| Index Entry | | Section |
# | | |
| #:accessor : | | Slot Options |
| #:allocation : | | Slot Options |
| #:class : | | Slot Options |
| #:each-subclass : | | Slot Options |
| #:getter : | | Slot Options |
| #:init-form : | | Slot Options |
| #:init-keyword : | | Slot Options |
| #:init-thunk : | | Slot Options |
| #:init-value : | | Slot Options |
| #:instance : | | Slot Options |
| #:metaclass : | | Class Definition |
| #:name : | | Class Definition |
| #:setter : | | Slot Options |
| #:slot-ref : | | Slot Options |
| #:slot-ref : | | Slot Options |
| #:slot-ref : | | Slot Description Example |
| #:slot-set! : | | Slot Options |
| #:slot-set! : | | Slot Options |
| #:slot-set! : | | Slot Description Example |
| #:virtual : | | Slot Options |
% | | |
| % : | | Shift and Reset |
| % : | | Shift and Reset |
| % : | | Shift and Reset |
| %char-set-dump : | | Querying Character Sets |
| %default-port-conversion-strategy : | | Ports |
| %library-dir : | | Build Config |
| %make-void-port : | | Void Ports |
| %package-data-dir : | | Build Config |
| %read-delimited! : | | Line/Delimited |
| %read-line : | | Line/Delimited |
| %search-load-path : | | Load Paths |
| %site-ccache-dir : | | Installing Site Packages |
| %site-ccache-dir : | | Build Config |
| %site-dir : | | Installing Site Packages |
| %site-dir : | | Build Config |
| %string-dump : | | String Internals |
& | | |
| &assertion : | | rnrs conditions |
| &condition : | | rnrs conditions |
| &error : | | rnrs conditions |
| &i/o : | | I/O Conditions |
| &i/o-decoding : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| &i/o-encoding : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| &i/o-file-already-exists : | | I/O Conditions |
| &i/o-file-does-not-exist : | | I/O Conditions |
| &i/o-file-is-read-only : | | I/O Conditions |
| &i/o-file-protection : | | I/O Conditions |
| &i/o-filename : | | I/O Conditions |
| &i/o-invalid-position : | | I/O Conditions |
| &i/o-port : | | I/O Conditions |
| &i/o-read : | | I/O Conditions |
| &i/o-write : | | I/O Conditions |
| &implementation-restriction : | | rnrs conditions |
| &irritants : | | rnrs conditions |
| &lexical : | | rnrs conditions |
| &message : | | rnrs conditions |
| &no-infinities : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| &no-nans : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| &non-continuable : | | rnrs conditions |
| &serious : | | rnrs conditions |
| &syntax : | | rnrs conditions |
| &undefined : | | rnrs conditions |
| &violation : | | rnrs conditions |
| &warning : | | rnrs conditions |
| &who : | | rnrs conditions |
' | | |
| ' : | | Expression Syntax |
( | | |
| (oop goops) : | | GOOPS |
* | | |
| * : | | Arithmetic |
| * : | | rnrs base |
| *scm_to_latin1_stringn : | | Conversion to/from C |
| *scm_to_stringn : | | Conversion to/from C |
| *scm_to_utf32_stringn : | | Conversion to/from C |
| *scm_to_utf8_stringn : | | Conversion to/from C |
+ | | |
| + : | | Arithmetic |
| + : | | rnrs base |
, | | |
| , : | | Expression Syntax |
| ,@ : | | Expression Syntax |
- | | |
| - : | | Arithmetic |
| - : | | rnrs base |
| ->char-set : | | Creating Character Sets |
/ | | |
| / : | | Arithmetic |
| / : | | rnrs base |
1 | | |
| 1+ : | | Arithmetic |
| 1+ : | | Arithmetic |
| 1- : | | Arithmetic |
| 1- : | | Arithmetic |
< | | |
| < : | | Comparison |
| < : | | rnrs base |
| <= : | | Comparison |
| <= : | | rnrs base |
= | | |
| = : | | Comparison |
| = : | | rnrs base |
| == : | | Equality |
> | | |
| > : | | Comparison |
| > : | | rnrs base |
| >= : | | Comparison |
| >= : | | rnrs base |
@ | | |
| @ : | | Using Guile Modules |
| @@ : | | Using Guile Modules |
` | | |
| ` : | | Expression Syntax |
A | | |
| abandoned-mutex-exception? : | | SRFI-18 Exceptions |
| abort : | | Shift and Reset |
| abort : | | Dynamic Environment Instructions |
| abort-to-prompt : | | Prompt Primitives |
| abs : | | Arithmetic |
| abs : | | rnrs base |
| absolute-file-name? : | | File System |
| accept : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| access? : | | File System |
| acons : | | Adding or Setting Alist Entries |
| acos : | | Scientific |
| acos : | | rnrs base |
| acosh : | | Scientific |
| activate-readline : | | Readline Functions |
| adapt-response-version : | | Responses |
| add : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
| add-duration : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| add-duration! : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| add-ephemeral-stepping-trap! : | | High-Level Traps |
| add-ephemeral-trap-at-frame-finish! : | | High-Level Traps |
| add-hook! : | | Hook Reference |
| add-method! : | | Method Definition Internals |
| add-method! : | | Method Definition Internals |
| add-method! : | | Method Definition Internals |
| add-method! : | | Method Definition Internals |
| add-method! : | | Method Definition Internals |
| add-ref-resolver! : | | texinfo html |
| add-to-load-path : | | Load Paths |
| add-trace-at-procedure-call! : | | High-Level Traps |
| add-trap! : | | Trap States |
| add-trap-at-procedure-call! : | | High-Level Traps |
| add-trap-at-source-location! : | | High-Level Traps |
| add1 : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
| addrinfo:addr : | | Network Databases |
| addrinfo:canonname : | | Network Databases |
| addrinfo:fam : | | Network Databases |
| addrinfo:flags : | | Network Databases |
| addrinfo:protocol : | | Network Databases |
| addrinfo:socktype : | | Network Databases |
| alarm : | | Signals |
| alignof : | | Foreign Structs |
| alist->hash-table : | | Hash Table Reference |
| alist->hash-table : | | SRFI-69 Creating hash tables |
| alist->hashq-table : | | Hash Table Reference |
| alist->hashv-table : | | Hash Table Reference |
| alist->hashx-table : | | Hash Table Reference |
| alist->vhash : | | VHashes |
| alist-cons : | | SRFI-1 Association Lists |
| alist-copy : | | SRFI-1 Association Lists |
| alist-delete : | | SRFI-1 Association Lists |
| alist-delete! : | | SRFI-1 Association Lists |
| all-threads : | | Threads |
| and : | | and or |
| and : | | rnrs base |
| and-let* : | | SRFI-2 |
| and=> : | | Higher-Order Functions |
| angle : | | Complex |
| angle : | | rnrs base |
| any : | | SRFI-1 Searching |
| any->c32vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| any->c64vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| any->f32vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| any->f64vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| any->s16vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| any->s32vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| any->s64vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| any->s8vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| any->u16vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| any->u32vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| any->u64vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| any->u8vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| any-bits-set? : | | SRFI-60 |
| append : | | Append/Reverse |
| append : | | Append/Reverse |
| append : | | rnrs base |
| append : | | rnrs base |
| append! : | | Append/Reverse |
| append! : | | Append/Reverse |
| append-map : | | SRFI-1 Fold and Map |
| append-map! : | | SRFI-1 Fold and Map |
| append-reverse : | | SRFI-1 Length Append etc |
| append-reverse! : | | SRFI-1 Length Append etc |
| apply : | | Fly Evaluation |
| apply : | | rnrs base |
| apply : | | Procedure Call and Return Instructions |
| apply-templates : | | sxml apply-templates |
| apply:nconc2last : | | Fly Evaluation |
| apropos : | | Help Commands |
| apropos-completion-function : | | Readline Functions |
| args-fold : | | SRFI-37 |
| arithmetic-shift : | | SRFI-60 |
| arity:allow-other-keys? : | | Compiled Procedures |
| arity:end : | | Compiled Procedures |
| arity:kw : | | Compiled Procedures |
| arity:nopt : | | Compiled Procedures |
| arity:nreq : | | Compiled Procedures |
| arity:rest? : | | Compiled Procedures |
| arity:start : | | Compiled Procedures |
| array->list : | | Array Procedures |
| array-contents : | | Shared Arrays |
| array-copy! : | | Array Procedures |
| array-copy-in-order! : | | Array Procedures |
| array-dimensions : | | Array Procedures |
| array-equal? : | | Array Procedures |
| array-fill! : | | Array Procedures |
| array-for-each : | | Array Procedures |
| array-in-bounds? : | | Array Procedures |
| array-index-map! : | | Array Procedures |
| array-length : | | Array Procedures |
| array-map! : | | Array Procedures |
| array-map-in-order! : | | Array Procedures |
| array-rank : | | Array Procedures |
| array-ref : | | Array Procedures |
| array-set! : | | Array Procedures |
| array-shape : | | Array Procedures |
| array-type : | | Array Procedures |
| array? : | | Array Procedures |
| ash : | | Bitwise Operations |
| ash : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
| asin : | | Scientific |
| asin : | | rnrs base |
| asinh : | | Scientific |
| assert : | | rnrs base |
| assert-curr-char : | | sxml ssax input-parse |
| assert-nargs-ee : | | Function Prologue Instructions |
| assert-nargs-ee/locals : | | Function Prologue Instructions |
| assert-nargs-ge : | | Function Prologue Instructions |
| assert-nargs-ge/locals : | | Function Prologue Instructions |
| assertion-violation : | | rnrs base |
| assertion-violation? : | | rnrs conditions |
| assoc : | | Retrieving Alist Entries |
| assoc : | | SRFI-1 Association Lists |
| assoc : | | rnrs lists |
| assoc-ref : | | Retrieving Alist Entries |
| assoc-remove! : | | Removing Alist Entries |
| assoc-set! : | | Adding or Setting Alist Entries |
| assp : | | rnrs lists |
| assq : | | Retrieving Alist Entries |
| assq : | | rnrs lists |
| assq-ref : | | Retrieving Alist Entries |
| assq-remove! : | | Removing Alist Entries |
| assq-set! : | | Adding or Setting Alist Entries |
| assv : | | Retrieving Alist Entries |
| assv : | | rnrs lists |
| assv-ref : | | Retrieving Alist Entries |
| assv-remove! : | | Removing Alist Entries |
| assv-set! : | | Adding or Setting Alist Entries |
| async : | | User asyncs |
| async-mark : | | User asyncs |
| atan : | | Scientific |
| atan : | | Scientific |
| atan : | | rnrs base |
| atanh : | | Scientific |
| attlist->alist : | | SSAX |
| attlist-add : | | SSAX |
| attlist-fold : | | SSAX |
| attlist-null? : | | SSAX |
| attlist-remove-top : | | SSAX |
B | | |
| backtrace : | | Debug Commands |
| backtrace : | | Pre-Unwind Debugging |
| basename : | | File System |
| begin : | | begin |
| begin : | | rnrs base |
| begin-thread : | | Threads |
| binary-port? : | | R6RS Port Manipulation |
| bind : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| bind : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| bind : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| bind : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| bind-kwargs : | | Function Prologue Instructions |
| bind-optionals : | | Function Prologue Instructions |
| bind-optionals/shuffle : | | Function Prologue Instructions |
| bind-optionals/shuffle-or-br : | | Function Prologue Instructions |
| bind-rest : | | Function Prologue Instructions |
| bind-textdomain-codeset : | | Gettext Support |
| binding : | | Module Commands |
| binding:boxed? : | | Compiled Procedures |
| binding:end : | | Compiled Procedures |
| binding:index : | | Compiled Procedures |
| binding:name : | | Compiled Procedures |
| binding:start : | | Compiled Procedures |
| bindtextdomain : | | Gettext Support |
| bit-count : | | Bit Vectors |
| bit-count : | | SRFI-60 |
| bit-count* : | | Bit Vectors |
| bit-extract : | | Bitwise Operations |
| bit-field : | | SRFI-60 |
| bit-invert! : | | Bit Vectors |
| bit-position : | | Bit Vectors |
| bit-set*! : | | Bit Vectors |
| bit-set? : | | SRFI-60 |
| bitvector : | | Bit Vectors |
| bitvector->list : | | Bit Vectors |
| bitvector-fill! : | | Bit Vectors |
| bitvector-length : | | Bit Vectors |
| bitvector-ref : | | Bit Vectors |
| bitvector-set! : | | Bit Vectors |
| bitvector? : | | Bit Vectors |
| bitwise-and : | | SRFI-60 |
| bitwise-and : | | rnrs arithmetic bitwise |
| bitwise-arithmetic-shift : | | rnrs arithmetic bitwise |
| bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left : | | rnrs arithmetic bitwise |
| bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right : | | rnrs arithmetic bitwise |
| bitwise-bit-count : | | rnrs arithmetic bitwise |
| bitwise-bit-field : | | rnrs arithmetic bitwise |
| bitwise-bit-set? : | | rnrs arithmetic bitwise |
| bitwise-copy-bit : | | rnrs arithmetic bitwise |
| bitwise-copy-bit-field : | | rnrs arithmetic bitwise |
| bitwise-first-bit-set : | | rnrs arithmetic bitwise |
| bitwise-if : | | SRFI-60 |
| bitwise-if : | | rnrs arithmetic bitwise |
| bitwise-ior : | | SRFI-60 |
| bitwise-ior : | | rnrs arithmetic bitwise |
| bitwise-length : | | rnrs arithmetic bitwise |
| bitwise-merge : | | SRFI-60 |
| bitwise-not : | | SRFI-60 |
| bitwise-not : | | rnrs arithmetic bitwise |
| bitwise-reverse-bit-field : | | rnrs arithmetic bitwise |
| bitwise-rotate-bit-field : | | rnrs arithmetic bitwise |
| bitwise-xor : | | SRFI-60 |
| bitwise-xor : | | rnrs arithmetic bitwise |
| boolean? : | | Booleans |
| boolean? : | | rnrs base |
| booleans->integer : | | SRFI-60 |
| bound-identifier=? : | | Syntax Transformer Helpers |
| bound-identifier=? : | | rnrs syntax-case |
| box : | | SRFI-111 |
| box : | | Lexical Environment Instructions |
| box? : | | SRFI-111 |
| br : | | Branch Instructions |
| br-if : | | Branch Instructions |
| br-if-eq : | | Branch Instructions |
| br-if-nargs-gt : | | Function Prologue Instructions |
| br-if-nargs-lt : | | Function Prologue Instructions |
| br-if-nargs-ne : | | Function Prologue Instructions |
| br-if-not : | | Branch Instructions |
| br-if-not-eq : | | Branch Instructions |
| br-if-not-null : | | Branch Instructions |
| br-if-null : | | Branch Instructions |
| break : | | Debug Commands |
| break : | | while do |
| break : | | SRFI-1 Searching |
| break : | | Miscellaneous Instructions |
| break! : | | SRFI-1 Searching |
| break-at-source : | | Debug Commands |
| broadcast-condition-variable : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| buffer-mode : | | R6RS Buffer Modes |
| buffer-mode? : | | R6RS Buffer Modes |
| build-request : | | Requests |
| build-response : | | Responses |
| build-uri : | | URIs |
| bv-f32-native-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-f32-native-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-f32-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-f32-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-f64-native-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-f64-native-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-f64-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-f64-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-s16-native-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-s16-native-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-s16-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-s16-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-s32-native-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-s32-native-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-s32-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-s32-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-s64-native-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-s64-native-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-s64-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-s64-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-s8-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-s8-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-u16-native-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-u16-native-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-u16-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-u16-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-u32-native-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-u32-native-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-u32-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-u32-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-u64-native-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-u64-native-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-u64-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-u64-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-u8-ref : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bv-u8-set : | | Inlined Bytevector Instructions |
| bytecode->objcode : | | Bytecode and Objcode |
| bytevector->pointer : | | Void Pointers and Byte Access |
| bytevector->sint-list : | | Bytevectors and Integer Lists |
| bytevector->string : | | Representing Strings as Bytes |
| bytevector->string : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| bytevector->u8-list : | | Bytevectors and Integer Lists |
| bytevector->uint-list : | | Bytevectors and Integer Lists |
| bytevector-copy : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| bytevector-copy! : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| bytevector-fill! : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref : | | Bytevectors as Floats |
| bytevector-ieee-double-native-set! : | | Bytevectors as Floats |
| bytevector-ieee-double-ref : | | Bytevectors as Floats |
| bytevector-ieee-double-set! : | | Bytevectors as Floats |
| bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref : | | Bytevectors as Floats |
| bytevector-ieee-single-native-set! : | | Bytevectors as Floats |
| bytevector-ieee-single-ref : | | Bytevectors as Floats |
| bytevector-ieee-single-set! : | | Bytevectors as Floats |
| bytevector-length : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| bytevector-s16-native-ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-s16-native-set! : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-s16-ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-s16-set! : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-s32-native-ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-s32-native-set! : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-s32-ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-s32-set! : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-s64-native-ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-s64-native-set! : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-s64-ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-s64-set! : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-s8-ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-s8-set! : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-sint-ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-sint-set! : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-u16-native-ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-u16-native-set! : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-u16-ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-u16-set! : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-u32-native-ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-u32-native-set! : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-u32-ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-u32-set! : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-u64-native-ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-u64-native-set! : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-u64-ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-u64-set! : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-u8-ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-u8-set! : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-uint-ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector-uint-set! : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| bytevector=? : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| bytevector? : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
C | | |
| c32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| c32vector->list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| c32vector-length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| c32vector-ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| c32vector-set! : | | SRFI-4 API |
| c32vector? : | | SRFI-4 API |
| c64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| c64vector->list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| c64vector-length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| c64vector-ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| c64vector-set! : | | SRFI-4 API |
| c64vector? : | | SRFI-4 API |
| caaaar : | | Pairs |
| caaaar : | | rnrs base |
| caaadr : | | Pairs |
| caaadr : | | rnrs base |
| caaar : | | Pairs |
| caaar : | | rnrs base |
| caadar : | | Pairs |
| caadar : | | rnrs base |
| caaddr : | | Pairs |
| caaddr : | | rnrs base |
| caadr : | | Pairs |
| caadr : | | rnrs base |
| caar : | | Pairs |
| caar : | | rnrs base |
| cadaar : | | Pairs |
| cadaar : | | rnrs base |
| cadadr : | | Pairs |
| cadadr : | | rnrs base |
| cadar : | | Pairs |
| cadar : | | rnrs base |
| caddar : | | Pairs |
| caddar : | | rnrs base |
| cadddr : | | Pairs |
| cadddr : | | rnrs base |
| caddr : | | Pairs |
| caddr : | | rnrs base |
| cadr : | | Pairs |
| cadr : | | rnrs base |
| call : | | Procedure Call and Return Instructions |
| call-with-blocked-asyncs : | | System asyncs |
| call-with-current-continuation : | | Continuations |
| call-with-current-continuation : | | rnrs base |
| call-with-error-handling : | | Pre-Unwind Debugging |
| call-with-escape-continuation : | | Prompt Primitives |
| call-with-file-and-dir : | | texinfo |
| call-with-input-file : | | File Ports |
| call-with-input-file : | | rnrs io simple |
| call-with-input-string : | | String Ports |
| call-with-new-thread : | | Threads |
| call-with-output-encoded-string : | | Representing Strings as Bytes |
| call-with-output-file : | | File Ports |
| call-with-output-file : | | rnrs io simple |
| call-with-output-string : | | String Ports |
| call-with-port : | | R6RS Port Manipulation |
| call-with-prompt : | | Prompt Primitives |
| call-with-trace : | | Tracing Traps |
| call-with-unblocked-asyncs : | | System asyncs |
| call-with-values : | | Multiple Values |
| call-with-values : | | rnrs base |
| call/cc : | | Continuations |
| call/cc : | | rnrs base |
| call/cc : | | Procedure Call and Return Instructions |
| call/ec : | | Prompt Primitives |
| call/nargs : | | Procedure Call and Return Instructions |
| cancel-thread : | | Threads |
| car : | | Pairs |
| car : | | rnrs base |
| car : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| car+cdr : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| case : | | Conditionals |
| case : | | rnrs base |
| case-lambda : | | Case-lambda |
| case-lambda : | | rnrs control |
| case-lambda* : | | Case-lambda |
| catch : | | Catch |
| cd : | | Processes |
| cdaaar : | | Pairs |
| cdaaar : | | rnrs base |
| cdaadr : | | Pairs |
| cdaadr : | | rnrs base |
| cdaar : | | Pairs |
| cdaar : | | rnrs base |
| cdadar : | | Pairs |
| cdadar : | | rnrs base |
| cdaddr : | | Pairs |
| cdaddr : | | rnrs base |
| cdadr : | | Pairs |
| cdadr : | | rnrs base |
| cdar : | | Pairs |
| cdar : | | rnrs base |
| cddaar : | | Pairs |
| cddaar : | | rnrs base |
| cddadr : | | Pairs |
| cddadr : | | rnrs base |
| cddar : | | Pairs |
| cddar : | | rnrs base |
| cdddar : | | Pairs |
| cdddar : | | rnrs base |
| cddddr : | | Pairs |
| cddddr : | | rnrs base |
| cdddr : | | Pairs |
| cdddr : | | rnrs base |
| cddr : | | Pairs |
| cddr : | | rnrs base |
| cdr : | | Pairs |
| cdr : | | rnrs base |
| cdr : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| ceiling : | | Arithmetic |
| ceiling : | | rnrs base |
| ceiling-quotient : | | Arithmetic |
| ceiling-remainder : | | Arithmetic |
| ceiling/ : | | Arithmetic |
| center-string : | | texinfo string-utils |
| centered-quotient : | | Arithmetic |
| centered-remainder : | | Arithmetic |
| centered/ : | | Arithmetic |
| change-class : | | Changing the Class of an Instance |
| change-class : | | Changing the Class of an Instance |
| char->formal-name : | | Characters |
| char->integer : | | Characters |
| char->integer : | | rnrs base |
| char-alphabetic? : | | Characters |
| char-alphabetic? : | | rnrs unicode |
| char-ci<=? : | | Characters |
| char-ci<=? : | | rnrs unicode |
| char-ci<? : | | Characters |
| char-ci<? : | | rnrs unicode |
| char-ci=? : | | Characters |
| char-ci=? : | | rnrs unicode |
| char-ci>=? : | | Characters |
| char-ci>=? : | | rnrs unicode |
| char-ci>? : | | Characters |
| char-ci>? : | | rnrs unicode |
| char-downcase : | | Characters |
| char-downcase : | | rnrs unicode |
| char-foldcase : | | rnrs unicode |
| char-general-category : | | Characters |
| char-general-category : | | rnrs unicode |
| char-is-both? : | | Characters |
| char-locale-ci<? : | | Text Collation |
| char-locale-ci=? : | | Text Collation |
| char-locale-ci>? : | | Text Collation |
| char-locale-downcase : | | Character Case Mapping |
| char-locale-titlecase : | | Character Case Mapping |
| char-locale-upcase : | | Character Case Mapping |
| char-locale<? : | | Text Collation |
| char-locale>? : | | Text Collation |
| char-lower-case? : | | Characters |
| char-lower-case? : | | rnrs unicode |
| char-numeric? : | | Characters |
| char-numeric? : | | rnrs unicode |
| char-ready? : | | Reading |
| char-set : | | Creating Character Sets |
| char-set->list : | | Querying Character Sets |
| char-set->string : | | Querying Character Sets |
| char-set-adjoin : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| char-set-adjoin! : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| char-set-any : | | Querying Character Sets |
| char-set-complement : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| char-set-complement! : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| char-set-contains? : | | Querying Character Sets |
| char-set-copy : | | Creating Character Sets |
| char-set-count : | | Querying Character Sets |
| char-set-cursor : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| char-set-cursor-next : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| char-set-delete : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| char-set-delete! : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| char-set-diff+intersection : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| char-set-diff+intersection! : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| char-set-difference : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| char-set-difference! : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| char-set-every : | | Querying Character Sets |
| char-set-filter : | | Creating Character Sets |
| char-set-filter! : | | Creating Character Sets |
| char-set-fold : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| char-set-for-each : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| char-set-hash : | | Character Set Predicates/Comparison |
| char-set-intersection : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| char-set-intersection! : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| char-set-map : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| char-set-ref : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| char-set-size : | | Querying Character Sets |
| char-set-unfold : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| char-set-unfold! : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| char-set-union : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| char-set-union! : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| char-set-xor : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| char-set-xor! : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| char-set<= : | | Character Set Predicates/Comparison |
| char-set= : | | Character Set Predicates/Comparison |
| char-set? : | | Character Set Predicates/Comparison |
| char-title-case? : | | rnrs unicode |
| char-titlecase : | | Characters |
| char-titlecase : | | rnrs unicode |
| char-upcase : | | Characters |
| char-upcase : | | rnrs unicode |
| char-upper-case? : | | Characters |
| char-upper-case? : | | rnrs unicode |
| char-whitespace? : | | Characters |
| char-whitespace? : | | rnrs unicode |
| char<=? : | | Characters |
| char<=? : | | rnrs base |
| char<? : | | Characters |
| char<? : | | rnrs base |
| char=? : | | Characters |
| char=? : | | rnrs base |
| char>=? : | | Characters |
| char>=? : | | rnrs base |
| char>? : | | Characters |
| char>? : | | rnrs base |
| char? : | | Characters |
| char? : | | rnrs base |
| chdir : | | Processes |
| chmod : | | File System |
| chown : | | File System |
| chroot : | | Processes |
| circular-list : | | SRFI-1 Constructors |
