Source-highlight Library
srchilite Namespace Reference

C++ class: doctemplate.h. More...


class  BufferedOutput
 The main class for writing into the output. More...
class  CharTranslator
 Translates specific character sequences into corresponding ones; it can also use regular expression for the characters to be translated. More...
class  ColorMap
 Simple map for colors (maps a color constant string to the corresponding color of the output format) More...
class  CTagsCollector
 Collects the tags information generated by the ctags program for a given word. More...
class  CTagsFormatter
 Formatter for information gathered from ctags. More...
struct  CTagsFormatterResults
 Stores the result of the CTagsFormatter. More...
struct  CTagsInfo
 Information about a tag. More...
class  CTagsManager
 Takes care of running ctags and to generate a CTagsFormmatter. More...
class  DebugListener
 Implementation of highlight events that prints debug information. More...
class  DelimitedLangElem
class  DocGenerator
 Given a DocTemplate it generates the start of the document and the end, using variables such as title, file_name, header, etc. More...
class  DocTemplate
class  EventGenerator
 A generic event generator, for listeners of type EventListener and events of type EventType. More...
struct  FileInfo
 Information about the file we are processing. More...
class  Formatter
 The base abstract class for formatting strings. More...
class  FormatterFactory
 The generic abstract factory to create Formatter objects, during the parsing of style files. More...
class  FormatterManager
 Associates to an element name the corresponding formatter. More...
struct  FormatterParams
 Additional parameters that can be passed to a formatter. More...
struct  HighlightBuilderException
struct  HighlightEvent
 Event concerning an highlighting operation (e.g., formatting, entering a new state, exiting a state, etc.) More...
class  HighlightEventListener
 Base class for listeners of HighlightEvent. More...
class  HighlightRule
 Base class for highlight rules. More...
class  HighlightRuleFactory
 Abstract factory for highlighting rules. More...
class  HighlightState
 Represents a state during the highlighting (e.g., comment state, string state, etc.) More...
class  HighlightStateBuilder
 Builds an HighlightState from the language definition file collected structures. More...
class  HighlightStatePrinter
 Prints an HighlightState (and all its rules) More...
struct  HighlightToken
 Token containing information for performing the highlight. More...
class  Instances
 This class contains static and singleton instances for some utility classes for LangDefManagers, LangMap, etc. More...
struct  IOException
 Exception representing an error in an input/output operation. More...
class  LangDefManager
 Handles langdef language definition files. More...
class  LangElem
class  LangElems
 collection of LangElem objects More...
class  LangElemsPrinter
 Prints all the language elements. More...
class  LangMap
 A map stored in a file with the format key = elem. More...
class  LanguageInfer
 Tries to infer the language by inspecting the input file. More...
class  LineBuffer
 A buffer for a line to be generated. More...
class  LineNumGenerator
 Generates line numbers in the output. More...
class  LineRanges
 Functionalities for detecting whether a line is in one of the stored line ranges (or in the context of a range). More...
struct  MatchingParameters
 Structure for passing parameters to the matching algorithm, for instance, "not beginning of line", etc. More...
class  NamedSubExpsLangElem
 An element with subparts (subexpressions), each with a possible different name. More...
struct  ParserException
 Represents an exception during parsing, for instance, syntax errors. More...
struct  ParserInfo
 Stores information about the file name and the line number of a generic element created during parsing. More...
struct  ParseStruct
class  PreFormatter
 Preformats text to be generated. More...
struct  RefEntry
 internal struct to store information about references More...
class  RegexHighlightRule
 An implementation of HighlightRule using Boost regex library. More...
class  RegexPreProcessor
 preprocess a regular expression, e.g., transform "()" into "(?:)" More...
class  RegexRanges
 Stores possible separators implemented as regular expressions and provides functionalities to search for such occurrences in lines. More...
class  RegexRuleFactory
 Implementation of the abstract factory, creating highlighting rules based on boost::regex regular expressions. More...
class  Settings
 Handles the settings for source-highlight (and its library). More...
class  SourceFileHighlighter
 Highlights the contents of a file relying on a SourceHighlighter. More...
class  SourceHighlight
 The main class performing highlighting of an input file generating an output file. More...
class  SourceHighlighter
 The main class performing the highlighting of a single line. More...
class  SourceHighlightUtils
 Class with some utility static methods. More...
class  StateLangElem
 a language element that introduces a new state pattern Composite More...
class  StateStartLangElem
 A language element that may start a new state/environment. More...
class  StopWatch
 Records elapsed time. More...
class  StringDef
 represent a string for a language definition file's element More...
class  StringDefs
 A collection (list) of StringDef's. More...
class  StringListLangElem
 A language element consisting of a list of strings. More...
class  StringTable
 Stores dynamically allocated strings (used by the scanners), so that, later on, we can easily free all the memory for these strings. More...
class  StyleFileParser
 A utility class with static methods to parse style files. More...
struct  subexpressions_info
class  TextStyle
 Represents a formatting template where there can be some variables (starting with $, e.g., $style, $text, etc.) that will be replaced with specific elements, e.g., the actual style for the formatting, the text to format, etc. More...
class  TextStyleBuilder
 Given TextStyle objects build a new one, adding a starting part, and ending part, and separating them. More...
class  TextStyleFormatter
 An implementation of Formatter, based on source-highlight TextStyle. More...
class  TextStyleFormatterFactory
 Generates TextStyleFormatters based on TextStyles. More...
struct  TextStyles
 Contains TextStyle objects for all formats (e.g., bold, italics, etc), and other templates (e.g., for the document header, etc.); it also contains the color map and the char translator. More...
struct  ToLower
struct  ToUpper
class  Untabifier
 PerFormratter to convert tabs to spaces before generation. More...
class  Utils
 generic utils functions (e.g., string manipulation) More...
class  VarDefinitions
 store definitions of strings and regular expressions representing language elements More...
class  Verbosity
 Utility class to output messages in case of verbose option is requested. More...
class  Versions
 Utility functions for version numbers. More...
class  WordTokenizer
 Tokenizes a paragraph separating words from spaces. More...


