Concept Index

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Index EntrySection

“Computation got stuck” messageRecursion Depth

=>’ operatorEvaluates-To Operator

Accuracy of calculationsFloats
Accuracy of calculationsPrecision
Algebraic ModeAlgebraic Entry
Algebraic notationAlgebraic Entry
Algebraic simplificationsAlgebraic Simplifications
AlgSimpRules variableAutomatic Rewrites
Alternating sumsSummations
Angle and slope of a lineTypes Tutorial
Angular modeAngular Modes
Area under a curveBasic Algebra Tutorial
Arguments, not evaluatedLogical Operations
Arguments, restoringUndo
Arranging a matrixManipulating Vectors

Basic simplificationsBasic Simplifications
BeatlesTypes Tutorial
Bernoulli numbers, approximateProgramming Tutorial
BibliographyHistory and Acknowledgments
Binary numbersBinary Functions
Binary operatorsArithmetic Tutorial
Branch cutsBranch Cuts
Breaking up long linesNormal Language Modes

C languageC FORTRAN Pascal
Calc init file, mode settingsGeneral Mode Commands
Calc init file, user-defined commandsCreating User Keys
Calc init file, user-defined unitsUser-Defined Units
Calc init file, variablesOperations on Variables
calc-ext moduleBasic Commands
Calling Calc from LispCalling Calc from Your Programs
Character stringsStrings
Clearing the stackRPN Tutorial
Coefficients of polynomialDecomposing Polynomials
Columns of data, extractingList Tutorial
Common logarithmArithmetic Tutorial
Complex numbersComplex Numbers
Composite unitsBasic Operations on Units
Conditional structuresConditionals in Macros
Continued fractionsProgramming Tutorial
Continuous memoryGeneral Mode Commands
Correlation coefficientPaired-Sample Statistics
CovariancePaired-Sample Statistics
Cross productVector Analysis Tutorial

Data, extracting from buffersList Tutorial
Date arithmetic, additional functionsDate Arithmetic
Date formsDate Forms
Daylight saving timeTime Zones
Decimal and non-decimal numbersRadix Modes
Declaring scalar variablesMatrix Mode
Decls variableDeclaration Basics
Degree of polynomialDecomposing Polynomials
Degrees-minutes-seconds formsHMS Forms
Deleting stack entriesStack Manipulation
Demonstration of CalcDemonstration of Calc
Digamma functionProgramming Tutorial
Digit groupingGrouping Digits
Digits, vectors ofList Tutorial
Division of integersFraction Mode
Divisor functionsList Tutorial
Dot productVector Analysis Tutorial
Duplicate values in a listList Tutorial
Duplicating a stack entryRPN Tutorial
Duplicating stack entriesStack Manipulation

e variableVariables
e variableScientific Functions
Editing the stack with EmacsEditing Stack Entries
Editing user definitionsCreating User Keys
Emptying the stackRPN Tutorial
Engineering notation, display ofFloat Formats
Entering numbersNumeric Entry
Equations, solvingSolving Equations
Error formsError Forms
Errors, messagesError Messages
Errors, undoingUndo
Euler’s gamma constantProgramming Tutorial
Euler’s gamma constantScientific Functions
EvalRules variableAutomatic Rewrites
Evaluates-to operatorEvaluates-To Operator
Evaluation of variables in a formulaVariables
Exchanging stack entriesRPN Tutorial
Exiting the CalculatorBasic Commands
Exponential integral Ei(x)Customizing the Integrator
Extended simplificationUnsafe Simplifications
Extensions moduleBasic Commands
ExtSimpRules variableAutomatic Rewrites

Fermat, primality test ofTypes Tutorial
Fibonacci numbersRewrites Tutorial
Fibonacci numbersProgramming Tutorial
Fitting data to a lineList Tutorial
Fixed pointsNesting and Fixed Points
Flattening a matrixManipulating Vectors
Floating-point numbersFloats
Floats vs. fractionsModes Tutorial
Flushing cachesCaches
Formulas, enteringAlgebraic Entry
Formulas, evaluationVariables
Formulas, referring to stackAlgebraic Entry
FORTRAN languageC FORTRAN Pascal
Fraction modeFraction Mode
Fractional part of a numberInteger Truncation
Fractions vs. floatsModes Tutorial
Function call notationFormulas

Gamma constant, Euler’sProgramming Tutorial
Gamma constant, Euler’sScientific Functions
gamma variableVariables
gamma variableScientific Functions
Garbled displays, refreshingBasic Commands
GenCount variableMultiple Solutions
Generic functionsSpecifying Operators
Geometric meanList Tutorial
Geometric meanSingle-Variable Statistics
Giac languageGiac Language Mode
Golden ratioProgramming Tutorial
Golden ratioScientific Functions
Gregorian calendarDate Forms
Grouping digitsGrouping Digits
Guard digitsModes Tutorial
Guard digitsModes Tutorial

