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3.9 Other Shortcut Keys

Show Last Move
By hitting Enter the last move will be re-animated.
Load Next Game
Loads the next game from the last game record file you loaded. The Alt+PgDn key triggers this action.
Load Previous Game
Loads the previous game from the last game record file you loaded. The Alt+PgUp key triggers this action. Not available if the last game was loaded from a pipe.
Reload Same Game
Reloads the last game you loaded. Not available if the last game was loaded from a pipe. Currently no keystroke is assigned to this ReloadGameProc.
Reload Same Position
Reloads the last position you loaded. Not available if the last position was loaded from a pipe. Currently no keystroke is assigned to this ReloadPositionProc.

In the Xaw build of XBoard you can add or remove shortcut keys using the X resources paneA.translations. Here is an example of what could go into your .Xdefaults file:

     XBoard*paneA.translations: \
       Shift<Key>?: MenuItem(Help.About) \n\
       Ctrl<Key>y: MenuItem(Action.Accept) \n\
       Ctrl<Key>n: MenuItem(Action.Decline) \n\
       Ctrl<Key>i: MenuItem(Nothing)

So the key should always be bound to the action 'MenuItem', with the (hierarchical) name of the menu item as argument. There are a few actions available for which no menu item exists: Binding a key to Nothing makes it do nothing, thus removing it as a shortcut key. Other such functions that can be bound to keys are:

     AboutGame, DebugProc (switches the -debug option on or off),
     LoadNextGame, LoadPrevGame, ReloadGame, ReloadPosition.