursive-count-words | recursive-count-words |
| recursive-graph-body-print | recursive-graph-body-print |
| recursive-lengths-list-many-files | Several files recursively |
| Recursively counting words | recursive-count-words |
| regexp-quote | fwd-para let |
| Region, what it is | save-excursion |
| Regular expression searches | Regexp Search |
| Regular expressions for word counting | Counting Words |
| Remainder function, % | Compute a Remainder |
| Repetition (loops) | Loops & Recursion |
| Repetition for word counting | Counting Words |
| Retrieving text | Yanking |
| ‘returned value’ explained | How the Interpreter Acts |
| reverse | Counting function definitions |
| Ring, making a list like a | Kill Ring |
| ring.el file | ring file |
| Robots, building | Building Robots |
| Run a program | Run a Program |
S |
| Sample let expression | Sample let Expression |
| save-excursion | save-excursion |
| save-restriction | save-restriction |
| search-forward | search-forward |
| Searches, illustrating | Regexp Search |
| sentence-end | sentence-end |
| Sentences, movement by | Regexp Search |
| set | Using setq |
| set-buffer | Switching Buffers |
| set-variable | defvar and asterisk |
| setcar | setcar |
| setcdr | setcdr |
| setcdr, example | kill-new function |
| Setting a key globally | Key Bindings |
| Setting value of variable | setq |
| ‘side effect’ defined | How the Interpreter Acts |
| Simple extension in .emacs file | Simple Extension |
| simplified-beginning-of-buffer | simplified-beginning-of-buffer |
| site-init.el init file | Site-wide Init |
| site-load.el init file | Site-wide Init |
| Size of buffer | Buffer Size & Locations |
| Solution without deferment | No deferment solution |
| sort | Sorting |
| Source level debugger | edebug |
| Special form | Complications |
| Storing and cutting text | Cutting & Storing Text |
| ‘string’ defined | Lisp Atoms |
| substring | Data types |
| switch-to-buffer | Switching Buffers |
| Switching to a buffer | Switching Buffers |
| Symbol names | Names & Definitions |
| Symbol without function error | Void Function |
| Symbol without value error | Void Variable |
| Symbolic expressions, introduced | Lisp Atoms |
| Symbols as a Chest of Drawers | Symbols as Chest |
| Syntax categories and tables | Syntax |
T |
| Tabs, preventing | Indent Tabs Mode |
| Text between double quotation marks | Lisp Atoms |
| Text Mode turned on | Text and Auto-fill |
| Text retrieval | Yanking |
| the-the | the-the |
| ‘then-part’ defined | if in more detail |
| top-of-ranges | Counting function definitions |
| triangle-bugged | debug |
| triangle-recursively | Recursive triangle function |
| Truth and falsehood in Emacs Lisp | Truth & Falsehood |
| Types of data | Data types |
U |
| Unbinding key | Key Bindings |
| Uninitialized let variables | Uninitialized let Variables |
V |
| Variable initialization | defvar |
| Variable number of arguments | Variable Number of Arguments |
| Variable, example of, fill-column | fill-column Example |
| ‘variable, global’, defined | Determining the Element |
| ‘variable, local’, defined | Prevent confusion |
| Variable, setting value | setq |
| Variables | Variables |
| ‘varlist’ defined | Parts of let Expression |
| Version of Emacs, choosing | Simple Extension |
| Vertical axis printing | print-Y-axis |
W |
| what-line | what-line |
| while | while |
| Whitespace in lists | Whitespace in Lists |
| Whole graph printing | Print Whole Graph |
| Widening | Narrowing & Widening |
| Widening, example of | what-line |
| Word counting in a defun | Words in a defun |
| Words and symbols in defun | Words and Symbols |
| Words, counted recursively | recursive-count-words |
| Words, duplicated | the-the |
| Writing a function definition | Writing Defuns |
| Wrong type of argument | Wrong Type of Argument |
X |
| X axis printing | print-X-axis |
| X-axis-element | X Axis Tic Marks |
Y |
| Y axis printing | print-Y-axis |
| Y-axis-column | Y-axis-column |
| Y-axis-column Final version. | The final version |
| Y-axis-label-spacing | Compute a Remainder |
| Y-axis-tic | Y Axis Element |
| yank | Yanking |
| yank | yank |
| yank-pop | yank-pop |
Z |
| zap-to-char | zap-to-char |
| zerop | Body of current-kill |