Supplementary Material and Tutorial

for "GNU MCSim: Bayesian statistical inference for SBML-coded systems biology models"
by Frederic Y. Bois.


This page walks you through a demonstration of some of the tools integrated in GNU MCSIm. The same SBML model
(the yeast glycolysis model "YeastGlycolysisJDClean.xml" provided with JDesigner 2.1c and the Systems Biology Workbench 2.7.8) will be used throughout.
We use simulated data, which gives us the advantge of knowing the true model and true parameter values.
The model is calibrated with those data in the first section.
In section 2 we check the behavior of the MCMC algorithm by using narrow prior distributions for the parameters.
Section 3 tries to improve on section 1 results by designing an additional experiment, with the OptimalDesign tool.
The design proposed is checked in section 4, and a refined multilevel statistical model is proposed in section 5.
  1. Checking the model import
  2. MCMC sampling with wide prior
  3. Checking behavior with narrow priors
  4. Optimizing experimental design for the first two parameters
  5. Checking the design with MCMC simulations
  6. Refining the analysis with a multilevel model

Checking the model import

We start with an SBML model of the yeast glycolysis pathway.
GNU MCSim needs the intermediary of a model definition file "" to read in that model.

Yeast glycolysis model, JDesigner view

Figure 1: Graphical representation of the SBML model used.

To check that the model is correctly read and converted in C (here is the C model file) by GNU MCSim,
we plot the time courses of the concentrations of the various model species, as computed by SBW 2.7.8 and GNU MCSim.
Those simulations were obtained with the "true" parameter values. Here is the MCSim input file used for those simulations.
The two software give the same results, with only rounding error differences.

Yeast model computation by JDesigner Yeast  model computation by GNU MCSim

Figure 2: Simulation of the time course of all model species with SBW 2.7.8 (left) and with GNU MCSim 5.3.0 (right).

MCMC sampling with wide prior

To calibrate the model, we need data. To generate a synthetic dataset,
Gaussian error (10% CV) was added to points along each species trajectories at 7 times (including time zero).
Here is what the data used look like:

Simulated time course of the model's chemical species

Figure 3: Plot of the simulated data (dots) used for the Bayesian calibration.

Three files (1, 2, 3) were used to start the Markov chains with component by component sampling.
In those files, rather wide parameters' prior distributions are specified for 10 parameters (the others are left to their true value):
The lower bound is a factor of about 4 below the true value and the upper bound a factor 4 above.
The data likelihood is assumed lognormal, with a geometric SD corresponding to a CV of about 10%.

The 3 next files (A, B, C) were used to finish the Markov chains, by vectors sampling.
The outputs of the previous simulations is read in and used to construct a multivariate normal jump kernel, further refined in size to tune the acceptance rate.
These three files (A.log, B.log, C.log) captured the messages sent by the program when running.

After a million iterations, the first thing to do is to check the convergence of the 3 chains run in parallel:
Here is the output of a script running Gelman's R diagnostic (on that diagnostic see Gelman A., et al., 1995,
Bayesian Data Analysis, London, Chapman & Hall).
The script also gives a summary of the marginal parameters' posterior distributions.

The three chains have merged and mix well, but it is always useful to check visually the convergence by forming such plots:

Trajectory of the 3 MCMC runs for the first parameter sampled Trajectory of the 3 MCMC runs for the 2nd parameter sampled Trajectory of the 3 MCMC runs for the 3rd parameter sampled

Figure 4: Trajectories of 3 Markov chains for the first 3 parameter sampled at convergence over the last half-million runs. The 3 trajectories overlap on each panel and are indistinguishable.

However, univariate plots and statistics do not describe the full picture of the joint posterior probability distribution of the parameters.
It is very useful to examine the correlations between parameters.

The following Table gives the lower half of the correlation matrix of the 30000 parameter vectors
sampled at convergence (with only the the correlation coefficients higher than 0.1 in absolute value):

Posterior correlations for runs A-C

We can see a very strong correlation between J0_Vmax and J0_Kglc (that is actually why we needed to perform
vector sampling to reach convergence, component by component sampling was mixing very slowly).
Here is a plot of J0_Kglc versus J0_Vmax:

Plot of J0_Kglc versus J0_Vmax

Figure 5: Correlation between J0_Kglc and J0_Vmax values
sampled at convergence over the last half-million runs.

The above correlation is quite bad news. The estimates of the two J0_Vmax and J0_Kglc seem unbounded from above
and wander quite far from their (expected) true values (97.24 and 1.1918, respectively; see the true values here).

