libcdio 2.1.1
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
iso9660.h File Reference

The top-level interface header for libiso9660: the ISO-9660 filesystem library; applications include this. More...

#include <time.h>
#include <cdio/cdio.h>
#include <cdio/ds.h>
#include <cdio/posix.h>
#include <cdio/types.h>
#include <cdio/xa.h>
#include <cdio/rock.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  iso9660_dtime_s
 ISO-9660 shorter-format time structure. See ECMA 9.1.5. More...
struct  iso9660_ltime_s
 ISO-9660 longer-format time structure. More...
struct  iso9660_dir_s
 Format of an ISO-9660 directory record. More...
struct  iso9660_pvd_s
 ISO-9660 Primary Volume Descriptor. More...
struct  iso9660_svd_s
 ISO-9660 Supplementary Volume Descriptor. More...
struct  iso9660_stat_s
 Unix stat-like version of iso9660_dir. More...


#define EMPTY_ARRAY_SIZE   0
#define ISODCL(from, to)   ((to) - (from) + 1)
#define MIN_TRACK_SIZE   4*75
#define ISO_MAX_PUBLISHER_ID   128
 Maximum number of characters in a publisher id.
 Maximum number of characters in an application id.
#define ISO_MAX_VOLUME_ID   32
 Maximum number of characters in a volume id.
#define ISO_MAX_VOLUMESET_ID   128
 Maximum number of characters in a volume-set id.
#define ISO_STANDARD_ID   "CD001"
#define CDIO_EXTENT_BLOCKS(size)   ((size + (ISO_BLOCKSIZE - 1)) / ISO_BLOCKSIZE)
#define ISO_EXTENSION_NONE   0x00
#define iso9660_isdchar   iso9660_is_dchar
#define iso9660_isachar   iso9660_is_achar


typedef uint8_t iso711_t
 ISO 9660 Integer and Character types.
typedef int8_t iso712_t
typedef uint16_t iso721_t
typedef uint16_t iso722_t
typedef uint32_t iso723_t
typedef uint32_t iso731_t
typedef uint32_t iso732_t
typedef uint64_t iso733_t
typedef char achar_t
typedef char dchar_t
typedef enum strncpy_pad_check strncpy_pad_check_t
typedef struct iso9660_dtime_s iso9660_dtime_t
typedef struct iso9660_ltime_s iso9660_ltime_t
typedef struct iso9660_dir_s iso9660_dir_t
typedef struct iso9660_stat_s iso9660_stat_t
typedef struct iso9660_pvd_s iso9660_pvd_t
typedef struct iso9660_svd_s iso9660_svd_t
typedef CdioList_t CdioISO9660DirList_t
 A data type for a list of ISO9660 statbuf drectory pointer returned from the variious Cdio iso9660 readdir routines.
typedef uint8_t iso_extension_mask_t
typedef struct _iso9660_s iso9660_t


enum  iso_enum1_s {
enum  iso_flag_enum_s {
enum  iso_vd_enum_s {
  ISO_VD_END = 255
enum  strncpy_pad_check { ISO9660_NOCHECK = 0 , ISO9660_7BIT , ISO9660_ACHARS , ISO9660_DCHARS }
enum  iso_extension_enum_s {


