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Index Entry  Section

“Computation got stuck” message: Recursion Depth

=>’ operator: Evaluates-To Operator

Accuracy of calculations: Floats
Accuracy of calculations: Precision
Algebraic Mode: Algebraic Entry
Algebraic notation: Algebraic Entry
Algebraic simplifications: Algebraic Simplifications
AlgSimpRules variable: Automatic Rewrites
Alternating sums: Summations
Angle and slope of a line: Types Tutorial
Angular mode: Angular Modes
Area under a curve: Basic Algebra Tutorial
Arguments, not evaluated: Logical Operations
Arguments, restoring: Undo
Arranging a matrix: Manipulating Vectors

Basic simplifications: Basic Simplifications
Beatles: Types Tutorial
Bernoulli numbers, approximate: Programming Tutorial
Bibliography: History and Acknowledgments
Binary numbers: Binary Functions
Binary operators: Arithmetic Tutorial
Branch cuts: Branch Cuts
Breaking up long lines: Normal Language Modes

C language: C FORTRAN Pascal
Caches: Caches
Calc init file, mode settings: General Mode Commands
Calc init file, user-defined commands: Creating User Keys
Calc init file, user-defined units: User-Defined Units
Calc init file, variables: Operations on Variables
calc-ext module: Basic Commands
Calling Calc from Lisp: Calling Calc from Your Programs
Character strings: Strings
Clearing the stack: RPN Tutorial
Coefficients of polynomial: Decomposing Polynomials
Columns of data, extracting: List Tutorial
Common logarithm: Arithmetic Tutorial
Complex numbers: Complex Numbers
Composite units: Basic Operations on Units
Compositions: Compositions
Conditional structures: Conditionals in Macros
Continued fractions: Programming Tutorial
Continuous memory: General Mode Commands
Correlation coefficient: Paired-Sample Statistics
Covariance: Paired-Sample Statistics
Cross product: Vector Analysis Tutorial

Data, extracting from buffers: List Tutorial
Date arithmetic, additional functions: Date Arithmetic
Date forms: Date Forms
Daylight saving time: Time Zones
Decimal and non-decimal numbers: Radix Modes
Declaring scalar variables: Matrix Mode
Decls variable: Declaration Basics
Degree of polynomial: Decomposing Polynomials
Degrees-minutes-seconds forms: HMS Forms
Deleting stack entries: Stack Manipulation
Demonstration of Calc: Demonstration of Calc
Digamma function: Programming Tutorial
Digit grouping: Grouping Digits
Digits, vectors of: List Tutorial
Division of integers: Fraction Mode
Divisor functions: List Tutorial
Dot product: Vector Analysis Tutorial
Duplicate values in a list: List Tutorial
Duplicating a stack entry: RPN Tutorial
Duplicating stack entries: Stack Manipulation

e variable: Variables
e variable: Scientific Functions
Editing the stack with Emacs: Editing Stack Entries
Editing user definitions: Creating User Keys
Emptying the stack: RPN Tutorial
Engineering notation, display of: Float Formats
Entering numbers: Numeric Entry
Equations, solving: Solving Equations
Error forms: Error Forms
Errors, messages: Error Messages
Errors, undoing: Undo
Euler’s gamma constant: Programming Tutorial
Euler’s gamma constant: Scientific Functions
EvalRules variable: Automatic Rewrites
Evaluates-to operator: Evaluates-To Operator
Evaluation of variables in a formula: Variables
Exchanging stack entries: RPN Tutorial
Exiting the Calculator: Basic Commands
Exponential integral Ei(x): Customizing the Integrator
Expressions: Formulas
Extended simplification: Unsafe Simplifications
Extensions module: Basic Commands
ExtSimpRules variable: Automatic Rewrites

Fermat, primality test of: Types Tutorial
Fibonacci numbers: Rewrites Tutorial
Fibonacci numbers: Programming Tutorial
Fitting data to a line: List Tutorial
Fixed points: Nesting and Fixed Points
Flattening a matrix: Manipulating Vectors
Floating-point numbers: Floats
Floats vs. fractions: Modes Tutorial
Flushing caches: Caches
Formulas: Formulas
Formulas, entering: Algebraic Entry
Formulas, evaluation: Variables
Formulas, referring to stack: Algebraic Entry
FORTRAN language: C FORTRAN Pascal
Fraction mode: Fraction Mode
Fractional part of a number: Integer Truncation
Fractions: Fractions
Fractions vs. floats: Modes Tutorial
Function call notation: Formulas

Gamma constant, Euler’s: Programming Tutorial
Gamma constant, Euler’s: Scientific Functions
gamma variable: Variables
gamma variable: Scientific Functions
Garbled displays, refreshing: Basic Commands
GenCount variable: Multiple Solutions
Generic functions: Specifying Operators
Geometric mean: List Tutorial
Geometric mean: Single-Variable Statistics
Giac language: Giac Language Mode
Golden ratio: Programming Tutorial
Golden ratio: Scientific Functions
Gregorian calendar: Date Forms
Grouping digits: Grouping Digits
Guard digits: Modes Tutorial
Guard digits: Modes Tutorial

