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6.8.8 Mathematica Language Mode

The d M (calc-mathematica-language) command selects the conventions of Mathematica. Notable differences in Mathematica mode are that the names of built-in functions are capitalized, and function calls use square brackets instead of parentheses. Thus the Calc formula ‘sin(2 x)’ is entered and displayed ‘Sin[2 x] in Mathematica mode.

Vectors and matrices use curly braces in Mathematica. Complex numbers are written ‘3 + 4 I’. The standard special constants in Calc are written Pi, E, I, GoldenRatio, EulerGamma, Infinity, ComplexInfinity, and Indeterminate in Mathematica mode. Non-decimal numbers are written, e.g., ‘16^^7fff’. Floating-point numbers in scientific notation are written ‘1.23*10.^3’. Subscripts use double square brackets: ‘a[[i]]’.