ccRTP 2.1.2
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1 // Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Federico Montesino <>
2 //
3 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6 // (at your option) any later version.
7 //
8 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 // GNU General Public License for more details.
12 //
13 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
16 //
17 // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
18 // library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
19 // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
20 // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
21 // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
22 // the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
23 // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
24 // the GNU General Public License.
25 //
26 // This exception applies only to the code released under the name GNU
27 // ccRTP. If you copy code from other releases into a copy of GNU
28 // ccRTP, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
29 // not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
30 // anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
31 // this exception notice from them.
32 //
33 // If you write modifications of your own for GNU ccRTP, it is your choice
34 // whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
35 // If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
36 //
50 #include "private.h"
51 #include <ccrtp/cqueue.h>
58 {
60  try {
61 #endif
62  delete source;
63  delete prevConflict;
64  delete receiverInfo;
65  delete senderInfo;
67  } catch (...) { }
68 #endif
69 }
71 void
73 {
74  lastPacketTime.tv_sec = lastPacketTime.tv_usec = 0;
75  lastRTCPPacketTime.tv_sec = lastRTCPPacketTime.tv_usec = 0;
76  lastRTCPSRTime.tv_sec = lastRTCPSRTime.tv_usec = 0;
78  senderInfo = NULL;
79  receiverInfo = NULL;
81  obsPacketCount = obsOctetCount = 0;
82  maxSeqNum = extendedMaxSeqNum = 0;
83  cumulativePacketLost = 0;
84  fractionLost = 0;
85  jitter = 0;
86  initialDataTimestamp = 0;
87  initialDataTime.tv_sec = initialDataTime.tv_usec = 0;
88  flag = false;
90  badSeqNum = SEQNUMMOD + 1;
91  probation = 0;
92  baseSeqNum = 0;
93  expectedPrior = 0;
94  receivedPrior = 0;
95  seqNumAccum = 0;
96 }
98 void
100 {
101  // See Appendix A.3
103  // compute cumulative packet lost.
104  setExtendedMaxSeqNum(getMaxSeqNum() + getSeqNumAccum());
105  uint32 expected =
106  (getExtendedMaxSeqNum() - getBaseSeqNum() + 1);
107  uint32 pc = getObservedPacketCount();
108  uint32 lost;
109  if ( 0 == pc )
110  lost = 0;
111  else
112  lost = expected - pc;
113  setCumulativePacketLost(lost);
115  // compute the fraction of packets lost during the last
116  // reporting interval.
117  uint32 expectedDelta = expected - expectedPrior;
118  expectedPrior = expected;
119  uint32 receivedDelta = getObservedPacketCount() -
120  receivedPrior;
121  receivedPrior = getObservedPacketCount();
122  uint32 lostDelta = expectedDelta - receivedDelta;
123  if ( expectedDelta == 0 || lostDelta <= 0 )
124  setFractionLost(0);
125  else
126  setFractionLost((lostDelta<<8) / expectedDelta );
127 }
129 void
131 tpport_t dataPort, tpport_t controlPort)
132 {
133  delete prevConflict;
134  prevConflict =
135  new ConflictingTransportAddress(addr,dataPort,controlPort);
136 }
138 void
141 {}
143 void
145 setSenderInfo(unsigned char* si)
146 {
147  if ( NULL == senderInfo )
148  senderInfo = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>
150  memcpy(senderInfo,si,sizeof(RTCPCompoundHandler::SenderInfo));
151 }
153 void
155 setReceiverInfo(unsigned char* ri)
156 {
157  if ( NULL == receiverInfo )
158  receiverInfo = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>
160  memcpy(receiverInfo,ri,sizeof(RTCPCompoundHandler::ReceiverInfo));
161 }
164 const uint32 MembershipBookkeeping::SEQNUMMOD = (1<<16);
166 #define HASH(a) ((a + (a >> 8)) % MembershipBookkeeping::sourceBucketsNum)
168 // Initializes the array (hash table) and the global list of
169 // SyncSourceLink objects
172 sourceBucketsNum(initialSize),
173 sourceLinks( new SyncSourceLink* [sourceBucketsNum] ), first(NULL), last(NULL)
174 {
175  for ( uint32 i = 0; i < sourceBucketsNum; i++ )
176  sourceLinks[i] = NULL;
177 }
179 void
181 {
182  SyncSourceLink* s;
183  while( first ) {
184  s = first;
185  first = first->next;
187  try {
188 #endif
189  delete s;
191  } catch (...) {}
192 #endif
193  }
194  last = NULL;
196  try {
197 #endif
198  delete [] sourceLinks;
200  } catch (...) {}
201 #endif
202 }
204 bool
206 {
207  bool result = false;
208  SyncSourceLink* sl = sourceLinks[ HASH(ssrc) ];
210  while ( sl != NULL ) {
211  if ( ssrc == sl->getSource()->getID() ) {
212  result = true;
213  break;
214  } else if ( ssrc < sl->getSource()->getID() ) {
215  break;
216  } else {
217  // keep on searching
218  sl = sl->getNextCollis();
219  }
220  }
221  return result;
222 }
224 // Gets or creates the source and its link structure.
