B.3. Kerberized rsh and rlogin

This appendix describe the KCMDV0.2 protocol used in shishi patched version of inetutils. The KCMD protocol was developped by the MIT Kerberos team for kerberized rsh an rlogin programs. Differences between rlogin an rsh will be explained, like those between v0.1 and v0.2 of the protocol for compatibility reasons. It is possible that some parts of this document are not in conformity with original KCMD protocol because there is no official specification about it. However, it seems that shishi implementation is compatible with MIT's one.

B.3.1. Establish connection

First the client should establish a TCP connection with the server. Default ports are 543 (klogin), 544 (kshell), 2105 (eklogin). eklogin is the same as klogin but with encryption. Their is no longer ekshell port because encrypted and normal connection use the same port (kshell). Kshell need a second connection for stderr. The client should send a null terminated string that represent the port of this second connection. Klogin and eklogin does not use a second connection for stderr so the client must send a null byte to the server. Contrary to classic rsh/rlogin, server must not check if the client port is in the range 0-1023.

B.3.2. Kerberos identification

When connections are established, first thing to do is to indicate kerberos authentication must be used. So the client will send a string to indicate it will used kerberos 5. It will call a length-string "strl" the couple (lenght of the string strl, null terminated string strl). Length of the string is an int32 (32bits int) in MSB order (for the network). So the client send this length-string strl :


After that the client must indicate which version of the protocol it will used by sending this length-string strl :


It can be V0.1 for older versions. If indentification from client is good, server will send a null byte (0x00). Else if authentication message is wrong, server send byte 0x01, else if protocol version message is wrong server send byte 0x02.

B.3.3. Kerberos authentication

When client is indentified, kerberos authentication can begin. The client must send an AP-REQ to the server. AP-REQ authenticator must have a subkey (only for KCMDV0.2) and a checksum. Authenticator checksum is created on following string :


for example :


remoteusername corresponds to the identity of the client on remote machine.

AP-REQ is sended in der encoded format. The length (int32) of der encoded AP-REQ is sended in network format (MSB), following by the der encoded AP-REQ. If all is correct, server send a null int32 (MSB format but like it is null it is not important). KCMD protocol use mutual authentication, so server must now send and AP-REP : (in32 lenght in MSB of der encoded AP-REP)(der encoded AP-REP).

Now server and client are partially authenticated.

B.3.4. Extended authentication

Client must now send 3 different null terminated strings (without lenght) :

example for rsh :

"cat /usr/local/etc/shishi.conf"

Server must verify that checksum in AP-REQ authenticator is correct by computing a new hash like client has done.

Server must verify that principal (in AP-REQ) has right to log in on the remote user account. For the moment shishi only check if remote user name is equal to principal. A more complex authorization code is planned. Look at the end to know how MIT/Heimdal do to check authorization.

If all is correct server send a null byte, else an error message string (null terminated string) is sent. User read the first byte. If it is equal to zero, authentication is correct and is logged on the remote host. Else user can read the error messsage send by the server.

B.3.5. Window size

For rlogin protocol, when authentication is complete, the server can optionnaly send a message to ask for window terminal size of user. Then the user can respond but it is not an obligation.

In KCMDV0.1 server send an urgent TCP message (MSG_OOB) with one byte :


In KCMDV0.2 server does not send an urgent message but write on the socket 5 bytes :

'\377', '\377', 'o', 'o', TIOCPKT_WINDOW

If encryption is enabled (eklogin) server must send this 5 bytes encrypted.

Client can answer in both protocol version with :

'\377', '\377', 's', 's', "struct winsize"

The winsize structure is filled with corresponding setting to client's terminal. If encryption is enabled this answer must be send encrypted.

B.3.6. End of authentication

The "classic" rsh/rlogin can be used now.

B.3.7. Encryption

Encryption mode is used when a connection with eklogin is established. Encryption with krsh can be used too. Before, there was a specific port for that (ekshell), but now to indicate that encryption must be used with krsh, client must add "-x " before the command when it send it between remote user name and local user name. When the client compute the checksum for AP-REQ authenticator the "- x" must not be included.

