GNU Scientific Library -- Design document

Mark Galassi
James Theiler
Brian Gough


There is a need for scientists and engineers to have a numerical library that:

There are strengths and weaknesses with existing libraries:

Netlib ( is probably the most advanced set of numerical algorithms available on the net, maintained by AT&T. Unfortunately most of the software is written in Fortran, with strange calling conventions in many places. It is also not very well collected, so it is a lot of work to get started with netlib.

GAMS ( is an extremely well organized set of pointers to scientific software, but like netlib, the individual routines vary in their quality and their level of documentation.

Numerical Recipes (, is an excellent book: it explains the algorithms in a very clear way. Unfortunately the authors released the source code under a license which allows you to use it, but prevents you from re-distributing it. Thus Numerical Recipes is not free in the sense of freedom. On top of that, the implementation suffers from fortranitis and other limitations. []

SLATEC is a large public domain collection of numerical routines in Fortran written under a Department of Energy program in the 1970's. The routines are well tested and have a reasonable overall design (given the limitations of that era). GSL should aim to be a modern version of SLATEC.

NSWC is the Naval Surface Warfare Center numerical library. It is a large public-domain Fortran library, containing a lot of high-quality code. Documentation for the library is hard to find, only a few photocopies of the printed manual are still in circulation.

NAG and IMSL both sell high-quality libraries which are proprietary. The NAG library is more advanced and has wider scope than IMSL. The IMSL library leans more towards ease-of-use and makes extensive use of variable length argument lists to emulate "default arguments".

ESSL and SCSL are proprietary libraries from IBM and SGI.

Forth Scientific Library [see the URL]. Mainly of interest to Forth users.

Numerical Algorithms with C G. Engeln-Mullges, F. Uhlig. A nice numerical library written in ANSI C with an accompanying textbook. Source code is available but the library is not free software.

NUMAL A C version of the NUMAL library has been written by H.T. Lau and is published as a book and disk with the title "A Numerical Library in C for Scientists and Engineers". Source code is available but the library is not free software.

C Mathematical Function Handbook by Louis Baker. A library of function approximations and methods corresponding to those in the "Handbook of Mathematical Functions" by Abramowitz and Stegun. Source code is available but the library is not free software.

CCMATH by Daniel A. Atkinson. A C numerical library covering similar areas to GSL. The code is quite terse. Earlier versions were under the GPL but unfortunately it has changed to the LGPL in recent versions.

CEPHES A useful collection of high-quality special functions written in C. Not GPL'ed.

WNLIB A small collection of numerical routines written in C by Will Naylor. Public domain.

MESHACH A comprehensive matrix-vector linear algebra library written in C. Freely available but not GPL'ed (non-commercial license).

CERNLIB is a large high-quality Fortran library developed at CERN over many years. It was originally non-free software but has recently been released under the GPL.

COLT is a free numerical library in Java developed at CERN by Wolfgang Hoschek. It is under a BSD-style license.

The long-term goal will be to provide a framework to which the real numerical experts (or their graduate students) will contribute.


The GSL team welcomes new contributions to enhance the functionality of the library. Much emphasis is placed on ensuring the stability of the existing functions, library consistency, and fixing any reported bugs. Potential contributors are encouraged to gain familiarity with the library by investigating and fixing known problems listed in the bug tracker on the GSL savannah page.

Adding large amounts of new code is difficult because it leads to differences in the maturity of different parts of the library. To maintain stability, any new functionality is encouraged as packages, built on top of GSL and maintained independently by the author, as in other free software projects (such as the Perl CPAN archive and TeX CTAN archive, etc).


The design of GSL permits extensions to be used alongside the existing library easily by simple linking. For example, additional random number generators can be provided in a separate library:

$ tar xvfz rngextra-0.1.tar.gz
$ cd rngextra-0.1
$ ./configure; make; make check; make install
$ ...
$ gcc -Wall main.c -lrngextra -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm

The points below summarise the package design guidelines. These are intended to ensure that packages are consistent with GSL itself, to make life easier for the end-user and make it possible to distribute popular well-tested packages as part of the core GSL in future.

