Next: Defining Minor Modes, Previous: Conventions for Writing Minor Modes, Up: Minor Modes [Contents][Index]
Each minor mode can have its own keymap, which is active when the mode
is enabled. To set up a keymap for a minor mode, add an element to the
alist minor-mode-map-alist
. See Definition of minor-mode-map-alist.
One use of minor mode keymaps is to modify the behavior of certain
self-inserting characters so that they do something else as well as
self-insert. (Another way to customize self-insert-command
through post-self-insert-hook
, see User-Level Insertion Commands. Apart from this, the facilities for customizing
are limited to special cases, designed for
abbrevs and Auto Fill mode. Do not try substituting your own
definition of self-insert-command
for the standard one. The
editor command loop handles this function specially.)
Minor modes may bind commands to key sequences consisting of C-c followed by a punctuation character. However, sequences consisting of C-c followed by one of {}<>:;, or a control character or digit, are reserved for major modes. Also, C-c letter is reserved for users. See Key Binding Conventions.