Encryption in KCMDV0.2 is not the same as in KCMDV0.1. KCMDV0.1 uses ticket session key as encryption key, and use standard Kerberos encryption functions. This protocol only supports des-cbc-crc, des-cbc-md4, des-cbc-md5 and does not use initialisation vectors.

For example on each encryption/decryption calls, the following prototype kerberos function should be used :

kerberos_encrypt (key, keyusage, in, out)  (or decrypt)

KCMDV0.2 can be used with all kerberos encryption modes (des, 3des, aes, arcfour) and use AP-REQ authenticator subkey. In opposite to KCMDV0.1 initialisation vectors are used. All encryptions/descryptions must be made using a cryptographic context (for example to use the updated iv, or sbox) :

kerberos_init(ctx, iv, key, keyusage)
kerberos_encrypt (ctx, in, out)

For both protocols, keyusage id for des-cbc-md5, des-cbc-md4, des-cbc-crc and des3-cbc-sha1 (for KCMDV0.2) :

keyusage = 1026

For other KCMDV0.2 modes keyusage is different for each encryption/decryption usage. To understand, eklogin use 1 socket. It encrypts data (output 1) to send and decrypts (input 1) received data. Kshell use 2 sockets (1 for transmit data, 1 for stderr). So there are four modes :

   transmit  : input  1 
	       output 1

   stderr    : input  2
	       output 2

There is a keyusage for each modes. The keyusage must correspond on client and server side. For example in klogin client input 1 keyusage will be server output 1 keyusage.

I/O Client Server
intput 1 1028 1030
output 1 1030 1028
intput 2 1032 1034
output 2 1034 1032

Those keyusages must be used with AES and ARCFOUR modes.

KCMDV0.2 uses IV (initialisation vector). Like for keyusage, client IV must correspond to server IV. IV size is equal to key type, blocksize. All bytes of IV must be initialised to :

I/O Client Server
intput 1 0 1
output 1 1 0
intput 2 2 3
output 2 3 2

ARCFOUR mode does not use IV. However, like it is said before, a context must be used to keep the updated sbox.

Normal message with klogin and kshell are sent like that :

(int 32 lenght of message in MSB order)

In encrypted mode it is a bit different :

(int 32 length of unencrypted message in MSB order)
(encrypted message)

In KCMDV0.2 encrypted message is create like that :

encrypt (
(int 32 length of message in MSB order)

A check on message size can be made in second version of the protocol.

B.3.8. KCMDV0.3

This part only gives possible ways to extend KCMD protocol. Does not take that as must have in KCMD implementation.

Extensions of KCMV0.2 could be made. For example kshell supposes there are no files with name "-x *". I think the same thing can be supposed with terminal name for klogin. So client could add "-x " to terminal type it sends to server to indicate it will use encryption. Like that there will be only one port for klogin/eklogin : 543.

In encrypted mode kshell send command in clear on the network, this could be considered as insecure as user have decided to use encryption. This is not really a problem for klogin because it just sends terminal type.

In encrypted mode, klogin and kshell clients could only send "-x" as command or terminal type. After that encryption is activated, and the client could send terminal type or command encrypted. The server will send the null byte to say that all is correct, or error message in encrypted form.

B.3.9. MIT/Heimdal authorization

This part describes how MIT/Heimdal version check authorization of the user to log in on the remote machine.

Authorization check is made by looking if the file .k5login exists on the account of the remote user. If this file does not exist, remote user name must be the same as principal in AP-REQ to valid authorization. Else if this file exists, check first verify that remote user or root are the owner of .k5login. If it is not the case, the check fails. If it is good, check reads each line of that file and compare each readed name to principal. If principal is found in .k5login, authorization is valid, else user is not allowed to connect on remote host with the specified remote user name (that can be the same as principal).

So someone (for example user "user1") can remote log into "user2" account if .k5login is present in user2 home dir and this file is owned by user2 or root and user1 name is present in this file.