Harmonic meanSingle-Variable Statistics
Harmonic numbersProgramming Tutorial
Hash tablesArithmetic Tutorial
Help commandsHelp Commands
Hexadecimal integersRadix Modes
HistogramsManipulating Vectors
Holidays variableBusiness Days
Horizontal scrollingBasic Commands
Hours-minutes-seconds formsHMS Forms

i variableVariables
i variableComplex Formats
Identity matrixMatrix Tutorial
Implicit comma in vectorsFormulas
Implicit multiplicationFormulas
Incomplete Algebraic ModeAlgebraic Entry
Incomplete complex numbersIncomplete Objects
Incomplete interval formsIncomplete Objects
Incomplete vectorsIncomplete Objects
Index tablesManipulating Vectors
Inexact resultsSymbolic Mode
inf variableInfinities
Infinite modeInfinite Mode
Integer part of a numberInteger Truncation
Integration by Simpson’s ruleBasic Algebra Tutorial
Integration, numericalBasic Algebra Tutorial
Interval formsInterval Forms
Inverse of permutationManipulating Vectors
ISO 8601ISO 8601
Iterative structuresLoops in Macros

Julian calendarDate Forms
Julian day countingDate Forms
Julian day counts, conversionsDate Conversions

Keyboard macrosKeyboard Macros
Keyboard macros, editingNaming Keyboard Macros
Kill ringKilling From Stack
Knuth, Art of Computer ProgrammingHistory and Acknowledgments

Lambda expressionsSpecifying Operators
Large numbers, readabilityModes Tutorial
Last-arguments featureUndo
LaTeX languageTeX and LaTeX Language Modes
Leading zerosRadix Modes
Least-squares fitsLinear Fits
Least-squares for fitting a straight lineList Tutorial
Least-squares for over-determined systemsMatrix Tutorial
Levels of stackRPN Tutorial
Line breakingNormal Language Modes
Line, fitting data toList Tutorial
Linear correlationPaired-Sample Statistics
Linear equations, systems ofMatrix Tutorial
Linear regressionLinear Fits
Linearity testingLogical Operations
LineStyles variableGraphics Options
ListsList Tutorial
Local variablesLocal Values in Macros
Looping structuresLoops in Macros

Maple languageMaple Language Mode
Matchstick problemList Tutorial
Mathematica languageMathematica Language Mode
MatricesVectors and Matrices
Matrix displayNormal Language Modes
Matrix modeMatrix Mode
max-lisp-eval-depthRecursion Depth
Maxima languageMaxima Language Mode
Maximizing a function over a list of valuesList Tutorial
Maximum of a function using CalculusBasic Algebra Tutorial
Mean of data valuesSingle-Variable Statistics
Median of data valuesSingle-Variable Statistics
Minimization, numericalMinimization
Minus signsNumeric Entry
Mistakes, undoingUndo
Mode line indicatorsCalc Mode Line
Modes variableModes Variable
Modulo divisionModulo Forms
Modulo formsModulo Forms
Moving stack entriesStack Manipulation
Multiplication, implicitFormulas

Nameless functionsSpecifying Operators
nan variableInfinities
Narrowing the stackTruncating the Stack
Negative numbers, enteringNumeric Entry
Newton’s methodRoot Finding
Non-decimal numbersRadix Modes
Normalizing a vectorVector Analysis Tutorial
Numerator of a fraction, extractingPacking and Unpacking
Numeric entryNumeric Entry
Numerical integrationBasic Algebra Tutorial
Numerical RecipesHistory and Acknowledgments
Numerical root-findingRoot Finding

Octal integersRadix Modes
OperandsRPN Tutorial
OperatorsRPN Tutorial
Operators in formulasFormulas
Over-determined systems of equationsMatrix Tutorial

Parsing formulas, customizedSyntax Tables
Parts of formulasSelecting Subformulas
Pascal languageC FORTRAN Pascal
Pattern matchingRewrite Rules
PerformanceWorking Message
Permanent mode settingsGeneral Mode Commands
Permanent user definitionsCreating User Keys
Permanent variablesOperations on Variables
Permutation, inverse ofManipulating Vectors
Permutations, applyingExtracting Elements
Perpendicular vectorsVector Analysis Tutorial
phi variableVariables
phi variableScientific Functions
Phi, golden ratioProgramming Tutorial
Phi, golden ratioScientific Functions
pi variableVariables
pi variableScientific Functions
Plain vectorsVectors and Matrices
PlotRejects variableBasic Graphics
PointStyles variableGraphics Options
Polar modePolar Mode
Polynomial, list of coefficientsProgramming Tutorial
Population statisticsSingle-Variable Statistics
Positive Infinite modeInfinite Mode
Precedence of operatorsFormulas
Precision of calculationsPrecision
PrimesCombinatorial Functions
Principal valuesBranch Cuts
Product of a sequenceSummations
Programming CalcProgramming
Programming Calc, with algebraic formulasAlgebraic Definitions
Programming Calc, with keyboard macrosKeyboard Macros
Pythagorean TheoremRPN Tutorial