Post announcements of your package releases to gsl-discuss at so that information about them can be added to the GSL webpages.

An example package 'rngextra' containing two additional random number generators can be found at


Language for implementation

One language only (C)

Advantages: simpler, compiler available and quite universal.

Interface to other languages

Wrapper packages are supplied as "extra" packages; not as part of the "core". They are maintained separately by independent contributors.

Use standard tools to make wrappers: swig, g-wrap

What routines are implemented

Anything which is in any of the existing libraries. Obviously it makes sense to prioritize and write code for the most important areas first.

What routines are not implemented

Design of Numerical Libraries

In writing a numerical library there is a unavoidable conflict between completeness and simplicity. Completeness refers to the ability to perform operations on different objects so that the group is "closed". In mathematics objects can be combined and operated on in an infinite number of ways. For example, I can take the derivative of a scalar field with respect to a vector and the derivative of a vector field wrt a scalar (along a path).

There is a definite tendency to unconsciously try to reproduce all these possibilities in a numerical library, by adding new features one by one. After all, it is always easy enough to support just one more feature.... so why not?

Looking at the big picture, no-one would start out by saying "I want to be able to represent every possible mathematical object and operation using C structs" -- this is a strategy which is doomed to fail. There is a limited amount of complexity which can be represented in a programming language like C. Attempts to reproduce the complexity of mathematics within such a language would just lead to a morass of unmaintainable code. However, it's easy to go down that road if you don't think about it ahead of time.

It is better to choose simplicity over completeness. In designing new parts of the library keep modules independent where possible. If interdependencies between modules are introduced be sure about where you are going to draw the line.

Code Reuse

It is useful if people can grab a single source file and include it in their own programs without needing the whole library. Try to allow standalone files like this whenever it is reasonable. Obviously the user might need to define a few macros, such as GSL_ERROR, to compile the file but that is ok. Examples where this can be done: grabbing a single random number generator.

Standards and conventions

The people who kick off this project should set the coding standards and conventions. In order of precedence the standards that we follow are,

The references for these standards are the GNU Coding Standards document, Harbison and Steele C: A Reference Manual, the GNU C Library Manual (version 2), and the Glib source code.

For mathematical formulas, always follow the conventions in Abramowitz & Stegun, the Handbook of Mathematical Functions, since it is the definitive reference and also in the public domain.

If the project has a philosophy it is to "Think in C". Since we are working in C we should only do what is natural in C, rather than trying to simulate features of other languages. If there is something which is unnatural in C and has to be simulated then we avoid using it. If this means leaving something out of the library, or only offering a limited version then so be it. It is not worthwhile making the library over-complicated. There are numerical libraries in other languages, and if people need the features of those languages it would be sensible for them to use the corresponding libraries, rather than coercing a C library into doing that job.

It should be borne in mind at all time that C is a macro-assembler. If you are in doubt about something being too complicated ask yourself the question "Would I try to write this in macro-assembler?" If the answer is obviously "No" then do not try to include it in GSL. [BJG]

It will be useful to read the following paper,

It is available from or the earlier technical report Kiem-Phong Vo, "An Architecture for Reusable Libraries"

There are associated papers on Vmalloc, SFIO, and CDT which are also relevant to the design of portable C libraries.

Source code should be indented according to the GNU Coding Standards, with spaces not tabs. For example, by using the indent command:

indent -gnu -nut *.c *.h

The -nut option converts tabs into spaces.

Background and Preparation

Before implementing something be sure to research the subject thoroughly! This will save a lot of time in the long-run. The two most important steps are,

  1. to determine whether there is already a free library (GPL or GPL-compatible) which does the job. If so, there is no need to reimplement it. Carry out a search on Netlib, GAMs, na-net, sci.math.num-analysis and the web in general. This should also provide you with a list of existing proprietary libraries which are relevant, keep a note of these for future reference in step 2.
  2. make a comparative survey of existing implementations in the commercial/free libraries. Examine the typical APIs, methods of communication between program and subroutine, and classify them so that you are familiar with the key concepts or features that an implementation may or may not have, depending on the relevant tradeoffs chosen. Be sure to review the documentation of existing libraries for useful references.
  3. read up on the subject and determine the state-of-the-art. Find the latest review papers. A search of the following journals should be undertaken.