| circular-list? : | | SRFI-1 Predicates |
| class : | | Class Definition Protocol |
| class-direct-methods : | | Classes |
| class-direct-slots : | | Classes |
| class-direct-subclasses : | | Classes |
| class-direct-supers : | | Classes |
| class-methods : | | Classes |
| class-name : | | Classes |
| class-of : | | Instances |
| class-of : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| class-precedence-list : | | Classes |
| class-redefinition : | | Customizing Class Redefinition |
| class-redefinition : | | Customizing Class Redefinition |
| class-slot-definition : | | Slots |
| class-slot-ref : | | Accessing Slots |
| class-slot-set! : | | Accessing Slots |
| class-slots : | | Classes |
| class-subclasses : | | Classes |
| clear-value-history! : | | Value History |
| close : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| close-fdes : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| close-input-port : | | Closing |
| close-input-port : | | rnrs io simple |
| close-output-port : | | Closing |
| close-output-port : | | rnrs io simple |
| close-pipe : | | Pipes |
| close-port : | | Closing |
| close-server : | | Web Server |
| closedir : | | File System |
| collapse-repeated-chars : | | texinfo string-utils |
| command-line : | | Runtime Environment |
| command-line : | | rnrs programs |
| compile : | | Compile Commands |
| compile : | | Compilation |
| compile-file : | | Compile Commands |
| compile-file : | | Compilation |
| compiled-file-name : | | Compilation |
| complex? : | | Complex Numbers |
| complex? : | | rnrs base |
| compose : | | Higher-Order Functions |
| compute-std-cpl : | | Customizing Class Definition |
| concatenate : | | SRFI-1 Length Append etc |
| concatenate! : | | SRFI-1 Length Append etc |
| cond : | | Conditionals |
| cond : | | rnrs base |
| cond-expand : | | SRFI-0 |
| condition : | | SRFI-35 |
| condition : | | rnrs conditions |
| condition-accessor : | | rnrs conditions |
| condition-has-type? : | | SRFI-35 |
| condition-irritants : | | rnrs conditions |
| condition-message : | | SRFI-35 |
| condition-message : | | rnrs conditions |
| condition-predicate : | | rnrs conditions |
| condition-ref : | | SRFI-35 |
| condition-type? : | | SRFI-35 |
| condition-variable-broadcast! : | | SRFI-18 Condition variables |
| condition-variable-name : | | SRFI-18 Condition variables |
| condition-variable-signal! : | | SRFI-18 Condition variables |
| condition-variable-specific : | | SRFI-18 Condition variables |
| condition-variable-specific-set! : | | SRFI-18 Condition variables |
| condition-variable? : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| condition-variable? : | | SRFI-18 Condition variables |
| condition-who : | | rnrs conditions |
| condition? : | | rnrs conditions |
| connect : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| connect : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| connect : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| connect : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| cons : | | Pairs |
| cons : | | rnrs base |
| cons : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| cons* : | | List Constructors |
| cons* : | | rnrs lists |
| cons* : | | rnrs lists |
| cons-source : | | Source Properties |
| const : | | Higher-Order Functions |
| continuation-call : | | Trampoline Instructions |
| continue : | | while do |
| copy-bit : | | SRFI-60 |
| copy-bit-field : | | SRFI-60 |
| copy-file : | | File System |
| copy-random-state : | | Random |
| copy-time : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| copy-tree : | | Copying |
| cos : | | Scientific |
| cos : | | rnrs base |
| cosh : | | Scientific |
| count : | | SRFI-1 Length Append etc |
| coverage-data->lcov : | | Code Coverage |
| coverage-data? : | | Code Coverage |
| crypt : | | Encryption |
| ctermid : | | Terminals and Ptys |
| current-date : | | SRFI-19 Date |
| current-dynamic-state : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| current-error-port : | | Default Ports |
| current-error-port : | | R6RS Output Ports |
| current-exception-handler : | | SRFI-18 Exceptions |
| current-filename : | | Source Properties |
| current-http-proxy : | | Web Client |
| current-input-port : | | Default Ports |
| current-input-port : | | R6RS Input Ports |
| current-julian-day : | | SRFI-19 Date |
| current-load-port : | | Loading |
| current-modified-julian-day : | | SRFI-19 Date |
| current-module : | | Module System Reflection |
| current-output-port : | | Default Ports |
| current-output-port : | | R6RS Output Ports |
| current-processor-count : | | Processes |
| current-source-location : | | Source Properties |
| current-ssax-error-port : | | SSAX |
| current-thread : | | Threads |
| current-thread : | | SRFI-18 Threads |
| current-time : | | Time |
| current-time : | | SRFI-18 Time |
| current-time : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| cut : | | SRFI-26 |
| cute : | | SRFI-26 |
D | | |
| date->julian-day : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| date->modified-julian-day : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| date->string : | | SRFI-19 Date to string |
| date->time-monotonic : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| date->time-tai : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| date->time-utc : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| date-day : | | SRFI-19 Date |
| date-hour : | | SRFI-19 Date |
| date-minute : | | SRFI-19 Date |
| date-month : | | SRFI-19 Date |
| date-nanosecond : | | SRFI-19 Date |
| date-second : | | SRFI-19 Date |
| date-week-day : | | SRFI-19 Date |
| date-week-number : | | SRFI-19 Date |
| date-year : | | SRFI-19 Date |
| date-year-day : | | SRFI-19 Date |
| date-zone-offset : | | SRFI-19 Date |
| date? : | | SRFI-19 Date |
| datum->random-state : | | Random |
| datum->syntax : | | Syntax Case |
| datum->syntax : | | rnrs syntax-case |
| debug-disable : | | Debug Options |
| debug-enable : | | Debug Options |
| debug-options : | | Debug Options |
| debug-set! : | | Debug Options |
| declare-default-port! : | | URIs |
| declare-header! : | | HTTP |
| declare-opaque-header! : | | HTTP |
| deep-clone : | | GOOPS Object Miscellany |
| deep-clone : | | GOOPS Object Miscellany |
| default-duplicate-binding-handler : | | Creating Guile Modules |
| default-prompt-tag : | | Prompt Primitives |
| default-random-source : | | SRFI-27 Default Random Source |
| define : | | Top Level |
| define : | | rnrs base |
| define : | | Curried Definitions |
| define : | | Top-Level Environment Instructions |
| define* : | | lambda* and define* |
| define* : | | Curried Definitions |
| define*-public : | | ice-9 optargs |
| define-accessor : | | Accessors |
| define-class : | | Class Definition |
| define-class : | | Class Definition |
| define-condition-type : | | SRFI-35 |
| define-condition-type : | | rnrs conditions |
| define-enumeration : | | rnrs enums |
| define-generic : | | Methods and Generic Functions |
| define-generic : | | Methods and Generic Functions |
| define-immutable-record-type : | | SRFI-9 Records |
| define-inlinable : | | Inlinable Procedures |
| define-language : | | Compiler Tower |
| define-macro : | | Defmacros |
| define-method : | | Methods and Generic Functions |
| define-method : | | Methods and Generic Functions |
| define-module : | | Creating Guile Modules |
| define-once : | | Top Level |
| define-parsed-entity! : | | SSAX |
| define-public : | | Creating Guile Modules |
| define-public : | | Curried Definitions |
| define-reader-ctor : | | SRFI-10 |
| define-record-type : | | SRFI-9 Records |
| define-record-type : | | rnrs records syntactic |
| define-server-impl : | | Web Server |
| define-stream : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| define-syntax : | | Defining Macros |
| define-syntax : | | rnrs base |
| define-syntax-parameter : | | Syntax Parameters |
| define-syntax-rule : | | Syntax Rules |
| define-values : | | Binding Multiple Values |
| define-wrapped-pointer-type : | | Void Pointers and Byte Access |
| defined? : | | Binding Reflection |
| defmacro : | | Defmacros |
| defmacro* : | | ice-9 optargs |
| defmacro*-public : | | ice-9 optargs |
| defvar : | | Top Level |
| delay : | | Delayed Evaluation |
| delay : | | SRFI-45 |
| delay : | | rnrs r5rs |
| delete : | | List Modification |
| delete : | | SRFI-1 Deleting |
| delete! : | | List Modification |
| delete! : | | SRFI-1 Deleting |
| delete-duplicates : | | SRFI-1 Deleting |
| delete-duplicates! : | | SRFI-1 Deleting |
| delete-file : | | File System |
| delete-trap! : | | Trap States |
| delete1! : | | List Modification |
| delq : | | List Modification |
| delq! : | | List Modification |
| delq1! : | | List Modification |
| delv : | | List Modification |
| delv! : | | List Modification |
| delv1! : | | List Modification |
| denominator : | | Reals and Rationals |
| denominator : | | rnrs base |
| deq! : | | Queues |
| dereference-pointer : | | Void Pointers and Byte Access |
| describe : | | Help Commands |
| directory-stream? : | | File System |
| dirname : | | File System |
| disable-trap! : | | Trap States |
| disable-value-history! : | | Value History |
| disassemble : | | Compile Commands |
| disassemble-file : | | Compile Commands |
| display : | | Scheme Write |
| display : | | rnrs io simple |
| display : | | rnrs io simple |
| display : | | GOOPS Object Miscellany |
| display-application : | | Frames |
| display-backtrace : | | Stacks |
| display-error : | | Handling Errors |
| div : | | rnrs base |
| div : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
| div-and-mod : | | rnrs base |
| div0 : | | rnrs base |
| div0-and-mod0 : | | rnrs base |
| do : | | while do |
| do : | | rnrs control |
| dotted-list? : | | SRFI-1 Predicates |
| doubly-weak-hash-table? : | | Weak hash tables |
| down : | | Debug Commands |
| drain-input : | | Reading |
| drop : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| drop : | | Miscellaneous Instructions |
| drop-right : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| drop-right! : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| drop-while : | | SRFI-1 Searching |
| dup : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| dup : | | Miscellaneous Instructions |
| dup->fdes : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| dup->inport : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| dup->outport : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| dup->port : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| dup2 : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| duplicate-port : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| dynamic-call : | | Foreign Functions |
| dynamic-func : | | Foreign Functions |
| dynamic-link : | | Foreign Libraries |
| dynamic-object? : | | Foreign Libraries |
| dynamic-pointer : | | Foreign Variables |
| dynamic-state? : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| dynamic-unlink : | | Foreign Libraries |
| dynamic-wind : | | Dynamic Wind |
| dynamic-wind : | | rnrs base |
E | | |
| eager : | | SRFI-45 |
| ee? : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
| effective-version : | | Build Config |
| eighth : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| empty-box : | | Lexical Environment Instructions |
| enable-primitive-generic! : | | Extending Primitives |
| enable-trap! : | | Trap States |
| enable-value-history! : | | Value History |
| encode-and-join-uri-path : | | URIs |
| end-of-char-set? : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| endgrent : | | User Information |
| endhostent : | | Network Databases |
| endianness : | | Bytevector Endianness |
| endnetent : | | Network Databases |
| endprotoent : | | Network Databases |
| endpwent : | | User Information |
| endservent : | | Network Databases |
| enq! : | | Queues |
| ensure-accessor : | | Generic Function Internals |
| ensure-generic : | | Generic Function Internals |
| ensure-metaclass : | | Class Definition Protocol |
| enum-set->list : | | rnrs enums |
| enum-set-complement : | | rnrs enums |
| enum-set-constructor : | | rnrs enums |
| enum-set-difference : | | rnrs enums |
| enum-set-indexer : | | rnrs enums |
| enum-set-intersection : | | rnrs enums |
| enum-set-member? : | | rnrs enums |
| enum-set-projection : | | rnrs enums |
| enum-set-subset? : | | rnrs enums |
| enum-set-union : | | rnrs enums |
| enum-set-universe : | | rnrs enums |
| enum-set=? : | | rnrs enums |
| environ : | | Runtime Environment |
| environment : | | rnrs eval |
| eof-object : | | R6RS End-of-File |
| eof-object : | | rnrs io simple |
| eof-object? : | | Reading |
| eof-object? : | | R6RS End-of-File |
| eof-object? : | | rnrs io simple |
| eol-style : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| eq? : | | Equality |
| eq? : | | rnrs base |
| eq? : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| equal-hash : | | rnrs hashtables |
| equal? : | | Equality |
| equal? : | | rnrs base |
| equal? : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| eqv? : | | Equality |
| eqv? : | | rnrs base |
| eqv? : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| error : | | Debug Commands |
| error : | | Error Reporting |
| error : | | rnrs base |
| error-handling-mode : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| error-message : | | Debug Commands |
| error? : | | SRFI-35 |
| error? : | | rnrs conditions |
| escape-special-chars : | | texinfo string-utils |
| euclidean-quotient : | | Arithmetic |
| euclidean-remainder : | | Arithmetic |
| euclidean/ : | | Arithmetic |
| eval : | | Fly Evaluation |
| eval : | | rnrs eval |
| eval-string : | | Fly Evaluation |
| eval-when : | | Eval When |
| eval-when : | | Loading |
| even? : | | Integer Operations |
| even? : | | rnrs base |
| every : | | SRFI-1 Searching |
| exact : | | rnrs base |
| exact->inexact : | | Exactness |
| exact->inexact : | | rnrs r5rs |
| exact-integer-sqrt : | | Integer Operations |
| exact-integer-sqrt : | | rnrs base |
| exact-integer? : | | Integers |
| exact? : | | Exactness |
| exact? : | | rnrs base |
| execl : | | Processes |
| execle : | | Processes |
| execlp : | | Processes |
| exists : | | rnrs lists |
| exit : | | Processes |
| exit : | | rnrs programs |
| exp : | | Scientific |
| exp : | | rnrs base |
| expand : | | Compile Commands |
| expand-tabs : | | texinfo string-utils |
| expect : | | Expect |
| expect-strings : | | Expect |
| export : | | Creating Guile Modules |
| export! : | | Creating Guile Modules |
| expt : | | Scientific |
| expt : | | rnrs base |
| extract-condition : | | SRFI-35 |
F | | |
| f32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| f32vector->list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| f32vector-length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| f32vector-ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| f32vector-set! : | | SRFI-4 API |
| f32vector? : | | SRFI-4 API |
| f64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| f64vector->list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| f64vector-length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| f64vector-ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| f64vector-set! : | | SRFI-4 API |
| f64vector? : | | SRFI-4 API |
| false-if-exception : | | Error Reporting |
| fchmod : | | File System |
| fchown : | | File System |
| fcntl : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| fdes->inport : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| fdes->outport : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| fdes->ports : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| fdopen : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| feature? : | | Feature Manipulation |
| fflush : | | Writing |
| fifth : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| file-encoding : | | Character Encoding of Source Files |
| file-exists? : | | File System |
| file-name-separator? : | | File System |
| file-options : | | R6RS File Options |
| file-port? : | | File Ports |
| file-system-fold : | | File Tree Walk |
| file-system-tree : | | File Tree Walk |
| filename-completion-function : | | Readline Functions |
| fileno : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| fill-string : | | texinfo string-utils |
| filter : | | List Modification |
| filter : | | rnrs lists |
| filter : | | SXPath |
| filter! : | | List Modification |
| filter-empty-elements : | | texinfo docbook |
| filter-map : | | SRFI-1 Fold and Map |
| find : | | SRFI-1 Searching |
| find : | | rnrs lists |
| find-string-from-port? : | | sxml ssax input-parse |
| find-tail : | | SRFI-1 Searching |
| finish : | | Debug Commands |
| finite? : | | Reals and Rationals |
| finite? : | | rnrs base |
| first : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| first-set-bit : | | SRFI-60 |
| fix-closure : | | Lexical Environment Instructions |
| fixnum->flonum : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fixnum-width : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fixnum? : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fl* : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fl+ : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fl- : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fl- : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fl/ : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fl/ : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fl<=? : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fl<? : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fl=? : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fl>=? : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fl>? : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flabs : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flacos : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flasin : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flatan : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flatan : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flceiling : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flcos : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fldenominator : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fldiv : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fldiv-and-mod : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fldiv0 : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fldiv0-and-mod0 : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fldmod : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fleven? : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flexp : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flexpt : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flfinite? : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flfloor : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flinfinite? : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flinteger? : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fllog : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fllog : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flmax : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flmin : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flmod0 : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flnan? : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flnegative? : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flnumerator : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flock : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| flodd? : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flonum? : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| floor : | | Arithmetic |
| floor : | | rnrs base |
| floor-quotient : | | Arithmetic |
| floor-remainder : | | Arithmetic |
| floor/ : | | Arithmetic |
| flpositive? : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flround : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flsin : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| flsqrt : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fltan : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fltruncate : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fluid->parameter : | | Parameters |
| fluid-bound? : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| fluid-ref : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| fluid-ref : | | Dynamic Environment Instructions |
| fluid-set : | | Dynamic Environment Instructions |
| fluid-set! : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| fluid-unset! : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| fluid? : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| flush-all-ports : | | Writing |
| flush-output-port : | | R6RS Output Ports |
| flzero? : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| fold : | | SRFI-1 Fold and Map |
| fold-layout : | | SXML Tree Fold |
| fold-left : | | rnrs lists |
| fold-matches : | | Regexp Functions |
| fold-right : | | SRFI-1 Fold and Map |
| fold-right : | | rnrs lists |
| fold-values : | | SXML Tree Fold |
| foldt : | | SXML Tree Fold |
| foldts : | | Transforming SXML |
| foldts : | | SXML Tree Fold |
| foldts* : | | SXML Tree Fold |
| foldts*-values : | | SXML Tree Fold |
| for-all : | | rnrs lists |
| for-each : | | List Mapping |
| for-each : | | SRFI-1 Fold and Map |
| for-each : | | rnrs base |
| force : | | Delayed Evaluation |
| force : | | SRFI-45 |
| force : | | rnrs r5rs |
| force-output : | | Writing |
| foreign-call : | | Trampoline Instructions |
| formal-name->char : | | Characters |
| format : | | SRFI-28 |
| format : | | Formatted Output |
| fourth : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| frame : | | Debug Commands |
| frame-address : | | Frames |
| frame-arguments : | | Frames |
| frame-dynamic-link : | | Frames |
| frame-instruction-pointer : | | Frames |
| frame-local-ref : | | Frames |
| frame-local-set! : | | Frames |
| frame-mv-return-address : | | Frames |
| frame-num-locals : | | Frames |
| frame-previous : | | Frames |
| frame-procedure : | | Frames |
| frame-return-address : | | Frames |
| frame-stack-pointer : | | Frames |
| frame? : | | Frames |
| free-boxed-ref : | | Lexical Environment Instructions |
| free-boxed-set : | | Lexical Environment Instructions |
| free-identifier=? : | | Syntax Transformer Helpers |
| free-identifier=? : | | rnrs syntax-case |
| free-ref : | | Lexical Environment Instructions |
| fstat : | | File System |
| fsync : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| ftell : | | Random Access |
| ftruncate : | | Random Access |
| ftw : | | File Tree Walk |
| future : | | Futures |
| future? : | | Futures |
| fx* : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fx*/carry : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fx+ : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fx+/carry : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fx- : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fx- : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fx-/carry : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fx<=? : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fx<? : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fx=? : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fx>=? : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fx>? : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxand : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxarithmetic-shift : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxarithmetic-shift-left : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxarithmetic-shift-right : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxbit-count : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxbit-field : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxbit-set? : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxcopy-bit : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxcopy-bit-field : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxdiv : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxdiv-and-mod : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxdiv0 : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxdiv0-and-mod0 : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxeven? : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxfirst-bit-set : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxif : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxior : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxlength : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxmax : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxmin : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxmod : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxmod0 : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxnegative? : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxnot : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxodd? : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxpositive? : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxreverse-bit-field : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxrotate-bit-field : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxxor : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| fxzero? : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
G | | |
| gc : | | System Commands |
| gc : | | Garbage Collection Functions |
| gc-live-object-stats : | | Garbage Collection Functions |
| gc-stats : | | Garbage Collection Functions |
| gcd : | | Integer Operations |
| gcd : | | rnrs base |
| gcprof : | | Statprof |
| ge? : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
| generate-temporaries : | | Syntax Transformer Helpers |
| generate-temporaries : | | rnrs syntax-case |
| generic-function-methods : | | Generic Functions |
| generic-function-name : | | Generic Functions |
| gensym : | | Symbol Primitives |
| get-bytevector-all : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| get-bytevector-n : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| get-bytevector-n! : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| get-bytevector-some : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| get-char : | | R6RS Textual Input |
| get-datum : | | R6RS Textual Input |
| get-environment-variable : | | SRFI-98 |
| get-environment-variables : | | SRFI-98 |
| get-internal-real-time : | | Time |
| get-internal-run-time : | | Time |
| get-line : | | R6RS Textual Input |
| get-output-string : | | String Ports |
| get-print-state : | | Writing |
| get-string-all : | | R6RS Textual Input |
| get-string-n : | | R6RS Textual Input |
| get-string-n! : | | R6RS Textual Input |
| get-u8 : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| getaddrinfo : | | Network Databases |
| getaffinity : | | Processes |
| getcwd : | | Processes |
| getegid : | | Processes |
| getenv : | | Runtime Environment |
| geteuid : | | Processes |
| getgid : | | Processes |
| getgr : | | User Information |
| getgrent : | | User Information |
| getgrgid : | | User Information |
| getgrnam : | | User Information |
| getgroups : | | Processes |
| gethost : | | Network Databases |
| gethostbyaddr : | | Network Databases |
| gethostbyname : | | Network Databases |
| gethostent : | | Network Databases |
| gethostname : | | System Identification |
| getitimer : | | Signals |
| getlogin : | | User Information |
| getnet : | | Network Databases |
| getnetbyaddr : | | Network Databases |
| getnetbyname : | | Network Databases |
| getnetent : | | Network Databases |
| getopt-long : | | getopt-long Reference |
| getpass : | | Encryption |
| getpeername : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| getpgrp : | | Processes |
| getpid : | | Processes |
| getppid : | | Processes |
| getpriority : | | Processes |
| getproto : | | Network Databases |
| getprotobyname : | | Network Databases |
| getprotobynumber : | | Network Databases |
| getprotoent : | | Network Databases |
| getpw : | | User Information |
| getpwent : | | User Information |
| getpwnam : | | User Information |
| getpwuid : | | User Information |
| getserv : | | Network Databases |
| getservbyname : | | Network Databases |
| getservbyport : | | Network Databases |
| getservent : | | Network Databases |
| getsid : | | Processes |
| getsockname : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| getsockopt : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| getter-with-setter : | | SRFI-17 |
| gettext : | | Gettext Support |
| gettimeofday : | | Time |
| getuid : | | Processes |
| gmtime : | | Time |
| goops-error : | | GOOPS Error Handling |
| greatest-fixnum : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| group:gid : | | User Information |
| group:mem : | | User Information |
| group:name : | | User Information |
