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The live cube equity is the equity assuming that the equity changes continuously, so that doubles and takes occurs exactly at the double point and take point. For gammon-free play this is the well-known take point of 20%. Janowski derives the more general formula

TP = (L-0.5)/(W+L+0.5)

where W is the average cubeless value of games ultimately won, and L is the average cubeless value of games ultimately lost. For example, for the following position

Cubeful example 1


GNU Backgammon evaluates


and hence W=(0.454 + 0.103 + 0.001)/0.454=1.229 and L=(0.556+0.106+0.003)/0.556) = 1.196. For gammon-free positions, e.g., a race, W=1 and L=1.

The live cube equity is now based on piecewise linear interpolation between the points (0%,-L), (TP,-1), (CP,+1), and (100%,+W): if my winning chance is 0 I lose L points, at my take point I lose 1 point, at my cash point I cash 1 point, and when I have a certain win I win W points:


       1.5 ++------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+------------++
           +             +             +             +           cubeless ****** +
           |                                                    live cube####*****
         1 ++                                                  ###cubeful*****$$++
           |                                                ####$$$$ *****       |
           |                                              ###$$ *****            |
       0.5 ++                                          ###$ ****                ++
           |                                        ###*****                     |
           |                                     ##****                          |
           |                                  *****                              |
         0 ++                            *****#                                 ++
           |                        ******##                                     |
           |                    *****$###                                        |
      -0.5 ++               *****$$###                                          ++
           |           *****  $$###                                              |
           |       **** $$$$$###                                                 |
        -1 ++ *****##########                                                   ++
           ***#####                                                              |
           +             +             +             +             +             +
      -1.5 ++------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+------------++
           0            0.2           0.4           0.6           0.8            1

For match play there is no simple formula, since redoubles can only occur a limited number of times.

The live cube take point is generally calculated as

TP(live, n Cube)=TP(dead, n cube) * (1 - TP(live, 2n cube)

So to calculate the live cube take points for a 1-cube at 3-0 to 7 we need the live cube take points for the 4-cube and the 2-cube. For the position above and using Woolsey's match equity table the live cube take point are:

Cube value TP for Black TP for White

The calculation of these are left as an exercise to the reader.

Ignoring backgammons, the gammon rates for White and Black are 0.106/54.6=19% and 0.103/0.454=22%, respectively. If White wins the game his MWC will be

81% * MWC(-3,-7) + 19% * MWC(-2,-7) = 78%

and if Black wins his MWC will be

78% * MWC(-4,-6) + 22% * MWC(-4,-5) = 41%.

If White cashes 1 point he has MWC(-3,-7)=76% and if Black cashes he has MWC(-4,-6)=36%. Analogous to money game the live cube MWC is calculated as piecewise linear interpolation between (0%,22%), (24.5%,24%), (72.7%,36%), and (100%,41%) (from black's point of view):


      0.42 ++------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+------------++
           +             +             +             +           cubeless ********
       0.4 ++                                                   live cube #****#++
      0.38 ++                                                     cubeful**$$$$$++
           |                                                     #*****          |
      0.36 ++                                                #****              ++
           |                                             *****                   |
      0.34 ++                                        ****#                      ++
           |                                    *****##                          |
      0.32 ++                               *****###                            ++
       0.3 ++                           *****####                               ++
           |                        ****$####                                    |
      0.28 ++                   ****$$$###                                      ++
           |               ***** $$####                                          |
      0.26 ++          ***** $$$###                                             ++
           |       **** $$$$$####                                                |
      0.24 ++  ****##########                                                   ++
      0.22 ****####                                                             ++
           +             +             +             +             +             +
       0.2 ++------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+------------++
           0            0.2           0.4           0.6           0.8            1