The true value and box summaries of the percentiles of the marginal posterior
distribution of each parameter are shown in the next Figure:

Parameters' true values and percentiles from runs A-C.

Figure 6: Percentile plot (5th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 95th percentiles) of the posterior sample
obtained for each parameter, overlaid with their "true" value (crosses).

We can see that the true values can fall below the 5th percentile of the posterior estimates, in particular for the first two parameters.

What does the fit to the data look like?
Here is a plot of observed versus predicted data values (input file, run "C" file (gzipped), and output file here):

Observed versus predicted data values for runs A-C.

Figure 7: Observed (in fact simulated) data versus predicted values
after MCMC model calibration. The last vector sampled in run "C" was used.

The fit to the data is excellent, despite the fact that the parameter vector used to produce that plot was just
randomly sampled from the joint posterior distribution (the last sample of run "C" is nothing special).
Obviously, we also have the exact model, but still, we attempted the calibration of 10 parameters simultaneously.

Now, back to the correlation observed in Figure 5: it does not affect the fit to the data.
(Note that the values of J0_Vmax and J0_Kglc in the parameter vector used to generate Figure 7 are 186.125 and 4.29029,
respectively, well above their true values. So the good fit in Figure 6 is not due to "good" values of those parameters).

Therefore, the data probably do not give enough information about those parameters taken individually.
We have a parameter identifiability problem on the hands... Or do we?

Checking behavior with narrow priors

Could it be that GNU MCSim is producing a biased sample, due to some bug? You never know with those free softwares!
(This section can be skipped if you are not as paranoid as I am).

Let's try setting narrow priors: +/- 10% around the true values, and see what happens.

I spare you the whole set of diagnostic plots, but it turns out that in that case,
the parameter values are well identified, and the fit is still excellent.

Parameters' true values and percentiles from runs with narrow priors. Observed versus predicted data values for runs A-C.

Figure 8: Using narrow priors: On the left, percentile plot (5th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 95th percentiles)
of the posterior sample obtained for each parameter, overlaid with their "true" value (crosses).
On the righ: Observed (in fact simulated) data versus predicted values.

So, GNU MCSim is not systematically biasing the sampling. The identifiability problem must be real.
The only way to overcome it is to collect new data, and we will now use GNU MCSim can help us design an efficient experiment.

Optimizing experimental design for the first two parameters

To disentangle the estimates of J0_Vmax and J0_Kglc it is necessary to collect new data.
Actually, it is well known that a pair of Michealis-Menten-type paramter are strongly covariant when jointly identified.
It is also known that experiments performed with different initial conditions (at different input dose) are needed to identify a Vmax.
Let see how GNU MCSim can be used to design an efficient experiment (see also Bois et al., 1999, Optimal design for a study of
butadiene toxicokinetics in humans, Toxicological Sciences, Vol 49, 213-224, for another example of application).

We aim at better identifying J0_Vmax and J0_Kglc, only (we will not deal with the other parameters).
We first need to obtain a sample of values for those two parameters. We will use for that the posterior sample contained in the
MCMC chain "C" output file (this is logical, because we will still make use in the end of the initial experiment, so we should
take into account the information it bring, even if not perfect). We could also have started from prior distributions and used any
software you like to produce a sample of J0_Vmax, J0_Kglc, values.

We then write an input file for the design optimization runs. We urge you to browse the online users' manual to understand the
layout of that file. The design space is a grid of glucose (GLCo) initial values and sampling times.
GNU MCSim checks sequentially the various points of the design grid and selects at each step the one giving the lowest total variance
for the estimands (importance reweighting is used to update the given prior with prospective data).
The result is a selection of design points which approximate an optimal design. The raw result file is not really nice to look at,
and a Table and a plot like these ones are preferable:

Optimal design results table. Optimal design results figure.

You can see that, at the early steps, only time points from the low dose experiment are included, except time zero and the last time.
You can trace on the Figure which points are included at which steps. The expected variance decreases as more points are included,
but only up to a certain point: That is due to the thining of the parameter sample as more "data" points are included.
That degradation of the sample is a well known phenomenon in importance sampling. The suggestions for design points at that late stage
should not be taken too seriously.

Points have been added one after the other ("forward" mode). You can also start with a full design and remove the least informative points
one by one ("backward" mode).

This is all good looking, and reasonable, but it's all in expectation. We will now check the proposed design.

