GNU Project -

(2023/04/05) Release candidate 3.4.0-rc2 is available from
The build process of DDD is streamlined and updated to current versions of
the toolchain. The interfaces to inferior debuggers (GDB and remake) and to Gnuplot
are updated.
- (2021/07/30) Michael Eager and Stefan Eickeler are the new maintainers of DDD.
- (2013/01/18) Shaunak Saha is the new maintainer of DDD.
(2009/02/11) DDD 3.3.12 is now available from
DDD 3.3.12 features much improved support for debugging
Python, Bash and Make, as well as various bug fixes.
(2009/02/11) Release candidate 3.3.12-rc1 is available.
DDD can now be used effectively to debug Python, Bash and Makefiles.
You can grab the new release candidate from The source tarball
is signed with the maintainer's GPG public key, which you can download from
(2008/10/22) DDD has a bug tracker on Savannah.
The bug tracker
is the best way to report bugs (use "Bugs" on the toolbar, and "Submit").
You are encouraged to login, but you can post bug anonymously if you want.
Posting directly to the bug-ddd mailing list is now deprecated, since the tracker
is a much more powerful way to organise the information. Please follow the
instructions for bug reporting.
(2008/10/19) Jose Maria Gomez Vergara has handed
maintainership of DDD to Peter Wainwright.
(2008/06/10) CVS to Subversion conversion and move to
Savannah site. DDD is now completely on the GNU Savannah
site; the older SourceForge site is deprecated. Furthermore version
control of the source code is now handled via Subversion, although Web pages
like this one are maintained in CVS. For more details to how access it
please visit savannah web page for instructions.
- To
report bugs you should use the bug track system in savannah as well.
All other emails to the generic distribution list with errors will be
ignored. Please, subscribe to DDD distribution list in order to be up
to date with all about this project.
- This web page will
change in some days to make it more clear and
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Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is
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$Date: 2024/08/19 20:31:19 $ $Author: eager $