Next: Key Lookup, Previous: Searching the Active Keymaps, Up: Keymaps [Contents][Index]
This variable contains the default global keymap that maps Emacs
keyboard input to commands. The global keymap is normally this
keymap. The default global keymap is a full keymap that binds
to all of the printing characters.
It is normal practice to change the bindings in the global keymap, but you should not assign this variable any value other than the keymap it starts out with.
This function returns the current global keymap. This is the same as
the value of global-map
unless you change one or the other.
The return value is a reference, not a copy; if you use
or other functions on it you will alter global
(current-global-map) ⇒ (keymap [set-mark-command beginning-of-line … delete-backward-char])
This function returns the current buffer’s local keymap, or nil
if it has none. In the following example, the keymap for the
*scratch* buffer (using Lisp Interaction mode) is a sparse keymap
in which the entry for ESC, ASCII code 27, is another sparse
(current-local-map) ⇒ (keymap (10 . eval-print-last-sexp) (9 . lisp-indent-line) (127 . backward-delete-char-untabify)
(27 keymap (24 . eval-defun) (17 . indent-sexp)))
returns a reference to the local keymap, not
a copy of it; if you use keymap-set
or other functions on it
you will alter local bindings.
This function returns a list of the keymaps of currently enabled minor modes.
This function makes keymap the new current global keymap. It
returns nil
It is very unusual to change the global keymap.
This function makes keymap the new local keymap of the current
buffer. If keymap is nil
, then the buffer has no local
keymap. use-local-map
returns nil
. Most major mode
commands use this function.
This variable is an alist describing keymaps that may or may not be active according to the values of certain variables. Its elements look like this:
(variable . keymap)
The keymap keymap is active whenever variable has a
value. Typically variable is the variable that
enables or disables a minor mode. See Keymaps and Minor Modes.
Note that elements of minor-mode-map-alist
do not have the same
structure as elements of minor-mode-alist
. The map must be the
CDR of the element; a list with the map as the second element will
not do. The CDR can be either a keymap (a list) or a symbol whose
function definition is a keymap.
When more than one minor mode keymap is active, the earlier one in
takes priority. But you should design
minor modes so that they don’t interfere with each other. If you do
this properly, the order will not matter.
See Keymaps and Minor Modes, for more information about minor
modes. See also minor-mode-key-binding
(see Functions for Key Lookup).
This variable allows major modes to override the key bindings for
particular minor modes. The elements of this alist look like the
elements of minor-mode-map-alist
: (variable
. keymap)
If a variable appears as an element of
, the map specified by that
element totally replaces any map specified for the same variable in
is automatically buffer-local in
all buffers.
If non-nil
, this variable holds a keymap to use instead of the
buffer’s local keymap, any text property or overlay keymaps, and any
minor mode keymaps. This keymap, if specified, overrides all other
maps that would have been active, except for the current global map.
If non-nil
, this variable holds a keymap to use instead of
, the buffer’s local keymap, text property
or overlay keymaps, and all the minor mode keymaps.
This variable is always local to the current terminal and cannot be buffer-local. See Multiple Terminals. It is used to implement incremental search mode.
If this variable is non-nil
, the value of
or overriding-terminal-local-map
affect the display of the menu bar. The default value is nil
, so
those map variables have no effect on the menu bar.
Note that these two map variables do affect the execution of key sequences entered using the menu bar, even if they do not affect the menu bar display. So if a menu bar key sequence comes in, you should clear the variables before looking up and executing that key sequence. Modes that use the variables would typically do this anyway; normally they respond to events that they do not handle by “unreading” them and exiting.
This variable holds a keymap for special events. If an event type has a
binding in this keymap, then it is special, and the binding for the
event is run directly by read-event
. See Special Events.
This variable holds a list of keymap alists to use for emulation
modes. It is intended for modes or packages using multiple minor-mode
keymaps. Each element is a keymap alist which has the same format and
meaning as minor-mode-map-alist
, or a symbol with a variable
binding which is such an alist. The active keymaps in each alist
are used before minor-mode-map-alist
This function adds keymap as a transient keymap, which takes precedence over other keymaps for one (or more) subsequent keys.
Normally, keymap is used just once, to look up the very next key.
If the optional argument keep-pred is t
, the map stays
active as long as the user types keys defined in keymap; when the
user types a key that is not in keymap, the transient keymap is
deactivated and normal key lookup continues for that key.
The keep-pred argument can also be a function. In that case, the
function is called with no arguments, prior to running each command,
while keymap is active; it should return non-nil
keymap should stay active.
The optional argument on-exit, if non-nil
, specifies a
function that is called, with no arguments, after keymap is
The optional argument message specifies the message to display
after activating the transient map. If message is a string, it
is the format string for the message, and any ‘%k’ specifier in
that string is replaced with the list of keys from the transient map.
Any other non-nil
value of message stands for the default
message format ‘Repeat with %k’.
If the optional argument timeout is non-nil
, it should be
a number that specifies how many seconds of idle time to wait before
deactivating keymap. The value of the variable
, if non-nil
, overrides the
value of this argument.
This function works by adding and removing keymap from the
variable overriding-terminal-local-map
, which takes precedence
over all other active keymaps (see Searching the Active Keymaps).
Next: Key Lookup, Previous: Searching the Active Keymaps, Up: Keymaps [Contents][Index]