Keep in mind that GSL is not a research project. Making a good implementation is difficult enough, without also needing to invent new algorithms. We want to implement existing algorithms whenever possible. Making minor improvements is ok, but don't let it be a time-sink.

Choice of Algorithms

Whenever possible choose algorithms which scale well and always remember to handle asymptotic cases. This is particularly relevant for functions with integer arguments. It is tempting to implement these using the simple O(n) algorithms used to define the functions, such as the many recurrence relations found in Abramowitz and Stegun. While such methods might be acceptable for n=O(10-100) they will not be satisfactory for a user who needs to compute the same function for n=1000000.

Similarly, do not make the implicit assumption that multivariate data has been scaled to have components of the same size or O(1). Algorithms should take care of any necessary scaling or balancing internally, and use appropriate norms (e.g. |Dx| where D is a diagonal scaling matrix, rather than |x|).


Documentation: the project leaders should give examples of how things are to be documented. High quality documentation is absolutely mandatory, so documentation should introduce the topic, and give careful reference for the provided functions. The priority is to provide reference documentation for each function. It is not necessary to provide tutorial documentation.

Use free software, such as GNU Plotutils, to produce the graphs in the manual.

Some of the graphs have been made with gnuplot which is not truly free (or GNU) software, and some have been made with proprietary programs. These should be replaced with output from GNU plotutils.

When citing references be sure to use the standard, definitive and best reference books in the field, rather than lesser known text-books or introductory books which happen to be available (e.g. from undergraduate studies). For example, references concerning algorithms should be to Knuth, references concerning statistics should be to Kendall & Stuart, references concerning special functions should be to Abramowitz & Stegun (Handbook of Mathematical Functions AMS-55), etc.

The standard references have a better chance of being available in an accessible library for the user. If they are not available and the user decides to buy a copy in order to look up the reference then this also gives them the best quality book which should also cover the largest number of other references in the GSL Manual. If many different books were to be referenced this would be an expensive and inefficient use of resources for a user who needs to look up the details of the algorithms. Reference books also stay in print much longer than text books, which are often out-of-print after a few years.

Similarly, cite original papers wherever possible. Be sure to keep copies of these for your own reference (e.g. when dealing with bug reports) or to pass on to future maintainers.

If you need help in tracking down references, ask on the gsl-discuss mailing list. There is a group of volunteers with access to good libraries who have offered to help GSL developers get copies of papers.

[JT section: written by James Theiler

And we furthermore promise to try as hard as possible to document the software: this will ideally involve discussion of why you might want to use it, what precisely it does, how precisely to invoke it, how more-or-less it works, and where we learned about the algorithm, and (unless we wrote it from scratch) where we got the code. We do not plan to write this entire package from scratch, but to cannibalize existing mathematical freeware, just as we expect our own software to be cannibalized.]


Use gsl_ as a prefix for all exported functions and variables.

Use GSL_ as a prefix for all exported macros.

All exported header files should have a filename with the prefix gsl_.

All installed libraries should have a name like libgslhistogram.a

Any installed executables (utility programs etc) should have the prefix gsl- (with a hyphen, not an underscore).

All function names, variables, etc should be in lower case. Macros and preprocessor variables should be in upper case.

Header files

Installed header files should be idempotent, i.e. surround them by the preprocessor conditionals like the following,

#ifndef __GSL_HISTOGRAM_H__
#define __GSL_HISTOGRAM_H__
#endif /* __GSL_HISTOGRAM_H__ */

Target system

The target system is ANSI C, with a full Standard C Library, and IEEE arithmetic.

Function Names

Each module has a name, which prefixes any function names in that module, e.g. the module gsl_fft has function names like gsl_fft_init. The modules correspond to subdirectories of the library source tree.


The algorithms should be object oriented, but only to the extent that is easy in portable ANSI C. The use of casting or other tricks to simulate inheritance is not desirable, and the user should not have to be aware of anything like that. This means many types of patterns are ruled out. However, this is not considered a problem -- they are too complicated for the library.