Harmonic mean: Single-Variable Statistics
Harmonic numbers: Programming Tutorial
Hash tables: Arithmetic Tutorial
Help commands: Help Commands
Hexadecimal integers: Radix Modes
Histograms: Manipulating Vectors
Holidays variable: Business Days
Horizontal scrolling: Basic Commands
Hours-minutes-seconds forms: HMS Forms

i variable: Variables
i variable: Complex Formats
Identity matrix: Matrix Tutorial
Implicit comma in vectors: Formulas
Implicit multiplication: Formulas
Incomplete Algebraic Mode: Algebraic Entry
Incomplete complex numbers: Incomplete Objects
Incomplete interval forms: Incomplete Objects
Incomplete vectors: Incomplete Objects
Index tables: Manipulating Vectors
Inexact results: Symbolic Mode
inf variable: Infinities
Infinite mode: Infinite Mode
Infinity: Infinities
Integer part of a number: Integer Truncation
Integers: Integers
Integration by Simpson’s rule: Basic Algebra Tutorial
Integration, numerical: Basic Algebra Tutorial
Interval forms: Interval Forms
Inverse of permutation: Manipulating Vectors
ISO 8601: ISO 8601
Iterative structures: Loops in Macros

Julian calendar: Date Forms
Julian day counting: Date Forms
Julian day counts, conversions: Date Conversions

Keyboard macros: Keyboard Macros
Keyboard macros, editing: Naming Keyboard Macros
Kill ring: Killing From Stack
Knuth, Art of Computer Programming: History and Acknowledgments

Lambda expressions: Specifying Operators
Large numbers, readability: Modes Tutorial
Last-arguments feature: Undo
LaTeX language: TeX and LaTeX Language Modes
Leading zeros: Radix Modes
Least-squares fits: Linear Fits
Least-squares for fitting a straight line: List Tutorial
Least-squares for over-determined systems: Matrix Tutorial
Levels of stack: RPN Tutorial
Line breaking: Normal Language Modes
Line, fitting data to: List Tutorial
Linear correlation: Paired-Sample Statistics
Linear equations, systems of: Matrix Tutorial
Linear regression: Linear Fits
Linearity testing: Logical Operations
LineStyles variable: Graphics Options
Lists: List Tutorial
Local variables: Local Values in Macros
Looping structures: Loops in Macros

Maple language: Maple Language Mode
Matchstick problem: List Tutorial
Mathematica language: Mathematica Language Mode
Matrices: Vectors and Matrices
Matrix display: Normal Language Modes
Matrix mode: Matrix Mode
max-lisp-eval-depth: Recursion Depth
Maxima language: Maxima Language Mode
Maximizing a function over a list of values: List Tutorial
Maximum of a function using Calculus: Basic Algebra Tutorial
Mean of data values: Single-Variable Statistics
Median of data values: Single-Variable Statistics
Minimization, numerical: Minimization
Minus signs: Numeric Entry
Mistakes, undoing: Undo
Mode line indicators: Calc Mode Line
Modes variable: Modes Variable
Modulo division: Modulo Forms
Modulo forms: Modulo Forms
Moving stack entries: Stack Manipulation
Multiplication, implicit: Formulas

Nameless functions: Specifying Operators
nan variable: Infinities
Narrowing the stack: Truncating the Stack
Negative numbers, entering: Numeric Entry
Newton’s method: Root Finding
Non-decimal numbers: Radix Modes
Normalizing a vector: Vector Analysis Tutorial
Numerator of a fraction, extracting: Packing and Unpacking
Numeric entry: Numeric Entry
Numerical integration: Basic Algebra Tutorial
Numerical Recipes: History and Acknowledgments
Numerical root-finding: Root Finding

Octal integers: Radix Modes
Operands: RPN Tutorial
Operators: RPN Tutorial
Operators in formulas: Formulas
Over-determined systems of equations: Matrix Tutorial

Parsing formulas, customized: Syntax Tables
Parts of formulas: Selecting Subformulas
Pascal language: C FORTRAN Pascal
Pattern matching: Rewrite Rules
Performance: Working Message
Permanent mode settings: General Mode Commands
Permanent user definitions: Creating User Keys
Permanent variables: Operations on Variables
Permutation, inverse of: Manipulating Vectors
Permutations, applying: Extracting Elements
Perpendicular vectors: Vector Analysis Tutorial
phi variable: Variables
phi variable: Scientific Functions
Phi, golden ratio: Programming Tutorial
Phi, golden ratio: Scientific Functions
pi variable: Variables
pi variable: Scientific Functions
Plain vectors: Vectors and Matrices
PlotRejects variable: Basic Graphics
PointStyles variable: Graphics Options
Polar mode: Polar Mode
Polynomial, list of coefficients: Programming Tutorial
Population statistics: Single-Variable Statistics
Positive Infinite mode: Infinite Mode
Precedence of operators: Formulas
Precision of calculations: Precision
Primes: Combinatorial Functions
Principal values: Branch Cuts
Product of a sequence: Summations
Programming Calc: Programming
Programming Calc, with algebraic formulas: Algebraic Definitions
Programming Calc, with keyboard macros: Keyboard Macros
Pythagorean Theorem: RPN Tutorial