Checking the design with MCMC simulations

The above design optimization procedure suggests in essence to perform an additional experiment with GLCo initial value at 0.5 mM,
measuring the variable GLCi (internal glucose concentration) at times 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.1 minutes.
We assume that we can measure with CV of about 10%, as specified in the optimal design input file, over such short period of time.
I simulated data, with random error, in those conditions. We can now include them in a new calibration round,
to see what improvement they will bring to the posterior estimates of J0_Vmax and J0_Kglc.

Files P1, P2, and P3 use the baseline experiment and the new one to recalibrate the model from the start,
with component by component sampling. The same 10 parameters are sampled, with wide priors as before.
We just use the last values sampled by chains A, B, and C as starting points.

It is absolutely exhilarating to watch the values of J0_Vmax and J0_Kglc, starting from a point in the previous posterior distribution, move to a new one, much better,
and actually centered around the true values. The XMCsim tools allows you to see that in real time:

Trajectory of 3 MCMC runs for the first 2000 iterations Trajectory of 3 MCMC runs for the first 5000 iterations Trajectory of 3 MCMC runs for the first 10000 iterations

Figure 8: Trajectories of 3 Markov chains for in the J0_Vmax and J0_Kglc space, as iterations progress.

Adding the new experiment's data does improve dramatically the posterior estimates of J0_Vmax and J0_Kglc.
Files PA, PB, and PC were used to finish the Markov chains, by vectors sampling.

After convergence of the 3 news chains, we can form a new summary of the marginal parameters' posterior distributions.
The posterior estimates of the 7 last parameters have not improved much, but the additional experiment was not designed to do so...
The estimates of J0_Vmax and J0_Kglc are much better now:

Posterior correlations of Vmax and Km for reaction J0

Figure 9: Correlation between J0_Kglc and J0_Vmax values
sampled at convergence over the last half-million of the recalibration runs
(with additional data). The positions of true values are given for reference.

In conclusion, it seems that an additional experiment at low glucose concentration and for a few time points would bring
enough data to greatly improve our parameter estimates. But have we done the best possible job in the last analysis?

Refining the analysis with a multilevel model

What if the next experiment has been performed with yeasts from a different batch or lab?
If we suspect that genetic variability has changed some of the parameter values between the two experiments, we ought to take that into account.
Assuming that a single value can describe correctly both experiments might be just wrong. Calibrating the model wih both data sets separately
would be problematic however: there is not much information in the latest experiment about the parameters of reaction 5 (the last 7 parameters).
The best way to solve that problem is to use multilevel (aka hierarchical) modeling (see again Gelman A., et al., 1995, Bayesian Data Analysis,
London, Chapman & Hall).

GNU MCSim allows you to define levels in your statistical model. Please refer to the online users' manual to understand the construction of Levels {}
in a GNU MCSim simulation input file.

Files H1, H2, and H3 define a 2-level model (yeast as a species, and two sub-populations with an experiment on each one).
They instruct for recalibration of the the model from the start, with component by component sampling. The same 10 parameters are sampled,
with wide priors, as before.

Again, we get to convergence but running 1 million MCMC simulations in Metropolis mode (whole vector sampling). This requires about 2 millions
model evaluations, but our compiled code runs very fast... (about 90 minutes per chain on an i686 machine clocked at 3.6 GHz). Files PA, PB, and PC
were used to that effect.

After convergence, we compute a new summary of the marginal parameters' posterior distributions.
Well, everything has degraded... The model has improved, but not the results!
The estimates of J0_Vmax and J0_Kglc at the population leve are quite uncertain and higher than the true values:

Posterior correlations of population Vmax and Km.

Figure 10: Correlation between J0_Kglc and J0_Vmax values
sampled at convergence over the last half-million of the recalibration runs
(with additional data and a multilevel model). True values are about 100 for Vmax and 1.2 for Kglc.

The fact that the population estimates are quite uncertain is expected: we have only two sub-populations to characterize the whole population and
sampling uncertainty kicks in. The increased covariance and bias is disappointing, but think a minute: each sub-population has its own set of paramters
estimated from one experiment at only one dose level. That will produce a highly correlated and biased (barely bounded above) pair of J0_Vmax and
J0_Kglc estimates for each sub-population. Two badly identified sub-populations do not make for a superb population estimate (at least not with
2 sub-populations only, but I suspect that the problem would persist with one thousand sub-populations.

The conclusion here is that if genetic variability is expected across experiments, then the new experiment needs to include several dose levels (in essence,
the first experiment has to be redone with the yeast population used for the second experiment). This is actually very useful information,
all gathered in a few hours of computing, preliminary to long and expensive real life experiments.

I hope that you enjoyed as I did the peripeties of this model analysis...