This page presents some projects that use the GNU Development Chain.

1. NanoK

NanoK is a very small kernel for the 68hc11. It works with the GCC port. It is maintained by Yann Gouy (yann_gouy at


2. Ethernet on 68HC11

Tom Parker (tom at designed an Ethernet board using a Cirrus/Crystal CS8900 controller and plugged it to an 68HC11-F1 board. He wrote a small IP-stack and Ethernet controller in C. This must be compiled under GNU/Linux with the GCC port (due to the use of Linux network headers).

Tom Parker created a small yahoo group for news and discussions at

3. uC/OS

Ingo Beckmann (ib at has ported uC/OS-II RTOS for work with the GNU tool chain. See to obtain Jean J. Labrosse's uc/OS. Contact Ingo to obtain the GNU port.

Mike Gruber (mike at wrote a small example using Ingo's uC/OS port to blink a LED from a task. You can get his example at .

4. The GameGirl

For a quick intro, the GameGirl is a designed-from-scratch portable gaming console. The focus of the project was using a Motorolla 68HC12A4 as the core brain, and developing a simple but useful "GameGirl SDK" for it (which includes graphics, sound, timers, input, and networking with other consoles), with a simple C API.

The maintainer is Loban Amaan Rahman (loban at See

5. GEL

The GNU Embedded Libraries is a collection of embedded libraries and examples of 68HC11/68HC12 programs in C, assembly to show how to use the GNU development chain.

GEL home is:

6. OS - A Real Time Operating System for the Motorola MC68HC11

OS is a simple round-robbin time slice operating system. OS has a fixed number of tasks, eight.

OS is written by Thomas Dean and is available at

7. EBCS - Embedded Bathroom Control System

EBCS is a 68HC11 embedded system used to control some bathroom equipments (fan, light, ...). It displays the temperature and humidity and controls the bathroom fan.

EBCS sources and hardware schematics are available at

8. PF11 - An ANS Forth Implementation for the 68HC11

PF11 is a 16-bit implementation of the Forth programming language for the Motorola 68HC11 microcontroller.

PF11 is provided by Andrew Sterian and you can get sources and binaries at .