4.4 Simple Customization of Accent Commands

You can modify the formatting of accent commands such as @', @ringaccent or @dotless by selecting HTML general features, to output numeric entities or characters (see HTML Features Customization in Texinfo).

You can also change how accented commands are converted to named entities. The accent named entities are obtained by combining a letter to be accented, such as ‘e’ and a postfix based on the accent command name, for example ‘acute’ for the acute accent @'. For example, ‘@'e’ is converted to the ‘é’ named entity in the default case.

The association of accent @-command and named entity postfix and the list of letters that can be prepended can be changed with texinfo_register_accent_command_formatting:

Function: texinfo_register_accent_command_formatting ($accent_command_name, $entity_postfix, $letters)

$accent_command_name is a Texinfo accent formatting @-command name, $entity_postfix is a string corresponding to the accent command that is postpended to the letter accent argument. $letters is a string listing the letters that can be combined with the $entity_postfix. If $entity_postfix or $letters is an empty string, numeric entities are used instead of named entities.

For example, with the following code, @dotless{i} should be converted to ı, and @dotless{j} to &jnodot;. Other letters than ‘i’ and ‘j’ in argument of @dotless should not be combined into a named entity with that example.

texinfo_register_accent_command_formatting('dotless', 'nodot', 'ij');