QuaternionsExamples of Rewrite Rules
Quick CalculatorQuick Calculator
Quick unitsUser-Defined Units
Quick variablesStoring Variables
Quitting the CalculatorBasic Commands

Radix displayRadix Modes
Rank tablesManipulating Vectors
Recalling variablesRecalling Variables
ReciprocalBasic Arithmetic
RecursionProgramming Tutorial
Recursion depthRecursion Depth
Redoing after an UndoUndo
Refreshing a garbled displayBasic Commands
RegistersSaving Into Registers
Removing stack entriesStack Manipulation
Reshaping a matrixManipulating Vectors
Restoring saved modesLocal Values in Macros
Retrieving previous resultsTrail Commands
Reverse Polish notationRPN Tutorial
Rewrite rulesRewrite Rules
Root-mean-squareSingle-Variable Statistics
Roots of equationsRoot Finding
Round-off errorsModes Tutorial
Roundoff errors, correctingConversions
Roundoff errors, examplesModes Tutorial
Roundoff errors, examplesArithmetic Tutorial
Roundoff errors, in non-decimal numbersModes Tutorial
RPN notationRPN Tutorial
Running the CalculatorBasic Commands

Sample statisticsSingle-Variable Statistics
Saving mode settingsGeneral Mode Commands
Scalar modeMatrix Mode
Scientific notation, display ofFloat Formats
Scientific notation, entry ofModes Tutorial
Scientific notation, in non-decimal numbersModes Tutorial
ScrollingBasic Commands
SelectionsSelecting Subformulas
Sets, as binary numbersSet Operations
Sets, as vectorsSet Operations
Simpson’s ruleBasic Algebra Tutorial
Sine integral Si(x)Programming Tutorial
Slope and angle of a lineTypes Tutorial
Solving equationsSolving Equations
Sorting dataManipulating Vectors
Speed of lightTypes Tutorial
Square-free numbersList Tutorial
Stack basicsStack Basics
Stack levelsRPN Tutorial
Standalone OperationStandalone Operation
Standard deviationSingle-Variable Statistics
Standard deviationsError Forms
Standard user interfaceThe Standard Interface
Starting the CalculatorBasic Commands
Statistical functionsStatistical Operations
Storing user definitionsCreating User Keys
Storing variablesStoring Variables
Storing variablesOperations on Variables
Sub-formulasSelecting Subformulas
Subscript notationExtracting Elements
Summation of a seriesSummations
Summations (by keyboard macros)Loops in Macros
Summations (statistical)Single-Variable Statistics
Summing rows and columns of dataGrabbing From Buffers
Symbolic modeSymbolic Mode
Syntax tablesSyntax Tables
Systems of equations, numericalNumerical Systems of Equations
Systems of equations, symbolicSolving Systems of Equations
Systems of linear equationsMatrix Tutorial

Temperature conversionBasic Operations on Units
Temporary assignment to variablesLet Command
TeX languageTeX and LaTeX Language Modes
Time of dayHMS Forms
Time travelUndo Tutorial
Time zonesTime Zones
Time Zones, converting betweenDate Conversions
TimeZone variableTime Zones
Torus, volume ofTypes Tutorial
Total Algebraic ModeAlgebraic Entry
Trail bufferTrail Commands
Trail pointerTrail Commands
TransformationsRewrite Rules
Triangular listsList Tutorial
Truncating the stackTruncating the Stack
Two’s complementsRadix Modes

uinf variableInfinities
Un-storing variablesStoring Variables
Unary operatorsArithmetic Tutorial
Undoing mistakesUndo
Unit vectorsVector Analysis Tutorial
Units variableUser-Defined Units
UnitSimpRules variableAutomatic Rewrites
Unix time formatDate Forms
Unix time format, conversionsDate Conversions
Unsafe simplificationsUnsafe Simplifications
User-defined unitsUser-Defined Units

Variables, evaluationVariables
Variables, in formulasVariables
Variables, temporary assignmentLet Command
Variance of data valuesSingle-Variable Statistics
VectorsVectors and Matrices
Vertical scrollingBasic Commands
Void variablesStoring Variables

Why did an error occur?Error Messages
Wide text, scrollingBasic Commands
Word size for binary operationsBinary Functions
Working messagesWorking Message

Yacas languageYacas Language Mode