18.1 Customizing HTML File Beginning

You can set the variable DOCTYPE to replace the default. The DOCTYPE is output at the very beginning of each output file.

You can define the variable EXTRA_HEAD to add text within the <head> HTML element. Similarly, the value of AFTER_BODY_OPEN is added just after <body> is output. These variables are empty by default.

The <body> element attributes may be set by defining the customization variable BODY_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTES.

By default, the encoding name from OUTPUT_ENCODING_NAME is used. If this variable is not defined, it is automatically determined.

A date is output in the header if DATE_IN_HEADER is set.

The description from @documentdescription (or a value set as a customization variable) is used in the header (see @documentdescription in Texinfo).

<link> elements are used in the header if USE_LINKS is set, in which case LINKS_BUTTONS determines which links are used and the rel direction string (see Direction Strings) determines the link type associated with the rel attribute. See Simple Navigation Panel Customization.

You can set HTML_ROOT_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTES to add attributes to the <html> element.

If SECTION_NAME_IN_TITLE is set, the sectioning command argument is used in the <title> HTML element instead of the @node argument.

You can also set a JavaScript browsing interface with customization variables (see JavaScript Interface and Licenses in Texinfo). See Customization of Navigation and Headers in Texinfo for more information on customization variables in the main Texinfo manual. See Customization of HTML Code Inserted in Texinfo for more on insertion of HTML code in output.

The following function references give full control over the page header formatting done at the top of each HTML output file.

Function Reference: $file_begin format_begin_file ($converter, $filename, \%output_unit)

$filename is the name of the file output. \%output_unit is the first output unit of the file. This function should print the page header, in HTML, including the <body> element.