| group:passwd : | | User Information |
| gt? : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
| guard : | | rnrs exceptions |
| guild compile : | | Compilation |
| GUILE_CHECK_RETVAL : | | Autoconf Macros |
| GUILE_FLAGS : | | Autoconf Macros |
| GUILE_MODULE_AVAILABLE : | | Autoconf Macros |
| GUILE_MODULE_CHECK : | | Autoconf Macros |
| GUILE_MODULE_EXPORTS : | | Autoconf Macros |
| GUILE_MODULE_REQUIRED : | | Autoconf Macros |
| GUILE_MODULE_REQUIRED_EXPORT : | | Autoconf Macros |
| GUILE_PKG : | | Autoconf Macros |
| GUILE_PROGS : | | Autoconf Macros |
| GUILE_SITE_DIR : | | Autoconf Macros |
H | | |
| halt : | | Miscellaneous Instructions |
| handle-request : | | Web Server |
| hash : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hash : | | SRFI-69 Hash table algorithms |
| hash-by-identity : | | SRFI-69 Hash table algorithms |
| hash-clear! : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hash-count : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hash-create-handle! : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hash-fold : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hash-for-each : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hash-for-each-handle : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hash-get-handle : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hash-map->list : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hash-ref : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hash-remove! : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hash-set! : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hash-table->alist : | | SRFI-69 Table properties |
| hash-table-delete! : | | SRFI-69 Accessing table items |
| hash-table-equivalence-function : | | SRFI-69 Hash table algorithms |
| hash-table-exists? : | | SRFI-69 Accessing table items |
| hash-table-fold : | | SRFI-69 Table properties |
| hash-table-hash-function : | | SRFI-69 Hash table algorithms |
| hash-table-keys : | | SRFI-69 Table properties |
| hash-table-ref : | | SRFI-69 Accessing table items |
| hash-table-ref/default : | | SRFI-69 Accessing table items |
| hash-table-set! : | | SRFI-69 Accessing table items |
| hash-table-size : | | SRFI-69 Table properties |
| hash-table-update! : | | SRFI-69 Accessing table items |
| hash-table-update!/default : | | SRFI-69 Accessing table items |
| hash-table-values : | | SRFI-69 Table properties |
| hash-table-walk : | | SRFI-69 Table properties |
| hash-table? : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hashq : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hashq-create-handle! : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hashq-get-handle : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hashq-ref : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hashq-remove! : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hashq-set! : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hashtable-clear! : | | rnrs hashtables |
| hashtable-clear! : | | rnrs hashtables |
| hashtable-contains? : | | rnrs hashtables |
| hashtable-copy : | | rnrs hashtables |
| hashtable-copy : | | rnrs hashtables |
| hashtable-delete! : | | rnrs hashtables |
| hashtable-entries : | | rnrs hashtables |
| hashtable-equivalence-function : | | rnrs hashtables |
| hashtable-hash-function : | | rnrs hashtables |
| hashtable-keys : | | rnrs hashtables |
| hashtable-mutable? : | | rnrs hashtables |
| hashtable-ref : | | rnrs hashtables |
| hashtable-set! : | | rnrs hashtables |
| hashtable-size : | | rnrs hashtables |
| hashtable-update! : | | rnrs hashtables |
| hashtable? : | | rnrs hashtables |
| hashv : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hashv-create-handle! : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hashv-get-handle : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hashv-ref : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hashv-remove! : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hashv-set! : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hashx-create-handle! : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hashx-get-handle : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hashx-ref : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hashx-remove! : | | Hash Table Reference |
| hashx-set! : | | Hash Table Reference |
| header->string : | | HTTP |
| header-parser : | | HTTP |
| header-validator : | | HTTP |
| header-writer : | | HTTP |
| help : | | Help Commands |
| hook->list : | | Hook Reference |
| hook-empty? : | | Hook Reference |
| hook? : | | Hook Reference |
| hostent:addr-list : | | Network Databases |
| hostent:addrtype : | | Network Databases |
| hostent:aliases : | | Network Databases |
| hostent:length : | | Network Databases |
| hostent:name : | | Network Databases |
| http : | | Web Server |
| http-delete : | | Web Client |
| http-get : | | Web Client |
| http-head : | | Web Client |
| http-options : | | Web Client |
| http-post : | | Web Client |
| http-put : | | Web Client |
| http-trace : | | Web Client |
I | | |
| i/o-decoding-error? : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| i/o-encoding-error-char : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| i/o-encoding-error? : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| i/o-error-filename : | | I/O Conditions |
| i/o-error-port : | | I/O Conditions |
| i/o-error-position : | | I/O Conditions |
| i/o-error? : | | I/O Conditions |
| i/o-file-already-exists-error? : | | I/O Conditions |
| i/o-file-does-not-exist-error? : | | I/O Conditions |
| i/o-file-is-read-only-error? : | | I/O Conditions |
| i/o-file-protection-error? : | | I/O Conditions |
| i/o-filename-error? : | | I/O Conditions |
| i/o-invalid-position-error? : | | I/O Conditions |
| i/o-port-error? : | | I/O Conditions |
| i/o-read-error? : | | I/O Conditions |
| i/o-write-error? : | | I/O Conditions |
| identifier-syntax : | | Identifier Macros |
| identifier-syntax : | | Identifier Macros |
| identifier-syntax : | | rnrs base |
| identifier? : | | Syntax Case |
| identifier? : | | rnrs syntax-case |
| identity : | | Higher-Order Functions |
| if : | | Conditionals |
| if : | | rnrs base |
| imag-part : | | Complex |
| imag-part : | | rnrs base |
| implementation-restriction-violation? : | | rnrs conditions |
| import : | | Module Commands |
| import : | | R6RS Libraries |
| in : | | Module Commands |
| in : | | Module Commands |
| include : | | Local Inclusion |
| include-from-path : | | Local Inclusion |
| inet-aton : | | Network Address Conversion |
| inet-lnaof : | | Network Address Conversion |
| inet-makeaddr : | | Network Address Conversion |
| inet-netof : | | Network Address Conversion |
| inet-ntoa : | | Network Address Conversion |
| inet-ntop : | | Network Address Conversion |
| inet-pton : | | Network Address Conversion |
| inexact : | | rnrs base |
| inexact->exact : | | Exactness |
| inexact->exact : | | rnrs r5rs |
| inexact? : | | Exactness |
| inexact? : | | rnrs base |
| inf : | | Reals and Rationals |
| inf? : | | Reals and Rationals |
| infinite? : | | rnrs base |
| input-port? : | | Ports |
| input-port? : | | R6RS Input Ports |
| input-port? : | | rnrs io simple |
| inspect : | | Inspect Commands |
| install-trap-handler! : | | High-Level Traps |
| instance? : | | Instances |
| instrumented-source-files : | | Code Coverage |
| instrumented/executed-lines : | | Code Coverage |
| integer->char : | | Characters |
| integer->char : | | rnrs base |
| integer->list : | | SRFI-60 |
| integer-expt : | | Bitwise Operations |
| integer-length : | | Bitwise Operations |
| integer-valued? : | | rnrs base |
| integer? : | | Integers |
| integer? : | | rnrs base |
| interaction-environment : | | Fly Evaluation |
| iota : | | SRFI-1 Constructors |
| irritants-condition? : | | rnrs conditions |
| is-a? : | | Instances |
| isatty? : | | Terminals and Ptys |
J | | |
| join-thread : | | Threads |
| join-timeout-exception? : | | SRFI-18 Exceptions |
| julian-day->date : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| julian-day->time-monotonic : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| julian-day->time-tai : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| julian-day->time-utc : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
K | | |
| keyword->string : | | SRFI-88 |
| keyword->symbol : | | Keyword Procedures |
| keyword? : | | Keyword Procedures |
| keyword? : | | SRFI-88 |
| kill : | | Signals |
| known-header? : | | HTTP |
L | | |
| lalr-parser : | | LALR(1) Parsing |
| lambda : | | Lambda |
| lambda : | | rnrs base |
| lambda* : | | lambda* and define* |
| language : | | Language Commands |
| last : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| last-pair : | | List Selection |
| latin-1-codec : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| lazy : | | SRFI-45 |
| lchown : | | File System |
| lcm : | | Integer Operations |
| lcm : | | rnrs base |
| le? : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
| least-fixnum : | | rnrs arithmetic fixnums |
| left-justify-string : | | texinfo string-utils |
| length : | | List Selection |
| length : | | rnrs base |
| length+ : | | SRFI-1 Length Append etc |
| let : | | Local Bindings |
| let : | | while do |
| let : | | rnrs base |
| let* : | | Local Bindings |
| let* : | | rnrs base |
| let*-values : | | SRFI-11 |
| let*-values : | | rnrs base |
| let-escape-continuation : | | Prompt Primitives |
| let-keywords : | | ice-9 optargs |
| let-keywords* : | | ice-9 optargs |
| let-optional : | | ice-9 optargs |
| let-optional* : | | ice-9 optargs |
| let-syntax : | | Defining Macros |
| let-syntax : | | rnrs base |
| let-values : | | SRFI-11 |
| let-values : | | rnrs base |
| let/ec : | | Prompt Primitives |
| letpar : | | Parallel Forms |
| letrec : | | Local Bindings |
| letrec : | | rnrs base |
| letrec* : | | Local Bindings |
| letrec* : | | rnrs base |
| letrec-syntax : | | Defining Macros |
| letrec-syntax : | | rnrs base |
| lexical-violation? : | | rnrs conditions |
| library : | | R6RS Libraries |
| line-execution-counts : | | Code Coverage |
| link : | | File System |
| link-now : | | Top-Level Environment Instructions |
| list : | | List Constructors |
| list : | | rnrs base |
| list : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| list->array : | | Array Procedures |
| list->bitvector : | | Bit Vectors |
| list->c32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| list->c64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| list->char-set : | | Creating Character Sets |
| list->char-set! : | | Creating Character Sets |
| list->f32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| list->f64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| list->integer : | | SRFI-60 |
| list->s16vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| list->s32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| list->s64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| list->s8vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| list->stream : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| list->stream : | | Streams |
| list->string : | | String Constructors |
| list->string : | | rnrs base |
| list->symbol : | | Symbol Primitives |
| list->typed-array : | | Array Procedures |
| list->u16vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| list->u32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| list->u64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| list->u8vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| list->vector : | | Vector Creation |
| list->vector : | | SRFI-43 Conversion |
| list->vector : | | rnrs base |
| list->vlist : | | VLists |
| list->weak-vector : | | Weak vectors |
| list-cdr-ref : | | List Selection |
| list-cdr-set! : | | List Modification |
| list-copy : | | List Constructors |
| list-copy : | | SRFI-1 Constructors |
| list-head : | | List Selection |
| list-index : | | SRFI-1 Searching |
| list-matches : | | Regexp Functions |
| list-ref : | | List Selection |
| list-ref : | | rnrs base |
| list-set! : | | List Modification |
| list-sort : | | rnrs sorting |
| list-tabulate : | | SRFI-1 Constructors |
| list-tail : | | List Selection |
| list-tail : | | rnrs base |
| list-traps : | | Trap States |
| list= : | | SRFI-1 Predicates |
| list? : | | List Predicates |
| list? : | | rnrs base |
| list? : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| listen : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| load : | | Module Commands |
| load : | | Loading |
| load-array : | | Loading Instructions |
| load-compiled : | | Loading |
| load-extension : | | Foreign Functions |
| load-from-path : | | Load Paths |
| load-number : | | Loading Instructions |
| load-objcode : | | Bytecode and Objcode |
| load-program : | | Loading Instructions |
| load-string : | | Loading Instructions |
| load-symbol : | | Loading Instructions |
| load-wide-string : | | Loading Instructions |
| local-bound? : | | Lexical Environment Instructions |
| local-boxed-ref : | | Lexical Environment Instructions |
| local-boxed-set : | | Lexical Environment Instructions |
| local-compile : | | Local Evaluation |
| local-eval : | | Local Evaluation |
| local-ref : | | Lexical Environment Instructions |
| local-set : | | Lexical Environment Instructions |
| locale-am-string : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-currency-symbol : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-currency-symbol-precedes-negative? : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-currency-symbol-precedes-positive? : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-date+time-format : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-date-format : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-day : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-day-short : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-decimal-point : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-digit-grouping : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-encoding : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-era : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-era-date+time-format : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-era-date-format : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-era-time-format : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-era-year : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-monetary-decimal-point : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-monetary-fractional-digits : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-monetary-grouping : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-monetary-negative-sign : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-monetary-positive-sign : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-monetary-thousands-separator : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-month : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-month-short : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-negative-separated-by-space? : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-negative-sign-position : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-no-regexp : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-pm-string : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-positive-separated-by-space? : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-positive-sign-position : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-string->inexact : | | Number Input and Output |
| locale-string->integer : | | Number Input and Output |
| locale-thousands-separator : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-time+am/pm-format : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-time-format : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale-yes-regexp : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| locale? : | | i18n Introduction |
| locals : | | Debug Commands |
| localtime : | | Time |
| lock-mutex : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| log : | | Scientific |
| log : | | rnrs base |
| log10 : | | Scientific |
| log2-binary-factors : | | SRFI-60 |
| logand : | | Bitwise Operations |
| logand : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
| logbit? : | | Bitwise Operations |
| logcount : | | Bitwise Operations |
| logior : | | Bitwise Operations |
| logior : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
| lognot : | | Bitwise Operations |
| logtest : | | Bitwise Operations |
| logxor : | | Bitwise Operations |
| logxor : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
| long-local-bound? : | | Lexical Environment Instructions |
| long-local-ref : | | Lexical Environment Instructions |
| long-local-set : | | Lexical Environment Instructions |
| long-object-ref : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| long-toplevel-ref : | | Top-Level Environment Instructions |
| long-toplevel-set : | | Top-Level Environment Instructions |
| lookahead-char : | | R6RS Textual Input |
| lookahead-u8 : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| lookup-compilation-order : | | Compiler Tower |
| lookup-language : | | Compiler Tower |
| lookup-server-impl : | | Web Server |
| lset-adjoin : | | SRFI-1 Set Operations |
| lset-diff+intersection : | | SRFI-1 Set Operations |
| lset-diff+intersection! : | | SRFI-1 Set Operations |
| lset-difference : | | SRFI-1 Set Operations |
| lset-difference! : | | SRFI-1 Set Operations |
| lset-intersection : | | SRFI-1 Set Operations |
| lset-intersection! : | | SRFI-1 Set Operations |
| lset-union : | | SRFI-1 Set Operations |
| lset-union! : | | SRFI-1 Set Operations |
| lset-xor : | | SRFI-1 Set Operations |
| lset-xor! : | | SRFI-1 Set Operations |
| lset<= : | | SRFI-1 Set Operations |
| lset= : | | SRFI-1 Set Operations |
| lstat : | | File System |
| lt? : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
M | | |
| macro-binding : | | Internal Macros |
| macro-name : | | Internal Macros |
| macro-transformer : | | Internal Macros |
| macro-type : | | Internal Macros |
| macro? : | | Internal Macros |
| magnitude : | | Complex |
| magnitude : | | rnrs base |
| major-version : | | Build Config |
| make : | | Instance Creation |
| make : | | Instance Creation |
| make : | | Instance Creation |
| make : | | Class Definition Protocol |
| make-accessor : | | Generic Function Internals |
| make-arbiter : | | Arbiters |
| make-array : | | Array Procedures |
| make-array : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| make-assertion-violation : | | rnrs conditions |
| make-binding : | | Compiled Procedures |
| make-bitvector : | | Bit Vectors |
| make-buffered-input-port : | | Buffered Input |
| make-bytevector : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| make-c-struct : | | Foreign Structs |
| make-c32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| make-c64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| make-char32 : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| make-char8 : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| make-chunked-input-port : | | Transfer Codings |
| make-chunked-output-port : | | Transfer Codings |
| make-class : | | Class Definition Protocol |
| make-closure : | | Lexical Environment Instructions |
| make-completion-function : | | Readline Functions |
| make-compound-condition : | | SRFI-35 |
| make-condition : | | SRFI-35 |
| make-condition-type : | | SRFI-35 |
| make-condition-variable : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| make-condition-variable : | | SRFI-18 Condition variables |
| make-custom-binary-input-port : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| make-custom-binary-output-port : | | R6RS Binary Output |
| make-date : | | SRFI-19 Date |
| make-doubly-weak-hash-table : | | Weak hash tables |
| make-dynamic-state : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| make-empty-attlist : | | SSAX |
| make-enumeration : | | rnrs enums |
| make-eol : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| make-eq-hashtable : | | rnrs hashtables |
| make-eq-hashtable : | | rnrs hashtables |
| make-eqv-hashtable : | | rnrs hashtables |
| make-eqv-hashtable : | | rnrs hashtables |
| make-error : | | rnrs conditions |
| make-f32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| make-f64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| make-false : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| make-fluid : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| make-future : | | Futures |
| make-generic : | | Generic Function Internals |
| make-guardian : | | Guardians |
| make-hash-table : | | Hash Table Reference |
| make-hash-table : | | SRFI-69 Creating hash tables |
| make-hashtable : | | rnrs hashtables |
| make-hashtable : | | rnrs hashtables |
| make-hook : | | Hook Reference |
| make-i/o-decoding-error : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| make-i/o-encoding-error : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| make-i/o-error : | | I/O Conditions |
| make-i/o-file-already-exists-error : | | I/O Conditions |
| make-i/o-file-does-not-exist-error : | | I/O Conditions |
| make-i/o-file-is-read-only-error : | | I/O Conditions |
| make-i/o-file-protection-error : | | I/O Conditions |
| make-i/o-invalid-position-error : | | I/O Conditions |
| make-i/o-port-error : | | I/O Conditions |
| make-i/o-read-error : | | I/O Conditions |
| make-i/o-write-error : | | I/O Conditions |
| make-implementation-restriction-violation : | | rnrs conditions |
| make-instance : | | Instance Creation |
| make-instance : | | Instance Creation |
| make-int16 : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| make-int64 : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| make-int8 : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| make-int8:0 : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| make-int8:1 : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| make-io-filename-error : | | I/O Conditions |
| make-irritants-condition : | | rnrs conditions |
| make-keyword : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| make-lexical-violation : | | rnrs conditions |
| make-line-buffered-input-port : | | Buffered Input |
| make-list : | | List Constructors |
| make-locale : | | i18n Introduction |
| make-message-condition : | | rnrs conditions |
| make-method : | | Method Definition Internals |
| make-mutex : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| make-mutex : | | SRFI-18 Mutexes |
| make-nil : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| make-no-infinities-violation : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| make-no-nans-violation : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| make-non-continuable-violation : | | rnrs conditions |
| make-object-property : | | Object Properties |
| make-parameter : | | Parameters |
| make-pointer : | | Foreign Variables |
| make-polar : | | Complex |
| make-polar : | | rnrs base |
| make-procedure-with-setter : | | Procedures with Setters |
| make-program : | | Bytecode and Objcode |
| make-prompt-tag : | | Prompt Primitives |
| make-q : | | Queues |
| make-random-source : | | SRFI-27 Random Sources |
| make-record-constructor-descriptor : | | rnrs records procedural |
| make-record-type : | | Records |
| make-record-type-descriptor : | | rnrs records procedural |
| make-rectangular : | | Complex |
| make-rectangular : | | rnrs base |
| make-recursive-mutex : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| make-regexp : | | Regexp Functions |
| make-s16vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| make-s32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| make-s64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| make-s8vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| make-serious-condition : | | rnrs conditions |
| make-shared-array : | | Shared Arrays |
| make-socket-address : | | Network Socket Address |
| make-socket-address : | | Network Socket Address |
| make-socket-address : | | Network Socket Address |
| make-soft-port : | | Soft Ports |
| make-stack : | | Stack Capture |
| make-stream : | | Streams |
| make-string : | | String Constructors |
| make-string : | | rnrs base |
| make-struct : | | Structure Basics |
| make-struct : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| make-struct-layout : | | Meta-Vtables |
| make-struct/no-tail : | | Structure Basics |
| make-symbol : | | Symbol Uninterned |
| make-symbol : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| make-syntax-transformer : | | Internal Macros |
| make-syntax-violation : | | rnrs conditions |
| make-tcp-server-socket : | | REPL Servers |
| make-text-wrapper : | | texinfo string-utils |
| make-thread : | | Threads |
| make-thread : | | SRFI-18 Threads |
| make-time : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| make-transcoder : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| make-transcoder : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| make-transcoder : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| make-true : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| make-typed-array : | | Array Procedures |
| make-u16vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| make-u32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| make-u64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| make-u8vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| make-uint64 : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| make-unbound-fluid : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| make-undefined-variable : | | Variables |
| make-undefined-violation : | | rnrs conditions |
| make-unix-domain-server-socket : | | REPL Servers |
| make-variable : | | Variables |
| make-variable : | | Top-Level Environment Instructions |
| make-variable-transformer : | | Identifier Macros |
| make-variable-transformer : | | rnrs syntax-case |
| make-vector : | | Vector Creation |
| make-vector : | | SRFI-43 Constructors |
| make-vector : | | rnrs base |
| make-vector : | | rnrs base |
| make-violation : | | rnrs conditions |
| make-vtable : | | Vtables |
| make-warning : | | rnrs conditions |
| make-weak-key-hash-table : | | Weak hash tables |
| make-weak-value-hash-table : | | Weak hash tables |
| make-weak-vector : | | Weak vectors |
| make-who-condition : | | rnrs conditions |
| malloc-stats : | | Memory Blocks |
| map : | | List Mapping |
| map : | | SRFI-1 Fold and Map |
| map! : | | SRFI-1 Fold and Map |
| map-in-order : | | List Mapping |
| map-union : | | SXPath |
| match : | | Pattern Matching |
| match:count : | | Match Structures |
| match:end : | | Match Structures |
| match:prefix : | | Match Structures |
| match:start : | | Match Structures |
| match:string : | | Match Structures |
| match:substring : | | Match Structures |
| match:suffix : | | Match Structures |
| max : | | Arithmetic |
| max : | | rnrs base |
| member : | | List Searching |
| member : | | SRFI-1 Searching |
| member : | | rnrs lists |
| memp : | | rnrs lists |
| memq : | | List Searching |
| memq : | | rnrs lists |
| memv : | | List Searching |
| memv : | | rnrs lists |
| merge : | | Sorting |
| merge! : | | Sorting |
| message-condition? : | | SRFI-35 |
| message-condition? : | | rnrs conditions |
| method : | | Method Definition Internals |
| method-generic-function : | | Generic Functions |
| method-procedure : | | Generic Functions |
| method-source : | | Generic Functions |
| method-source : | | Generic Functions |
| method-specializers : | | Generic Functions |
| micro-version : | | Build Config |
| min : | | Arithmetic |
| min : | | rnrs base |
| minor-version : | | Build Config |
| mkdir : | | File System |
| mknod : | | File System |
| mkstemp! : | | File System |
| mktime : | | Time |
| mod : | | rnrs base |
| mod : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
| mod0 : | | rnrs base |
| modified-julian-day->date : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| modified-julian-day->time-monotonic : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| modified-julian-day->time-tai : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| modified-julian-day->time-utc : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| module : | | Module Commands |
| module-add! : | | Module System Reflection |
| module-define! : | | Module System Reflection |
| module-ref : | | Module System Reflection |
| module-set! : | | Module System Reflection |
| module-stexi-documentation : | | texinfo reflection |
| module-use! : | | Module System Reflection |
| module-uses : | | Module System Reflection |
| module-variable : | | Module System Reflection |
| modulo : | | Integer Operations |
| modulo : | | rnrs r5rs |
| modulo-expt : | | Integer Operations |