226 MembershipBookkeeping::getSourceBySSRC(uint32 ssrc, bool& created)
227 {
228  uint32 hashing = HASH(ssrc);
229  SyncSourceLink* result = sourceLinks[hashing];
230  SyncSourceLink* prev = NULL;
231  created = false;
233  if ( NULL == result ) {
234  result = sourceLinks[hashing] =
235  new SyncSourceLink(this,new SyncSource(ssrc));
236  created = true;
237  } else {
238  while ( NULL != result ) {
239  if ( ssrc == result->getSource()->getID() ) {
240  // we found it!
241  break;
242  } else if ( ssrc > result->getSource()->getID() ) {
243  // keep on searching
244  prev = result;
245  result = result->getNextCollis();
246  } else {
247  // ( ssrc < result->getSource()->getID() )
248  // it isn't recorded here -> create it.
249  SyncSourceLink* newlink =
250  new SyncSourceLink(this,new SyncSource(ssrc));
251  if ( NULL != prev )
252  prev->setNextCollis(newlink);
253  else
254  sourceLinks[hashing] = newlink;
255  newlink->setNextCollis(result);
256  result = newlink;
257  created = true;
258  break;
259  }
260  }
261  if ( NULL == result ) {
262  // insert at the end of the collision list
263  result =
264  new SyncSourceLink(this,new SyncSource(ssrc));
265  created = true;
266  prev->setNextCollis(result);
267  }
268  }
269  if ( created ) {
270  if ( first )
271  last->setNext(result);
272  else
273  first = result;
274  last = result;
276  }
278  return result;
279 }
281 bool
283 {
284  bool found = false;
285  // If the source identified by ssrc is in the table, mark it
286  // as leaving the session. If it was not, do nothing.
287  if ( isRegistered(ssrc) ) {
288  found = true;
289  decreaseMembersCount(); // TODO really decrease right now?
290  }
291  return found;
292 }
294 bool
296 {
297  bool found = false;
298  SyncSourceLink* old = NULL,
299  * s = sourceLinks[ HASH(ssrc) ];
300  while ( s != NULL ){
301  if ( s->getSource()->getID() == ssrc ) {
302  // we found it
303  if ( old )
304  old->setNextCollis(s->getNextCollis());
305  if ( s->getPrev() )
306  s->getPrev()->setNext(s->getNext());
307  if ( s->getNext() )
308  s->getNext()->setPrev(s->getPrev());
310  if ( s->getSource()->isSender() )
312  delete s;
313  found = true;
314  break;
315  } else if ( s->getSource()->getID() > ssrc ) {
316  // it wasn't here
317  break;
318  } else {
319  // keep on searching
320  old = s;
321  s = s->getNextCollis();
322  }
323  }
324  return found;
325 }
static const uint32 SEQNUMMOD
Definition: iqueue.h:855
Synchronization source in an RTP session.
Definition: sources.h:192
bool isRegistered(uint32 ssrc)
Returns whether there is already a synchronizacion source with "ssrc" SSRC identifier.
Definition: members.cpp:205
void increaseMembersCount()
Definition: iqueue.h:75
Participant objects modification methods.
Definition: iqueue.h:179
Declaration of ccRTP internal stuff.
SyncSourceLink ** sourceLinks
Definition: iqueue.h:872
members and senders accounting
Definition: iqueue.h:67
To track addresses of sources conflicting with the local one.
Definition: iqueue.h:232
void endMembers()
Purge all RTPSource structures, the hash table and the list of sources.
Definition: members.cpp:180
Struct for the sender info block in a SR (sender report) RTCP packet.
Definition: rtcppkt.h:149
SyncSourceLink * last
Definition: iqueue.h:874
static const size_t defaultMembersHashSize
Definition: iqueue.h:854
bool BYESource(uint32 ssrc)
Mark the source identified by ssrc as having sent a BYE packet.
Definition: members.cpp:282
Generic RTCP control queues.
SyncSourceLink * getSourceBySSRC(uint32 ssrc, bool &created)
Get the description of a source by its ssrc identifier.
Definition: members.cpp:226
SyncSourceLink * first
Definition: iqueue.h:874
uint32 getID() const
Definition: sources.h:257
void decreaseSendersCount()
Definition: iqueue.h:95
void decreaseMembersCount()
Definition: iqueue.h:79
#define HASH(a)
Definition: members.cpp:166
SyncSource objects modification methods.
Definition: iqueue.h:124
uint32 sourceBucketsNum
Definition: iqueue.h:871
Struct for the data contained in a receiver info block.
Definition: rtcppkt.h:108
MembershipBookkeeping(uint32 initialSize=defaultMembersHashSize)
The initial size is a hint to allocate the resources needed in order to keep the members' identifiers...
Definition: members.cpp:170
bool removeSource(uint32 ssrc)
Remove the description of the source identified by ssrc
Definition: members.cpp:295