Light::SpectralLine class reference
[Core module]


#include <Goptical/Light/SpectralLine>

namespace Goptical {
namespace Light {
class SpectralLine;

This class is a member of the Light namespace.


This class can be used to describe a spectral line. It contains constants for wave length of standard rays


See also the full member list section for this class.


Static function  


  • static const double C
  • static const double C_
  • static const double D
  • static const double F
  • static const double F_
  • static const double blue
  • static const double d
  • static const double e
  • static const double g
  • static const double green
  • static const double h
  • static const double i
  • static const double r
  • static const double red
  • static const double s
  • static const double t

Members detail  

SpectralLine(double wavelen, double intensity = 1.0)  

Create a spectral line with specified wavelen and intensity.

static const double C  

red hydrogen line at 656.2725nm

static const double C_  

red cadmium line at 643.8469nm

static const double D  

yellow sodium line at 589.2938nm

static const double F  

blue hydrogen line at 486.1327nm

static const double F_  

blue cadmium line at 479.9914nm

static const double blue  

blue colored line at 440nm

static const double d  

yellow helium line at 587.5618nm

static const double e  

green mercury line at 546.074nm

static const double g  

blue mercury line at 435.8343nm

Io::Rgb get_color() const  

get rgb color associated spectral line, ignore intensity

double get_intensity() const  

get spectral line intensity

double get_wavelen() const  

get spectral line wavelen

static Io::Rgb get_wavelen_color(double wl)  

get rgb color associated with wavelen

static const double green  

green colored line at 510nm

static const double h  

violet mercury line at 404.6561nm

static const double i  

ultraviolet mercury line at 365.0146nm

static const double r  

red helium line at 706.5188nm

static const double red  

red colored line at 645nm

static const double s  

infrared cesium line at 852.11nm

static const double t  

infrared mercury line at 1013.98nm

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