Note: it is possible to define an abstract base class easily in C, using function pointers. See the rng directory for an example.

When reimplementing public domain fortran code, please try to introduce the appropriate object concepts as structs, rather than translating the code literally in terms of arrays. The structs can be useful just within the file, you don't need to export them to the user.

For example, if a fortran program repeatedly uses a subroutine like,


where X(K,D) represents a grid to be resized to X(K1,D) you can make this more readable by introducing a struct,

struct grid {
    int nd;  /* number of dimensions */
    int k;   /* number of bins */
    double * x;   /* partition of axes, array of size x[k][nd] */

resize_grid (struct grid * g, int k_new)

Similarly, if you have a frequently recurring code fragment within a single file you can define a static or static inline function for it. This is typesafe and saves writing out everything in full.


Follow the GNU Coding Standards. A relevant quote is,

"Please write complete sentences and capitalize the first word. If a lower-case identifier comes at the beginning of a sentence, don't capitalize it! Changing the spelling makes it a different identifier. If you don't like starting a sentence with a lower case letter, write the sentence differently (e.g., "The identifier lower-case is ...")."

Minimal structs

We prefer to make structs which are minimal. For example, if a certain type of problem can be solved by several classes of algorithm (e.g. with and without derivative information) it is better to make separate types of struct to handle those cases. i.e. run time type identification is not desirable.

Algorithm decomposition

Iterative algorithms should be decomposed into an INITIALIZE, ITERATE, TEST form, so that the user can control the progress of the iteration and print out intermediate results. This is better than using call-backs or using flags to control whether the function prints out intermediate results. In fact, call-backs should not be used -- if they seem necessary then it's a sign that the algorithm should be broken down further into individual components so that the user has complete control over them.

For example, when solving a differential equation the user may need to be able to advance the solution by individual steps, while tracking a realtime process. This is only possible if the algorithm is broken down into step-level components. Higher level decompositions would not give sufficient flexibility.

Memory allocation and ownership

Functions which allocate memory on the heap should end in _alloc (e.g. gsl_foo_alloc) and be deallocated by a corresponding _free function (gsl_foo_free).

Be sure to free any memory allocated by your function if you have to return an error in a partially initialized object.

Don't allocate memory 'temporarily' inside a function and then free it before the function returns. This prevents the user from controlling memory allocation. All memory should be allocated and freed through separate functions and passed around as a "workspace" argument. This allows memory allocation to be factored out of tight loops.

Memory layout

We use flat blocks of memory to store matrices and vectors, not C-style pointer-to-pointer arrays. The matrices are stored in row-major order -- i.e. the column index (second index) moves continuously through memory.

Linear Algebra Levels

Functions using linear algebra are divided into two levels:

For purely "1d" functions we use the C-style arguments (double *, stride, size) so that it is simpler to use the functions in a normal C program, without needing to invoke all the gsl_vector machinery.

The philosophy here is to minimize the learning curve. If someone only needs to use one function, like an fft, they can do so without having to learn about gsl_vector.

This leads to the question of why we don't do the same for matrices. In that case the argument list gets too long and confusing, with (size1, size2, tda) for each matrix and potential ambiguities over row vs column ordering. In this case, it makes sense to use gsl_vector and gsl_matrix, which take care of this for the user.

So really the library has two levels -- a lower level based on C types for 1d operations, and a higher level based on gsl_matrix and gsl_vector for general linear algebra.

Of course, it would be possible to define a vector version of the lower level functions too. So far we have not done that because it was not essential -- it could be done but it is easy enough to get by using the C arguments, by typing v->data, v->stride, v->size instead. A gsl_vector version of low-level functions would mainly be a convenience.

Please use BLAS routines internally within the library whenever possible for efficiency.

Exceptions and Error handling

The basic error handling procedure is the return code (see gsl_errno.h for a list of allowed values). Use the GSL_ERROR macro to mark an error. The current definition of this macro is not ideal but it can be changed at compile time.

You should always use the GSL_ERROR macro to indicate an error, rather than just returning an error code. The macro allows the user to trap errors using the debugger (by setting a breakpoint on the function gsl_error).