bool iso9660_close (iso9660_t *p_iso)
iso9660_tiso9660_open (const char *psz_path)
iso9660_tiso9660_open_ext (const char *psz_path, iso_extension_mask_t iso_extension_mask)
iso9660_tiso9660_open_fuzzy (const char *psz_path, uint16_t i_fuzz)
iso9660_tiso9660_open_fuzzy_ext (const char *psz_path, iso_extension_mask_t iso_extension_mask, uint16_t i_fuzz)
bool iso9660_ifs_fuzzy_read_superblock (iso9660_t *p_iso, iso_extension_mask_t iso_extension_mask, uint16_t i_fuzz)
long int iso9660_iso_seek_read (const iso9660_t *p_iso, void *ptr, lsn_t start, long int i_size)
bool iso9660_fs_read_pvd (const CdIo_t *p_cdio, iso9660_pvd_t *p_pvd)
bool iso9660_ifs_read_pvd (const iso9660_t *p_iso, iso9660_pvd_t *p_pvd)
bool iso9660_fs_read_superblock (CdIo_t *p_cdio, iso_extension_mask_t iso_extension_mask)
bool iso9660_ifs_read_superblock (iso9660_t *p_iso, iso_extension_mask_t iso_extension_mask)
void iso9660_set_dtime (const struct tm *tm, iso9660_dtime_t *idr_date)
void iso9660_set_dtime_with_timezone (const struct tm *p_tm, int timezone, iso9660_dtime_t *p_idr_date)
void iso9660_set_ltime (const struct tm *_tm, iso9660_ltime_t *p_pvd_date)
void iso9660_set_ltime_with_timezone (const struct tm *_tm, int timezone, iso9660_ltime_t *p_pvd_date)
bool iso9660_get_dtime (const iso9660_dtime_t *idr_date, bool b_localtime, struct tm *p_tm)
bool iso9660_get_ltime (const iso9660_ltime_t *p_ldate, struct tm *p_tm)
bool iso9660_is_dchar (int c)
bool iso9660_is_achar (int c)
int iso9660_name_translate (const char *psz_oldname, char *psz_newname)
int iso9660_name_translate_ext (const char *psz_oldname, char *psz_newname, uint8_t i_joliet_level)
char * iso9660_strncpy_pad (char dst[], const char src[], size_t len, enum strncpy_pad_check _check)
bool iso9660_dirname_valid_p (const char psz_path[])
char * iso9660_pathname_isofy (const char psz_path[], uint16_t i_version)
bool iso9660_pathname_valid_p (const char psz_path[])
void iso9660_dir_init_new (void *dir, uint32_t self, uint32_t ssize, uint32_t parent, uint32_t psize, const time_t *dir_time)
void iso9660_dir_init_new_su (void *dir, uint32_t self, uint32_t ssize, const void *ssu_data, unsigned int ssu_size, uint32_t parent, uint32_t psize, const void *psu_data, unsigned int psu_size, const time_t *dir_time)
void iso9660_dir_add_entry_su (void *dir, const char filename[], uint32_t extent, uint32_t size, uint8_t file_flags, const void *su_data, unsigned int su_size, const time_t *entry_time)
unsigned int iso9660_dir_calc_record_size (unsigned int namelen, unsigned int su_len)
iso9660_stat_tiso9660_fs_find_lsn (CdIo_t *p_cdio, lsn_t i_lsn)
iso9660_stat_tiso9660_find_fs_lsn (CdIo_t *p_cdio, lsn_t i_lsn)
iso9660_stat_tiso9660_fs_find_lsn_with_path (CdIo_t *p_cdio, lsn_t i_lsn, char **ppsz_full_filename)
iso9660_stat_tiso9660_ifs_find_lsn (iso9660_t *p_iso, lsn_t i_lsn)
iso9660_stat_tiso9660_ifs_find_lsn_with_path (iso9660_t *p_iso, lsn_t i_lsn, char **ppsz_path)
void iso9660_stat_free (iso9660_stat_t *p_stat)
iso9660_stat_tiso9660_fs_stat (CdIo_t *p_cdio, const char psz_path[])
iso9660_stat_tiso9660_fs_stat_translate (CdIo_t *p_cdio, const char psz_path[])
iso9660_stat_tiso9660_ifs_stat (iso9660_t *p_iso, const char psz_path[])
iso9660_stat_tiso9660_ifs_stat_translate (iso9660_t *p_iso, const char psz_path[])
CdioISO9660FileList_tiso9660_filelist_new (void)
CdioISO9660DirList_tiso9660_dirlist_new (void)
void iso9660_filelist_free (CdioISO9660FileList_t *p_filelist)
void iso9660_dirlist_free (CdioISO9660DirList_t *p_filelist)
CdioList_tiso9660_fs_readdir (CdIo_t *p_cdio, const char psz_path[])
CdioList_tiso9660_ifs_readdir (iso9660_t *p_iso, const char psz_path[])
char * iso9660_get_application_id (iso9660_pvd_t *p_pvd)
bool iso9660_ifs_get_application_id (iso9660_t *p_iso, cdio_utf8_t **p_psz_app_id)
uint8_t iso9660_ifs_get_joliet_level (iso9660_t *p_iso)
uint8_t iso9660_get_dir_len (const iso9660_dir_t *p_idr)
char * iso9660_dir_to_name (const iso9660_dir_t *p_iso9660_dir)
mode_t iso9660_get_posix_filemode (const iso9660_stat_t *p_iso_dirent)
char * iso9660_get_preparer_id (const iso9660_pvd_t *p_pvd)
bool iso9660_ifs_get_preparer_id (iso9660_t *p_iso, cdio_utf8_t **p_psz_preparer_id)
char * iso9660_get_publisher_id (const iso9660_pvd_t *p_pvd)
bool iso9660_ifs_get_publisher_id (iso9660_t *p_iso, cdio_utf8_t **p_psz_publisher_id)
uint8_t iso9660_get_pvd_type (const iso9660_pvd_t *p_pvd)
const char * iso9660_get_pvd_id (const iso9660_pvd_t *p_pvd)
int iso9660_get_pvd_space_size (const iso9660_pvd_t *p_pvd)
int iso9660_get_pvd_block_size (const iso9660_pvd_t *p_pvd)
int iso9660_get_pvd_version (const iso9660_pvd_t *pvd)
char * iso9660_get_system_id (const iso9660_pvd_t *p_pvd)
bool_3way_t iso9660_have_rr (iso9660_t *p_iso, uint64_t u_file_limit)
bool iso9660_ifs_get_system_id (iso9660_t *p_iso, cdio_utf8_t **p_psz_system_id)
lsn_t iso9660_get_root_lsn (const iso9660_pvd_t *p_pvd)
char * iso9660_get_volume_id (const iso9660_pvd_t *p_pvd)
bool iso9660_ifs_get_volume_id (iso9660_t *p_iso, cdio_utf8_t **p_psz_volume_id)
char * iso9660_get_volumeset_id (const iso9660_pvd_t *p_pvd)
bool iso9660_ifs_get_volumeset_id (iso9660_t *p_iso, cdio_utf8_t **p_psz_volumeset_id)
void iso9660_pathtable_init (void *pt)
unsigned int iso9660_pathtable_get_size (const void *pt)
uint16_t iso9660_pathtable_l_add_entry (void *pt, const char name[], uint32_t extent, uint16_t parent)
uint16_t iso9660_pathtable_m_add_entry (void *pt, const char name[], uint32_t extent, uint16_t parent)
void iso9660_set_pvd (void *pd, const char volume_id[], const char application_id[], const char publisher_id[], const char preparer_id[], uint32_t iso_size, const void *root_dir, uint32_t path_table_l_extent, uint32_t path_table_m_extent, uint32_t path_table_size, const time_t *pvd_time)
void iso9660_set_evd (void *pd)
bool iso9660_ifs_is_xa (const iso9660_t *p_iso)


