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2.1.5 headers options

Controlling the shar headers.

archive-name option (-n).

This is the “use name to document the archive” option. This option takes an argument string NAME. Name of archive to be included in the subject header of the shar files. See the --net-headers option.

submitter option (-s).

This is the “override the submitter name” option. This option takes an argument string WHO@WHERE. shar will normally determine the submitter name by querying the system. Use this option if it is being done on behalf of another.

net-headers option (-a).

This is the “output submitted-by: & archive-name: headers” option.

This option has some usage constraints. It:

Adds specialized email headers:

    Submitted-by: who@where
    Archive-name: name/part##

The who@where is normally derived, but can be specified with the --submitter option. The name must be provided with the --archive-name option. If the archive name includes a slash (/) character, then the /part## is omitted. Thus ‘-n xyzzy’ produces:


while ‘-n xyzzy/patch’ produces:


and ‘-n xyzzy/patch01.’ produces:

cut-mark option (-c).

This is the “start the shar with a cut line” option. A line saying 'Cut here' is placed at the start of each output file.

translate option (-t).

This is the “translate messages in the script” option. Translate messages in the script. If you have set the ‘LANG’ environment variable, messages printed by shar will be in the specified language. The produced script will still be emitted using messages in the lingua franca of the computer world: English. This option will cause the script messages to appear in the languages specified by the ‘LANG’ environment variable set when the script is produced.