GNU Astronomy Utilities

7.2.1 NoiseChisel changes after publication

NoiseChisel was initially introduced in Akhlaghi and Ichikawa 2015 and updates after the first four years were published in Akhlaghi 2019. To help in understanding how it works, those papers have many figures showing every step on multiple mock and real examples. We recommended to read these papers for a good understanding of what it does and how each parameter influences the output.

However, the papers cannot be updated anymore, but NoiseChisel has evolved (and will continue to do so): better algorithms or steps have been found and implemented and some options have been added, removed or changed behavior. This book is thus the final and definitive guide to NoiseChisel. The aim of this section is to make the transition from the papers above to the installed version on your system, as smooth as possible with the list below. For a more detailed list of changes in each Gnuastro version, please see the NEWS file204.



The NEWS file is present in the released Gnuastro tarball, see Release tarball.