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Uses of Interface

Packages that use IBlockCipher
gnu.crypto.cipher Provides a basic API for using symetric-key block cipher algorithms.  
gnu.crypto.mode Provides a basic API for using block cipher Modes of Operation.  

Uses of IBlockCipher in gnu.crypto.cipher

Classes in gnu.crypto.cipher that implement IBlockCipher
 class Anubis
          Anubis is a 128-bit block cipher that accepts a variable-length key.
 class BaseCipher
          A basic abstract class to facilitate implementing symmetric key block ciphers.
 class Blowfish
          Blowfish is a 16-round, 64-bit Feistel cipher designed by Bruce Schneier.
 class Cast5
          An implmenetation of the CAST5 (a.k.a.
 class DES
          The Data Encryption Standard.
 class Khazad
          Khazad is a 64-bit (legacy-level) block cipher that accepts a 128-bit key.
 class NullCipher
          The implementation of a Null block cipher.
 class Rijndael
          Rijndael --pronounced Reindaal-- is the AES.
 class Serpent
          Serpent is a 32-round substitution-permutation network block cipher, operating on 128-bit blocks and accepting keys of 128, 192, and 256 bits in length.
 class Square
          Square is a 128-bit key, 128-bit block cipher algorithm developed by Joan Daemen, Lars Knudsen and Vincent Rijmen.
 class TripleDES
          Triple-DES, 3DES, or DESede is a combined cipher that uses three iterations of the Data Encryption Standard cipher to improve the security (at the cost of speed) of plain DES.
 class Twofish
          Twofish is a balanced 128-bit Feistel cipher, consisting of 16 rounds.

Methods in gnu.crypto.cipher that return IBlockCipher
static IBlockCipher CipherFactory.getInstance(java.lang.String name)
          Returns an instance of a block cipher given its name.

Uses of IBlockCipher in gnu.crypto.jce.cipher

Fields in gnu.crypto.jce.cipher declared as IBlockCipher
protected  IBlockCipher CipherAdapter.cipher
          Our cipher instance.

Uses of IBlockCipher in gnu.crypto.mode

Subinterfaces of IBlockCipher in gnu.crypto.mode
 interface IMode
          The basic visible methods of any block cipher mode.

Classes in gnu.crypto.mode that implement IBlockCipher
 class BaseMode
          A basic abstract class to facilitate implementing block cipher modes of operations.
 class CBC
          The Cipher Block Chaining mode.
 class CFB
          The cipher feedback mode.
 class CTR
          The implementation of the Counter Mode.
 class ECB
          The implementation of the Electronic Codebook mode.
 class ICM
          An implementation of David McGrew Integer Counter Mode (ICM) as an IMode.
 class OFB
          The Output Feedback (OFB) mode is a confidentiality mode that requires a unique IV for every message that is ever encrypted under the given key.

Fields in gnu.crypto.mode declared as IBlockCipher
protected  IBlockCipher BaseMode.cipher
          The underlying block cipher implementation.

Methods in gnu.crypto.mode with parameters of type IBlockCipher
static IMode ModeFactory.getInstance(java.lang.String mode, IBlockCipher cipher, int cipherBlockSize)

Constructors in gnu.crypto.mode with parameters of type IBlockCipher
CFB(IBlockCipher underlyingCipher, int cipherBlockSize)
          Package-private constructor for the factory class.
CBC(IBlockCipher underlyingCipher, int cipherBlockSize)
          Package-private constructor for the factory class.
OFB(IBlockCipher underlyingCipher, int cipherBlockSize)
          Trivial package-private constructor for use by the Factory class.
ICM(IBlockCipher underlyingCipher, int cipherBlockSize)
          Trivial package-private constructor for use by the Factory class.
ECB(IBlockCipher underlyingCipher, int cipherBlockSize)
          Trivial package-private constructor for use by the Factory class.
CTR(IBlockCipher underlyingCipher, int cipherBlockSize)
          Trivial package-private constructor for use by the Factory class.
BaseMode(java.lang.String name, IBlockCipher underlyingCipher, int cipherBlockSize)
          Trivial constructor for use by concrete subclasses.

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