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2. Invoking gnu-pw-mgr

The password id should contain a fairly consistent permutation of the URL you are logging in to. "Fairly" because you may wish to vary your financial institutions differently than your newspaper, or you may need multiple credentials for the same domain. Either way, a password id is formed by surrounding the domain name with unlikely prefixes, suffixes and punctuations.

Only the passwords for one password id are ever printed. If the command line contains multiple operands (arguments after the options), then they are assembled into one password id with space characters separating the original operands. One password is printed for each seed stored in the password configuration file.

One password is printed for every configured seed value with a matching --shared option state. Seed values are added by specifying just the --tag and --text options, with or without the --shared option. When passwords are printed, the tag is also printed in plain text.

Passwords are changed by specifying the -r or --rehash option with a new numeric value. The day this happens will be noted in the password configuration file and printed in the password header.

Password ids are never stored anywhere.

Please be sure to read the "Warnings" section in the full documentation.

NOTE: the --load-opts option is supported by the option processing library. This program actually prohibits its usage. The password configuration database is normally found in a standard location. It may be overridden at invocation time by the --config-file option. Using --load-opts on the command line will lead to a conflict error.

Example usage can be seen in the example section below.

This chapter was generated by AutoGen, using the agtexi-cmd template and the option descriptions for the gnu-pw-mgr program. This software is released under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later.

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This document was generated by Bruce Korb on June 30, 2018 using texi2html 1.82.