Io::RendererPlplot class reference
[Core module]


#include <Goptical/Io/RendererPlplot>

namespace Goptical {
namespace Io {
class RendererPlplot;

This class is a member of the Io namespace.



This class implements a Plplot graphic output driver. It needs the plplot library to compile.


See also the full member list section for this class.

Inherited members  


Members detail  

RendererPlplot(plstream *pls)  

Initialize renderer from existing plplot context

RendererPlplot(const char *device, const char *filename, unsigned int width = 800, unsigned int height = 600, const Rgb &background = rgb_white)  

Create a plplot renderer with specified output size


No documentation available

plstream * get_pls()  

get plplot context object

virtual void set_page(unsigned int page)  

This virtual function overrides the set_page virtual function defined in the RendererViewport base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

Select current page when multiple pages layout is in use.

See also set_page_layout function.

virtual void set_page_layout(unsigned int cols, unsigned int rows)  

This virtual function overrides the set_page_layout virtual function defined in the RendererViewport base abstract class.

Documentation inherited from base class:

This function can be used to setup a pages grid. Current output page must be selected with set_page.

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