PRAGMA_END_PACKED typedef CdioList_t CdioISO9660FileList_t
 A data type for a list of ISO9660 statbuf file pointers returned from the various Cdio iso9660 readdir routines.
enum iso_enum1_s iso_enums1
enum iso_flag_enum_s iso_flag_enums
enum iso_vd_enum_s iso_vd_enums
const char ISO_STANDARD_ID [sizeof("CD001") -1]
PRAGMA_BEGIN_PACKED struct iso9660_dtime_s GNUC_PACKED
enum iso_extension_enum_s iso_extension_enums

Detailed Description

The top-level interface header for libiso9660: the ISO-9660 filesystem library; applications include this.

See also the ISO-9660 specification. The freely available European equivalent standard is called ECMA-119.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CDIO_EXTENT_BLOCKS (   size)    ((size + (ISO_BLOCKSIZE - 1)) / ISO_BLOCKSIZE)


#define EMPTY_ARRAY_SIZE   0

See section 7.4.1

◆ iso9660_isachar

#define iso9660_isachar   iso9660_is_achar

◆ iso9660_isdchar

#define iso9660_isdchar   iso9660_is_dchar

For compatibility with < 0.77




Definition iso9660.h:583
Definition iso9660.h:582
Definition iso9660.h:581


#define ISO_EXTENSION_NONE   0x00



Maximum number of characters in an application id.


#define ISO_MAX_PUBLISHER_ID   128

Maximum number of characters in a publisher id.

An ISO filename is: abcd.eee -> filename.ext;version#

For ISO-9660 Level 1, the maximum needed string length is:

30 chars (filename + ext)
+ 2 chars ('.' + ';')
+ 5 chars (strlen("32767"))
+ 1 null byte
= 38 chars


#define ISO_MAX_VOLUME_ID   32

Maximum number of characters in a volume id.


#define ISO_MAX_VOLUMESET_ID   128

Maximum number of characters in a volume-set id.


#define ISO_STANDARD_ID   "CD001"


#define ISODCL (   from,
)    ((to) - (from) + 1)




#define MIN_TRACK_SIZE   4*75

Typedef Documentation

◆ achar_t

typedef char achar_t

See section 7.3.3

◆ CdioISO9660DirList_t

A data type for a list of ISO9660 statbuf drectory pointer returned from the variious Cdio iso9660 readdir routines.

◆ dchar_t

typedef char dchar_t

See section 7.4.1

◆ iso711_t

typedef uint8_t iso711_t

ISO 9660 Integer and Character types.

These are described in the section 7 of the ISO 9660 (or ECMA 119) specification.

◆ iso712_t

typedef int8_t iso712_t

See section 7.1.1

◆ iso721_t

typedef uint16_t iso721_t

See section 7.1.2

◆ iso722_t

typedef uint16_t iso722_t

See section 7.2.1

◆ iso723_t

typedef uint32_t iso723_t

See section 7.2.2

◆ iso731_t

typedef uint32_t iso731_t

See section 7.2.3

◆ iso732_t

typedef uint32_t iso732_t

See section 7.3.1

◆ iso733_t

typedef uint64_t iso733_t

See section 7.3.2

◆ iso9660_dir_t

typedef struct iso9660_dir_s iso9660_dir_t

◆ iso9660_dtime_t

◆ iso9660_ltime_t

◆ iso9660_pvd_t

typedef struct iso9660_pvd_s iso9660_pvd_t

◆ iso9660_stat_t

◆ iso9660_svd_t

typedef struct iso9660_svd_s iso9660_svd_t

◆ iso9660_t

typedef struct _iso9660_s iso9660_t

This is an opaque structure.

◆ iso_extension_mask_t

typedef uint8_t iso_extension_mask_t

A mask used in iso9660_ifs_read_vd which allows what kinds of extensions we allow, eg. Joliet, Rock Ridge, etc.

◆ strncpy_pad_check_t

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ iso_enum1_s

The below isn't really an enumeration one would really use in a program; things are done this way so that in a debugger one can to refer to the enumeration value names such as in a debugger expression and get something. With the more common a #define mechanism, the name/value association is lost at run time.