| monetary-amount->locale-string : | | Number Input and Output |
| monitor : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| move->fdes : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| mul : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
| mutex-level : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| mutex-lock! : | | SRFI-18 Mutexes |
| mutex-locked? : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| mutex-name : | | SRFI-18 Mutexes |
| mutex-owner : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| mutex-specific : | | SRFI-18 Mutexes |
| mutex-specific-set! : | | SRFI-18 Mutexes |
| mutex-state : | | SRFI-18 Mutexes |
| mutex-unlock! : | | SRFI-18 Mutexes |
| mutex? : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| mv-call : | | Procedure Call and Return Instructions |
N | | |
| n-for-each-par-map : | | Parallel Forms |
| n-par-for-each : | | Parallel Forms |
| n-par-map : | | Parallel Forms |
| nan : | | Reals and Rationals |
| nan? : | | Reals and Rationals |
| nan? : | | rnrs base |
| native-endianness : | | Bytevector Endianness |
| native-eol-style : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| native-transcoder : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| negate : | | Higher-Order Functions |
| negative? : | | Comparison |
| negative? : | | rnrs base |
| netent:addrtype : | | Network Databases |
| netent:aliases : | | Network Databases |
| netent:name : | | Network Databases |
| netent:net : | | Network Databases |
| new-frame : | | Procedure Call and Return Instructions |
| newline : | | Writing |
| newline : | | rnrs io simple |
| newline : | | rnrs io simple |
| next : | | Debug Commands |
| next-token : | | sxml ssax input-parse |
| next-token-of : | | sxml ssax input-parse |
| nftw : | | File Tree Walk |
| ngettext : | | Gettext Support |
| nice : | | Processes |
| ninth : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| nl_langinfo : | | Accessing Locale Information |
| no-applicable-method : | | Handling Invocation Errors |
| no-applicable-method : | | Handling Invocation Errors |
| no-infinities-violation? : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| no-method : | | Handling Invocation Errors |
| no-method : | | Handling Invocation Errors |
| no-nans-violation? : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| no-next-method : | | Handling Invocation Errors |
| no-next-method : | | Handling Invocation Errors |
| node-closure : | | SXPath |
| node-eq? : | | SXPath |
| node-equal? : | | SXPath |
| node-join : | | SXPath |
| node-or : | | SXPath |
| node-parent : | | SXPath |
| node-pos : | | SXPath |
| node-reduce : | | SXPath |
| node-reverse : | | SXPath |
| node-self : | | SXPath |
| node-trace : | | SXPath |
| node-typeof? : | | SXPath |
| nodeset? : | | SXPath |
| non-continuable-violation? : | | rnrs conditions |
| nop : | | Miscellaneous Instructions |
| not : | | Booleans |
| not : | | rnrs base |
| not : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| not-eq? : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| not-not : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| not-null? : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| not-pair? : | | SRFI-1 Predicates |
| null-environment : | | Environments |
| null-environment : | | rnrs r5rs |
| null-list? : | | SRFI-1 Predicates |
| null-pointer? : | | Foreign Variables |
| null? : | | List Predicates |
| null? : | | rnrs base |
| null? : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| number->locale-string : | | Number Input and Output |
| number->string : | | Conversion |
| number->string : | | rnrs base |
| number? : | | Numerical Tower |
| number? : | | rnrs base |
| numerator : | | Reals and Rationals |
| numerator : | | rnrs base |
O | | |
| objcode->bytecode : | | Bytecode and Objcode |
| objcode? : | | Bytecode and Objcode |
| object->string : | | General Conversion |
| object-properties : | | Object Properties |
| object-property : | | Object Properties |
| object-ref : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| object-stexi-documentation : | | texinfo reflection |
| odd? : | | Integer Operations |
| odd? : | | rnrs base |
| open : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| open-bytevector-input-port : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| open-bytevector-output-port : | | R6RS Binary Output |
| open-fdes : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| open-file : | | File Ports |
| open-file-input-port : | | R6RS Input Ports |
| open-file-input-port : | | R6RS Input Ports |
| open-file-input-port : | | R6RS Input Ports |
| open-file-input-port : | | R6RS Input Ports |
| open-file-output-port : | | R6RS Output Ports |
| open-file-output-port : | | R6RS Output Ports |
| open-file-output-port : | | R6RS Output Ports |
| open-file-output-port : | | R6RS Output Ports |
| open-input-file : | | File Ports |
| open-input-file : | | rnrs io simple |
| open-input-output-pipe : | | Pipes |
| open-input-pipe : | | Pipes |
| open-input-string : | | String Ports |
| open-output-file : | | File Ports |
| open-output-file : | | rnrs io simple |
| open-output-pipe : | | Pipes |
| open-output-string : | | String Ports |
| open-pipe : | | Pipes |
| open-pipe* : | | Pipes |
| open-server : | | Web Server |
| open-socket-for-uri : | | Web Client |
| opendir : | | File System |
| optimize : | | Compile Commands |
| option : | | System Commands |
| option : | | SRFI-37 |
| option-names : | | SRFI-37 |
| option-optional-arg? : | | SRFI-37 |
| option-processor : | | SRFI-37 |
| option-ref : | | option-ref Reference |
| option-required-arg? : | | SRFI-37 |
| or : | | and or |
| or : | | rnrs base |
| output-port? : | | Ports |
| output-port? : | | R6RS Output Ports |
| output-port? : | | rnrs io simple |
P | | |
| package-stexi-documentation : | | texinfo reflection |
| package-stexi-documentation-for-include : | | texinfo reflection |
| package-stexi-extended-menu : | | texinfo reflection |
| package-stexi-generic-menu : | | texinfo reflection |
| package-stexi-standard-copying : | | texinfo reflection |
| package-stexi-standard-menu : | | texinfo reflection |
| package-stexi-standard-prologue : | | texinfo reflection |
| package-stexi-standard-titlepage : | | texinfo reflection |
| pair-fold : | | SRFI-1 Fold and Map |
| pair-fold-right : | | SRFI-1 Fold and Map |
| pair-for-each : | | SRFI-1 Fold and Map |
| pair? : | | Pairs |
| pair? : | | rnrs base |
| pair? : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| par-for-each : | | Parallel Forms |
| par-map : | | Parallel Forms |
| parallel : | | Parallel Forms |
| parameterize : | | Parameters |
| parse-c-struct : | | Foreign Structs |
| parse-header : | | HTTP |
| parse-http-method : | | HTTP |
| parse-http-version : | | HTTP |
| parse-path : | | Load Paths |
| parse-path-with-ellipsis : | | Load Paths |
| parse-request-uri : | | HTTP |
| partial-cont-call : | | Trampoline Instructions |
| partition : | | SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning |
| partition : | | rnrs lists |
| partition! : | | SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning |
| passwd:dir : | | User Information |
| passwd:gecos : | | User Information |
| passwd:gid : | | User Information |
| passwd:name : | | User Information |
| passwd:passwd : | | User Information |
| passwd:shell : | | User Information |
| passwd:uid : | | User Information |
| pause : | | Signals |
| pclose : | | Pipes |
| peek-char : | | Reading |
| peek-char : | | rnrs io simple |
| peek-char : | | rnrs io simple |
| peek-next-char : | | sxml ssax input-parse |
| pipe : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| PKG_CHECK_MODULES : | | Autoconf Macros |
| pointer->bytevector : | | Void Pointers and Byte Access |
| pointer->procedure : | | Dynamic FFI |
| pointer->scm : | | Foreign Variables |
| pointer->string : | | Void Pointers and Byte Access |
| pointer-address : | | Foreign Variables |
| pointer? : | | Foreign Variables |
| poll-coop-repl-server : | | Cooperative REPL Servers |
| popen : | | Pipes |
| port->fdes : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| port->stream : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| port->stream : | | Streams |
| port-closed? : | | Closing |
| port-column : | | Reading |
| port-conversion-strategy : | | Ports |
| port-encoding : | | Ports |
| port-eof? : | | R6RS Input Ports |
| port-filename : | | File Ports |
| port-for-each : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| port-has-port-position? : | | R6RS Port Manipulation |
| port-has-set-port-position!? : | | R6RS Port Manipulation |
| port-line : | | Reading |
| port-mode : | | File Ports |
| port-mode : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| port-position : | | R6RS Port Manipulation |
| port-revealed : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| port-transcoder : | | R6RS Port Manipulation |
| port-with-print-state : | | Writing |
| port? : | | Ports |
| port? : | | R6RS Port Manipulation |
| positive? : | | Comparison |
| positive? : | | rnrs base |
| post-order : | | Transforming SXML |
| pre-post-order : | | Transforming SXML |
| pretty-print : | | Inspect Commands |
| pretty-print : | | Pretty Printing |
| primitive-eval : | | Fly Evaluation |
| primitive-exit : | | Processes |
| primitive-fork : | | Processes |
| primitive-generic-generic : | | Extending Primitives |
| primitive-load : | | Loading |
| primitive-load-path : | | Load Paths |
| primitive-move->fdes : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| primitive-_exit : | | Processes |
| print-options : | | Scheme Write |
| print-set! : | | Scheme Write |
| procedure : | | Debug Commands |
| procedure : | | Procedures with Setters |
| procedure->pointer : | | Dynamic FFI |
| procedure-documentation : | | Procedure Properties |
| procedure-execution-count : | | Code Coverage |
| procedure-name : | | Procedure Properties |
| procedure-properties : | | Procedure Properties |
| procedure-property : | | Procedure Properties |
| procedure-source : | | Procedure Properties |
| procedure-with-setter? : | | Procedures with Setters |
| procedure? : | | Procedure Properties |
| procedure? : | | rnrs base |
| profile : | | Profile Commands |
| program-arguments : | | Runtime Environment |
| program-arguments-alist : | | Compiled Procedures |
| program-arities : | | Compiled Procedures |
| program-arity : | | Compiled Procedures |
| program-bindings : | | Compiled Procedures |
| program-free-variables : | | Compiled Procedures |
| program-lambda-list : | | Compiled Procedures |
| program-meta : | | Compiled Procedures |
| program-module : | | Compiled Procedures |
| program-objcode : | | Compiled Procedures |
| program-objects : | | Compiled Procedures |
| program-sources : | | Compiled Procedures |
| program? : | | Compiled Procedures |
| promise? : | | Delayed Evaluation |
| promise? : | | SRFI-45 |
| prompt : | | Dynamic Environment Instructions |
| proper-list? : | | SRFI-1 Predicates |
| protoent:aliases : | | Network Databases |
| protoent:name : | | Network Databases |
| protoent:proto : | | Network Databases |
| provide : | | Feature Manipulation |
| provided? : | | Feature Manipulation |
| PTR2SCM : | | Non-immediate objects |
| push-rest : | | Function Prologue Instructions |
| put-bytevector : | | R6RS Binary Output |
| put-char : | | R6RS Textual Output |
| put-datum : | | R6RS Textual Output |
| put-string : | | R6RS Textual Output |
| put-string : | | R6RS Textual Output |
| put-string : | | R6RS Textual Output |
| put-u8 : | | R6RS Binary Output |
| putenv : | | Runtime Environment |
| pwd : | | Processes |
Q | | |
| q-empty-check : | | Queues |
| q-empty? : | | Queues |
| q-front : | | Queues |
| q-length : | | Queues |
| q-pop! : | | Queues |
| q-push! : | | Queues |
| q-rear : | | Queues |
| q-remove! : | | Queues |
| q? : | | Queues |
| quasiquote : | | Expression Syntax |
| quasiquote : | | rnrs base |
| quasisyntax : | | rnrs syntax-case |
| quit : | | System Commands |
| quit : | | Processes |
| quo : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
| quote : | | Expression Syntax |
| quote : | | rnrs base |
| quotient : | | Integer Operations |
| quotient : | | rnrs r5rs |
R | | |
| raise : | | Signals |
| raise : | | SRFI-18 Exceptions |
| raise : | | rnrs exceptions |
| raise-continuable : | | rnrs exceptions |
| random : | | Random |
| random-integer : | | SRFI-27 Default Random Source |
| random-real : | | SRFI-27 Default Random Source |
| random-source-make-integers : | | SRFI-27 Random Number Generators |
| random-source-make-reals : | | SRFI-27 Random Number Generators |
| random-source-make-reals : | | SRFI-27 Random Number Generators |
| random-source-pseudo-randomize! : | | SRFI-27 Random Sources |
| random-source-randomize! : | | SRFI-27 Random Sources |
| random-source-state-ref : | | SRFI-27 Random Sources |
| random-source-state-set! : | | SRFI-27 Random Sources |
| random-source? : | | SRFI-27 Random Sources |
| random-state->datum : | | Random |
| random-state-from-platform : | | Random |
| random:exp : | | Random |
| random:hollow-sphere! : | | Random |
| random:normal : | | Random |
| random:normal-vector! : | | Random |
| random:solid-sphere! : | | Random |
| random:uniform : | | Random |
| rational-valued? : | | rnrs base |
| rational? : | | Reals and Rationals |
| rational? : | | rnrs base |
| rationalize : | | Reals and Rationals |
| rationalize : | | rnrs base |
| re-export : | | Creating Guile Modules |
| read : | | Scheme Read |
| read : | | rnrs io simple |
| read : | | rnrs io simple |
| read-char : | | Reading |
| read-char : | | rnrs io simple |
| read-char : | | rnrs io simple |
| read-client : | | Web Server |
| read-delimited : | | Line/Delimited |
| read-delimited! : | | Line/Delimited |
| read-disable : | | Scheme Read |
| read-enable : | | Scheme Read |
| read-hash-extend : | | Reader Extensions |
| read-header : | | HTTP |
| read-headers : | | HTTP |
| read-line : | | Line/Delimited |
| read-line! : | | Line/Delimited |
| read-options : | | Scheme Read |
| read-request : | | Requests |
| read-request-body : | | Requests |
| read-request-line : | | HTTP |
| read-response : | | Responses |
| read-response-body : | | Responses |
| read-response-line : | | HTTP |
| read-set! : | | Scheme Read |
| read-string : | | Line/Delimited |
| read-string : | | sxml ssax input-parse |
| read-string! : | | Line/Delimited |
| read-string!/partial : | | Block Reading and Writing |
| read-text-line : | | sxml ssax input-parse |
| read-with-shared-structure : | | SRFI-38 |
| read-with-shared-structure : | | SRFI-38 |
| readdir : | | File System |
| readline : | | Readline Functions |
| readline-disable : | | Readline Options |
| readline-enable : | | Readline Options |
| readline-options : | | Readline Options |
| readline-port : | | Readline Functions |
| readline-set! : | | Readline Options |
| readlink : | | File System |
| real->flonum : | | rnrs arithmetic flonums |
| real-part : | | Complex |
| real-part : | | rnrs base |
| real-valued? : | | rnrs base |
| real? : | | Reals and Rationals |
| real? : | | rnrs base |
| rec : | | SRFI-31 |
| receive : | | Multiple Values |
| record-accessor : | | Records |
| record-accessor : | | rnrs records procedural |
| record-constructor : | | Records |
| record-constructor : | | rnrs records procedural |
| record-constructor-descriptor : | | rnrs records syntactic |
| record-field-mutable? : | | rnrs records inspection |
| record-modifier : | | Records |
| record-mutator : | | rnrs records procedural |
| record-predicate : | | Records |
| record-predicate : | | rnrs records procedural |
| record-rtd : | | rnrs records inspection |
| record-type-descriptor : | | Records |
| record-type-descriptor : | | rnrs records syntactic |
| record-type-descriptor? : | | rnrs records procedural |
| record-type-field-names : | | rnrs records inspection |
| record-type-fields : | | Records |
| record-type-generative? : | | rnrs records inspection |
| record-type-name : | | Records |
| record-type-name : | | rnrs records inspection |
| record-type-opaque? : | | rnrs records inspection |
| record-type-parent : | | rnrs records inspection |
| record-type-sealed? : | | rnrs records inspection |
| record-type-uid : | | rnrs records inspection |
| record? : | | Records |
| record? : | | rnrs records inspection |
| recv! : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| recvfrom! : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| redirect-port : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| reduce : | | SRFI-1 Fold and Map |
| reduce-right : | | SRFI-1 Fold and Map |
| regexp-exec : | | Regexp Functions |
| regexp-match? : | | Match Structures |
| regexp-quote : | | Backslash Escapes |
| regexp-substitute : | | Regexp Functions |
| regexp-substitute/global : | | Regexp Functions |
| regexp? : | | Regexp Functions |
| registers : | | Debug Commands |
| release-arbiter : | | Arbiters |
| release-port-handle : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| reload : | | Module Commands |
| reload-module : | | Module System Reflection |
| rem : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
| remainder : | | Integer Operations |
| remainder : | | rnrs r5rs |
| remove : | | SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning |
| remove : | | rnrs lists |
| remove! : | | SRFI-1 Filtering and Partitioning |
| remove-class-accessors! : | | Customizing Class Redefinition |
| remove-hook! : | | Hook Reference |
| remp : | | rnrs lists |
| remq : | | rnrs lists |
| remv : | | rnrs lists |
| rename : | | File System |
| rename-file : | | File System |
| repl-default-option-set! : | | System Commands |
| replace-range : | | Transforming SXML |
| replace-titles : | | texinfo docbook |
| request-absolute-uri : | | Requests |
| request-accept : | | Requests |
| request-accept-charset : | | Requests |
| request-accept-encoding : | | Requests |
| request-accept-language : | | Requests |
| request-allow : | | Requests |
| request-authorization : | | Requests |
| request-cache-control : | | Requests |
| request-connection : | | Requests |
| request-content-encoding : | | Requests |
| request-content-language : | | Requests |
| request-content-length : | | Requests |
| request-content-location : | | Requests |
| request-content-md5 : | | Requests |
| request-content-range : | | Requests |
| request-content-type : | | Requests |
| request-date : | | Requests |
| request-expect : | | Requests |
| request-expires : | | Requests |
| request-from : | | Requests |
| request-headers : | | Requests |
| request-host : | | Requests |
| request-if-match : | | Requests |
| request-if-modified-since : | | Requests |
| request-if-none-match : | | Requests |
| request-if-range : | | Requests |
| request-if-unmodified-since : | | Requests |
| request-last-modified : | | Requests |
| request-max-forwards : | | Requests |
| request-meta : | | Requests |
| request-method : | | Requests |
| request-port : | | Requests |
| request-pragma : | | Requests |
| request-proxy-authorization : | | Requests |
| request-range : | | Requests |
| request-referer : | | Requests |
| request-te : | | Requests |
| request-trailer : | | Requests |
| request-transfer-encoding : | | Requests |
| request-upgrade : | | Requests |
| request-uri : | | Requests |
| request-user-agent : | | Requests |
| request-version : | | Requests |
| request-via : | | Requests |
| request-warning : | | Requests |
| request? : | | Requests |
| require : | | SLIB |
| require-extension : | | SRFI-55 |
| reserve-locals : | | Function Prologue Instructions |
| reset : | | Shift and Reset |
| reset-hook! : | | Hook Reference |
| reset-parsed-entity-definitions! : | | SSAX |
| resolve-interface : | | Module System Reflection |
| resolve-module : | | Module System Reflection |
| response-accept-ranges : | | Responses |
| response-age : | | Responses |
| response-allow : | | Responses |
| response-body-port : | | Responses |
| response-cache-control : | | Responses |
| response-code : | | Responses |
| response-connection : | | Responses |
| response-content-encoding : | | Responses |
| response-content-language : | | Responses |
| response-content-length : | | Responses |
| response-content-location : | | Responses |
| response-content-md5 : | | Responses |
| response-content-range : | | Responses |
| response-content-type : | | Responses |
| response-date : | | Responses |
| response-etag : | | Responses |
| response-expires : | | Responses |
| response-headers : | | Responses |
| response-last-modified : | | Responses |
| response-location : | | Responses |
| response-must-not-include-body? : | | Responses |
| response-port : | | Responses |
| response-pragma : | | Responses |
| response-proxy-authenticate : | | Responses |
| response-reason-phrase : | | Responses |
| response-retry-after : | | Responses |
| response-server : | | Responses |
| response-trailer : | | Responses |
| response-transfer-encoding : | | Responses |
| response-upgrade : | | Responses |
| response-vary : | | Responses |
| response-version : | | Responses |
| response-via : | | Responses |
| response-warning : | | Responses |
| response-www-authenticate : | | Responses |
| response? : | | Responses |
| restore-signals : | | Signals |
| restricted-vector-sort! : | | Sorting |
| return : | | Procedure Call and Return Instructions |
| return/nvalues : | | Procedure Call and Return Instructions |
| return/values : | | Procedure Call and Return Instructions |
| return/values* : | | Procedure Call and Return Instructions |
| reverse : | | Append/Reverse |
| reverse : | | rnrs base |
| reverse! : | | Append/Reverse |
| reverse-bit-field : | | SRFI-60 |
| reverse-list->string : | | String Constructors |
| reverse-list->vector : | | SRFI-43 Conversion |
| reverse-vector->list : | | SRFI-43 Conversion |
| rewinddir : | | File System |
| right-justify-string : | | texinfo string-utils |
| rmdir : | | File System |
| rotate-bit-field : | | SRFI-60 |
| round : | | Arithmetic |
| round : | | rnrs base |
| round-ash : | | Bitwise Operations |
| round-quotient : | | Arithmetic |
| round-remainder : | | Arithmetic |
| round/ : | | Arithmetic |
| run-asyncs : | | User asyncs |
| run-hook : | | Hook Reference |
| run-server : | | REPL Servers |
| run-server : | | Web Server |
S | | |
| s16vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s16vector->list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s16vector-length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s16vector-ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s16vector-set! : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s16vector? : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s32vector->list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s32vector-length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s32vector-ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s32vector-set! : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s32vector? : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s64vector->list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s64vector-length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s64vector-ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s64vector-set! : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s64vector? : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s8vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s8vector->list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s8vector-length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s8vector-ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s8vector-set! : | | SRFI-4 API |
| s8vector? : | | SRFI-4 API |
| sanitize-response : | | Web Server |
| save-module-excursion : | | Module System Reflection |
| scandir : | | File Tree Walk |
| scheme-report-environment : | | Environments |
| scheme-report-environment : | | rnrs r5rs |
| scm->pointer : | | Foreign Variables |
| scm-error : | | Error Reporting |
| SCM2PTR : | | Non-immediate objects |
| scm_abs : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_accept : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| scm_access : | | File System |
| scm_acons : | | Adding or Setting Alist Entries |
| scm_add_feature : | | Feature Manipulation |
| scm_add_hook_x : | | Hook Reference |
| scm_alarm : | | Signals |
| scm_alignof : | | Foreign Structs |
| scm_all_threads : | | Threads |
| scm_angle : | | Complex |
| scm_any_to_c32vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| scm_any_to_c64vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| scm_any_to_f32vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| scm_any_to_f64vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| scm_any_to_s16vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| scm_any_to_s32vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| scm_any_to_s64vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| scm_any_to_s8vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| scm_any_to_u16vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| scm_any_to_u32vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| scm_any_to_u64vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| scm_any_to_u8vector : | | SRFI-4 Extensions |
| scm_append : | | Append/Reverse |
| scm_append_x : | | Append/Reverse |
| scm_apply : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_apply_0 : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_apply_1 : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_apply_2 : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_apply_3 : | | Fly Evaluation |
| SCM_ARG1 : | | Handling Errors |
| SCM_ARG2 : | | Handling Errors |
| SCM_ARG3 : | | Handling Errors |
| SCM_ARG4 : | | Handling Errors |
| SCM_ARG5 : | | Handling Errors |
| SCM_ARG6 : | | Handling Errors |
| SCM_ARG7 : | | Handling Errors |
| SCM_ARGn : | | Handling Errors |
| scm_array_contents : | | Shared Arrays |
| scm_array_copy_x : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_array_dimensions : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_array_fill_x : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_array_for_each : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_array_get_handle : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_bit_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_bit_writable_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_c32_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_c32_writable_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_c64_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_c64_writable_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_dims : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_f32_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_f32_writable_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_f64_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_f64_writable_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_pos : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_rank : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_ref : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_release : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_s16_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_s16_writable_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_s32_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_s32_writable_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_s64_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_s64_writable_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_s8_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_s8_writable_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_set : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_u16_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_u16_writable_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_u32_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_u32_writable_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_u64_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_u64_writable_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_u8_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_u8_writable_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_uniform_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_uniform_element_size : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_uniform_writable_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_handle_writable_elements : | | Accessing Arrays from C |
