Sys::Stop class reference
[Core module]


#include <Goptical/Sys/Stop>

namespace Goptical {
namespace Sys {
class Stop;

This class is a member of the Sys namespace.









This class implements an aperture stop surface.

This surface will block all rays which fall outside the surface shape and inside the external radius. (All rays which pass at a distance from the axis greater than the external radius are not affected.)

Rays which fall inside the surface shape may either be intercepted and reemited or unaffected. Rays are always intercepted in sequential raytrace mode. In non-sequential mode this can be changed with set_intercept_reemit; default is disabled.


See also the full member list section for this class.

Inherited members  


Members detail  

Stop(const Math::VectorPair3 &p, const const_ref<Shape::Base> &shape)  

Create an aperture stop surface. External radius is set to twice the shape max radius.

Stop(const Math::VectorPair3 &p, double radius)  

Create a circular aperture stop surface with given radius. External radius is set to twice the shape max radius.

double get_external_radius() const  

Get stop external radius. .

See also set_external_radius function and Stop class.

bool get_intercept_reemit() const  

Get intercept and reemit enabled. .

See also set_intercept_reemit function and Stop class.

void set_external_radius(double external_radius)  

Set stop external radius. .

See also get_external_radius function and Stop class.

void set_intercept_reemit(bool intercept_reemit)  

Set intercept and reemit enabled. .

See also get_intercept_reemit function and Stop class.

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