Sector of Primary Volume Descriptor.


Sector of End Volume Descriptor.


Size in bytes of the filename portion + null byte.


Maximum number of characters in a system id.


Size in bytes of the filename portion + null byte.


Maximum number of characters in a preparer id.


Maximum number of characters in the entire ISO 9660 filename.


Number of bytes in an ISO 9660 block.

◆ iso_extension_enum_s

An enumeration for some of the ISO_EXTENSION_* #defines below. This isn't really an enumeration one would really use in a program it is here to be helpful in debuggers where wants just to refer to the ISO_EXTENSION_*_ names and get something.


◆ iso_flag_enum_s

An enumeration for some of the ISO_* #defines below. This isn't really an enumeration one would really use in a program it is here to be helpful in debuggers where wants just to refer to the ISO_*_ names and get something.

ISO 9660 directory flags.


Not really a flag...


Do not make existence known (hidden)


This file is a directory


This file is an associated file


Record format in extended attr. != 0


No read/execute perm. in ext. attr.


, Reserved bit 5


, Reserved bit 6


Not final entry of a mult. ext. file

◆ iso_vd_enum_s

Volume descriptor types


CD is bootable


Is in any ISO-9660


Used by Joliet, for example


Indicates a partition of a CD


◆ strncpy_pad_check


Function Documentation

◆ iso9660_close()

bool iso9660_close ( iso9660_t p_iso)

Close previously opened ISO 9660 image and free resources associated with the image. Call this when done using using an ISO 9660 image.

p_isothe ISO-9660 file image to get data from
true is unconditionally returned. If there was an error false would be returned. Resources associated with p_iso are freed.

◆ iso9660_dir_add_entry_su()

void iso9660_dir_add_entry_su ( void *  dir,
const char  filename[],
uint32_t  extent,
uint32_t  size,
uint8_t  file_flags,
const void *  su_data,
unsigned int  su_size,
const time_t *  entry_time 

◆ iso9660_dir_calc_record_size()

unsigned int iso9660_dir_calc_record_size ( unsigned int  namelen,
unsigned int  su_len 

◆ iso9660_dir_init_new()

void iso9660_dir_init_new ( void *  dir,
uint32_t  self,
uint32_t  ssize,
uint32_t  parent,
uint32_t  psize,
const time_t *  dir_time 

◆ iso9660_dir_init_new_su()

void iso9660_dir_init_new_su ( void *  dir,
uint32_t  self,
uint32_t  ssize,
const void *  ssu_data,
unsigned int  ssu_size,
uint32_t  parent,
uint32_t  psize,
const void *  psu_data,
unsigned int  psu_size,
const time_t *  dir_time 

◆ iso9660_dir_to_name()

char * iso9660_dir_to_name ( const iso9660_dir_t p_iso9660_dir)

Return the directory name stored in the iso9660_dir_t

A string is allocated: the caller must deallocate. This routine can return NULL if memory allocation fails.

◆ iso9660_dirlist_free()

void iso9660_dirlist_free ( CdioISO9660DirList_t p_filelist)

Free the passed CdioISOC9660Dirlist_t structure.

◆ iso9660_dirlist_new()

CdioISO9660DirList_t * iso9660_dirlist_new ( void  )

Create a new data structure to hold a list of ISO9660 statbuf entries for directory pointers for the files inside a directory.

allocated list. Free with iso9660_dirlist_free()

◆ iso9660_dirname_valid_p()

bool iso9660_dirname_valid_p ( const char  psz_path[])

Check that psz_path is a valid ISO-9660 directory name.

A valid directory name should not start out with a slash (/), dot (.) or null byte, should be less than 37 characters long, have no more than 8 characters in a directory component which is separated by a /, and consist of only DCHARs.

True is returned if psz_path is valid.

◆ iso9660_filelist_free()

void iso9660_filelist_free ( CdioISO9660FileList_t p_filelist)

Free the passed CdioISOC9660FileList_t structure.

◆ iso9660_filelist_new()

CdioISO9660FileList_t * iso9660_filelist_new ( void  )

Create a new data structure to hold a list of ISO9660 statbuf-entry pointers for the files inside a directory.

allocated list. Free with iso9660_filelist_free()

◆ iso9660_find_fs_lsn()

iso9660_stat_t * iso9660_find_fs_lsn ( CdIo_t p_cdio,
lsn_t  i_lsn 

◆ iso9660_fs_find_lsn()

iso9660_stat_t * iso9660_fs_find_lsn ( CdIo_t p_cdio,
lsn_t  i_lsn 

Given a directory pointer, find the filesystem entry that contains lsn and return information about it.

p_cdiothe CD object to read from
i_lsnan lsn to find
stat_t of entry if we found lsn, or NULL otherwise. Caller must free return value using iso9660_stat_free().