typedef std::set< std::string > PostContents
 the contents to be put after a line or after the document
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< CharTranslator
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ColorMap
 shared pointer for ColorMap
typedef std::list< CTagsInfoCTagsInfos
 The collection of information about a tag.
typedef std::list< std::string > postResults
 collection of strings to be written after (post) a line or a doc
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< Formatter
 shared pointer for Formatter
typedef std::list< StyleConstantStyleConstants
 collection of StyleConstant objects
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< StyleConstants
 shared pointer for StyleConstants
 iterator for StyleConstants
typedef std::map< std::string,
 the map for formatters
typedef std::deque< std::string > ElemList
 list representing the names of parts of a program
typedef std::list< std::string > WordList
typedef std::list< std::string > ElemNameList
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< HighlightRule
 Shared pointer for HighlightRule. More...
typedef std::deque
< HighlightRulePtr
 List of rules.
typedef std::vector< std::string > ReplacementList
 the values for replacing references (it should contain 9 possibly empty elements, because 9 is usually the limit for backreferences in regular expressions)
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< HighlightState
 the reference to an HighlightState
typedef std::set< int > StateIdSet
typedef std::list< std::pair
< std::string, std::string > > 
 The matched element information by a rule. More...
typedef std::vector< std::string > MatchedSubExps
 The matched subexpressions (if the original rule had subexpressions)
typedef std::map< std::string,
 store already generated HighlightState specific to a given file name
typedef list< LangElem * > LangElemsBase
 the base class for LangElems
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< LineBuffer
 shared pointer for LineBuffer
typedef std::list< std::string > ElementNames
 collection of element names
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ParseStruct
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< PreFormatter
 shared pointer for PreFormatter
typedef std::list< std::string > subexpressions_strings
 all the marked subexpressions in a list
typedef std::pair< int, int > backreference_info
 Information about backreferences; the first elem contains the number of backreferences and the second one contains the highest backreference info.
typedef std::vector< std::string > backreference_replacements
 What to replace to backreferences in a regular expression.
typedef boost::match_results
< std::string::const_iterator > 
 The result of boost::regex_search.
typedef std::stack
< HighlightStatePtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< HighlightStateStack > 
typedef std::set< std::string > StringSet
 a set of strings
typedef std::list< StringDef * > StringDefsBase
typedef string KeyType
typedef list< KeyType > KeyList
typedef std::map< std::string,
std::string > 
 map for substitutions
typedef std::list
< TextStyleFormatter * > 
 Collection of TextStyleFormatter objects.
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< TextStyles
 shared pointer


enum  StyleConstant {
 constants indicating boldface, italics, etc. More...
enum  RangeError { NO_ERROR = 0, INVALID_RANGE_NUMBER }
 a possible error in specifying a range
enum  RangeResult { NOT_IN_RANGE = 0, CONTEXT_RANGE, IN_RANGE }
 result for a check whether a number is in a range (or in a context)
enum  RefPosition { NONE = 0, INLINE = 1, POSTLINE, POSTDOC }
 where a reference must be put More...
 an error dealing with setting configuration file
enum  load_line_ret { FOUND_EOF = 0, FOUND_NL, FOUND_END }
enum  FileHighlighterDebug { NO_DEBUG = 0, DEBUG, DEBUG_INTERACTIVE }
 debugging policy