| scm_array_index_map_x : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_array_in_bounds_p : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_array_length : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_array_map_x : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_array_p : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_array_rank : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_array_ref : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_array_set_x : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_array_to_list : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_array_type : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_ash : | | Bitwise Operations |
| SCM_ASSERT : | | Handling Errors |
| scm_assert_smob_type : | | Smobs |
| SCM_ASSERT_TYPE : | | Handling Errors |
| scm_assoc : | | Retrieving Alist Entries |
| scm_assoc_ref : | | Retrieving Alist Entries |
| scm_assoc_remove_x : | | Removing Alist Entries |
| scm_assoc_set_x : | | Adding or Setting Alist Entries |
| scm_assq : | | Retrieving Alist Entries |
| scm_assq_ref : | | Retrieving Alist Entries |
| scm_assq_remove_x : | | Removing Alist Entries |
| scm_assq_set_x : | | Adding or Setting Alist Entries |
| scm_assv : | | Retrieving Alist Entries |
| scm_assv_ref : | | Retrieving Alist Entries |
| scm_assv_remove_x : | | Removing Alist Entries |
| scm_assv_set_x : | | Adding or Setting Alist Entries |
| scm_async : | | User asyncs |
| scm_async_mark : | | User asyncs |
| scm_backtrace : | | Pre-Unwind Debugging |
| scm_backtrace_with_highlights : | | Pre-Unwind Debugging |
| scm_basename : | | File System |
| scm_bind : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| scm_bindtextdomain : | | Gettext Support |
| scm_bind_textdomain_codeset : | | Gettext Support |
| scm_bitvector : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_bitvector_elements : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_bitvector_fill_x : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_bitvector_length : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_bitvector_p : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_bitvector_ref : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_bitvector_set_x : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_bitvector_to_list : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_bitvector_writable_elements : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_bit_count : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_bit_count_star : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_bit_extract : | | Bitwise Operations |
| scm_bit_invert_x : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_bit_position : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_bit_set_star_x : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_boolean_p : | | Booleans |
| scm_boot_guile : | | Initialization |
| scm_broadcast_condition_variable : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| scm_bytecode_to_objcode : | | Bytecode and Objcode |
| SCM_BYTEVECTOR_CONTENTS : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| scm_bytevector_copy : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| scm_bytevector_copy_x : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| scm_bytevector_eq_p : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| scm_bytevector_fill_x : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| scm_bytevector_ieee_double_native_ref : | | Bytevectors as Floats |
| scm_bytevector_ieee_double_native_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Floats |
| scm_bytevector_ieee_double_ref : | | Bytevectors as Floats |
| scm_bytevector_ieee_double_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Floats |
| scm_bytevector_ieee_single_native_ref : | | Bytevectors as Floats |
| scm_bytevector_ieee_single_native_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Floats |
| scm_bytevector_ieee_single_ref : | | Bytevectors as Floats |
| scm_bytevector_ieee_single_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Floats |
| scm_bytevector_length : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| SCM_BYTEVECTOR_LENGTH : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| scm_bytevector_p : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| scm_bytevector_s16_native_ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_s16_native_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_s16_ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_s16_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_s32_native_ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_s32_native_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_s32_ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_s32_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_s64_native_ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_s64_native_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_s64_ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_s64_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_s8_ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_s8_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_sint_ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_sint_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_to_pointer : | | Void Pointers and Byte Access |
| scm_bytevector_to_sint_list : | | Bytevectors and Integer Lists |
| scm_bytevector_to_u8_list : | | Bytevectors and Integer Lists |
| scm_bytevector_to_uint_list : | | Bytevectors and Integer Lists |
| scm_bytevector_u16_native_ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_u16_native_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_u16_ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_u16_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_u32_native_ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_u32_native_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_u32_ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_u32_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_u64_native_ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_u64_native_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_u64_ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_u64_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_u8_ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_u8_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_uint_ref : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_bytevector_uint_set_x : | | Bytevectors as Integers |
| scm_c32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_c32vector_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_c32vector_length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_c32vector_p : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_c32vector_ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_c32vector_set_x : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_c32vector_to_list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_c32vector_writable_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_c64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_c64vector_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_c64vector_length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_c64vector_p : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_c64vector_ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_c64vector_set_x : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_c64vector_to_list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_c64vector_writable_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_caaaar : | | Pairs |
| scm_caaadr : | | Pairs |
| scm_caaar : | | Pairs |
| scm_caadar : | | Pairs |
| scm_caaddr : | | Pairs |
| scm_caadr : | | Pairs |
| scm_caar : | | Pairs |
| scm_cadaar : | | Pairs |
| scm_cadadr : | | Pairs |
| scm_cadar : | | Pairs |
| scm_caddar : | | Pairs |
| scm_cadddr : | | Pairs |
| scm_caddr : | | Pairs |
| scm_cadr : | | Pairs |
| scm_call : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_calloc : | | Memory Blocks |
| scm_call_0 : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_call_1 : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_call_2 : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_call_3 : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_call_4 : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_call_5 : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_call_6 : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_call_7 : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_call_8 : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_call_9 : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_call_n : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_call_with_blocked_asyncs : | | System asyncs |
| scm_call_with_input_string : | | String Ports |
| scm_call_with_output_string : | | String Ports |
| scm_call_with_unblocked_asyncs : | | System asyncs |
| scm_cancel_thread : | | Threads |
| scm_car : | | Pairs |
| SCM_CAR : | | Pairs |
| scm_catch : | | Catch |
| scm_catch_with_pre_unwind_handler : | | Catch |
| scm_cdaaar : | | Pairs |
| scm_cdaadr : | | Pairs |
| scm_cdaar : | | Pairs |
| scm_cdadar : | | Pairs |
| scm_cdaddr : | | Pairs |
| scm_cdadr : | | Pairs |
| scm_cdar : | | Pairs |
| scm_cddaar : | | Pairs |
| scm_cddadr : | | Pairs |
| scm_cddar : | | Pairs |
| scm_cdddar : | | Pairs |
| scm_cddddr : | | Pairs |
| scm_cdddr : | | Pairs |
| scm_cddr : | | Pairs |
| scm_cdr : | | Pairs |
| SCM_CDR : | | Pairs |
| scm_ceiling : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_ceiling_divide : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_ceiling_quotient : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_ceiling_remainder : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_cell : | | Allocating Cells |
| SCM_CELL_OBJECT : | | Accessing Cell Entries |
| SCM_CELL_TYPE : | | Heap Cell Type Information |
| SCM_CELL_WORD : | | Accessing Cell Entries |
| scm_centered_divide : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_centered_quotient : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_centered_remainder : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_char_alphabetic_p : | | Characters |
| scm_char_downcase : | | Characters |
| scm_char_general_category : | | Characters |
| scm_char_is_both_p : | | Characters |
| scm_char_locale_ci_eq : | | Text Collation |
| scm_char_locale_ci_gt : | | Text Collation |
| scm_char_locale_ci_lt : | | Text Collation |
| scm_char_locale_downcase : | | Character Case Mapping |
| scm_char_locale_gt : | | Text Collation |
| scm_char_locale_lt : | | Text Collation |
| scm_char_locale_titlecase : | | Character Case Mapping |
| scm_char_locale_upcase : | | Character Case Mapping |
| scm_char_lower_case_p : | | Characters |
| scm_char_numeric_p : | | Characters |
| scm_char_p : | | Characters |
| scm_char_ready_p : | | Reading |
| scm_char_set : | | Creating Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_adjoin : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| scm_char_set_adjoin_x : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| scm_char_set_any : | | Querying Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_complement : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| scm_char_set_complement_x : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| scm_char_set_contains_p : | | Querying Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_copy : | | Creating Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_count : | | Querying Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_cursor : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_cursor_next : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_delete : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| scm_char_set_delete_x : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| scm_char_set_difference : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| scm_char_set_difference_x : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| scm_char_set_diff_plus_intersection : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| scm_char_set_diff_plus_intersection_x : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| scm_char_set_eq : | | Character Set Predicates/Comparison |
| scm_char_set_every : | | Querying Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_filter : | | Creating Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_filter_x : | | Creating Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_fold : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_for_each : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_hash : | | Character Set Predicates/Comparison |
| scm_char_set_intersection : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| scm_char_set_intersection_x : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| scm_char_set_leq : | | Character Set Predicates/Comparison |
| scm_char_set_map : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_p : | | Character Set Predicates/Comparison |
| scm_char_set_ref : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_size : | | Querying Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_to_list : | | Querying Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_to_string : | | Querying Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_unfold : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_unfold_x : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| scm_char_set_union : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| scm_char_set_union_x : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| scm_char_set_xor : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| scm_char_set_xor_x : | | Character-Set Algebra |
| scm_char_titlecase : | | Characters |
| scm_char_to_integer : | | Characters |
| scm_char_upcase : | | Characters |
| scm_char_upper_case_p : | | Characters |
| scm_char_whitespace_p : | | Characters |
| scm_chdir : | | Processes |
| scm_chmod : | | File System |
| scm_chown : | | File System |
| scm_chroot : | | Processes |
| scm_close : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_closedir : | | File System |
| scm_close_fdes : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_close_input_port : | | Closing |
| scm_close_output_port : | | Closing |
| scm_close_port : | | Closing |
| scm_complex_p : | | Complex Numbers |
| scm_condition_variable_p : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| scm_connect : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| scm_cons : | | Pairs |
| scm_cons_source : | | Source Properties |
| scm_copy_file : | | File System |
| scm_copy_random_state : | | Random |
| scm_copy_tree : | | Copying |
| SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_END : | | Critical Sections |
| SCM_CRITICAL_SECTION_START : | | Critical Sections |
| scm_crypt : | | Encryption |
| scm_ctermid : | | Terminals and Ptys |
| scm_current_dynamic_state : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_current_error_port : | | Default Ports |
| scm_current_input_port : | | Default Ports |
| scm_current_load_port : | | Loading |
| scm_current_module : | | Module System Reflection |
| scm_current_output_port : | | Default Ports |
| scm_current_processor_count : | | Processes |
| scm_current_thread : | | Threads |
| scm_current_time : | | Time |
| scm_c_angle : | | Complex |
| scm_c_array_rank : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_c_bind_keyword_arguments : | | Keyword Procedures |
| scm_c_bitvector_length : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_c_bitvector_ref : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_c_bitvector_set_x : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_c_bytevector_length : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| scm_c_bytevector_ref : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| scm_c_bytevector_set_x : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| scm_c_call_with_blocked_asyncs : | | System asyncs |
| scm_c_call_with_current_module : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_c_call_with_unblocked_asyncs : | | System asyncs |
| scm_c_catch : | | Catch |
| scm_c_define : | | Top Level |
| scm_c_define : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_c_define_gsubr : | | Primitive Procedures |
| scm_c_define_module : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_c_downcase : | | Characters |
| scm_c_eval_string : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_c_export : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_c_hook_add : | | C Hooks |
| scm_c_hook_init : | | C Hooks |
| scm_c_hook_remove : | | C Hooks |
| scm_c_hook_run : | | C Hooks |
| scm_c_imag_part : | | Complex |
| scm_c_locale_stringn_to_number : | | Conversion |
| scm_c_lookup : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_c_magnitude : | | Complex |
| scm_c_make_bitvector : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_c_make_bytevector : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| scm_c_make_gsubr : | | Primitive Procedures |
| scm_c_make_polar : | | Complex |
| scm_c_make_rectangular : | | Complex |
| scm_c_make_socket_address : | | Network Socket Address |
| scm_c_make_string : | | String Constructors |
| scm_c_make_struct : | | Structure Basics |
| scm_c_make_structv : | | Structure Basics |
| scm_c_make_vector : | | Vector Creation |
| scm_c_module_define : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_c_module_lookup : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_c_nvalues : | | Multiple Values |
| scm_c_port_for_each : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_c_primitive_load : | | Loading |
| scm_c_private_lookup : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_c_private_ref : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_c_private_variable : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_c_public_lookup : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_c_public_ref : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_c_public_variable : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_c_read : | | Reading |
| scm_c_real_part : | | Complex |
| scm_c_resolve_module : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_c_round : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_c_run_hook : | | Hook Reference |
| scm_c_string_length : | | String Selection |
| scm_c_string_ref : | | String Selection |
| scm_c_string_set_x : | | String Modification |
| scm_c_string_utf8_length : | | Bytevectors as Strings |
| scm_c_substring : | | String Selection |
| scm_c_substring_copy : | | String Selection |
| scm_c_substring_read_only : | | String Selection |
| scm_c_substring_shared : | | String Selection |
| scm_c_symbol_length : | | Symbol Primitives |
| scm_c_titlecase : | | Characters |
| scm_c_truncate : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_c_upcase : | | Characters |
| scm_c_use_module : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_c_values : | | Multiple Values |
| scm_c_value_ref : | | Multiple Values |
| scm_c_vector_length : | | Vector Accessors |
| scm_c_vector_ref : | | Vector Accessors |
| scm_c_vector_set_x : | | Vector Accessors |
| scm_c_with_continuation_barrier : | | Continuation Barriers |
| scm_c_with_dynamic_state : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_c_with_fluid : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_c_with_fluids : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_c_with_throw_handler : | | Throw Handlers |
| scm_c_write : | | Writing |
| scm_datum_to_random_state : | | Random |
| SCM_DEFINE : | | Snarfing Macros |
| scm_define : | | Top Level |
| scm_define : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_defined_p : | | Binding Reflection |
| scm_delete : | | List Modification |
| scm_delete1_x : | | List Modification |
| scm_delete_file : | | File System |
| scm_delete_x : | | List Modification |
| scm_delq : | | List Modification |
| scm_delq1_x : | | List Modification |
| scm_delq_x : | | List Modification |
| scm_delv : | | List Modification |
| scm_delv1_x : | | List Modification |
| scm_delv_x : | | List Modification |
| scm_denominator : | | Reals and Rationals |
| scm_difference : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_directory_stream_p : | | File System |
| scm_dirname : | | File System |
| scm_display_application : | | Frames |
| scm_display_backtrace : | | Stacks |
| scm_display_backtrace_with_highlights : | | Stacks |
| scm_display_error : | | Handling Errors |
| scm_divide : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_double_cell : | | Allocating Cells |
| scm_doubly_weak_hash_table_p : | | Weak hash tables |
| scm_drain_input : | | Reading |
| scm_dup2 : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_dup_to_fdes : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_dynamic_call : | | Foreign Functions |
| scm_dynamic_func : | | Foreign Functions |
| scm_dynamic_link : | | Foreign Libraries |
| scm_dynamic_object_p : | | Foreign Libraries |
| scm_dynamic_pointer : | | Foreign Variables |
| scm_dynamic_state_p : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_dynamic_unlink : | | Foreign Libraries |
| scm_dynamic_wind : | | Dynamic Wind |
| scm_dynwind_begin : | | Dynamic Wind |
| scm_dynwind_block_asyncs : | | System asyncs |
| scm_dynwind_critical_section : | | Critical Sections |
| scm_dynwind_current_dynamic_state : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_dynwind_current_error_port : | | Default Ports |
| scm_dynwind_current_input_port : | | Default Ports |
| scm_dynwind_current_output_port : | | Default Ports |
| scm_dynwind_end : | | Dynamic Wind |
| scm_dynwind_fluid : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_dynwind_free : | | Dynamic Wind |
| scm_dynwind_free : | | Memory Blocks |
| scm_dynwind_lock_mutex : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| scm_dynwind_rewind_handler : | | Dynamic Wind |
| scm_dynwind_rewind_handler_with_scm : | | Dynamic Wind |
| scm_dynwind_unblock_asyncs : | | System asyncs |
| scm_dynwind_unwind_handler : | | Dynamic Wind |
| scm_dynwind_unwind_handler_with_scm : | | Dynamic Wind |
| scm_effective_version : | | Build Config |
| scm_end_of_char_set_p : | | Iterating Over Character Sets |
| scm_environ : | | Runtime Environment |
| scm_eof_object : | | R6RS End-of-File |
| scm_eof_object_p : | | Reading |
| scm_eof_object_p : | | R6RS End-of-File |
| SCM_EOF_VAL : | | Immediate objects |
| SCM_EOL : | | Immediate objects |
| scm_equal_p : | | Equality |
| scm_eqv_p : | | Equality |
| scm_eq_p : | | Equality |
| scm_error : | | Handling Errors |
| scm_error_scm : | | Error Reporting |
| scm_euclidean_divide : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_euclidean_quotient : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_euclidean_remainder : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_eval : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_eval_string : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_eval_string_in_module : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_even_p : | | Integer Operations |
| scm_exact_integer_p : | | Integers |
| scm_exact_integer_sqrt : | | Integer Operations |
| scm_exact_p : | | Exactness |
| scm_exact_to_inexact : | | Exactness |
| scm_execl : | | Processes |
| scm_execle : | | Processes |
| scm_execlp : | | Processes |
| scm_f32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_f32vector_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_f32vector_length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_f32vector_p : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_f32vector_ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_f32vector_set_x : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_f32vector_to_list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_f32vector_writable_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_f64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_f64vector_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_f64vector_length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_f64vector_p : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_f64vector_ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_f64vector_set_x : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_f64vector_to_list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_f64vector_writable_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_fcntl : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_fdes_to_ports : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_fdopen : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_fileno : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_file_encoding : | | Character Encoding of Source Files |
| scm_file_port_p : | | File Ports |
| scm_finite_p : | | Reals and Rationals |
| scm_flock : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_floor : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_floor_divide : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_floor_quotient : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_floor_remainder : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_fluid_bound_p : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_fluid_p : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_fluid_ref : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_fluid_set_x : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_fluid_unset_x : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_flush_all_ports : | | Writing |
| scm_force : | | Delayed Evaluation |
| scm_force_output : | | Writing |
| scm_fork : | | Processes |
| scm_frame_arguments : | | Frames |
| scm_frame_p : | | Frames |
| scm_frame_previous : | | Frames |
| scm_frame_procedure : | | Frames |
| scm_from_bool : | | Booleans |
| scm_from_char : | | Integers |
| scm_from_double : | | Reals and Rationals |
| scm_from_int : | | Integers |
| scm_from_int16 : | | Integers |
| scm_from_int32 : | | Integers |
| scm_from_int64 : | | Integers |
| scm_from_int8 : | | Integers |
| scm_from_intmax : | | Integers |
| scm_from_latin1_keyword : | | Keyword Procedures |
| scm_from_latin1_string : | | Conversion to/from C |
| scm_from_latin1_stringn : | | Conversion to/from C |
| scm_from_latin1_symbol : | | Symbol Primitives |
| scm_from_locale_keyword : | | Keyword Procedures |
| scm_from_locale_keywordn : | | Keyword Procedures |
| scm_from_locale_string : | | Conversion to/from C |
| scm_from_locale_stringn : | | Conversion to/from C |
| scm_from_locale_symbol : | | Symbol Primitives |
| scm_from_locale_symboln : | | Symbol Primitives |
| scm_from_long : | | Integers |
| scm_from_long_long : | | Integers |
| scm_from_mpz : | | Integers |
| scm_from_pointer : | | Foreign Variables |
| scm_from_ptrdiff_t : | | Integers |
| scm_from_schar : | | Integers |
| scm_from_short : | | Integers |
| scm_from_signed_integer : | | Integers |
| scm_from_size_t : | | Integers |
| scm_from_sockaddr : | | Network Socket Address |
| scm_from_ssize_t : | | Integers |
| scm_from_stringn : | | Conversion to/from C |
| scm_from_uchar : | | Integers |
| scm_from_uint : | | Integers |
| scm_from_uint16 : | | Integers |
| scm_from_uint32 : | | Integers |
| scm_from_uint64 : | | Integers |
| scm_from_uint8 : | | Integers |
| scm_from_uintmax : | | Integers |
| scm_from_uintptr_t : | | Integers |
| scm_from_ulong : | | Integers |
| scm_from_ulong_long : | | Integers |
| scm_from_unsigned_integer : | | Integers |
| scm_from_ushort : | | Integers |
| scm_from_utf32_string : | | Conversion to/from C |
| scm_from_utf32_stringn : | | Conversion to/from C |
| scm_from_utf8_keyword : | | Keyword Procedures |
| scm_from_utf8_string : | | Conversion to/from C |
| scm_from_utf8_stringn : | | Conversion to/from C |
| scm_from_utf8_symbol : | | Symbol Primitives |
| scm_fsync : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_ftell : | | Random Access |
| scm_gc : | | Garbage Collection Functions |
| scm_gcd : | | Integer Operations |
| scm_gc_calloc : | | Memory Blocks |
| scm_gc_free : | | Memory Blocks |
| scm_gc_live_object_stats : | | Garbage Collection Functions |
| scm_gc_malloc : | | Memory Blocks |
| scm_gc_malloc_pointerless : | | Memory Blocks |
| scm_gc_mark : | | Garbage Collection Functions |
| scm_gc_protect_object : | | Garbage Collection Functions |
| scm_gc_realloc : | | Memory Blocks |
| scm_gc_register_allocation : | | Memory Blocks |
| scm_gc_stats : | | Garbage Collection Functions |
| scm_gc_unprotect_object : | | Garbage Collection Functions |
| scm_gensym : | | Symbol Primitives |
| scm_geq_p : | | Comparison |
| scm_getaddrinfo : | | Network Databases |
| scm_getaffinity : | | Processes |
| scm_getcwd : | | Processes |
| scm_getegid : | | Processes |
| scm_getenv : | | Runtime Environment |
| scm_geteuid : | | Processes |
| scm_getgid : | | Processes |
| scm_getgrgid : | | User Information |
| scm_getgroups : | | Processes |
| scm_gethost : | | Network Databases |
