Namespaces | Defines | Functions

Renderer_agg.cpp File Reference

#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include "gnash.h"
#include "RGBA.h"
#include "GnashImage.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "Renderer.h"
#include "Renderer_agg.h"
#include "Range2d.h"
#include "smart_ptr.h"
#include "swf/ShapeRecord.h"
#include "DefineShapeTag.h"
#include "GnashNumeric.h"
#include "GC.h"
#include "cxform.h"
#include "FillStyle.h"
#include <climits>
#include <agg_rendering_buffer.h>
#include <agg_renderer_base.h>
#include <agg_pixfmt_rgb.h>
#include <agg_pixfmt_rgb_packed.h>
#include <agg_pixfmt_rgba.h>
#include <agg_pixfmt_gray.h>
#include <agg_color_rgba.h>
#include <agg_color_gray.h>
#include <agg_ellipse.h>
#include <agg_conv_transform.h>
#include <agg_trans_affine.h>
#include <agg_scanline_u.h>
#include <agg_scanline_bin.h>
#include <agg_scanline_p.h>
#include <agg_renderer_scanline.h>
#include <agg_rasterizer_scanline_aa.h>
#include <agg_rasterizer_compound_aa.h>
#include <agg_span_allocator.h>
#include <agg_path_storage.h>
#include <agg_conv_curve.h>
#include <agg_conv_stroke.h>
#include <agg_vcgen_stroke.h>
#include <agg_bezier_arc.h>
#include <agg_renderer_primitives.h>
#include <agg_gamma_functions.h>
#include <agg_math_stroke.h>
#include <agg_image_filters.h>
#include <agg_image_accessors.h>
#include <agg_span_image_filter_rgb.h>
#include <agg_span_image_filter_rgba.h>
#include <agg_span_interpolator_linear.h>
#include <agg_span_gradient.h>
#include <agg_gradient_lut.h>
#include <agg_alpha_mask_u8.h>
#include "Renderer_agg_bitmap.h"
#include "Renderer_agg_style.h"
#include <boost/scoped_array.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/conversion/converter.hpp>


namespace  gnash

Anonymous namespace for callbacks, local functions, event handlers etc.


#define round(x)   rint(x)


bool gnash::is_little_endian_host ()
DSOEXPORT Renderer_agg_base * gnash::create_Renderer_agg (const char *pixelformat)
 Create a render handler.
DSOEXPORT const char * gnash::agg_detect_pixel_format (unsigned int rofs, unsigned int rsize, unsigned int gofs, unsigned int gsize, unsigned int bofs, unsigned int bsize, unsigned int bpp)

Define Documentation

#define round (   x  )     rint(x)

A Renderer that uses the Anti-Grain Geometry Toolkit ( and renders directly to a buffer (for example to the framebuffer). This backend is *completely* independent of any hardware. It can be used for rendering to the Linux FrameBuffer device, or be blitted inside a window (regardless of what operating system). It should also be no problem to render into a file... This file uses *very* heavily templates and is optimized mainly for speed, meaning that the compiler generates very, very, very much specialized code. That's good for speed but bloats up the resulting machine code.

Referenced by inscribedRect(), and main().

Variable Documentation

Accessor _accessor
Mask _amask
agg::rendering_buffer _buf
boost::scoped_array<boost::uint8_t> _buffer
const ClipBounds& _clipbounds
AggPaths& _dest
Interpolator _interpolator
AggPaths::iterator _it
agg::path_storage& _path
const SourceFormat _pixf
const Quality _quality
Rasterizer _ras
Renderer _rbase
agg::rendering_buffer _rbuf
Renderer _renderer
SpanAllocator _sa
const double _shift
bool _smoothing

Whether smoothing is required.

Referenced by gnash::Video::Video().