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3.6 Installing the daemon

By default, the daemon and clients are set to use port 1529. Add the line

support		1529/tcp			# GNATS

to your ‘/etc/services’ file. If you want a different service name, configure GNATS with


In your ‘inetd.conf’ file, add the line

support	stream	tcp	nowait	gnats	/usr/local/libexec/gnats/gnatsd gnatsd

adjusting the path accordingly if you used configure options to make changes to the defaults. To make inetd start spawning the GNATS daemon when connected on that port, send it a hangup signal (HUP).

Some operating systems have replaced inetd with the more modern xinetd. Instead of editing ‘inetd.conf’, you should create the file ‘/etc/xinetd.d/support’, containing something like the following:

service support
   disable = no
   socket_type = stream
   protocol = tcp
   wait = no
   user = gnats
   server = /usr/local/libexec/gnats/gnatsd

If you specified a different service name when running configure, you need to give the file the same name as the service name, and you need to adjust the service line above. If the --prefix or --exec-prefix options were passed to configure, adjust the server line above, and if you used the --enable-gnats-user option, adjust the user line.

Then restart xinetd to make the new configuration current.

If you use an Internet superserver different from inetd or xinetd, please refer to its documentation for information how to configure it.

At this point, you will probably want to set the access permissions of the different hosts that are going to be accessing your databases. The access permissions can currently only be set on a global scale (that is, across all the databases on a GNATS server). The location and name of the global host access configuration file can be set during the pre-build configure as shown above, but by default the file is ‘/usr/local/etc/gnats/gnatsd_host.access’. It lists the hosts allowed to access your server, and what their default access levels are. Each line in the file denotes one server, or one part of a network domain. There are three fields on each line, but only two are currently used. To grant all hosts from the domain site.com edit access, use this line:


If you run a GNATS web interface or similar tool on the same machine as the server is running on, you probably want to grant localhost edit access:


If you are using Kerberos, the ‘gnatsd_host.access’ file shows the sites that don’t require Kerberos authentication.

The third field might in the future be used for things like controlling what categories, submitter-id’s PRs, etc., can be accessed from that site. Access attempts that are denied are logged to the syslog messages file (‘/var/adm/messages’ on many systems).

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This document was generated by Chad Walstrom on March 3, 2015 using texi2html 1.82.