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2.1 gnu-pw-mgr help/usage (‘--help’)

This is the automatically generated usage text for gnu-pw-mgr.

The text printed is the same whether selected with the help option (‘--help’) or the more-help option (‘--more-help’). more-help will print the usage text by passing it through a pager program. more-help is disabled on platforms without a working fork(2) function. The PAGER environment variable is used to select the program, defaulting to ‘more’. Both will exit with a status code of 0.

gnu-pw-mgr - derive a password from an id - Ver. 2.3.2
Usage:  gnu-pw-mgr [ -<flag> [<val>] | --<name>[{=| }<val>] ]... [ <pw-id> ]

Options for adding and removing seeds in the configuration file.:

  Flg Arg Option-Name    Description
   -t Str tag            seed tag
                                - prohibits these options:
                                - may not be preset
   -s Str text           seed text
                                - requires the option 'tag'
                                - may not be preset
      no  shared         shared tag
                                - disabled as '--no-shared'
                                - may not be preset

Options for specifying password attributes.:

  Flg Arg Option-Name    Description
   -i Str login-id       a reminder of your login id
                                - may not be preset
   -l Num length         sets password length
                                - it must be in the range:
                                  4 to 128
                                - may not be preset
   -c Mbr cclass         password character class
                                - may not be preset
                                - is a set membership option
   -r Num rehash         rehash password with PKCS#5 PBKDF2
                                - prohibits the option 'use-pbkdf2'
                                - it must be in the range:
                                  1 to 100000
                                - may not be preset
      Num use-pbkdf2     rehash password with PKCS#5 PBKDF2
                                - disabled as '--no-pbkdf2'
                                - enabled by default
                                - may not be preset
      Str specials       set alternate special characters
                                - may not be preset

Options for management and output format.:

  Flg Arg Option-Name    Description
   -H no  no-header      omit printing the password headers
                                - may not be preset
      Str select-chars   select only certain bytes of a password
                                - may not be preset
   -C Str confirm        confirmation question answers (see man page)
                                - may not be preset
   -S no  status         Show status of a password id
                                - may not be preset
   -d no  delete         Remove a password id entry
                                - may not be preset
      Str domain         a reminder of domains used for password id
                                - may not be preset
                                - may appear multiple times
      Str config-file    specify configuration file
                                - may not be preset

Options supported by the AutoOpts option library.:

  Flg Arg Option-Name    Description
   -v opt version        output version information and exit
   -h no  help           display extended usage information and exit
   -M no  more-help      extended usage information passed thru pager
      Str load-opts      load options from a config file
                                - disabled as '--no-load-opts'
                                - may appear multiple times

Options are specified by doubled hyphens and their name or by a single
hyphen and the flag character.

The valid "cclass" option keywords are:
  alpha       upper       lower       digit       special     no-special
  no-alpha    no-triplets no-sequence pin         alnum       two-upper
  two-lower   two-digit   two-special
  or an integer mask with any of the lower 15 bits set
or you may use a numeric representation.  Preceding these with a '!'
will clear the bits, specifying 'none' will clear all bits, and 'all'
will set them all.  Multiple entries may be passed as an option
argument list.

The password id should contain a fairly consistent permutation of the URL
you are logging in to.  "Fairly" because you may wish to vary your
financial institutions differently than your newspaper, or you may need
multiple credentials for the same domain.  Either way, a password id is
formed by surrounding the domain name with unlikely prefixes, suffixes and

Only the passwords for one password id are ever printed.  If the command
line contains multiple operands (arguments after the options), then they
are assembled into one password id with space characters separating the
original operands.  One password is printed for each seed stored in the
password configuration file.

One password is printed for every configured seed value with a matching
'--shared' option state.  Seed values are added by specifying just the
'--tag' and '--text' options, with or without the '--shared' option.  When
passwords are printed, the tag is also printed in plain text.

Passwords are changed by specifying the '-r' or '--rehash' option with a
new numeric value.  The day this happens will be noted in the password
configuration file and printed in the password header.

Password ids are never stored anywhere.

Please be sure to read the "Warnings" section in the full documentation.

NOTE: the '--load-opts' option is supported by the option processing
library.  This program actually prohibits its usage.  The password
configuration database is normally found in a standard location.  It may be
overridden at invocation time by the '--config-file' option.  Using
'--load-opts' on the command line will lead to a conflict error.

Please send bug reports to:  <bkorb@gnu.org>

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This document was generated by Bruce Korb on June 30, 2018 using texi2html 1.82.