void set_file_util_verbose (bool b)
string readFile (const string &fileName) throw (IOException)
 Reads the contents of the file into a string and returns it. More...
string createOutputFileName (const string &inputFileName, const string &outputDir, const string &ext)
 Creates the output file name as outputDir + input file name + ext. More...
unsigned int get_line_count (istream &input)
string get_file_extension (const string &filename)
FILE * open_file_stream (const string &input_file_name)
istream * open_file_istream (const string &input_file_name)
istream * open_file_istream_or_error (const string &input_file_name)
istream * _open_data_file_istream (const string &path, const string &input_file_name)
istream * open_data_file_istream (const string &path, const string &input_file_name, const string &start)
FILE * _open_data_file_stream (const string &path, const string &input_file_name)
FILE * open_data_file_stream (const string &path, const string &input_file_name, const string &start)
bool read_line (istream *in, string &line)
string get_file_path (const string &s)
bool contains_path (const string &s)
string strip_file_path (const string &s)
string get_input_file_name (const string &file_name)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const HighlightBuilderException &entry)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const IOException &entry)
LangElemsparse_lang_def ()
LangElemsparse_lang_def (const char *path, const char *name)
void open_file_to_scan (const string &path, const string &name)
void clear_langdefscanner ()
 Releases resources allocated by the scanner.
void close_langdefinputfile ()
 Closes the input file. More...
boost::regex assoc_exp ("[[:blank:]]*([^[:blank:]]+)[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*([^[:blank:]\\r]+)[[:blank:]\\r]*|([[:space:]]+)|([[:space:]]*#.*)")
 the regular expression for the map file syntax
const string guessEmacsMode (const string &modeline)
TextStylesPtr parse_outlang_def ()
TextStylesPtr parse_outlang_def (const char *path, const char *name)
void open_outlang_file_to_scan (const string &path, const string &name)
void clear_outlangdefscanner ()
 Releases resources allocated by the scanner.
void close_outlangdefinputfile ()
 Closes the input file. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ParserException &entry)
void parseStyles (const std::string &path, const std::string &name, FormatterFactory *formatterFactory, std::string &bodyBgColor)
 Parses the specified style file, and creates the corresponding formatters, using the passed FormatterFactory. More...
void parseStyles (const std::string &name, FormatterFactory *formatterFactory, std::string &bodyBgColor)
 Parses the specified style file, and creates the corresponding formatters, using the passed FormatterFactory. More...
void parseStyleError (const std::string &error)
void parseCssStyles (const std::string &path, const std::string &name, FormatterFactory *formatterFactory, std::string &bodyBgColor)
 for css style files
const boost::regex char_set_exp ("\\[([^\\|]*)\\]")
 matches character sets in a regular expression
const boost::regex from ("(\\\\\\()|(\\((?!\\?))")
 substitute a "(" with "(?:" if it's not followed by a ? and not preceeded by \ char
const boost::regex paren ("(?<!\\\\)\\((?!\\?)")
 found actual marking parenthesis, i.e., not preceeded by \ and not followed by ?
const boost::regex backreference ("(\\\\([[:digit:]]))|(\\(\\?\\(([[:digit:]]))")
 regular expression matching a backreference, e.g., \1 or inside a conditional (?(1)...)
boost::regex datadir_exp ("[[:blank:]]*(datadir)[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*\"([^[:blank:]\\r]+)\"[[:blank:]\\r]*|([[:space:]]+)|([[:space:]]*#.*)")
 the regular expression for the conf file syntax
const boost::regex tabexp ("[\\t]")
string subst (const boost::regex &e, const string &s, const string &sub)
template<class T >
const std::string toStringCollection (const T *collection, char sep= ' ')
 Converts a collection of objects with method toString into a string, using the passed separator to separate the elements. More...
template<class T >
const std::string toStringCollection (const T &collection, char sep= ' ')
 Converts a collection of objects into a string (relying on its stream representation), using the passed separator to separate the elements. More...
template<class T >
const std::string toStringOriginalCollection (const T *collection, char sep= ' ')
 Converts a collection of objects with method toStringOriginal into a string, using the passed separator to separate the elements. More...
template<class T >
const std::string collectionToString (const T *collection, char sep= ' ')
 Converts a collection of objects into a string, using the passed separator to separate the elements. More...
template<class T >
const std::string collectionRefToString (const T &collection, char sep= ' ')
 Converts a collection of objects into a string, using the passed separator to separate the elements. More...