| scm_gethostname : | | System Identification |
| scm_getitimer : | | Signals |
| scm_getlogin : | | User Information |
| scm_getnet : | | Network Databases |
| scm_getpass : | | Encryption |
| scm_getpeername : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| scm_getpgrp : | | Processes |
| scm_getpid : | | Processes |
| scm_getppid : | | Processes |
| scm_getpriority : | | Processes |
| scm_getproto : | | Network Databases |
| scm_getpwuid : | | User Information |
| scm_getserv : | | Network Databases |
| scm_getsid : | | Processes |
| scm_getsockname : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| scm_getsockopt : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| scm_gettext : | | Gettext Support |
| scm_gettimeofday : | | Time |
| scm_getuid : | | Processes |
| scm_get_bytevector_all : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| scm_get_bytevector_n : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| scm_get_bytevector_n_x : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| scm_get_bytevector_some : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| scm_get_internal_real_time : | | Time |
| scm_get_internal_run_time : | | Time |
| scm_get_output_string : | | String Ports |
| scm_get_print_state : | | Writing |
| scm_get_u8 : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| SCM_GLOBAL_KEYWORD : | | Snarfing Macros |
| SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL : | | Snarfing Macros |
| SCM_GLOBAL_VARIABLE : | | Snarfing Macros |
| SCM_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_INIT : | | Snarfing Macros |
| scm_gmtime : | | Time |
| scm_gr_p : | | Comparison |
| scm_hash : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hashq : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hashq_create_handle_x : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hashq_get_handle : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hashq_ref : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hashq_remove_x : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hashq_set_x : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hashv : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hashv_create_handle_x : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hashv_get_handle : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hashv_ref : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hashv_remove_x : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hashv_set_x : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hashx_create_handle_x : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hashx_get_handle : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hashx_ref : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hashx_remove_x : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hashx_set_x : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hash_clear_x : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hash_count : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hash_create_handle_x : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hash_fold : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hash_for_each : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hash_for_each_handle : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hash_get_handle : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hash_map_to_list : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hash_ref : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hash_remove_x : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hash_set_x : | | Hash Table Reference |
| scm_hash_table_p : | | Hash Table Reference |
| SCM_HOOKP : | | Hook Reference |
| scm_hook_empty_p : | | Hook Reference |
| scm_hook_p : | | Hook Reference |
| scm_hook_to_list : | | Hook Reference |
| scm_imag_part : | | Complex |
| SCM_IMP : | | Immediate objects |
| scm_inet_aton : | | Network Address Conversion |
| scm_inet_makeaddr : | | Network Address Conversion |
| scm_inet_netof : | | Network Address Conversion |
| scm_inet_ntoa : | | Network Address Conversion |
| scm_inet_ntop : | | Network Address Conversion |
| scm_inet_pton : | | Network Address Conversion |
| scm_inexact_p : | | Exactness |
| scm_inexact_to_exact : | | Exactness |
| scm_inf : | | Reals and Rationals |
| scm_inf_p : | | Reals and Rationals |
| scm_init_guile : | | Initialization |
| scm_input_port_p : | | Ports |
| scm_integer_expt : | | Bitwise Operations |
| scm_integer_length : | | Bitwise Operations |
| scm_integer_p : | | Integers |
| scm_integer_to_char : | | Characters |
| scm_interaction_environment : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_internal_catch : | | Catch |
| scm_isatty_p : | | Terminals and Ptys |
| scm_is_array : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_is_bitvector : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_is_bool : | | Booleans |
| scm_is_bytevector : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| scm_is_complex : | | Complex Numbers |
| scm_is_dynamic_state : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_is_eq : | | Equality |
| scm_is_exact : | | Exactness |
| scm_is_exact_integer : | | Integers |
| scm_is_false : | | Booleans |
| scm_is_inexact : | | Exactness |
| scm_is_integer : | | Integers |
| scm_is_keyword : | | Keyword Procedures |
| scm_is_null : | | List Predicates |
| scm_is_number : | | Numerical Tower |
| scm_is_pair : | | Pairs |
| scm_is_rational : | | Reals and Rationals |
| scm_is_real : | | Reals and Rationals |
| scm_is_signed_integer : | | Integers |
| scm_is_simple_vector : | | Vector Accessing from C |
| scm_is_string : | | String Predicates |
| scm_is_symbol : | | Symbol Primitives |
| scm_is_true : | | Booleans |
| scm_is_typed_array : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_is_unsigned_integer : | | Integers |
| scm_is_vector : | | Vector Creation |
| scm_join_thread : | | Threads |
| scm_join_thread_timed : | | Threads |
| SCM_KEYWORD : | | Snarfing Macros |
| scm_keyword_p : | | Keyword Procedures |
| scm_keyword_to_symbol : | | Keyword Procedures |
| scm_kill : | | Signals |
| scm_last_pair : | | List Selection |
| scm_lcm : | | Integer Operations |
| scm_length : | | List Selection |
| scm_leq_p : | | Comparison |
| scm_less_p : | | Comparison |
| scm_link : | | File System |
| scm_listen : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| scm_list_1 : | | List Constructors |
| scm_list_2 : | | List Constructors |
| scm_list_3 : | | List Constructors |
| scm_list_4 : | | List Constructors |
| scm_list_5 : | | List Constructors |
| scm_list_cdr_set_x : | | List Modification |
| scm_list_copy : | | List Constructors |
| scm_list_head : | | List Selection |
| scm_list_n : | | List Constructors |
| scm_list_p : | | List Predicates |
| scm_list_ref : | | List Selection |
| scm_list_set_x : | | List Modification |
| scm_list_tail : | | List Selection |
| scm_list_to_bitvector : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_list_to_c32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_list_to_c64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_list_to_char_set : | | Creating Character Sets |
| scm_list_to_char_set_x : | | Creating Character Sets |
| scm_list_to_f32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_list_to_f64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_list_to_s16vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_list_to_s32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_list_to_s64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_list_to_s8vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_list_to_typed_array : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_list_to_u16vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_list_to_u32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_list_to_u64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_list_to_u8vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_lnaof : | | Network Address Conversion |
| scm_load_extension : | | Foreign Functions |
| scm_load_objcode : | | Bytecode and Objcode |
| scm_locale_p : | | i18n Introduction |
| scm_locale_string_to_inexact : | | Number Input and Output |
| scm_locale_string_to_integer : | | Number Input and Output |
| scm_localtime : | | Time |
| scm_local_eval : | | Local Evaluation |
| scm_lock_mutex : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| scm_lock_mutex_timed : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| scm_logand : | | Bitwise Operations |
| scm_logbit_p : | | Bitwise Operations |
| scm_logcount : | | Bitwise Operations |
| scm_logior : | | Bitwise Operations |
| scm_lognot : | | Bitwise Operations |
| scm_logtest : | | Bitwise Operations |
| scm_lookahead_u8 : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| scm_lookup : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_loxor : | | Bitwise Operations |
| scm_lstat : | | File System |
| scm_macro_binding : | | Internal Macros |
| scm_macro_name : | | Internal Macros |
| scm_macro_p : | | Internal Macros |
| scm_macro_transformer : | | Internal Macros |
| scm_macro_type : | | Internal Macros |
| scm_magnitude : | | Complex |
| scm_major_version : | | Build Config |
| scm_make_arbiter : | | Arbiters |
| scm_make_array : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_make_bitvector : | | Bit Vectors |
| scm_make_bytevector : | | Bytevector Manipulation |
| scm_make_c32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_make_c64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_make_condition_variable : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| scm_make_custom_binary_input_port : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| scm_make_custom_binary_output_port : | | R6RS Binary Output |
| scm_make_doubly_weak_hash_table : | | Weak hash tables |
| scm_make_dynamic_state : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_make_f32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_make_f64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_make_fluid : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_make_fluid_with_default : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_make_guardian : | | Guardians |
| scm_make_hook : | | Hook Reference |
| scm_make_locale : | | i18n Introduction |
| scm_make_mutex : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| scm_make_mutex_with_flags : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| scm_make_polar : | | Complex |
| scm_make_port_type : | | Port Implementation |
| scm_make_procedure_with_setter : | | Procedures with Setters |
| scm_make_program : | | Bytecode and Objcode |
| scm_make_rectangular : | | Complex |
| scm_make_recursive_mutex : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| scm_make_regexp : | | Regexp Functions |
| scm_make_s16vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_make_s32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_make_s64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_make_s8vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_make_shared_array : | | Shared Arrays |
| scm_make_smob_type : | | Smobs |
| scm_make_socket_address : | | Network Socket Address |
| scm_make_soft_port : | | Soft Ports |
| scm_make_stack : | | Stack Capture |
| scm_make_string : | | String Constructors |
| scm_make_struct : | | Structure Basics |
| scm_make_struct_layout : | | Meta-Vtables |
| scm_make_symbol : | | Symbol Uninterned |
| scm_make_typed_array : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_make_u16vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_make_u32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_make_u64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_make_u8vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_make_unbound_fluid : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_make_undefined_variable : | | Variables |
| scm_make_variable : | | Variables |
| scm_make_vector : | | Vector Creation |
| scm_make_weak_key_hash_table : | | Weak hash tables |
| scm_make_weak_value_hash_table : | | Weak hash tables |
| scm_make_weak_vector : | | Weak vectors |
| scm_malloc : | | Memory Blocks |
| scm_map : | | List Mapping |
| scm_markcdr : | | Smobs |
| scm_max : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_member : | | List Searching |
| scm_memory_error : | | Handling Errors |
| scm_memq : | | List Searching |
| scm_memv : | | List Searching |
| scm_merge : | | Sorting |
| scm_merge_x : | | Sorting |
| scm_micro_version : | | Build Config |
| scm_min : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_minor_version : | | Build Config |
| scm_misc_error : | | Handling Errors |
| scm_mkdir : | | File System |
| scm_mknod : | | File System |
| scm_mkstemp : | | File System |
| scm_mktime : | | Time |
| scm_module_define : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_module_ensure_local_variable : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_module_lookup : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_module_reverse_lookup : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_module_variable : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_modulo : | | Integer Operations |
| scm_modulo_expt : | | Integer Operations |
| scm_mutex_level : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| scm_mutex_locked_p : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| scm_mutex_owner : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| scm_mutex_p : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| scm_nan : | | Reals and Rationals |
| scm_nan_p : | | Reals and Rationals |
| scm_native_endianness : | | Bytevector Endianness |
| scm_nconc2last : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_negative_p : | | Comparison |
| scm_newline : | | Writing |
| scm_new_double_smob : | | Smobs |
| scm_new_smob : | | Smobs |
| scm_ngettext : | | Gettext Support |
| scm_nice : | | Processes |
| scm_not : | | Booleans |
| scm_null_p : | | List Predicates |
| scm_number_p : | | Numerical Tower |
| scm_number_to_string : | | Conversion |
| scm_numerator : | | Reals and Rationals |
| scm_num_eq_p : | | Comparison |
| scm_num_overflow : | | Handling Errors |
| scm_objcode_p : | | Bytecode and Objcode |
| scm_objcode_to_bytecode : | | Bytecode and Objcode |
| scm_object_properties : | | Object Properties |
| scm_object_property : | | Object Properties |
| scm_object_to_string : | | General Conversion |
| scm_odd_p : | | Integer Operations |
| scm_oneminus : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_oneplus : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_open : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_opendir : | | File System |
| scm_open_bytevector_input_port : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| scm_open_bytevector_output_port : | | R6RS Binary Output |
| scm_open_fdes : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_open_file : | | File Ports |
| scm_open_file_with_encoding : | | File Ports |
| scm_open_input_string : | | String Ports |
| scm_open_output_string : | | String Ports |
| scm_output_port_p : | | Ports |
| scm_out_of_range : | | Handling Errors |
| SCM_PACK : | | The SCM Type |
| scm_pair_p : | | Pairs |
| scm_parse_path : | | Load Paths |
| scm_parse_path_with_ellipsis : | | Load Paths |
| scm_pause : | | Signals |
| scm_peek_char : | | Reading |
| scm_permanent_object : | | Garbage Collection Functions |
| scm_pipe : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_pointer_address : | | Foreign Variables |
| scm_pointer_to_bytevector : | | Void Pointers and Byte Access |
| scm_pointer_to_procedure : | | Dynamic FFI |
| scm_pointer_to_procedure_with_errno : | | Dynamic FFI |
| scm_port_closed_p : | | Closing |
| scm_port_column : | | Reading |
| scm_port_conversion_strategy : | | Ports |
| scm_port_encoding : | | Ports |
| scm_port_filename : | | File Ports |
| scm_port_for_each : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_port_line : | | Reading |
| scm_port_mode : | | File Ports |
| scm_port_p : | | Ports |
| scm_port_revealed : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_port_with_print_state : | | Writing |
| scm_positive_p : | | Comparison |
| scm_primitive_eval : | | Fly Evaluation |
| scm_primitive_exit : | | Processes |
| scm_primitive_load : | | Loading |
| scm_primitive_load_path : | | Load Paths |
| scm_primitive_move_to_fdes : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_primitive__exit : | | Processes |
| scm_private_lookup : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_private_ref : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_private_variable : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_procedure : | | Procedures with Setters |
| scm_procedure_documentation : | | Procedure Properties |
| scm_procedure_name : | | Procedure Properties |
| scm_procedure_p : | | Procedure Properties |
| scm_procedure_properties : | | Procedure Properties |
| scm_procedure_property : | | Procedure Properties |
| scm_procedure_source : | | Procedure Properties |
| scm_procedure_to_pointer : | | Dynamic FFI |
| scm_procedure_with_setter_p : | | Procedures with Setters |
| scm_product : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_program_arguments : | | Runtime Environment |
| scm_program_arities : | | Compiled Procedures |
| scm_program_free_variables : | | Compiled Procedures |
| scm_program_meta : | | Compiled Procedures |
| scm_program_module : | | Compiled Procedures |
| scm_program_objcode : | | Compiled Procedures |
| scm_program_objects : | | Compiled Procedures |
| scm_program_p : | | Compiled Procedures |
| scm_promise_p : | | Delayed Evaluation |
| SCM_PTAB_ENTRY : | | C Port Interface |
| scm_pthread_cond_timedwait : | | Blocking |
| scm_pthread_cond_wait : | | Blocking |
| scm_pthread_mutex_lock : | | Blocking |
| SCM_PTOBNUM : | | C Port Interface |
| scm_public_lookup : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_public_ref : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_public_variable : | | Accessing Modules from C |
| scm_putenv : | | Runtime Environment |
| scm_put_bytevector : | | R6RS Binary Output |
| scm_put_u8 : | | R6RS Binary Output |
| scm_quotient : | | Integer Operations |
| scm_raise : | | Signals |
| scm_random : | | Random |
| scm_random_exp : | | Random |
| scm_random_hollow_sphere_x : | | Random |
| scm_random_normal : | | Random |
| scm_random_normal_vector_x : | | Random |
| scm_random_solid_sphere_x : | | Random |
| scm_random_state_from_platform : | | Random |
| scm_random_state_to_datum : | | Random |
| scm_random_uniform : | | Random |
| scm_rationalize : | | Reals and Rationals |
| scm_rational_p : | | Reals and Rationals |
| scm_read : | | Scheme Read |
| scm_readdir : | | File System |
| scm_readlink : | | File System |
| scm_read_char : | | Reading |
| scm_read_delimited_x : | | Line/Delimited |
| scm_read_hash_extend : | | Reader Extensions |
| scm_read_line : | | Line/Delimited |
| scm_read_string_x_partial : | | Block Reading and Writing |
| scm_realloc : | | Memory Blocks |
| scm_real_p : | | Reals and Rationals |
| scm_real_part : | | Complex |
| scm_recv : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| scm_recvfrom : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| scm_redirect_port : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_regexp_exec : | | Regexp Functions |
| scm_regexp_p : | | Regexp Functions |
| scm_release_arbiter : | | Arbiters |
| scm_remainder : | | Integer Operations |
| scm_remember_upto_here_1 : | | Garbage Collection Functions |
| scm_remember_upto_here_2 : | | Garbage Collection Functions |
| scm_remove_hook_x : | | Hook Reference |
| scm_rename : | | File System |
| scm_reset_hook_x : | | Hook Reference |
| scm_resolve_module : | | Module System Reflection |
| scm_restore_signals : | | Signals |
| scm_restricted_vector_sort_x : | | Sorting |
| scm_reverse : | | Append/Reverse |
| scm_reverse_list_to_string : | | String Constructors |
| scm_reverse_x : | | Append/Reverse |
| scm_rewinddir : | | File System |
| scm_rmdir : | | File System |
| scm_round_ash : | | Bitwise Operations |
| scm_round_divide : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_round_number : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_round_quotient : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_round_remainder : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_run_asyncs : | | User asyncs |
| scm_run_finalizers : | | Smobs |
| scm_run_hook : | | Hook Reference |
| scm_s16vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s16vector_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s16vector_length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s16vector_p : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s16vector_ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s16vector_set_x : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s16vector_to_list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s16vector_writable_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s32vector_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s32vector_length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s32vector_p : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s32vector_ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s32vector_set_x : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s32vector_to_list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s32vector_writable_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s64vector_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s64vector_length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s64vector_p : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s64vector_ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s64vector_set_x : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s64vector_to_list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s64vector_writable_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s8vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s8vector_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s8vector_length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s8vector_p : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s8vector_ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s8vector_set_x : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s8vector_to_list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_s8vector_writable_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_search_path : | | Load Paths |
| scm_seed_to_random_state : | | Random |
| scm_seek : | | Random Access |
| scm_select : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_send : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| scm_sendfile : | | File System |
| scm_sendto : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| scm_setaffinity : | | Processes |
| scm_setegid : | | Processes |
| scm_seteuid : | | Processes |
| scm_setgid : | | Processes |
| scm_setgrent : | | User Information |
| scm_setgroups : | | Processes |
| scm_sethost : | | Network Databases |
| scm_sethostname : | | System Identification |
| scm_setitimer : | | Signals |
| scm_setlocale : | | Locales |
| scm_setnet : | | Network Databases |
| scm_setpgid : | | Processes |
| scm_setpriority : | | Processes |
| scm_setproto : | | Network Databases |
| scm_setpwent : | | User Information |
| scm_setserv : | | Network Databases |
| scm_setsid : | | Processes |
| scm_setsockopt : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| scm_setuid : | | Processes |
| scm_setvbuf : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_set_automatic_finalization_enabled : | | Smobs |
| scm_set_car_x : | | Pairs |
| scm_set_cdr_x : | | Pairs |
| SCM_SET_CELL_OBJECT : | | Accessing Cell Entries |
| SCM_SET_CELL_TYPE : | | Heap Cell Type Information |
| SCM_SET_CELL_WORD : | | Accessing Cell Entries |
| scm_set_current_dynamic_state : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_set_current_error_port : | | Default Ports |
| scm_set_current_input_port : | | Default Ports |
| scm_set_current_module : | | Module System Reflection |
| scm_set_current_output_port : | | Default Ports |
| scm_set_object_properties_x : | | Object Properties |
| scm_set_object_property_x : | | Object Properties |
| scm_set_port_close : | | Port Implementation |
| scm_set_port_column_x : | | Reading |
| scm_set_port_conversion_strategy_x : | | Ports |
| scm_set_port_encoding_x : | | Ports |
| scm_set_port_end_input : | | Port Implementation |
| scm_set_port_equalp : | | Port Implementation |
| scm_set_port_filename_x : | | File Ports |
| scm_set_port_flush : | | Port Implementation |
| scm_set_port_free : | | Port Implementation |
| scm_set_port_input_waiting : | | Port Implementation |
| scm_set_port_line_x : | | Reading |
| scm_set_port_mark : | | Port Implementation |
| scm_set_port_print : | | Port Implementation |
| scm_set_port_revealed_x : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_set_port_seek : | | Port Implementation |
| scm_set_port_truncate : | | Port Implementation |
| scm_set_procedure_properties_x : | | Procedure Properties |
| scm_set_procedure_property_x : | | Procedure Properties |
| scm_set_program_arguments : | | Runtime Environment |
| scm_set_program_arguments_scm : | | Runtime Environment |
| SCM_SET_SMOB_DATA : | | Smobs |
| SCM_SET_SMOB_DATA_2 : | | Smobs |
| SCM_SET_SMOB_DATA_3 : | | Smobs |
| scm_set_smob_equalp : | | Smobs |
| SCM_SET_SMOB_FLAGS : | | Smobs |
| scm_set_smob_free : | | Smobs |
| scm_set_smob_mark : | | Smobs |
| SCM_SET_SMOB_OBJECT : | | Smobs |
| SCM_SET_SMOB_OBJECT_2 : | | Smobs |
| SCM_SET_SMOB_OBJECT_3 : | | Smobs |
| scm_set_smob_print : | | Smobs |
| scm_set_source_properties_x : | | Source Properties |
| scm_set_source_property_x : | | Source Properties |
| scm_set_struct_vtable_name_x : | | Vtable Contents |
| scm_set_thread_cleanup_x : | | Threads |
| scm_shared_array_increments : | | Shared Arrays |
| scm_shared_array_offset : | | Shared Arrays |
| scm_shared_array_root : | | Shared Arrays |
| scm_shell : | | Initialization |
| scm_shutdown : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| scm_sigaction : | | Signals |
| scm_sigaction_for_thread : | | Signals |
| scm_signal_condition_variable : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| scm_simple_format : | | Writing |
| SCM_SIMPLE_VECTOR_LENGTH : | | Vector Accessing from C |
| SCM_SIMPLE_VECTOR_REF : | | Vector Accessing from C |
| SCM_SIMPLE_VECTOR_SET : | | Vector Accessing from C |
| scm_sint_list_to_bytevector : | | Bytevectors and Integer Lists |
| scm_sizeof : | | Foreign Structs |
| scm_sleep : | | Signals |
| scm_sloppy_assoc : | | Sloppy Alist Functions |
| scm_sloppy_assq : | | Sloppy Alist Functions |
| scm_sloppy_assv : | | Sloppy Alist Functions |
| SCM_SMOB_DATA : | | Smobs |
| SCM_SMOB_DATA_2 : | | Smobs |
| SCM_SMOB_DATA_3 : | | Smobs |
| SCM_SMOB_FLAGS : | | Smobs |
| SCM_SMOB_OBJECT : | | Smobs |
| SCM_SMOB_OBJECT_2 : | | Smobs |
| SCM_SMOB_OBJECT_2_LOC : | | Smobs |
| SCM_SMOB_OBJECT_3 : | | Smobs |
| SCM_SMOB_OBJECT_3_LOC : | | Smobs |
| SCM_SMOB_OBJECT_LOC : | | Smobs |
| SCM_SMOB_PREDICATE : | | Smobs |
| SCM_SNARF_INIT : | | Snarfing Macros |
| scm_socket : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| scm_socketpair : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| scm_sort : | | Sorting |
| scm_sorted_p : | | Sorting |
| scm_sort_list : | | Sorting |
| scm_sort_list_x : | | Sorting |
| scm_sort_x : | | Sorting |
| scm_source_properties : | | Source Properties |
| scm_source_property : | | Source Properties |
| scm_spawn_thread : | | Threads |
| scm_stable_sort : | | Sorting |
| scm_stable_sort_x : | | Sorting |
| scm_stack_id : | | Stacks |
| scm_stack_length : | | Stacks |
| scm_stack_p : | | Stacks |
| scm_stack_ref : | | Stacks |
| scm_stat : | | File System |
| scm_status_exit_val : | | Processes |
| scm_status_stop_sig : | | Processes |
| scm_status_term_sig : | | Processes |
| scm_std_select : | | Blocking |
| scm_std_sleep : | | Blocking |
| scm_std_usleep : | | Blocking |
| scm_strerror : | | Error Reporting |
| scm_strftime : | | Time |
| scm_string : | | String Constructors |
| scm_string_any : | | String Predicates |
| scm_string_append : | | Reversing and Appending Strings |
| scm_string_append_shared : | | Reversing and Appending Strings |
| scm_string_bytes_per_char : | | String Internals |
| scm_string_capitalize : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| scm_string_capitalize_x : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| scm_string_ci_eq : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_ci_ge : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_ci_gt : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_ci_le : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_ci_lt : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_ci_neq : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_ci_to_symbol : | | Symbol Primitives |