The only circumstances where GSL_ERROR should not be used are where the return value is "indicative" rather than an error -- for example, the iterative routines use the return code to indicate the success or failure of an iteration. By the nature of an iterative algorithm "failure" (a return code of GSL_CONTINUE) is a normal occurrence and there is no need to use GSL_ERROR there.

Be sure to free any memory allocated by your function if you return an error (in particular for errors in partially initialized objects).


If you make an object foo which uses blocks of memory (e.g. vector, matrix, histogram) you can provide functions for reading and writing those blocks,

int gsl_foo_fread (FILE * stream, gsl_foo * v);
int gsl_foo_fwrite (FILE * stream, const gsl_foo * v);
int gsl_foo_fscanf (FILE * stream, gsl_foo * v);
int gsl_foo_fprintf (FILE * stream, const gsl_foo * v, const char *format);

Only dump out the blocks of memory, not any associated parameters such as lengths. The idea is for the user to build higher level input/output facilities using the functions the library provides. The fprintf/fscanf versions should be portable between architectures, while the binary versions should be the "raw" version of the data. Use the functions

int gsl_block_fread (FILE * stream, gsl_block * b);
int gsl_block_fwrite (FILE * stream, const gsl_block * b);
int gsl_block_fscanf (FILE * stream, gsl_block * b);
int gsl_block_fprintf (FILE * stream, const gsl_block * b, const char *format);


int gsl_block_raw_fread (FILE * stream, double * b, size_t n, size_t stride);
int gsl_block_raw_fwrite (FILE * stream, const double * b, size_t n, size_t stri
int gsl_block_raw_fscanf (FILE * stream, double * b, size_t n, size_t stride);
int gsl_block_raw_fprintf (FILE * stream, const double * b, size_t n, size_t str
ide, const char *format);

to do the actual reading and writing.

Using Return Values

Always assign a return value to a variable before using it. This allows easier debugging of the function, and inspection and modification of the return value. If the variable is only needed temporarily then enclose it in a suitable scope.

For example, instead of writing,

a = f(g(h(x,y)))

use temporary variables to store the intermediate values,

  double u = h(x,y);
  double v = g(u);
  a = f(v);

These can then be inspected more easily in the debugger, and breakpoints can be placed more precisely. The compiler will eliminate the temporary variables automatically when the program is compiled with optimization.

Variable Names

Try to follow existing conventions for variable names,

number of dimensions
pointer to workspace
pointer to state variable (use s if you need to save characters)
pointer to result (output variable)
absolute error
relative error
absolute tolerance
relative tolerance
the size of an array or vector e.g. double array[size]
the stride of a vector
the number of rows in a matrix
the number of columns in a matrix
general integer number, e.g. number of elements of array, in fft, etc
random number generator (gsl_rng)

Datatype widths

Be aware that in ANSI C the type int is only guaranteed to provide 16-bits. It may provide more, but is not guaranteed to. Therefore if you require 32 bits you must use long int, which will have 32 bits or more. Of course, on many platforms the type int does have 32 bits instead of 16 bits but we have to code to the ANSI standard rather than a specific platform.


All objects (blocks of memory, etc) should be measured in terms of a size_t type. Therefore any iterations (e.g. for(i=0; i<N; i++)) should also use an index of type size_t.

Don't mix int and size_t. They are not interchangeable.

If you need to write a descending loop you have to be careful because size_t is unsigned, so instead of

for (i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ... } /* DOESN'T WORK */

use something like

for (i = N; i > 0 && i--;) { ... }

to avoid problems with wrap-around at i=0.

If you really want to avoid confusion use a separate variable to invert the loop order,

for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { j = N - i; ... }

Arrays vs Pointers

A function can be declared with either pointer arguments or array arguments. The C standard considers these to be equivalent. However, it is useful to distinguish between the case of a pointer, representing a single object which is being modified, and an array which represents a set of objects with unit stride (that are modified or not depending on the presence of const). For vectors, where the stride is not required to be unity, the pointer form is preferred.

