Some customization is specific for different special output units content formatting, especially when the formatting is not done in a separate output unit (see Output Units), but some customization is relevant for all the special units. The formatting of special units bodies is handled the same for all the special units, when formatted as separate units.
To specify a special unit in those contexts, the special units varieties are used, as described in Table 16.1.
Special Unit | Special Unit Variety |
Table of contents | contents |
Short table of contents | shortcontents |
Footnotes | footnotes |
About | about |
Table 16.1: Association of special elements names with their special element variety
The variety of special elements is the special unit
hash value associated with the special_unit_variety
To get information on the special output unit variety associated with
an @-command command name, use command_name_special_unit_information
($special_unit_variety, \%output_unit, $class_base, $output_unit_direction) =
$converter->command_name_special_unit_information ($command_name)
¶$command_name is an @-command name without the leading @.
If the $command_name is not associated with a special output unit, returns
. Otherwise, return the $special_unit_variety
(see Table 16.1), the \%output_unit output
unit, a $class_base string for HTML class attribute and the
$output_unit_direction direction corresponding to that special
elements (see Directions).
In the current setup, special output units are associated with @contents
and @summarycontents
and with @footnote