Next: Live cube equities, Up: Cubeful equities
The basic formula for cubeful equities as derived by Janowski is
E(cubeful) = E(dead) * (1-x) + E(live) * x,
where E(dead) is the dead cube equity (cubeless equity) calculated from the standard formula. E(live) is the cubeful equity assuming a fully live cube. We'll return to that in the next section. x is the cube efficiency. x=0 gives E(cubeful)=E(dead) as one extreme and x=1 gives E(cubeful)=E(live) as the other extreme. In reality x is somewhere in between, which typical values around 0.6 - 0.8.
Janowski's article doesn't mention cubeful equities, so we use the straightforward generalization
MWC(cubeful) = MWC(dead) * (1-x) + MWC(live) * x.
as MWC is the entity that is used for match play evaluations.