Next: Truth and Falsehood in Emacs Lisp, Previous: The if
Special Form, Up: How To Write Function Definitions [Contents][Index]
An if
expression may have an optional third argument, called
the else-part, for the case when the true-or-false-test returns
false. When this happens, the second argument or then-part of the
overall if
expression is not evaluated, but the third or
else-part is evaluated. You might think of this as the cloudy
day alternative for the decision “if it is warm and sunny, then go to
the beach, else read a book!”.
The word “else” is not written in the Lisp code; the else-part of an
expression comes after the then-part. In the written Lisp, the
else-part is usually written to start on a line of its own and is
indented less than the then-part:
(if true-or-false-test action-to-carry-out-if-the-test-returns-true action-to-carry-out-if-the-test-returns-false)
For example, the following if
expression prints the message ‘4
is not greater than 5!’ when you evaluate it in the usual way:
(if (> 4 5) ; if-part (message "4 falsely greater than 5!") ; then-part (message "4 is not greater than 5!")) ; else-part
Note that the different levels of indentation make it easy to
distinguish the then-part from the else-part. (GNU Emacs has several
commands that automatically indent if
expressions correctly.
See GNU Emacs Helps You Type Lists.)
We can extend the type-of-animal
function to include an
else-part by simply incorporating an additional part to the if
You can see the consequences of doing this if you evaluate the following
version of the type-of-animal
function definition to install it
and then evaluate the two subsequent expressions to pass different
arguments to the function.
(defun type-of-animal (characteristic) ; Second version.
"Print message in echo area depending on CHARACTERISTIC.
If the CHARACTERISTIC is the string \"fierce\",
then warn of a tiger; else say it is not fierce."
(if (equal characteristic "fierce")
(message "It is a tiger!")
(message "It is not fierce!")))
(type-of-animal "fierce") (type-of-animal "striped")
When you evaluate (type-of-animal "fierce")
, you will see the
following message printed in the echo area: "It is a tiger!"
; but
when you evaluate (type-of-animal "striped")
, you will see
"It is not fierce!"
(Of course, if the characteristic were "ferocious"
, the
message "It is not fierce!"
would be printed; and it would be
misleading! When you write code, you need to take into account the
possibility that some such argument will be tested by the if
and write your program accordingly.)
Next: Truth and Falsehood in Emacs Lisp, Previous: The if
Special Form, Up: How To Write Function Definitions [Contents][Index]