User defined functions called for the conversion of an element without
@-command with text or a container type are registered with
. For containers, the user defined
function is called after conversion of the content.
$type is the element type. \&handler is the user defined function reference.
The call of the user defined functions is:
type_conversion ($converter, $type, \%element, $content)
¶$converter is a converter object. $type is the element type.
\%element is the Texinfo element. $content is text for elements
associated with text, or the formatted contents for other elements.
$content can be undef
or the empty string.
The $text returned is the result of the element conversion.
To call a conversion function from user defined code, the function reference
should first be retrieved using type_conversion
\&type_conversion =
$converter->type_conversion ($type)
¶$type is the element type. Returns the conversion function reference for $type, or ‘undef’ if there is none, which should only be the case for types ignored in HTML not defined by the user.
It is possible to have access to the default conversion function reference. The function used is:
\&default_type_conversion =
$converter->default_type_conversion ($type)
¶$type is the element type. Returns the default conversion function reference for $type, or ‘undef’ if there is none, which should only be the case for types ignored in HTML.
Here is an example of paragraph formatting that prepends some HTML code to each paragraph and formats in code context (see Setting the Context for Conversion). It also shows how string context can be taken into account.
sub my_tree_element_convert_paragraph_type($$$$) { my $converter = shift; my $type = shift; my $element = shift; my $content = shift; $content = '' if (!defined($content)); if ($converter->in_string()) { return $content; }
my @contents = {$element->{'contents'}}; push @contents, {'text' => ' <code>HTML</code> text ', 'type' => '_converted'}; my $result = $converter->convert_tree({'type' => '_code', 'contents' => \@contents }); return "<p>".$result."</p>"; }
texinfo_register_type_formatting('paragraph', \&my_tree_element_convert_paragraph_type);