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The following mail aliases must be added on the machine where the GNATS server is installed. The instructions below are for Sendmail or Sendmail-like mail systems. If these instructions don’t fit your system, particularly if you do not have an ‘aliases’ file, ask your mail administrator for advice.
The following aliases should be placed in the file
‘/etc/aliases’. Yoy may need root
access to add these
gnats-admin: address |
bugs: "| exec-prefix/libexec/gnats/queue-pr -q" |
This places incoming Problem Reports in
the ‘gnats-queue’ directory of your database. Remember to
fill in the full path of the queue-pr
command as appropriate for
your installation.
bug-q: "| exec-prefix/libexec/gnats/queue-pr -q" bug-log: /some/path/bugs.log bugs: bug-q, bug-log |
This configuration archives incoming Problem Reports in the file
‘bug.log’, and also feeds them to the program queue-pr
(Remember, ‘bug.log’ needs to be world-writable, and should be
pruned regularly; see section GNATS Administration.) In
order for the log file to protect fully against data loss in case a disk
runs full, try to place it on a different disk volume than the
GNATS database.
query-pr: "| exec-prefix/libexec/gnats/mail-query" |
The mail-query
program uses ‘--restricted’ to search on the
database, and by default only searches for PRs that aren’t closed
(see section Querying the database).
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This document was generated by Chad Walstrom on March 3, 2015 using texi2html 1.82.