| scm_string_compare : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_compare_ci : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_concatenate : | | Reversing and Appending Strings |
| scm_string_concatenate_reverse : | | Reversing and Appending Strings |
| scm_string_concatenate_reverse_shared : | | Reversing and Appending Strings |
| scm_string_concatenate_shared : | | Reversing and Appending Strings |
| scm_string_contains : | | String Searching |
| scm_string_contains_ci : | | String Searching |
| scm_string_copy : | | String Selection |
| scm_string_copy_x : | | String Modification |
| scm_string_count : | | String Searching |
| scm_string_delete : | | Miscellaneous String Operations |
| scm_string_downcase : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| scm_string_downcase_x : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| scm_string_drop : | | String Selection |
| scm_string_drop_right : | | String Selection |
| scm_string_eq : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_every : | | String Predicates |
| scm_string_fill_x : | | String Modification |
| scm_string_filter : | | Miscellaneous String Operations |
| scm_string_fold : | | Mapping Folding and Unfolding |
| scm_string_fold_right : | | Mapping Folding and Unfolding |
| scm_string_for_each : | | Mapping Folding and Unfolding |
| scm_string_for_each_index : | | Mapping Folding and Unfolding |
| scm_string_ge : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_gt : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_index : | | String Searching |
| scm_string_index_right : | | String Searching |
| scm_string_join : | | String Constructors |
| scm_string_le : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_length : | | String Selection |
| scm_string_locale_ci_eq : | | Text Collation |
| scm_string_locale_ci_gt : | | Text Collation |
| scm_string_locale_ci_lt : | | Text Collation |
| scm_string_locale_downcase : | | Character Case Mapping |
| scm_string_locale_gt : | | Text Collation |
| scm_string_locale_lt : | | Text Collation |
| scm_string_locale_titlecase : | | Character Case Mapping |
| scm_string_locale_upcase : | | Character Case Mapping |
| scm_string_lt : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_map : | | Mapping Folding and Unfolding |
| scm_string_map_x : | | Mapping Folding and Unfolding |
| scm_string_neq : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_normalize_nfc : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_normalize_nfd : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_normalize_nfkc : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_normalize_nfkd : | | String Comparison |
| scm_string_null_p : | | String Predicates |
| scm_string_p : | | String Predicates |
| scm_string_pad : | | String Selection |
| scm_string_pad_right : | | String Selection |
| scm_string_prefix_ci_p : | | String Searching |
| scm_string_prefix_length : | | String Searching |
| scm_string_prefix_length_ci : | | String Searching |
| scm_string_prefix_p : | | String Searching |
| scm_string_ref : | | String Selection |
| scm_string_replace : | | Miscellaneous String Operations |
| scm_string_reverse : | | Reversing and Appending Strings |
| scm_string_reverse_x : | | Reversing and Appending Strings |
| scm_string_rindex : | | String Searching |
| scm_string_set_x : | | String Modification |
| scm_string_skip : | | String Searching |
| scm_string_skip_right : | | String Searching |
| scm_string_split : | | List/String Conversion |
| scm_string_suffix_ci_p : | | String Searching |
| scm_string_suffix_length : | | String Searching |
| scm_string_suffix_length_ci : | | String Searching |
| scm_string_suffix_p : | | String Searching |
| scm_string_tabulate : | | String Constructors |
| scm_string_take : | | String Selection |
| scm_string_take_right : | | String Selection |
| scm_string_titlecase : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| scm_string_titlecase_x : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| scm_string_tokenize : | | Miscellaneous String Operations |
| scm_string_to_char_set : | | Creating Character Sets |
| scm_string_to_char_set_x : | | Creating Character Sets |
| scm_string_to_list : | | List/String Conversion |
| scm_string_to_number : | | Conversion |
| scm_string_to_symbol : | | Symbol Primitives |
| scm_string_to_utf16 : | | Bytevectors as Strings |
| scm_string_to_utf32 : | | Bytevectors as Strings |
| scm_string_to_utf8 : | | Bytevectors as Strings |
| scm_string_trim : | | String Selection |
| scm_string_trim_both : | | String Selection |
| scm_string_trim_right : | | String Selection |
| scm_string_unfold : | | Mapping Folding and Unfolding |
| scm_string_unfold_right : | | Mapping Folding and Unfolding |
| scm_string_upcase : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| scm_string_upcase_x : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| scm_string_utf8_length : | | Bytevectors as Strings |
| scm_string_xcopy_x : | | Miscellaneous String Operations |
| scm_strptime : | | Time |
| scm_struct_p : | | Structure Basics |
| scm_struct_ref : | | Structure Basics |
| scm_struct_set_x : | | Structure Basics |
| scm_struct_vtable : | | Structure Basics |
| scm_struct_vtable_name : | | Vtable Contents |
| scm_struct_vtable_p : | | Meta-Vtables |
| scm_substring : | | String Selection |
| scm_substring_copy : | | String Selection |
| scm_substring_copy : | | String Selection |
| scm_substring_downcase : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| scm_substring_downcase_x : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| scm_substring_fill_x : | | String Modification |
| scm_substring_fill_x : | | String Modification |
| scm_substring_hash : | | String Comparison |
| scm_substring_hash_ci : | | String Comparison |
| scm_substring_move_x : | | String Modification |
| scm_substring_read_only : | | String Selection |
| scm_substring_shared : | | String Selection |
| scm_substring_to_list : | | List/String Conversion |
| scm_substring_upcase : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| scm_substring_upcase_x : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| scm_sum : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_supports_source_properties_p : | | Source Properties |
| SCM_SYMBOL : | | Snarfing Macros |
| scm_symbol_fref : | | Symbol Props |
| scm_symbol_fset_x : | | Symbol Props |
| scm_symbol_hash : | | Symbol Keys |
| scm_symbol_interned_p : | | Symbol Uninterned |
| scm_symbol_p : | | Symbol Primitives |
| scm_symbol_pref : | | Symbol Props |
| scm_symbol_pset_x : | | Symbol Props |
| scm_symbol_to_keyword : | | Keyword Procedures |
| scm_symbol_to_string : | | Symbol Primitives |
| scm_symlink : | | File System |
| scm_sync : | | File System |
| scm_syserror : | | Handling Errors |
| scm_syserror_msg : | | Handling Errors |
| scm_system : | | Processes |
| scm_system_async_mark : | | System asyncs |
| scm_system_async_mark_for_thread : | | System asyncs |
| scm_system_star : | | Processes |
| scm_sys_library_dir : | | Build Config |
| scm_sys_make_void_port : | | Void Ports |
| scm_sys_package_data_dir : | | Build Config |
| scm_sys_search_load_path : | | Load Paths |
| scm_sys_site_ccache_dir : | | Build Config |
| scm_sys_site_dir : | | Build Config |
| scm_sys_string_dump : | | String Internals |
| scm_take_c32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_take_c64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_take_f32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_take_f64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_take_locale_string : | | Conversion to/from C |
| scm_take_locale_stringn : | | Conversion to/from C |
| scm_take_locale_symbol : | | Symbol Primitives |
| scm_take_locale_symboln : | | Symbol Primitives |
| scm_take_s16vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_take_s32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_take_s64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_take_s8vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_take_u16vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_take_u32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_take_u64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_take_u8vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_tcgetpgrp : | | Terminals and Ptys |
| scm_tcsetpgrp : | | Terminals and Ptys |
| scm_textdomain : | | Gettext Support |
| scm_thread_cleanup : | | Threads |
| scm_thread_exited_p : | | Threads |
| scm_thread_p : | | Threads |
| scm_throw : | | Throw |
| scm_thunk_p : | | Procedure Properties |
| scm_times : | | Time |
| scm_tmpfile : | | File System |
| scm_tmpnam : | | File System |
| scm_total_processor_count : | | Processes |
| scm_to_bool : | | Booleans |
| scm_to_char : | | Integers |
| scm_to_char_set : | | Creating Character Sets |
| scm_to_double : | | Reals and Rationals |
| scm_to_int : | | Integers |
| scm_to_int16 : | | Integers |
| scm_to_int32 : | | Integers |
| scm_to_int64 : | | Integers |
| scm_to_int8 : | | Integers |
| scm_to_intmax : | | Integers |
| scm_to_locale_string : | | Conversion to/from C |
| scm_to_locale_stringbuf : | | Conversion to/from C |
| scm_to_locale_stringn : | | Conversion to/from C |
| scm_to_long : | | Integers |
| scm_to_long_long : | | Integers |
| scm_to_mpz : | | Integers |
| scm_to_pointer : | | Foreign Variables |
| scm_to_ptrdiff_t : | | Integers |
| scm_to_schar : | | Integers |
| scm_to_short : | | Integers |
| scm_to_signed_integer : | | Integers |
| scm_to_size_t : | | Integers |
| scm_to_sockaddr : | | Network Socket Address |
| scm_to_ssize_t : | | Integers |
| scm_to_uchar : | | Integers |
| scm_to_uint : | | Integers |
| scm_to_uint16 : | | Integers |
| scm_to_uint32 : | | Integers |
| scm_to_uint64 : | | Integers |
| scm_to_uint8 : | | Integers |
| scm_to_uintmax : | | Integers |
| scm_to_uintptr_t : | | Integers |
| scm_to_ulong : | | Integers |
| scm_to_ulong_long : | | Integers |
| scm_to_unsigned_integer : | | Integers |
| scm_to_ushort : | | Integers |
| scm_transpose_array : | | Shared Arrays |
| scm_truncate_divide : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_truncate_file : | | Random Access |
| scm_truncate_number : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_truncate_quotient : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_truncate_remainder : | | Arithmetic |
| scm_try_arbiter : | | Arbiters |
| scm_try_mutex : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| scm_ttyname : | | Terminals and Ptys |
| scm_typed_array_p : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_tzset : | | Time |
| scm_u16vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u16vector_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u16vector_length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u16vector_p : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u16vector_ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u16vector_set_x : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u16vector_to_list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u16vector_writable_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u32vector_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u32vector_length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u32vector_p : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u32vector_ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u32vector_set_x : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u32vector_to_list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u32vector_writable_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u64vector_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u64vector_length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u64vector_p : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u64vector_ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u64vector_set_x : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u64vector_to_list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u64vector_writable_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u8vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u8vector_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u8vector_length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u8vector_p : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u8vector_ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u8vector_set_x : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u8vector_to_list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u8vector_writable_elements : | | SRFI-4 API |
| scm_u8_list_to_bytevector : | | Bytevectors and Integer Lists |
| scm_ucs_range_to_char_set : | | Creating Character Sets |
| scm_ucs_range_to_char_set_x : | | Creating Character Sets |
| scm_uint_list_to_bytevector : | | Bytevectors and Integer Lists |
| scm_umask : | | Processes |
| scm_uname : | | System Identification |
| SCM_UNBNDP : | | Immediate objects |
| SCM_UNDEFINED : | | Immediate objects |
| scm_unget_bytevector : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| scm_uniform_array_read_x : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_uniform_array_write : | | Array Procedures |
| scm_unlock_mutex : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| scm_unlock_mutex_timed : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| SCM_UNPACK : | | The SCM Type |
| scm_unread_char : | | Reading |
| scm_unread_char : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| scm_unread_string : | | Reading |
| SCM_UNSPECIFIED : | | Immediate objects |
| scm_usleep : | | Signals |
| scm_utf16_to_string : | | Bytevectors as Strings |
| scm_utf32_to_string : | | Bytevectors as Strings |
| scm_utf8_to_string : | | Bytevectors as Strings |
| scm_utime : | | File System |
| scm_values : | | Multiple Values |
| SCM_VARIABLE : | | Snarfing Macros |
| scm_variable_bound_p : | | Variables |
| SCM_VARIABLE_INIT : | | Snarfing Macros |
| scm_variable_p : | | Variables |
| scm_variable_ref : | | Variables |
| scm_variable_set_x : | | Variables |
| scm_variable_unset_x : | | Variables |
| scm_vector : | | Vector Creation |
| scm_vector_copy : | | Vector Accessors |
| scm_vector_elements : | | Vector Accessing from C |
| scm_vector_fill_x : | | Vector Accessors |
| scm_vector_length : | | Vector Accessors |
| scm_vector_move_left_x : | | Vector Accessors |
| scm_vector_move_right_x : | | Vector Accessors |
| scm_vector_p : | | Vector Creation |
| scm_vector_ref : | | Vector Accessors |
| scm_vector_set_x : | | Vector Accessors |
| scm_vector_to_list : | | Vector Creation |
| scm_vector_writable_elements : | | Vector Accessing from C |
| scm_version : | | Build Config |
| scm_waitpid : | | Processes |
| scm_wait_condition_variable : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| scm_weak_key_hash_table_p : | | Weak hash tables |
| scm_weak_value_hash_table_p : | | Weak hash tables |
| scm_weak_vector : | | Weak vectors |
| scm_weak_vector_p : | | Weak vectors |
| scm_weak_vector_ref : | | Weak vectors |
| scm_weak_vector_set_x : | | Weak vectors |
| scm_without_guile : | | Blocking |
| scm_with_continuation_barrier : | | Continuation Barriers |
| scm_with_dynamic_state : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_with_fluid : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_with_fluids : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| scm_with_guile : | | Initialization |
| scm_with_throw_handler : | | Throw Handlers |
| scm_write_char : | | Writing |
| scm_write_line : | | Line/Delimited |
| scm_write_objcode : | | Bytecode and Objcode |
| scm_write_string_partial : | | Block Reading and Writing |
| scm_wrong_num_args : | | Handling Errors |
| scm_wrong_type_arg : | | Handling Errors |
| scm_wrong_type_arg_msg : | | Handling Errors |
| scm_xsubstring : | | Miscellaneous String Operations |
| scm_zero_p : | | Comparison |
| script-stexi-documentation : | | texinfo reflection |
| sdocbook-flatten : | | texinfo docbook |
| search-path : | | Load Paths |
| second : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| seconds->time : | | SRFI-18 Time |
| seed->random-state : | | Random |
| seek : | | Random Access |
| select : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| select-kids : | | SXPath |
| send : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| sendfile : | | File System |
| sendto : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| sendto : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| sendto : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| sendto : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| serious-condition? : | | SRFI-35 |
| serious-condition? : | | rnrs conditions |
| serve-one-client : | | Web Server |
| servent:aliases : | | Network Databases |
| servent:name : | | Network Databases |
| servent:port : | | Network Databases |
| servent:proto : | | Network Databases |
| set! : | | rnrs base |
| set! : | | Slot Description Example |
| set-box! : | | SRFI-111 |
| set-buffered-input-continuation?! : | | Buffered Input |
| set-car! : | | Pairs |
| set-car! : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| set-cdr! : | | Pairs |
| set-cdr! : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| set-current-dynamic-state : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| set-current-error-port : | | Default Ports |
| set-current-input-port : | | Default Ports |
| set-current-module : | | Module System Reflection |
| set-current-output-port : | | Default Ports |
| set-field : | | SRFI-9 Records |
| set-fields : | | SRFI-9 Records |
| set-object-properties! : | | Object Properties |
| set-object-property! : | | Object Properties |
| set-port-column! : | | Reading |
| set-port-conversion-strategy! : | | Ports |
| set-port-encoding! : | | Ports |
| set-port-encoding! : | | Character Encoding of Source Files |
| set-port-filename! : | | File Ports |
| set-port-line! : | | Reading |
| set-port-position! : | | R6RS Port Manipulation |
| set-port-revealed! : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| set-procedure-properties! : | | Procedure Properties |
| set-procedure-property! : | | Procedure Properties |
| set-program-arguments : | | Runtime Environment |
| set-readline-input-port! : | | Readline Functions |
| set-readline-output-port! : | | Readline Functions |
| set-readline-prompt! : | | Readline Functions |
| set-record-type-printer! : | | SRFI-9 Records |
| set-source-properties! : | | Source Properties |
| set-source-property! : | | Source Properties |
| set-struct-vtable-name! : | | Vtable Contents |
| set-symbol-property! : | | Symbol Props |
| set-thread-cleanup! : | | Threads |
| set-time-nanosecond! : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| set-time-second! : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| set-time-type! : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| set-tm:gmtoff : | | Time |
| set-tm:hour : | | Time |
| set-tm:isdst : | | Time |
| set-tm:mday : | | Time |
| set-tm:min : | | Time |
| set-tm:mon : | | Time |
| set-tm:sec : | | Time |
| set-tm:wday : | | Time |
| set-tm:yday : | | Time |
| set-tm:year : | | Time |
| set-tm:zone : | | Time |
| set-vm-trace-level! : | | VM Hooks |
| setaffinity : | | Processes |
| setegid : | | Processes |
| setenv : | | Runtime Environment |
| seteuid : | | Processes |
| setgid : | | Processes |
| setgr : | | User Information |
| setgrent : | | User Information |
| setgroups : | | Processes |
| sethost : | | Network Databases |
| sethostent : | | Network Databases |
| sethostname : | | System Identification |
| setitimer : | | Signals |
| setlocale : | | Locales |
| setnet : | | Network Databases |
| setnetent : | | Network Databases |
| setpgid : | | Processes |
| setpriority : | | Processes |
| setproto : | | Network Databases |
| setprotoent : | | Network Databases |
| setpw : | | User Information |
| setpwent : | | User Information |
| setserv : | | Network Databases |
| setservent : | | Network Databases |
| setsid : | | Processes |
| setsockopt : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| setter : | | Procedures with Setters |
| setuid : | | Processes |
| setvbuf : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| seventh : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| shallow-clone : | | GOOPS Object Miscellany |
| shallow-clone : | | GOOPS Object Miscellany |
| shared-array-increments : | | Shared Arrays |
| shared-array-offset : | | Shared Arrays |
| shared-array-root : | | Shared Arrays |
| shift : | | Shift and Reset |
| show : | | Help Commands |
| shutdown : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| sigaction : | | Signals |
| signal-condition-variable : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| simple-conditions : | | rnrs conditions |
| simple-format : | | Writing |
| sin : | | Scientific |
| sin : | | rnrs base |
| sinh : | | Scientific |
| sint-list->bytevector : | | Bytevectors and Integer Lists |
| sixth : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| sizeof : | | Foreign Structs |
| size_t : | | Array Procedures |
| skip-until : | | sxml ssax input-parse |
| skip-while : | | sxml ssax input-parse |
| sleep : | | Signals |
| sloppy-assoc : | | Sloppy Alist Functions |
| sloppy-assq : | | Sloppy Alist Functions |
| sloppy-assv : | | Sloppy Alist Functions |
| slot-bound-using-class? : | | Accessing Slots |
| slot-bound? : | | Accessing Slots |
| slot-definition-accessor : | | Slots |
| slot-definition-allocation : | | Slots |
| slot-definition-getter : | | Slots |
| slot-definition-init-form : | | Slots |
| slot-definition-init-keyword : | | Slots |
| slot-definition-init-thunk : | | Slots |
| slot-definition-init-value : | | Slots |
| slot-definition-name : | | Slots |
| slot-definition-options : | | Slots |
| slot-definition-setter : | | Slots |
| slot-exists-using-class? : | | Accessing Slots |
| slot-exists? : | | Accessing Slots |
| slot-init-function : | | Slots |
| slot-missing : | | Accessing Slots |
| slot-missing : | | Accessing Slots |
| slot-missing : | | Accessing Slots |
| slot-missing : | | Accessing Slots |
| slot-ref : | | Instance Creation |
| slot-ref : | | Accessing Slots |
| slot-ref : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| slot-ref-using-class : | | Accessing Slots |
| slot-set : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| slot-set! : | | Instance Creation |
| slot-set! : | | Accessing Slots |
| slot-set-using-class! : | | Accessing Slots |
| slot-unbound : | | Accessing Slots |
| slot-unbound : | | Accessing Slots |
| slot-unbound : | | Accessing Slots |
| slot-unbound : | | Accessing Slots |
| sockaddr:addr : | | Network Socket Address |
| sockaddr:fam : | | Network Socket Address |
| sockaddr:flowinfo : | | Network Socket Address |
| sockaddr:path : | | Network Socket Address |
| sockaddr:port : | | Network Socket Address |
| sockaddr:scopeid : | | Network Socket Address |
| socket : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| socketpair : | | Network Sockets and Communication |
| sort : | | Sorting |
| sort! : | | Sorting |
| sort-list : | | Sorting |
| sort-list! : | | Sorting |
| sorted? : | | Sorting |
| source-properties : | | Source Properties |
| source-property : | | Source Properties |
| source:addr : | | Compiled Procedures |
| source:column : | | Compiled Procedures |
| source:file : | | Compiled Procedures |
| source:line : | | Compiled Procedures |
| span : | | SRFI-1 Searching |
| span! : | | SRFI-1 Searching |
| spawn-coop-repl-server : | | Cooperative REPL Servers |
| spawn-server : | | REPL Servers |
| split-and-decode-uri-path : | | URIs |
| split-at : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| split-at! : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| sqrt : | | Scientific |
| sqrt : | | rnrs base |
| SRV:send-reply : | | Transforming SXML |
| ssax:complete-start-tag : | | SSAX |
| ssax:make-elem-parser : | | SSAX |
| ssax:make-parser : | | SSAX |
| ssax:make-pi-parser : | | SSAX |
| ssax:read-attributes : | | SSAX |
| ssax:read-cdata-body : | | SSAX |
| ssax:read-char-data : | | SSAX |
| ssax:read-char-ref : | | SSAX |
| ssax:read-external-id : | | SSAX |
| ssax:read-markup-token : | | SSAX |
| ssax:read-pi-body-as-string : | | SSAX |
| ssax:reverse-collect-str-drop-ws : | | SSAX |
| ssax:skip-internal-dtd : | | SSAX |
| ssax:uri-string->symbol : | | SSAX |
| ssax:xml->sxml : | | SSAX |
| stable-sort : | | Sorting |
| stable-sort! : | | Sorting |
| stack-id : | | Stacks |
| stack-length : | | Stacks |
| stack-ref : | | Stacks |
| stack? : | | Stacks |
| standard-error-port : | | R6RS Output Ports |
| standard-input-port : | | R6RS Input Ports |
| standard-output-port : | | R6RS Output Ports |
| start-stack : | | Stack Capture |
| stat : | | File System |
| stat:atime : | | File System |
| stat:atimensec : | | File System |
| stat:blksize : | | File System |
| stat:blocks : | | File System |
| stat:ctime : | | File System |
| stat:ctimensec : | | File System |
| stat:dev : | | File System |
| stat:gid : | | File System |
| stat:ino : | | File System |
| stat:mode : | | File System |
| stat:mtime : | | File System |
| stat:mtimensec : | | File System |
| stat:nlink : | | File System |
| stat:perms : | | File System |
| stat:rdev : | | File System |
| stat:size : | | File System |
| stat:type : | | File System |
| stat:uid : | | File System |
| statistics : | | System Commands |
| statprof : | | Statprof |
| statprof-accumulated-time : | | Statprof |
| statprof-active? : | | Statprof |
| statprof-call-data->stats : | | Statprof |
| statprof-call-data-calls : | | Statprof |
| statprof-call-data-cum-samples : | | Statprof |
| statprof-call-data-name : | | Statprof |
| statprof-call-data-self-samples : | | Statprof |
| statprof-display : | | Statprof |
| statprof-display-anomolies : | | Statprof |
| statprof-fetch-call-tree : | | Statprof |
| statprof-fetch-stacks : | | Statprof |
| statprof-fold-call-data : | | Statprof |
| statprof-proc-call-data : | | Statprof |
| statprof-reset : | | Statprof |
| statprof-sample-count : | | Statprof |
| statprof-start : | | Statprof |
| statprof-stats-%-time-in-proc : | | Statprof |
| statprof-stats-calls : | | Statprof |
| statprof-stats-cum-secs-in-proc : | | Statprof |
| statprof-stats-cum-secs-per-call : | | Statprof |
| statprof-stats-proc-name : | | Statprof |
| statprof-stats-self-secs-in-proc : | | Statprof |
| statprof-stats-self-secs-per-call : | | Statprof |
| statprof-stop : | | Statprof |
| status:exit-val : | | Processes |
| status:stop-sig : | | Processes |
| status:term-sig : | | Processes |
| step : | | Debug Commands |
| stexi->plain-text : | | texinfo plain-text |
| stexi->shtml : | | texinfo html |
| stexi->sxml : | | texinfo |
| stexi->texi : | | texinfo serialize |
| stexi-extract-index : | | texinfo indexing |
| stop-server-and-clients! : | | REPL Servers |
| stream : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream->list : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream->list : | | Streams |
| stream->list&length : | | Streams |
| stream->reversed-list : | | Streams |
| stream->reversed-list&length : | | Streams |
| stream->vector : | | Streams |
| stream-append : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-car : | | SRFI-41 Stream Primitives |
| stream-car : | | Streams |
| stream-cdr : | | SRFI-41 Stream Primitives |
| stream-cdr : | | Streams |
| stream-concat : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-cons : | | SRFI-41 Stream Primitives |
| stream-constant : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-drop : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-drop-while : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-filter : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-fold : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-fold : | | Streams |
| stream-for-each : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-for-each : | | Streams |
| stream-from : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-iterate : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-lambda : | | SRFI-41 Stream Primitives |
| stream-length : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-let : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-map : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-map : | | Streams |
| stream-match : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-null? : | | SRFI-41 Stream Primitives |
| stream-null? : | | Streams |
| stream-of : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-pair? : | | SRFI-41 Stream Primitives |
