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5.12.3 I18N.LcMessagesDomain: querying

? aString

Answer the translation of ‘aString’, or answer aString itself if none is available.

at: aString

Answer the translation of ‘aString’, or answer aString itself if none is available.

at: singularString plural: pluralString with: n

Answer either the translation of pluralString with ‘%1’ replaced by n if n ~= 1, or the translation of singularString if n = 1.

at: aString put: anotherString

This method should not be called for instances of this class.


Answer information on the translation, or nil if there is none. This information is stored as the ‘translation’ of an empty string.

translatorInformationAt: key

Answer information on the translation associated to a given key

translatorInformationAt: key at: subkey

Answer information on the translation associated to a given key and to a subkey of the key