12.1.6 Image Formatting

Image @image command formatting is customized by registering a conversion function for @image (see Command Tree Element Conversion Functions). To get the location of an image file, it could be useful to use html_image_file_location_name:

Function: ($image_file, $image_basefile, $image_extension, $image_path, $image_path_encoding) = $converter->html_image_file_location_name ($command_name, \%element, \@args)

$command_name, \%element and \@args should be the arguments of an @image @-command formatting (see Command Tree Element Conversion Functions).

The return values gives information on the image file if found, or fallback values. $image_file is the relative image file name. It is the file name used in formatting of the @image command in the default case. $image_basefile is the base file name of the image, without extension, corresponding to the @image @-command first argument. $image_extension is the image file extension (without a leading dot). $image_path is the path to the actual image file, undef if no file was found. $image_path is returned as a binary string, the other strings returned are character strings. $image_path_encoding is the encoding used to encode the image path to a binary string.