◆ iso9660_fs_find_lsn_with_path()

iso9660_stat_t * iso9660_fs_find_lsn_with_path ( CdIo_t p_cdio,
lsn_t  i_lsn,
char **  ppsz_full_filename 

Given a directory pointer, find the filesystem entry that contains LSN and return information about it.

p_cdiothe ISO-9660 file image to get data from.
i_lsnthe LSN to find
ppsz_full_filenamethe place to store the name of the path that has LSN. On entry this should point to NULL. If not, the value will be freed. On exit a value is malloc'd and the caller is responsible for freeing the result.
stat_t of entry if we found lsn, or NULL otherwise. Caller must free return value using iso9660_stat_free().

◆ iso9660_fs_read_pvd()

bool iso9660_fs_read_pvd ( const CdIo_t p_cdio,
iso9660_pvd_t p_pvd 

Read the Primary Volume Descriptor for a CD. True is returned if read, and false if there was an error.

◆ iso9660_fs_read_superblock()

bool iso9660_fs_read_superblock ( CdIo_t p_cdio,
iso_extension_mask_t  iso_extension_mask 

Read the Super block of an ISO 9660 image. This is the Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD) and perhaps a Supplemental Volume Descriptor if (Joliet) extensions are acceptable.

◆ iso9660_fs_readdir()

CdioList_t * iso9660_fs_readdir ( CdIo_t p_cdio,
const char  psz_path[] 

Read psz_path (a directory) and return a list of iso9660_stat_t pointers for the files inside that directory.

p_cdiothe CD object to read from
psz_pathpath the read the directory from.
file status for psz_path. The caller must free the The caller must free the returned result using iso9660_stat_free().

◆ iso9660_fs_stat()

iso9660_stat_t * iso9660_fs_stat ( CdIo_t p_cdio,
const char  psz_path[] 

Return file status for psz_path. NULL is returned on error.

p_cdiothe CD object to read from
psz_pathfilename path to look up and get information about
ISO 9660 file information. The caller must free the returned result using iso9660_stat_free().

Important note:

You make get different results looking up "/" versus "/." and the latter may give more complete information. "/" will take information from the PVD only, whereas "/." will force a directory read of "/" and find "." and in that Rock-Ridge information might be found which fills in more stat information. Ideally iso9660_fs_stat should be fixed. Patches anyone?

◆ iso9660_fs_stat_translate()

iso9660_stat_t * iso9660_fs_stat_translate ( CdIo_t p_cdio,
const char  psz_path[] 

Return file status for path name psz_path. NULL is returned on error. pathname version numbers in the ISO 9660 name are dropped, i.e. ;1 is removed and if level 1 ISO-9660 names are lowercased.

p_cdiothe CD object to read from
psz_pathfilename path to look up and get information about
ISO 9660 file information. The caller must free the returned result using iso9660_stat_free().

◆ iso9660_get_application_id()

char * iso9660_get_application_id ( iso9660_pvd_t p_pvd)

Return the PVD's application ID.

p_pvdthe PVD to get data from
the application id. NULL is returned if there is some problem in getting this. The caller must free the resturned result using free() if not null.

◆ iso9660_get_dir_len()

uint8_t iso9660_get_dir_len ( const iso9660_dir_t p_idr)

◆ iso9660_get_dtime()

bool iso9660_get_dtime ( const iso9660_dtime_t idr_date,
bool  b_localtime,
struct tm *  p_tm 

Get Unix time structure from format use in an ISO 9660 directory index record. Even though tm_wday and tm_yday fields are not explicitly in idr_date, they are calculated from the other fields.

If tm is to reflect the localtime, set "b_localtime" true, otherwise tm will reported in GMT.

◆ iso9660_get_ltime()

bool iso9660_get_ltime ( const iso9660_ltime_t p_ldate,
struct tm *  p_tm 

Get "long" time in format used in ISO 9660 primary volume descriptor from a Unix time structure.

◆ iso9660_get_posix_filemode()

mode_t iso9660_get_posix_filemode ( const iso9660_stat_t p_iso_dirent)

Returns a POSIX mode for a given p_iso_dirent.

◆ iso9660_get_preparer_id()

char * iso9660_get_preparer_id ( const iso9660_pvd_t p_pvd)

Return a string containing the preparer id with trailing blanks removed.

◆ iso9660_get_publisher_id()

char * iso9660_get_publisher_id ( const iso9660_pvd_t p_pvd)

Return a string containing the PVD's publisher id with trailing blanks removed.

◆ iso9660_get_pvd_block_size()

int iso9660_get_pvd_block_size ( const iso9660_pvd_t p_pvd)

◆ iso9660_get_pvd_id()

const char * iso9660_get_pvd_id ( const iso9660_pvd_t p_pvd)

◆ iso9660_get_pvd_space_size()

int iso9660_get_pvd_space_size ( const iso9660_pvd_t p_pvd)

◆ iso9660_get_pvd_type()

uint8_t iso9660_get_pvd_type ( const iso9660_pvd_t p_pvd)

◆ iso9660_get_pvd_version()

int iso9660_get_pvd_version ( const iso9660_pvd_t pvd)

Return the primary volume id version number (of pvd). If there is an error 0 is returned.

◆ iso9660_get_root_lsn()

lsn_t iso9660_get_root_lsn ( const iso9660_pvd_t p_pvd)

Return the LSN of the root directory for pvd. If there is an error CDIO_INVALID_LSN is returned.

