The manual for PSPP 2.0.1 is available in the following formats:
- HTML (752K bytes) - entirely on one web page.
- HTML - with one web page per node.
- HTML compressed (168K gzipped characters) - entirely on one web page.
- HTML compressed (220K gzipped tar file) - with one web page per node.
- Info document (144K bytes gzipped tar file).
- ASCII text (484K bytes).
- ASCII text compressed (136K bytes gzipped).
- TeX dvi file (236K bytes gzipped).
- PDF file (808K bytes).
- Texinfo source (136K bytes gzipped tar file).
A manual for PSPP in French, written independently by Julie Séguéla, is also available in PDF and LaTeX formats.
A guide to PSPP in Polish, written independently by Daniel Mider and Aneta Marcinkowska, is also available.