"EntityReference" implementation (reference to parsed entity).
This is a non-core DOM class, supporting the "XML" feature.
It does not represent builtin entities (such as "&")
or character references, which are always directly expanded in
DOM trees.
Note that while the DOM specification permits these nodes to have
a readonly set of children, this is not required. Similarly, it does
not require a DOM to couple EntityReference nodes with any Entity nodes
that have the same entity name (and equivalent children). It also
effectively guarantees that references created directly or indirectly
through the
Document.ImportNode method will not have children.
The level of functionality you may get is extremely variable.
Also significant is that even at their most functional level, the fact
that EntityReference children must be readonly has caused significant
problems when modifying work products held in DOM trees. Other problems
include issues related to undeclared namespace prefixes (and references
to the current default namespace) that may be found in the text of such
parsed entities nodes. These must be contextually bound as part of DOM
tree construction. When such nodes are moved, the namespace associated
with a given prefix (or default) may change to be in conflict with the
namespace bound to the node at creation time.
In short,
avoid using this DOM functionality.