std::string start_path
const string into = "(?1\\\\\\()(?2\\(\\?\\:)"
 substitute a "(" with "(?:" if it's not followed by a ? and not preceeded by \ char
string globalDataDir = ""
 if set (i.e., not empty), retrieveDataDir() always returns this value
const string special_char_escape = "(?1\\\\\\1)"
 ...with its escaped version
const boost::regex reference_exp ("(?<!\\\\)@\\{([[:digit:]])\\}")
 regular expression matching a reference, e.g.,digit} the $ must not be preceeded by an escape char
const boost::regex special_char ("(\\.|\\[|\\]|\\{|\\}|\\(|\\)|\\\\|\\*|\\+|\\?|\\||\\^|\\$)")
 substitute a special char (i.e., .[{()*+?|^$)...
const string _make_nonsensitive (const string &s)

Detailed Description

C++ class: doctemplate.h.

C++ class: textstyles.h.

C++ class: textstyleformatter.h.

Author: Lorenzo Bettini, (C) 2005 Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution.

C++ function: substfun.h.

Description: The template for a document containing the output of highlighting

Author: Lorenzo Bettini, (C) 2005-2007 Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution

Description: substitutes a string to a $var into a text.

Author: Lorenzo Bettini, (C) 2005 Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution

Author: Lorenzo Bettini, (C) 2005-2008 Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution

Author: Lorenzo Bettini, (C) 2005-2009 Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution

Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::shared_ptr<HighlightRule> srchilite::HighlightRulePtr

Shared pointer for HighlightRule.

We need to use shared pointers because if we need to substitute some variables in a rule, we need to create a brand new copy of it, while we keep on using the same rules that do not need substitutions. Using shared pointers will automatically keep track of those that need to be removed.

typedef std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > srchilite::MatchedElements

The matched element information by a rule.

Each element of the collection is: first = the element name, second = the actual program string

Enumeration Type Documentation

where a reference must be put


put reference inline


put all references of a line at the end of the line


put all references at the end of the document

constants indicating boldface, italics, etc.








fixed size


non fixed size


must not contain references

Function Documentation

void srchilite::close_langdefinputfile ( )

Closes the input file.

This is required only in case of errors during parsing (otherwise the file is closed automatically when the scanner reaches the end of file).

void srchilite::close_outlangdefinputfile ( )

Closes the input file.

This is required only in case of errors during parsing (otherwise the file is closed automatically when the scanner reaches the end of file).

template<class T >
const std::string srchilite::collectionRefToString ( const T &  collection,
char  sep = ' ' 

Converts a collection of objects into a string, using the passed separator to separate the elements.

template<class T >
const std::string srchilite::collectionToString ( const T *  collection,
char  sep = ' ' 

Converts a collection of objects into a string, using the passed separator to separate the elements.

string srchilite::createOutputFileName ( const string &  inputFileName,
const string &  outputDir,
const string &  ext 

Creates the output file name as outputDir + input file name + ext.

the output file (including the path)
string srchilite::get_file_extension ( const string &  filename)
returns the file extension (without the dot)
unsigned int srchilite::get_line_count ( istream &  input)
returns the number of lines of the passed input stream
void srchilite::parseStyles ( const std::string &  path,
const std::string &  name,
FormatterFactory formatterFactory,
std::string &  bodyBgColor 

Parses the specified style file, and creates the corresponding formatters, using the passed FormatterFactory.

paththe path for searching for style files
namethe style file name
bodyBgColorthe background color for the document (can be an empty string)
void srchilite::parseStyles ( const std::string &  name,
FormatterFactory formatterFactory,
std::string &  bodyBgColor 

Parses the specified style file, and creates the corresponding formatters, using the passed FormatterFactory.

(For the default searching path, it uses the hardcoded data dir).

namethe style file name
bodyBgColorthe background color for the document (output parameter)
string srchilite::readFile ( const string &  fileName)
throw (IOException

Reads the contents of the file into a string and returns it.

the contents of the file
template<class T >
const std::string srchilite::toStringCollection ( const T *  collection,
char  sep = ' ' 

Converts a collection of objects with method toString into a string, using the passed separator to separate the elements.

template<class T >
const std::string srchilite::toStringCollection ( const T &  collection,
char  sep = ' ' 

Converts a collection of objects into a string (relying on its stream representation), using the passed separator to separate the elements.

template<class T >
const std::string srchilite::toStringOriginalCollection ( const T *  collection,
char  sep = ' ' 

Converts a collection of objects with method toStringOriginal into a string, using the passed separator to separate the elements.