◆ iso9660_get_system_id()

char * iso9660_get_system_id ( const iso9660_pvd_t p_pvd)

Return a string containing the PVD's system id with trailing blanks removed.

◆ iso9660_get_volume_id()

char * iso9660_get_volume_id ( const iso9660_pvd_t p_pvd)

Get the volume ID in the PVD. psz_volume_id is set to NULL if there is some problem in getting this and false is returned.

◆ iso9660_get_volumeset_id()

char * iso9660_get_volumeset_id ( const iso9660_pvd_t p_pvd)

Return the volumeset ID in the PVD. NULL is returned if there is some problem in getting this.

◆ iso9660_have_rr()

bool_3way_t iso9660_have_rr ( iso9660_t p_iso,
uint64_t  u_file_limit 

Return "yup" if any file has Rock-Ridge extensions. Warning: this can be time consuming. On an ISO 9600 image with lots of files but no Rock-Ridge extensions, the entire directory structure will be scanned up to u_file_limit.

p_isothe ISO-9660 file image to get data from
u_file_limitthe maximum number of (non-rock-ridge) files to consider before giving up and returning "dunno".

"dunno" can also be returned if there was some error encountered such as not being able to allocate memory in processing.

◆ iso9660_ifs_find_lsn()

iso9660_stat_t * iso9660_ifs_find_lsn ( iso9660_t p_iso,
lsn_t  i_lsn 

Given a directory pointer, find the filesystem entry that contains lsn and return information about it.

p_isothe ISO-9660 file image to get data from.
i_lsnthe LSN to find
stat_t of entry if we found lsn, or NULL otherwise. Caller must free return value using iso9660_stat_free().

◆ iso9660_ifs_find_lsn_with_path()

iso9660_stat_t * iso9660_ifs_find_lsn_with_path ( iso9660_t p_iso,
lsn_t  i_lsn,
char **  ppsz_path 

Given a directory pointer, find the filesystem entry that contains lsn and return information about it.

p_isopointer to iso_t
i_lsnLSN to find
ppsz_pathfull path of lsn filename. On entry *ppsz_path should be NULL. On return it will be allocated an point to the full path of the file at lsn or NULL if the lsn is not found. You should deallocate ppsz_path when you are done using it.
stat_t of entry if we found lsn, or NULL otherwise. Caller must free return value using iso9660_stat_free().

◆ iso9660_ifs_fuzzy_read_superblock()

bool iso9660_ifs_fuzzy_read_superblock ( iso9660_t p_iso,
iso_extension_mask_t  iso_extension_mask,
uint16_t  i_fuzz 

Read the Super block of an ISO 9660 image but determine framesize and datastart and a possible additional offset. Generally here we are not reading an ISO 9660 image but a CD-Image which contains an ISO 9660 filesystem.

◆ iso9660_ifs_get_application_id()

bool iso9660_ifs_get_application_id ( iso9660_t p_iso,
cdio_utf8_t **  p_psz_app_id 

Return the PVD's application ID.

p_isothe ISO-9660 file image to get data from
p_psz_app_idthe application id set on success.

NULL is returned if there is some problem in getting this. The caller must free the resturned result using free() if not null.

◆ iso9660_ifs_get_joliet_level()

uint8_t iso9660_ifs_get_joliet_level ( iso9660_t p_iso)

Return the Joliet level recognized for p_iso.

◆ iso9660_ifs_get_preparer_id()

bool iso9660_ifs_get_preparer_id ( iso9660_t p_iso,
cdio_utf8_t **  p_psz_preparer_id 

Get the preparer ID. psz_preparer_id is set to NULL if there is some problem in getting this and false is returned.

◆ iso9660_ifs_get_publisher_id()

bool iso9660_ifs_get_publisher_id ( iso9660_t p_iso,
cdio_utf8_t **  p_psz_publisher_id 

Get the publisher ID. psz_publisher_id is set to NULL if there is some problem in getting this and false is returned.

◆ iso9660_ifs_get_system_id()

bool iso9660_ifs_get_system_id ( iso9660_t p_iso,
cdio_utf8_t **  p_psz_system_id 

Get the system ID. psz_system_id is set to NULL if there is some problem in getting this and false is returned.

◆ iso9660_ifs_get_volume_id()

bool iso9660_ifs_get_volume_id ( iso9660_t p_iso,
cdio_utf8_t **  p_psz_volume_id 

Get the volume ID in the PVD. psz_volume_id is set to NULL if there is some problem in getting this and false is returned.

◆ iso9660_ifs_get_volumeset_id()

bool iso9660_ifs_get_volumeset_id ( iso9660_t p_iso,
cdio_utf8_t **  p_psz_volumeset_id 

Get the volumeset ID. psz_systemset_id is set to NULL if there is some problem in getting this and false is returned.

◆ iso9660_ifs_is_xa()

bool iso9660_ifs_is_xa ( const iso9660_t p_iso)

Return true if ISO 9660 image has extended attributes (XA).