| stream-range : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-ref : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-reverse : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-scan : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-take : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-take-while : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-unfold : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-unfolds : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream-zip : | | SRFI-41 Stream Library |
| stream? : | | SRFI-41 Stream Primitives |
| strerror : | | Error Reporting |
| strftime : | | Time |
| string : | | String Constructors |
| string : | | rnrs base |
| string->bytevector : | | Representing Strings as Bytes |
| string->bytevector : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| string->char-set : | | Creating Character Sets |
| string->char-set! : | | Creating Character Sets |
| string->date : | | SRFI-19 String to date |
| string->header : | | HTTP |
| string->keyword : | | SRFI-88 |
| string->list : | | List/String Conversion |
| string->list : | | rnrs base |
| string->number : | | Conversion |
| string->number : | | rnrs base |
| string->pointer : | | Void Pointers and Byte Access |
| string->symbol : | | Symbol Primitives |
| string->symbol : | | rnrs base |
| string->uri : | | URIs |
| string->utf16 : | | Bytevectors as Strings |
| string->utf32 : | | Bytevectors as Strings |
| string->utf8 : | | Bytevectors as Strings |
| string->wrapped-lines : | | texinfo string-utils |
| string-any : | | String Predicates |
| string-append : | | Reversing and Appending Strings |
| string-append : | | rnrs base |
| string-append/shared : | | Reversing and Appending Strings |
| string-bytes-per-char : | | String Internals |
| string-capitalize : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| string-capitalize! : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| string-ci->symbol : | | Symbol Primitives |
| string-ci-hash : | | SRFI-69 Hash table algorithms |
| string-ci-hash : | | rnrs hashtables |
| string-ci< : | | String Comparison |
| string-ci<= : | | String Comparison |
| string-ci<=? : | | String Comparison |
| string-ci<=? : | | rnrs unicode |
| string-ci<> : | | String Comparison |
| string-ci<? : | | String Comparison |
| string-ci<? : | | rnrs unicode |
| string-ci= : | | String Comparison |
| string-ci=? : | | String Comparison |
| string-ci=? : | | rnrs unicode |
| string-ci> : | | String Comparison |
| string-ci>= : | | String Comparison |
| string-ci>=? : | | String Comparison |
| string-ci>=? : | | rnrs unicode |
| string-ci>? : | | String Comparison |
| string-ci>? : | | rnrs unicode |
| string-compare : | | String Comparison |
| string-compare-ci : | | String Comparison |
| string-concatenate : | | Reversing and Appending Strings |
| string-concatenate-reverse : | | Reversing and Appending Strings |
| string-concatenate-reverse/shared : | | Reversing and Appending Strings |
| string-concatenate/shared : | | Reversing and Appending Strings |
| string-contains : | | String Searching |
| string-contains-ci : | | String Searching |
| string-copy : | | String Selection |
| string-copy : | | rnrs base |
| string-copy! : | | String Modification |
| string-count : | | String Searching |
| string-delete : | | Miscellaneous String Operations |
| string-downcase : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| string-downcase : | | rnrs unicode |
| string-downcase! : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| string-drop : | | String Selection |
| string-drop-right : | | String Selection |
| string-every : | | String Predicates |
| string-fill! : | | String Modification |
| string-filter : | | Miscellaneous String Operations |
| string-fold : | | Mapping Folding and Unfolding |
| string-fold-right : | | Mapping Folding and Unfolding |
| string-foldcase : | | rnrs unicode |
| string-for-each : | | Mapping Folding and Unfolding |
| string-for-each : | | rnrs base |
| string-for-each-index : | | Mapping Folding and Unfolding |
| string-hash : | | String Comparison |
| string-hash : | | SRFI-69 Hash table algorithms |
| string-hash : | | rnrs hashtables |
| string-hash-ci : | | String Comparison |
| string-index : | | String Searching |
| string-index-right : | | String Searching |
| string-join : | | String Constructors |
| string-length : | | String Selection |
| string-length : | | rnrs base |
| string-locale-ci<? : | | Text Collation |
| string-locale-ci=? : | | Text Collation |
| string-locale-ci>? : | | Text Collation |
| string-locale-downcase : | | Character Case Mapping |
| string-locale-titlecase : | | Character Case Mapping |
| string-locale-upcase : | | Character Case Mapping |
| string-locale<? : | | Text Collation |
| string-locale>? : | | Text Collation |
| string-map : | | Mapping Folding and Unfolding |
| string-map! : | | Mapping Folding and Unfolding |
| string-match : | | Regexp Functions |
| string-normalize-nfc : | | String Comparison |
| string-normalize-nfc : | | rnrs unicode |
| string-normalize-nfd : | | String Comparison |
| string-normalize-nfd : | | rnrs unicode |
| string-normalize-nfkc : | | String Comparison |
| string-normalize-nfkc : | | rnrs unicode |
| string-normalize-nfkd : | | String Comparison |
| string-normalize-nfkd : | | rnrs unicode |
| string-null? : | | String Predicates |
| string-pad : | | String Selection |
| string-pad-right : | | String Selection |
| string-prefix-ci? : | | String Searching |
| string-prefix-length : | | String Searching |
| string-prefix-length-ci : | | String Searching |
| string-prefix? : | | String Searching |
| string-ref : | | String Selection |
| string-ref : | | rnrs base |
| string-replace : | | Miscellaneous String Operations |
| string-reverse : | | Reversing and Appending Strings |
| string-reverse! : | | Reversing and Appending Strings |
| string-rindex : | | String Searching |
| string-set! : | | String Modification |
| string-skip : | | String Searching |
| string-skip-right : | | String Searching |
| string-split : | | List/String Conversion |
| string-suffix-ci? : | | String Searching |
| string-suffix-length : | | String Searching |
| string-suffix-length-ci : | | String Searching |
| string-suffix? : | | String Searching |
| string-tabulate : | | String Constructors |
| string-take : | | String Selection |
| string-take-right : | | String Selection |
| string-titlecase : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| string-titlecase : | | rnrs unicode |
| string-titlecase! : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| string-tokenize : | | Miscellaneous String Operations |
| string-trim : | | String Selection |
| string-trim-both : | | String Selection |
| string-trim-right : | | String Selection |
| string-unfold : | | Mapping Folding and Unfolding |
| string-unfold-right : | | Mapping Folding and Unfolding |
| string-upcase : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| string-upcase : | | rnrs unicode |
| string-upcase! : | | Alphabetic Case Mapping |
| string-utf8-length : | | Bytevectors as Strings |
| string-xcopy! : | | Miscellaneous String Operations |
| string< : | | String Comparison |
| string<= : | | String Comparison |
| string<=? : | | String Comparison |
| string<=? : | | rnrs base |
| string<> : | | String Comparison |
| string<? : | | String Comparison |
| string<? : | | rnrs base |
| string= : | | String Comparison |
| string=? : | | String Comparison |
| string=? : | | rnrs base |
| string> : | | String Comparison |
| string>= : | | String Comparison |
| string>=? : | | String Comparison |
| string>=? : | | rnrs base |
| string>? : | | String Comparison |
| string>? : | | rnrs base |
| string? : | | String Predicates |
| string? : | | rnrs base |
| strptime : | | Time |
| strtod : | | Number Input and Output |
| strtod : | | Number Input and Output |
| struct-ref : | | Structure Basics |
| struct-ref : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| struct-set : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| struct-set! : | | Structure Basics |
| struct-vtable : | | Structure Basics |
| struct-vtable : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| struct-vtable-name : | | Vtable Contents |
| struct-vtable? : | | Meta-Vtables |
| struct? : | | Structure Basics |
| struct? : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| sub : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
| sub1 : | | Inlined Mathematical Instructions |
| subr-call : | | Trampoline Instructions |
| substring : | | String Selection |
| substring : | | rnrs base |
| substring-fill! : | | String Modification |
| substring-move! : | | String Modification |
| substring/copy : | | String Selection |
| substring/read-only : | | String Selection |
| substring/shared : | | String Selection |
| subtract-duration : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| subtract-duration! : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| supports-source-properties? : | | Source Properties |
| sxml->string : | | Reading and Writing XML |
| sxml->xml : | | Reading and Writing XML |
| sxml-match : | | sxml-match |
| sxml-match-let : | | sxml-match |
| sxml-match-let* : | | sxml-match |
| sxpath : | | SXPath |
| symbol : | | Symbol Primitives |
| symbol->keyword : | | Keyword Procedures |
| symbol->string : | | Symbol Primitives |
| symbol->string : | | rnrs base |
| symbol-append : | | Symbol Primitives |
| symbol-fref : | | Symbol Props |
| symbol-fset! : | | Symbol Props |
| symbol-hash : | | Symbol Keys |
| symbol-hash : | | rnrs hashtables |
| symbol-interned? : | | Symbol Uninterned |
| symbol-pref : | | Symbol Props |
| symbol-prefix-proc : | | Using Guile Modules |
| symbol-property : | | Symbol Props |
| symbol-property-remove! : | | Symbol Props |
| symbol-pset! : | | Symbol Props |
| symbol=? : | | rnrs base |
| symbol? : | | Symbol Primitives |
| symbol? : | | rnrs base |
| symlink : | | File System |
| sync : | | File System |
| sync-q! : | | Queues |
| syntax : | | Syntax Case |
| syntax : | | rnrs syntax-case |
| syntax->datum : | | Syntax Case |
| syntax->datum : | | rnrs syntax-case |
| syntax-case : | | Syntax Case |
| syntax-case : | | rnrs syntax-case |
| syntax-error : | | Syntax Rules |
| syntax-local-binding : | | Syntax Transformer Helpers |
| syntax-locally-bound-identifiers : | | Syntax Transformer Helpers |
| syntax-module : | | Syntax Transformer Helpers |
| syntax-parameterize : | | Syntax Parameters |
| syntax-rules : | | Syntax Rules |
| syntax-rules : | | rnrs base |
| syntax-source : | | Syntax Transformer Helpers |
| syntax-violation : | | rnrs syntax-case |
| syntax-violation : | | rnrs syntax-case |
| syntax-violation-form : | | rnrs conditions |
| syntax-violation-subform : | | rnrs conditions |
| syntax-violation? : | | rnrs conditions |
| system : | | Processes |
| system* : | | Processes |
| system-async-mark : | | System asyncs |
| system-error-errno : | | Conventions |
| system-file-name-convention : | | File System |
T | | |
| tail-apply : | | Procedure Call and Return Instructions |
| tail-call : | | Procedure Call and Return Instructions |
| tail-call/cc : | | Procedure Call and Return Instructions |
| tail-call/nargs : | | Procedure Call and Return Instructions |
| take : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| take! : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| take-after : | | SXPath |
| take-right : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| take-until : | | SXPath |
| take-while : | | SRFI-1 Searching |
| take-while! : | | SRFI-1 Searching |
| tan : | | Scientific |
| tan : | | rnrs base |
| tanh : | | Scientific |
| tcgetpgrp : | | Terminals and Ptys |
| tcsetpgrp : | | Terminals and Ptys |
| tenth : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| terminated-thread-exception? : | | SRFI-18 Exceptions |
| texi->stexi : | | texinfo |
| texi-command-depth : | | texinfo |
| texi-fragment->stexi : | | texinfo |
| text-content-type? : | | Responses |
| textdomain : | | Gettext Support |
| textual-port? : | | R6RS Port Manipulation |
| the-environment : | | Local Evaluation |
| third : | | SRFI-1 Selectors |
| thread-cleanup : | | Threads |
| thread-exited? : | | Threads |
| thread-join! : | | SRFI-18 Threads |
| thread-name : | | SRFI-18 Threads |
| thread-sleep! : | | SRFI-18 Threads |
| thread-specific : | | SRFI-18 Threads |
| thread-specific-set! : | | SRFI-18 Threads |
| thread-start! : | | SRFI-18 Threads |
| thread-terminate! : | | SRFI-18 Threads |
| thread-yield! : | | SRFI-18 Threads |
| thread? : | | Threads |
| thread? : | | SRFI-18 Threads |
| throw : | | Throw |
| thunk? : | | Procedure Properties |
| time : | | Profile Commands |
| time->seconds : | | SRFI-18 Time |
| time-difference : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| time-difference! : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| time-monotonic->date : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-monotonic->time-tai : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-monotonic->time-tai! : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-monotonic->time-utc : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-monotonic->time-utc! : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-nanosecond : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| time-resolution : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| time-second : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| time-tai->date : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-tai->julian-day : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-tai->modified-julian-day : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-tai->time-monotonic : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-tai->time-monotonic! : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-tai->time-utc : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-tai->time-utc! : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-type : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| time-utc->date : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-utc->julian-day : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-utc->modified-julian-day : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-utc->time-monotonic : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-utc->time-monotonic! : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-utc->time-tai : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time-utc->time-tai! : | | SRFI-19 Time/Date conversions |
| time<=? : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| time<? : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| time=? : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| time>=? : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| time>? : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| time? : | | SRFI-18 Time |
| time? : | | SRFI-19 Time |
| times : | | Time |
| tm:gmtoff : | | Time |
| tm:hour : | | Time |
| tm:isdst : | | Time |
| tm:mday : | | Time |
| tm:min : | | Time |
| tm:mon : | | Time |
| tm:sec : | | Time |
| tm:wday : | | Time |
| tm:yday : | | Time |
| tm:year : | | Time |
| tm:zone : | | Time |
| tmpfile : | | File System |
| tmpnam : | | File System |
| tms:clock : | | Time |
| tms:cstime : | | Time |
| tms:cutime : | | Time |
| tms:stime : | | Time |
| tms:utime : | | Time |
| toplevel-ref : | | Top-Level Environment Instructions |
| toplevel-set : | | Top-Level Environment Instructions |
| total-processor-count : | | Processes |
| touch : | | Futures |
| trace : | | Profile Commands |
| trace-calls-in-procedure : | | Tracing Traps |
| trace-calls-to-procedure : | | Tracing Traps |
| trace-instructions-in-procedure : | | Tracing Traps |
| tracepoint : | | Debug Commands |
| transcoded-port : | | R6RS Port Manipulation |
| transcoder-codec : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| transcoder-eol-style : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| transcoder-error-handling-mode : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| transform-string : | | texinfo string-utils |
| transpose-array : | | Shared Arrays |
| trap-at-procedure-call : | | Low-Level Traps |
| trap-at-procedure-ip-in-range : | | Low-Level Traps |
| trap-at-source-location : | | Low-Level Traps |
| trap-calls-in-dynamic-extent : | | Low-Level Traps |
| trap-calls-to-procedure : | | Low-Level Traps |
| trap-enabled? : | | Trap States |
| trap-frame-finish : | | Low-Level Traps |
| trap-in-dynamic-extent : | | Low-Level Traps |
| trap-in-procedure : | | Low-Level Traps |
| trap-instructions-in-dynamic-extent : | | Low-Level Traps |
| trap-instructions-in-procedure : | | Low-Level Traps |
| trap-matching-instructions : | | Low-Level Traps |
| trap-name : | | Trap States |
| truncate : | | Arithmetic |
| truncate : | | Random Access |
| truncate : | | rnrs base |
| truncate-file : | | Random Access |
| truncate-quotient : | | Arithmetic |
| truncate-remainder : | | Arithmetic |
| truncate-values : | | Procedure Call and Return Instructions |
| truncate/ : | | Arithmetic |
| truncated-print : | | Pretty Printing |
| try-arbiter : | | Arbiters |
| try-mutex : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| ttyname : | | Terminals and Ptys |
| typed-array? : | | Array Procedures |
| tzset : | | Time |
U | | |
| u16vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u16vector->list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u16vector-length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u16vector-ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u16vector-set! : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u16vector? : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u32vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u32vector->list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u32vector-length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u32vector-ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u32vector-set! : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u32vector? : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u64vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u64vector->list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u64vector-length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u64vector-ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u64vector-set! : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u64vector? : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u8-list->bytevector : | | Bytevectors and Integer Lists |
| u8vector : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u8vector->list : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u8vector-length : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u8vector-ref : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u8vector-set! : | | SRFI-4 API |
| u8vector? : | | SRFI-4 API |
| ucs-range->char-set : | | Creating Character Sets |
| ucs-range->char-set! : | | Creating Character Sets |
| uint-list->bytevector : | | Bytevectors and Integer Lists |
| umask : | | Processes |
| uname : | | System Identification |
| unbox : | | SRFI-111 |
| uncaught-exception-reason : | | SRFI-18 Exceptions |
| uncaught-exception? : | | SRFI-18 Exceptions |
| undefined-violation? : | | rnrs conditions |
| unfold : | | SRFI-1 Fold and Map |
| unfold-right : | | SRFI-1 Fold and Map |
| unget-bytevector : | | R6RS Binary Input |
| uniform-array-read! : | | Array Procedures |
| uniform-array-write : | | Array Procedures |
| unless : | | Conditionals |
| unless : | | rnrs control |
| unlink : | | File System |
| unlock-mutex : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| unquote : | | Expression Syntax |
| unquote : | | rnrs base |
| unquote-splicing : | | Expression Syntax |
| unquote-splicing : | | rnrs base |
| unread-char : | | Reading |
| unread-char : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| unread-string : | | Reading |
| unread-string : | | Ports and File Descriptors |
| unsetenv : | | Runtime Environment |
| unsyntax : | | rnrs syntax-case |
| unsyntax-splicing : | | rnrs syntax-case |
| unwind : | | Dynamic Environment Instructions |
| unwind-fluids : | | Dynamic Environment Instructions |
| unzip1 : | | SRFI-1 Length Append etc |
| unzip2 : | | SRFI-1 Length Append etc |
| unzip3 : | | SRFI-1 Length Append etc |
| unzip4 : | | SRFI-1 Length Append etc |
| unzip5 : | | SRFI-1 Length Append etc |
| up : | | Debug Commands |
| update-direct-method! : | | Customizing Class Redefinition |
| update-direct-subclass! : | | Customizing Class Redefinition |
| update-instance-for-different-class : | | Changing the Class of an Instance |
| uri->string : | | URIs |
| uri-decode : | | URIs |
| uri-encode : | | URIs |
| uri-fragment : | | URIs |
| uri-host : | | URIs |
| uri-path : | | URIs |
| uri-port : | | URIs |
| uri-query : | | URIs |
| uri-scheme : | | URIs |
| uri-userinfo : | | URIs |
| uri? : | | URIs |
| urlify : | | texinfo html |
| use-modules : | | Using Guile Modules |
| usleep : | | Signals |
| utf-16-codec : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| utf-8-codec : | | R6RS Transcoders |
| utf16->string : | | Bytevectors as Strings |
| utf32->string : | | Bytevectors as Strings |
| utf8->string : | | Bytevectors as Strings |
| utime : | | File System |
| utsname:machine : | | System Identification |
| utsname:nodename : | | System Identification |
| utsname:release : | | System Identification |
| utsname:sysname : | | System Identification |
| utsname:version : | | System Identification |
V | | |
| valid-header? : | | HTTP |
| value-history-enabled? : | | Value History |
| values : | | Multiple Values |
| values : | | rnrs base |
| variable-bound? : | | Variables |
| variable-bound? : | | Top-Level Environment Instructions |
| variable-ref : | | Variables |
| variable-ref : | | Top-Level Environment Instructions |
| variable-set : | | Top-Level Environment Instructions |
| variable-set! : | | Variables |
| variable-unset! : | | Variables |
| variable? : | | Variables |
| vector : | | Vector Creation |
| vector : | | SRFI-43 Constructors |
| vector : | | rnrs base |
| vector : | | Data Constructor Instructions |
| vector->list : | | Vector Creation |
| vector->list : | | SRFI-43 Conversion |
| vector->list : | | rnrs base |
| vector->stream : | | Streams |
| vector-any : | | SRFI-43 Searching |
| vector-append : | | SRFI-43 Constructors |
| vector-binary-search : | | SRFI-43 Searching |
| vector-concatenate : | | SRFI-43 Constructors |
| vector-copy : | | Vector Accessors |
| vector-copy : | | SRFI-43 Constructors |
| vector-copy! : | | SRFI-43 Mutators |
| vector-count : | | SRFI-43 Iteration |
| vector-empty? : | | SRFI-43 Predicates |
| vector-every : | | SRFI-43 Searching |
| vector-fill! : | | Vector Accessors |
| vector-fill! : | | SRFI-43 Mutators |
| vector-fill! : | | rnrs base |
| vector-fold : | | SRFI-43 Iteration |
| vector-fold-right : | | SRFI-43 Iteration |
| vector-for-each : | | SRFI-43 Iteration |
| vector-for-each : | | rnrs base |
| vector-index : | | SRFI-43 Searching |
| vector-index-right : | | SRFI-43 Searching |
| vector-length : | | Vector Accessors |
| vector-length : | | SRFI-43 Selectors |
| vector-length : | | rnrs base |
| vector-map : | | SRFI-43 Iteration |
| vector-map : | | rnrs base |
| vector-map! : | | SRFI-43 Iteration |
| vector-move-left! : | | Vector Accessors |
| vector-move-right! : | | Vector Accessors |
| vector-ref : | | Vector Accessors |
| vector-ref : | | SRFI-43 Selectors |
| vector-ref : | | rnrs base |
| vector-ref : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| vector-reverse! : | | SRFI-43 Mutators |
| vector-reverse-copy : | | SRFI-43 Constructors |
| vector-reverse-copy! : | | SRFI-43 Mutators |
| vector-set : | | Inlined Scheme Instructions |
| vector-set! : | | Vector Accessors |
| vector-set! : | | SRFI-43 Mutators |
| vector-set! : | | rnrs base |
| vector-skip : | | SRFI-43 Searching |
| vector-skip-right : | | SRFI-43 Searching |
| vector-sort : | | rnrs sorting |
| vector-sort! : | | rnrs sorting |
| vector-swap! : | | SRFI-43 Mutators |
| vector-unfold : | | SRFI-43 Constructors |
| vector-unfold-right : | | SRFI-43 Constructors |
| vector= : | | SRFI-43 Predicates |
| vector? : | | Vector Creation |
| vector? : | | SRFI-43 Predicates |
| vector? : | | rnrs base |
| version : | | Build Config |
| vhash-assoc : | | VHashes |
| vhash-assq : | | VHashes |
| vhash-assv : | | VHashes |
| vhash-cons : | | VHashes |
| vhash-consq : | | VHashes |
| vhash-consv : | | VHashes |
| vhash-delete : | | VHashes |
| vhash-delq : | | VHashes |
| vhash-delv : | | VHashes |
| vhash-fold : | | VHashes |
| vhash-fold* : | | VHashes |
| vhash-fold-right : | | VHashes |
| vhash-foldq* : | | VHashes |
| vhash-foldv* : | | VHashes |
| vhash? : | | VHashes |
| violation? : | | rnrs conditions |
| vlist->list : | | VLists |
| vlist-append : | | VLists |
| vlist-cons : | | VLists |
| vlist-delete : | | VLists |
| vlist-drop : | | VLists |
| vlist-filter : | | VLists |
| vlist-fold : | | VLists |
| vlist-fold-right : | | VLists |
| vlist-for-each : | | VLists |
| vlist-head : | | VLists |
| vlist-length : | | VLists |
| vlist-map : | | VLists |
| vlist-null? : | | VLists |
| vlist-ref : | | VLists |
| vlist-reverse : | | VLists |
| vlist-tail : | | VLists |
| vlist-take : | | VLists |
| vlist-unfold : | | VLists |
| vlist-unfold-right : | | VLists |
| vlist? : | | VLists |
| vm-abort-continuation-hook : | | VM Hooks |
| vm-apply-hook : | | VM Hooks |
| vm-next-hook : | | VM Hooks |
| vm-pop-continuation-hook : | | VM Hooks |
| vm-push-continuation-hook : | | VM Hooks |
| vm-restore-continuation-hook : | | VM Hooks |
| vm-trace-level : | | VM Hooks |
| void : | | Miscellaneous Instructions |
W | | |
| wait-condition-variable : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| waitpid : | | Processes |
| warning? : | | rnrs conditions |
| weak-key-hash-table? : | | Weak hash tables |
| weak-value-hash-table? : | | Weak hash tables |
| weak-vector : | | Weak vectors |
| weak-vector-ref : | | Weak vectors |
| weak-vector-set! : | | Weak vectors |
| weak-vector? : | | Weak vectors |
| when : | | Conditionals |
| when : | | rnrs control |
| while : | | while do |
| who-condition? : | | rnrs conditions |
| width : | | Debug Commands |
| wind : | | Dynamic Environment Instructions |
| wind-fluids : | | Dynamic Environment Instructions |
| with-code-coverage : | | Code Coverage |
| with-continuation-barrier : | | Continuation Barriers |
| with-default-trap-handler : | | High-Level Traps |
| with-dynamic-state : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| with-ellipsis : | | Syntax Case |
| with-error-to-file : | | File Ports |
| with-exception-handler : | | SRFI-18 Exceptions |
| with-exception-handler : | | rnrs exceptions |
| with-fluid* : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| with-fluids : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| with-fluids* : | | Fluids and Dynamic States |
| with-input-from-file : | | File Ports |
| with-input-from-file : | | rnrs io simple |
| with-input-from-string : | | String Ports |
| with-mutex : | | Mutexes and Condition Variables |
| with-output-to-file : | | File Ports |
| with-output-to-file : | | rnrs io simple |
| with-output-to-string : | | String Ports |
| with-parameters* : | | SRFI-39 |
| with-readline-completion-function : | | Readline Functions |
| with-ssax-error-to-port : | | SSAX |
| with-statprof : | | Statprof |
| with-syntax : | | Syntax Case |
| with-throw-handler : | | Throw Handlers |
| write : | | Scheme Write |
| write : | | rnrs io simple |
| write : | | rnrs io simple |
| write : | | GOOPS Object Miscellany |
| write-char : | | Writing |
| write-char : | | rnrs io simple |
| write-char : | | rnrs io simple |
| write-client : | | Web Server |
| write-header : | | HTTP |
| write-headers : | | HTTP |
| write-line : | | Line/Delimited |
| write-objcode : | | Bytecode and Objcode |
| write-request : | | Requests |
| write-request-body : | | Requests |
| write-request-line : | | HTTP |
| write-response : | | Responses |
| write-response-body : | | Responses |
| write-response-line : | | HTTP |
| write-string/partial : | | Block Reading and Writing |
| write-with-shared-structure : | | SRFI-38 |
| write-with-shared-structure : | | SRFI-38 |
| write-with-shared-structure : | | SRFI-38 |
X | | |
| xcons : | | SRFI-1 Constructors |
| xml->sxml : | | Reading and Writing XML |
| xml-token-head : | | SSAX |
| xml-token-kind : | | SSAX |
| xml-token? : | | SSAX |
| xsubstring : | | Miscellaneous String Operations |
Y | | |
| yield : | | Threads |
Z | | |
| zero? : | | Comparison |
| zero? : | | rnrs base |
| zip : | | SRFI-1 Length Append etc |