To report an error or a warning in a user defined function, use the methods
of Texinfo::Convert::Converter
through a converter object
(see Converter Object and Conversion Functions).
To report a warning or an error not specific of an element conversion,
use converter_document_warn
or converter_document_error
Register a document-wide error or warning. $text is the error or warning message.
The optional $continuation argument, if set, conveys that the message is a continuation of the previous registered message.
To report a warning or an error in element conversion, use
or converter_line_error
Register a warning or an error. $text is the text of the
error or warning. The \%location_info holds the information on the
error or warning location. The \%location_info reference on hash may be
obtained from Texinfo elements source_info
The optional $continuation argument, if set, conveys that the message is a continuation of the previous registered message.
Note that registering an error does not stop the processing of the Texinfo tree.
See (texi2any_internals)Texinfo::Convert::Converter Registering error and warning messages for the converter module documentation on errors and warning messages registration.