/* real value, set on output */
int foo (double * x);                           

/* real vector, modified */
int foo (double * x, size_t stride, size_t n);  

/* constant real vector */
int foo (const double * x, size_t stride, size_t n);  

/* real array, modified */
int bar (double x[], size_t n);                 

/* real array, not modified */
int baz (const double x[], size_t n);           


Avoid dereferencing pointers on the right-hand side of an expression where possible. It's better to introduce a temporary variable. This is easier for the compiler to optimise and also more readable since it avoids confusion between the use of * for multiplication and dereferencing.

while (fabs (f) < 0.5)
  *e = *e - 1;
  f  *= 2;

is better written as,

  int p = *e;

  while (fabs(f) < 0.5)
     f *= 2;

  *e = p;


Use const in function prototypes wherever an object pointed to by a pointer is constant (obviously). For variables which are meaningfully constant within a function/scope use const also. This prevents you from accidentally modifying a variable which should be constant (e.g. length of an array, etc). It can also help the compiler do optimization. These comments also apply to arguments passed by value which should be made const when that is meaningful.


There are some pseudo-template macros available in 'templates_on.h' and 'templates_off.h'. See a directory link 'block' for details on how to use them. Use sparingly, they are a bit of a nightmare, but unavoidable in places.

In particular, the convention is: templates are used for operations on "data" only (vectors, matrices, statistics, sorting). This is intended to cover the case where the program must interface with an external data-source which produces a fixed type. e.g. a big array of char's produced by an 8-bit counter.

All other functions can use double, for floating point, or the appropriate integer type for integers (e.g. unsigned long int for random numbers). It is not the intention to provide a fully templated version of the library.

That would be "putting a quart into a pint pot". To summarize, almost everything should be in a "natural type" which is appropriate for typical usage, and templates are there to handle a few cases where it is unavoidable that other data-types will be encountered.

For floating point work "double" is considered a "natural type". This sort of idea is a part of the C language.

Arbitrary Constants

Avoid arbitrary constants.

For example, don't hard code "small" values like '1e-30', '1e-100' or 10*GSL_DBL_EPSILON into the routines. This is not appropriate for a general purpose library.

Compute values accurately using IEEE arithmetic. If errors are potentially significant then error terms should be estimated reliably and returned to the user, by analytically deriving an error propagation formula, not using guesswork.

A careful consideration of the algorithm usually shows that arbitrary constants are unnecessary, and represent an important parameter which should be accessible to the user.

For example, consider the following code:

if (residual < 1e-30) {
   return 0.0;  /* residual is zero within round-off error */

This should be rewritten as,

   return residual;

in order to allow the user to determine whether the residual is significant or not.

The only place where it is acceptable to use constants like GSL_DBL_EPSILON is in function approximations, (e.g. taylor series, asymptotic expansions, etc). In these cases it is not an arbitrary constant, but an inherent part of the algorithm.

Test suites

The implementor of each module should provide a reasonable test suite for the routines.

The test suite should be a program that uses the library and checks the result against known results, or invokes the library several times and does a statistical analysis on the results (for example in the case of random number generators).

Ideally the one test program per directory should aim for 100% path coverage of the code. Obviously it would be a lot of work to really achieve this, so prioritize testing on the critical parts and use inspection for the rest. Test all the error conditions by explicitly provoking them, because we consider it a serious defect if the function does not return an error for an invalid parameter. N.B. Don't bother to test for null pointers -- it's sufficient for the library to segfault if the user provides an invalid pointer.

The tests should be deterministic. Use the gsl_test functions provided to perform separate tests for each feature with a separate output PASS/FAIL line, so that any failure can be uniquely identified.

Use realistic test cases with 'high entropy'. Tests on simple values such as 1 or 0 may not reveal bugs. For example, a test using a value of x=1 will not pick up a missing factor of x in the code. Similarly, a test using a value of x=0 will not pick any missing terms involving x in the code. Use values like 2.385 to avoid silent failures.

If your test uses multiple values make sure there are no simple relations between them that could allow bugs to be missed through silent cancellations.

If you need some random floats to put in the test programs use od -f /dev/random as a source of inspiration.

Don't use sprintf to create output strings in the tests. It can cause hard to find bugs in the test programs themselves. The functions gsl_test_... support format string arguments so use these instead.