Quaternions: Examples of Rewrite Rules
Quick Calculator: Quick Calculator
Quick units: User-Defined Units
Quick variables: Storing Variables
Quitting the Calculator: Basic Commands

Radix display: Radix Modes
Rank tables: Manipulating Vectors
Recalling variables: Recalling Variables
Reciprocal: Basic Arithmetic
Recursion: Programming Tutorial
Recursion depth: Recursion Depth
Redoing after an Undo: Undo
Refreshing a garbled display: Basic Commands
Registers: Saving Into Registers
Removing stack entries: Stack Manipulation
Reshaping a matrix: Manipulating Vectors
Restoring saved modes: Local Values in Macros
Retrieving previous results: Trail Commands
Reverse Polish notation: RPN Tutorial
Rewrite rules: Rewrite Rules
Root-mean-square: Single-Variable Statistics
Roots of equations: Root Finding
Round-off errors: Modes Tutorial
Roundoff errors, correcting: Conversions
Roundoff errors, examples: Modes Tutorial
Roundoff errors, examples: Arithmetic Tutorial
Roundoff errors, in non-decimal numbers: Modes Tutorial
RPN notation: RPN Tutorial
Running the Calculator: Basic Commands

Sample statistics: Single-Variable Statistics
Saving mode settings: General Mode Commands
Scalar mode: Matrix Mode
Scientific notation, display of: Float Formats
Scientific notation, entry of: Modes Tutorial
Scientific notation, in non-decimal numbers: Modes Tutorial
Scrolling: Basic Commands
Selections: Selecting Subformulas
Sets, as binary numbers: Set Operations
Sets, as vectors: Set Operations
Simpson’s rule: Basic Algebra Tutorial
Sine integral Si(x): Programming Tutorial
Slope and angle of a line: Types Tutorial
Solving equations: Solving Equations
Sorting data: Manipulating Vectors
Speed of light: Types Tutorial
Square-free numbers: List Tutorial
Stack basics: Stack Basics
Stack levels: RPN Tutorial
Standalone Operation: Standalone Operation
Standard deviation: Single-Variable Statistics
Standard deviations: Error Forms
Standard user interface: The Standard Interface
Starting the Calculator: Basic Commands
Statistical functions: Statistical Operations
Storing user definitions: Creating User Keys
Storing variables: Storing Variables
Storing variables: Operations on Variables
Strings: Strings
Sub-formulas: Selecting Subformulas
Subscript notation: Extracting Elements
Summation of a series: Summations
Summations (by keyboard macros): Loops in Macros
Summations (statistical): Single-Variable Statistics
Summing rows and columns of data: Grabbing From Buffers
Symbolic mode: Symbolic Mode
Syntax tables: Syntax Tables
Systems of equations, numerical: Numerical Systems of Equations
Systems of equations, symbolic: Solving Systems of Equations
Systems of linear equations: Matrix Tutorial

Temperature conversion: Basic Operations on Units
Temporary assignment to variables: Let Command
TeX language: TeX and LaTeX Language Modes
Time of day: HMS Forms
Time travel: Undo Tutorial
Time zones: Time Zones
Time Zones, converting between: Date Conversions
TimeZone variable: Time Zones
Torus, volume of: Types Tutorial
Total Algebraic Mode: Algebraic Entry
Trail buffer: Trail Commands
Trail pointer: Trail Commands
Transformations: Rewrite Rules
Triangular lists: List Tutorial
Truncating the stack: Truncating the Stack
Two’s complements: Radix Modes

uinf variable: Infinities
Un-storing variables: Storing Variables
Unary operators: Arithmetic Tutorial
Undoing mistakes: Undo
Unit vectors: Vector Analysis Tutorial
Units variable: User-Defined Units
UnitSimpRules variable: Automatic Rewrites
Unix time format: Date Forms
Unix time format, conversions: Date Conversions
Unsafe simplifications: Unsafe Simplifications
User-defined units: User-Defined Units

Variables, evaluation: Variables
Variables, in formulas: Variables
Variables, temporary assignment: Let Command
Variance of data values: Single-Variable Statistics
Vectors: Vectors and Matrices
Vertical scrolling: Basic Commands
Void variables: Storing Variables

Why did an error occur?: Error Messages
Wide text, scrolling: Basic Commands
Word size for binary operations: Binary Functions
Working messages: Working Message

Yacas language: Yacas Language Mode

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