◆ iso9660_ifs_read_pvd()

bool iso9660_ifs_read_pvd ( const iso9660_t p_iso,
iso9660_pvd_t p_pvd 

Read the Primary Volume Descriptor for an ISO 9660 image. True is returned if read, and false if there was an error.

◆ iso9660_ifs_read_superblock()

bool iso9660_ifs_read_superblock ( iso9660_t p_iso,
iso_extension_mask_t  iso_extension_mask 

Read the Super block of an ISO 9660 image. This is the Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD) and perhaps a Supplemental Volume Descriptor if (Joliet) extensions are acceptable.

◆ iso9660_ifs_readdir()

CdioList_t * iso9660_ifs_readdir ( iso9660_t p_iso,
const char  psz_path[] 

Read psz_path (a directory) and return a list of iso9660_stat_t pointers for the files inside that directory.

p_isothe ISO-9660 file image to get data from
psz_pathpath the read the directory from.
file status for psz_path. The caller must free the The caller must free the returned result using iso9660_stat_free().

◆ iso9660_ifs_stat()

iso9660_stat_t * iso9660_ifs_stat ( iso9660_t p_iso,
const char  psz_path[] 
p_isothe ISO-9660 file image to get data from
psz_pathpath the look up
file status for pathname. NULL is returned on error. The caller must free the returned result using iso9660_stat_free().

◆ iso9660_ifs_stat_translate()

iso9660_stat_t * iso9660_ifs_stat_translate ( iso9660_t p_iso,
const char  psz_path[] 
p_isothe ISO-9660 file image to get data from
psz_pathfilename path translate
file status for path name psz_path. NULL is returned on error. pathname version numbers in the ISO 9660 name are dropped, i.e. ;1 is removed and if level 1 ISO-9660 names are lowercased. The caller must free the returned result using iso9660_stat_free().

◆ iso9660_is_achar()

bool iso9660_is_achar ( int  c)

Return true if c is an ACHAR - These are the DCHAR's plus some ASCII symbols including the space symbol.

◆ iso9660_is_dchar()

bool iso9660_is_dchar ( int  c)

Return true if c is a DCHAR - a character that can appear in an an ISO-9600 level 1 directory name. These are the ASCII capital letters A-Z, the digits 0-9 and an underscore.

◆ iso9660_iso_seek_read()

long int iso9660_iso_seek_read ( const iso9660_t p_iso,
void *  ptr,
lsn_t  start,
long int  i_size 

Seek to a position and then read i_size blocks.

p_isothe ISO-9660 file image to get data from
ptrplace to put returned data. It should be able to store a least i_size bytes
startlocation to start reading from
i_sizenumber of blocks to read. Each block is ISO_BLOCKSIZE bytes long.
number of bytes (not blocks) read

◆ iso9660_name_translate()

int iso9660_name_translate ( const char *  psz_oldname,
char *  psz_newname 

Convert an ISO-9660 file name which is in the format usually stored in a ISO 9660 directory entry into what's usually listed as the file name in a listing. Lowercase name, and remove trailing ;1's or .;1's and turn the other ;'s into version numbers.

psz_oldnamethe ISO-9660 filename to be translated.
psz_newnamereturned string. The caller allocates this and it should be at least the size of psz_oldname.
length of the translated string is returned.

◆ iso9660_name_translate_ext()

int iso9660_name_translate_ext ( const char *  psz_oldname,
char *  psz_newname,
uint8_t  i_joliet_level 

Convert an ISO-9660 file name which is in the format usually stored in a ISO 9660 directory entry into what's usually listed as the file name in a listing. Lowercase name if no Joliet Extension interpretation. Remove trailing ;1's or .;1's and turn the other ;'s into version numbers.

psz_oldnamethe ISO-9660 filename to be translated.
psz_newnamereturned string. The caller allocates this and it should be at least the size of psz_oldname.
i_joliet_level0 if not using Joliet Extension. Otherwise the Joliet level.
length of the translated string is returned. It will be no greater than the length of psz_oldname.

◆ iso9660_open()

iso9660_t * iso9660_open ( const char *  psz_path)

Open an ISO 9660 image for reading. Maybe in the future we will have a mode. NULL is returned on error.

psz_pathfull path of ISO9660 file.
a IS9660 structure is unconditionally returned. The caller should call iso9660_close() when done.

◆ iso9660_open_ext()

iso9660_t * iso9660_open_ext ( const char *  psz_path,
iso_extension_mask_t  iso_extension_mask 

Open an ISO 9660 image for reading allowing various ISO 9660 extensions. Maybe in the future we will have a mode. NULL is returned on error.

See also

◆ iso9660_open_fuzzy()

iso9660_t * iso9660_open_fuzzy ( const char *  psz_path,
uint16_t  i_fuzz 

Open an ISO 9660 image for "fuzzy" reading. This means that we will try to guess various internal offset based on internal checks. This may be useful when trying to read an ISO 9660 image contained in a file format that libiso9660 doesn't know natively (or knows imperfectly.)

Some tolerance allowed for positioning the ISO 9660 image. We scan for STANDARD_ID and use that to set the eventual offset to adjust by (as long as that is <= i_fuzz).

