15.1 Special Elements Information Customization

The following items are common to all the special elements:


String for special element HTML class attributes.


Direction corresponding to the special element. See Directions.


Special element heading Texinfo code.


Special element heading Texinfo tree.


Index determining the sorting order of special elements.


File string portion prepended to the special element file names, such as ‘_toc’.


A string representing the target of the special element, typically used as id attribute and in href attribute.

The heading string is set with heading, and should be a Texinfo code string. heading_tree cannot be set directly, but can be retrieved. It is determined from heading after translation and conversion to a Texinfo tree.

To set the information, use texinfo_register_special_element_info in an init file:

Function: texinfo_register_special_element_info ($item_type, $special_element_variety, $value)

Set $item_type information for the special element variety $special_element_variety to $value. $value may be ‘undef’, or an empty string, but only heading and target should be set to that value as a non-empty value is needed for the other items for formatting.

To retrieve the information for formatting, use special_element_info:

Function: $list_or_value = $converter->special_element_info ($item_type, $special_element_variety)

$item_type is the type of information to be retrieved as described above. If $special_element_variety is ‘undef’, the list of the special elements varieties with information for the $item_type is returned. If $special_element_variety is a special element variety, the corresponding value is returned.

The value returned is translated and converted to a Texinfo tree for ‘heading_tree’.