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5.3 Complete Definition of beginning-of-buffer

The basic structure of the beginning-of-buffer function has already been discussed. (See A Simplified beginning-of-buffer Definition.) This section describes the complex part of the definition.

As previously described, when invoked without an argument, beginning-of-buffer moves the cursor to the beginning of the buffer (in truth, the beginning of the accessible portion of the buffer), leaving the mark at the previous position. However, when the command is invoked with a number between one and ten, the function considers that number to be a fraction of the length of the buffer, measured in tenths, and Emacs moves the cursor that fraction of the way from the beginning of the buffer. Thus, you can either call this function with the key command M-<, which will move the cursor to the beginning of the buffer, or with a key command such as C-u 7 M-< which will move the cursor to a point 70% of the way through the buffer. If a number bigger than ten is used for the argument, it moves to the end of the buffer.

The beginning-of-buffer function can be called with or without an argument. The use of the argument is optional.