Make sure everything compiles cleanly. Use the strict compilation options for extra checking.

make CFLAGS="-ansi -pedantic -Werror -W -Wall -Wtraditional -Wconversion 
  -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings 
  -Wstrict-prototypes -fshort-enums -fno-common -Wmissing-prototypes 
  -Wnested-externs -Dinline= -g -O4"

Also use checkergcc to check for memory problems on the stack and the heap. It's the best memory checking tool. If checkergcc isn't available then Electric Fence will check the heap, which is better than no checking.

There is a new tool valgrind for checking memory access. Test the code with this as well.

Make sure that the library will also compile with C++ compilers (g++). This should not be too much of a problem if you have been writing in ANSI C.


The library should be usable in thread-safe programs. All the functions should be thread-safe, in the sense that they shouldn't use static variables.

We don't require everything to be completely thread safe, but anything that isn't should be obvious. For example, some global variables are used to control the overall behavior of the library (range-checking on/off, function to call on fatal error, etc). Since these are accessed directly by the user it is obvious to the multi-threaded programmer that they shouldn't be modified by different threads.

There is no need to provide any explicit support for threads (e.g. locking mechanisms etc), just to avoid anything which would make it impossible for someone to call a GSL routine from a multithreaded program.

Legal issues

Non-UNIX portability

There is good reason to make this library work on non-UNIX systems. It is probably safe to ignore DOS and only worry about windows95/windowsNT portability (so filenames can be long, I think).

On the other hand, nobody should be forced to use non-UNIX systems for development.

The best solution is probably to issue guidelines for portability, like saying "don't use XYZ unless you absolutely have to". Then the Windows people will be able to do their porting.

Compatibility with other libraries

We do not regard compatibility with other numerical libraries as a priority.

However, other libraries, such as Numerical Recipes, are widely used. If somebody writes the code to allow drop-in replacement of these libraries it would be useful to people. If it is done, it would be as a separate wrapper that can be maintained and shipped separately.

There is a separate issue of system libraries, such as BSD math library and functions like expm1, log1p, hypot. The functions in this library are available on nearly every platform (but not all).

In this case, it is best to write code in terms of these native functions to take advantage of the vendor-supplied system library (for example log1p is a machine instruction on the Intel x86). The library also provides portable implementations e.g. gsl_hypot which are used as an automatic fall back via autoconf when necessary. See the usage of hypot in 'gsl/complex/math.c', the implementation of gsl_hypot and the corresponding parts of files '' and '' as an example.


We don't intend to provide support for parallelism within the library itself. A parallel library would require a completely different design and would carry overhead that other applications do not need.


For algorithms which use cutoffs or other precision-related terms please express these in terms of GSL_DBL_EPSILON and GSL_DBL_MIN, or powers or combinations of these. This makes it easier to port the routines to different precisions.


Don't use the letter l as a variable name -- it is difficult to distinguish from the number 1. (This seems to be a favorite in old Fortran programs).

Final tip: one perfect routine is better than any number of routines containing errors.


The subroutines and source code in the GNU Scientific Library package are "free"; this means that everyone is free to use them and free to redistribute them on a free basis. The GNU Scientific Library-related programs are not in the public domain; they are copyrighted and there are restrictions on their distribution, but these restrictions are designed to permit everything that a good cooperating citizen would want to do. What is not allowed is to try to prevent others from further sharing any version of these programs that they might get from you.

Specifically, we want to make sure that you have the right to give away copies of the programs that relate to GNU Scientific Library, that you receive source code or else can get it if you want it, that you can change these programs or use pieces of them in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things.

To make sure that everyone has such rights, we have to forbid you to deprive anyone else of these rights. For example, if you distribute copies of the GNU Scientific Library-related code, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must tell them their rights.

Also, for our own protection, we must make certain that everyone finds out that there is no warranty for the programs that relate to GNU Scientific Library. If these programs are modified by someone else and passed on, we want their recipients to know that what they have is not what we distributed, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on our reputation.

The precise conditions of the licenses for the programs currently being distributed that relate to GNU Scientific Library are found in the General Public Licenses that accompany them.

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