Maybe in the future we will have a mode. NULL is returned on error.

See also

◆ iso9660_open_fuzzy_ext()

iso9660_t * iso9660_open_fuzzy_ext ( const char *  psz_path,
iso_extension_mask_t  iso_extension_mask,
uint16_t  i_fuzz 

Open an ISO 9660 image for reading with some tolerance for positioning of the ISO9660 image. We scan for ISO_STANDARD_ID and use that to set the eventual offset to adjust by (as long as that is <= i_fuzz).

Maybe in the future we will have a mode. NULL is returned on error.

See also

◆ iso9660_pathname_isofy()

char * iso9660_pathname_isofy ( const char  psz_path[],
uint16_t  i_version 

Take psz_path and a version number and turn that into a ISO-9660 pathname. (That's just the pathname followed by ";" and the version number. For example, mydir/file.ext -> MYDIR/FILE.EXT;1 for version

  1. The resulting ISO-9660 pathname is returned.

◆ iso9660_pathname_valid_p()

bool iso9660_pathname_valid_p ( const char  psz_path[])

Check that psz_path is a valid ISO-9660 pathname.

A valid pathname contains a valid directory name, if one appears and the filename portion should be no more than 8 characters for the file prefix and 3 characters in the extension (or portion after a dot). There should be exactly one dot somewhere in the filename portion and the filename should be composed of only DCHARs.

True is returned if psz_path is valid.

◆ iso9660_pathtable_get_size()

unsigned int iso9660_pathtable_get_size ( const void *  pt)

◆ iso9660_pathtable_init()

void iso9660_pathtable_init ( void *  pt)

Zero's out pathable. Do this first.

◆ iso9660_pathtable_l_add_entry()

uint16_t iso9660_pathtable_l_add_entry ( void *  pt,
const char  name[],
uint32_t  extent,
uint16_t  parent 

◆ iso9660_pathtable_m_add_entry()

uint16_t iso9660_pathtable_m_add_entry ( void *  pt,
const char  name[],
uint32_t  extent,
uint16_t  parent 

◆ iso9660_set_dtime()

void iso9660_set_dtime ( const struct tm *  tm,
iso9660_dtime_t idr_date 

Set time in format used in ISO 9660 directory index record from a Unix time structure.

◆ iso9660_set_dtime_with_timezone()

void iso9660_set_dtime_with_timezone ( const struct tm *  p_tm,
int  timezone,
iso9660_dtime_t p_idr_date 

Set time in format used in ISO 9660 directory index record from a Unix time structure. timezone is given as an offset correction in minutes.

◆ iso9660_set_evd()

void iso9660_set_evd ( void *  pd)

◆ iso9660_set_ltime()

void iso9660_set_ltime ( const struct tm *  _tm,
iso9660_ltime_t p_pvd_date 

Set "long" time in format used in ISO 9660 primary volume descriptor from a Unix time structure.

◆ iso9660_set_ltime_with_timezone()

void iso9660_set_ltime_with_timezone ( const struct tm *  _tm,
int  timezone,
iso9660_ltime_t p_pvd_date 

Set "long" time in format used in ISO 9660 primary volume descriptor from a Unix time structure.

◆ iso9660_set_pvd()

void iso9660_set_pvd ( void *  pd,
const char  volume_id[],
const char  application_id[],
const char  publisher_id[],
const char  preparer_id[],
uint32_t  iso_size,
const void *  root_dir,
uint32_t  path_table_l_extent,
uint32_t  path_table_m_extent,
uint32_t  path_table_size,
const time_t *  pvd_time 


Volume Descriptors

◆ iso9660_stat_free()

void iso9660_stat_free ( iso9660_stat_t p_stat)

Free the passed iso9660_stat_t structure.

p_statiso9660 stat buffer to free.

◆ iso9660_strncpy_pad()

char * iso9660_strncpy_pad ( char  dst[],
const char  src[],
size_t  len,
enum strncpy_pad_check  _check 

Pad string src with spaces to size len and copy this to dst. If len is less than the length of src, dst will be truncated to the first len characters of src.

src can also be scanned to see if it contains only ACHARs, DCHARs, 7-bit ASCII chars depending on the enumeration _check.

In addition to getting changed, dst is the return value. Note: this string might not be NULL terminated.

Variable Documentation

◆ CdioISO9660FileList_t

PRAGMA_END_PACKED typedef CdioList_t CdioISO9660FileList_t

A data type for a list of ISO9660 statbuf file pointers returned from the various Cdio iso9660 readdir routines.


struct iso9660_svd_s GNUC_PACKED

◆ iso_enums1

enum iso_enum1_s iso_enums1

◆ iso_extension_enums

enum iso_extension_enum_s iso_extension_enums

◆ iso_flag_enums

enum iso_flag_enum_s iso_flag_enums


const char ISO_STANDARD_ID[sizeof("CD001") -1]

String inside frame which identifies an ISO 9660 filesystem. This string is the "id" field of an iso9660_pvd_t or an iso9660_svd_t.

◆ iso_vd_enums

enum iso_vd_enum_s iso_vd_enums