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1.8 Period Related File Examples

Using Meta Variables and a rotation algorithm it is possible to rotate logs so that a file rotated once is never touched again (unless deleted), making log rotation much more compatible with host-based intrusion detection schemes. Words beginning by @ are special Meta Variables used to create dynamic fields like file and directory names to use.

The following examples will use defaults defined in the previous section. These examples are valid in all monthly, weekly, and daily config files.

Example 1. Use /var/log/rottlog/log.daemon and leave in new logfile events from first day of actual month (logpart). After that, a script will be called to restart syslogd (postrotate/endscript).

     /var/log/rottlog/log.daemon {
           /sbin/killall -HUP syslogd
        logpart "#1 day"

Example 2. Same as Example 1, but archived logfile compression is postponed to the next time rottlog will handle /var/log/rottlog/log.daemon (delaycompress).

     /var/log/rottlog/log.daemon {
           /sbin/killall -HUP syslogd
        logpart "#1 day"

Example 3. Split log files; postrotate script will be run for each single logfile.

     /var/log/rottlog/log.daemon,/var/log/rottlog/log.debug {
           /sbin/killall -HUP syslogd
        logpart "#1 day"

Example 4. Rotate 6 times all files in /var/log/apache dir (rotate). Archived logfiles will not be compressed (nocompress) and they will be stored in an apache-archives subdir of "packdir" defined in main rc configuration file (storedir). If a logfile has size 0 it will not be handled (notifempty).

     /var/log/apache/* {
        storedir apache-archives
        rotate 6

Example 5. Archive wtmp and lastlog files and touch new 0 byte files with specified permissions, owner and group (create). Report message will be sent to a different user from those specified in main rc config file (touser). Logfile compression is postponed to the next rotation cycle.

     /var/adm/wtmp,/var/adm/lastlog {
             create 644 root root
             touser ""

Example 6. Rotate twice all logfiles in /var/log called log.a*, descending two levels of recursion to find files. Store compressed logfiles in a dir called something like:

     $packdir/<actual year>/<actual month>/<logfile basename>

This is done using META-VARIABLES in storedir parameter.

See Use of meta-variables, for details.

New 0 byte files will be created with specified permissions, owner and group (create), and will be set with the append-only attribute (append-only). Don't rotate logs if they are smaller than 1 Megabyte (size).

     /var/log/log.a* {
          # Descend two levels of depth to find files respecting criteria
          # (beginning by log.a)
          maxdepth 2
          # Use of meta-variables. storedir will be expanded for each processed
          # file (so i.e. will be used 2002/04/log.auth, 2002/04/log.apache, ....)
          # to store compressed archived logs
          storedir @YEAR/@MONTH/@BASENAME
          # Make new dirs if necessary with specified permissions, owner and group
          # ALERT: See README for more details.
          createdir 0640 root loggers
          # Rotate files with a 6 month period.
          rotate 6
          # Flag to use only with an ext2 filesystem. Add append-only attribute
          # to logfile
          # Don't rotate if logfile is smaller than 1 Megabyte
          size 1M

Example 7. Archive all logfiles stored in local /usr/local/apache/logs dir in a remote NFS volume, mounted during rottlog's execution. Will be used firstaction...endaction to mount nfs remote volume, and lastaction...endaction to umount it. Archived logfiles are stored in a dir available only after firstaction is performed and is defined during rottlog's execution.

     /usr/local/apache/logs/* {
       # Action between firstaction and endaction tags will be performed before
       # all logfiles are rotated/archived
         mount /mnt/LogVol
       # Define a destination directory available only after firstaction
       # is performed
       storedir /mnt/LogVol/@YEAR/@MONTH/@BASENAME
       # Permissions about newly created dir
       createdir 0640 root loggers
       # After each log file is rotated following commands will be executed
         /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl restart
       # Action between lastaction and endaction tags will be performed after
       # all logfiles has been rotated/archived.
         umount /mnt/LogVol

Example 8. Archive all logfiles stored in the local /usr/local/squid/logs/ directory onto tape. Before archive the logfile, it will be saved in a temporary directory that will be removed immediately after handled last logfile in this block.

     /usr/local/squid/logs/* {
       # Action between firstaction and endaction tags will be performed
       # before all logfiles are rotated/archived
         mt -f /dev/nst0 eom
       # Define a temporary storedir
       storedir @TEMPDIR
       # Define filename of logs to be archived
       storefile @FILENAME.@WEEK@YEAR
       # Don't archive file if it's empty
       # After each log file is rotated following commands will be executed
         star -cv -f /dev/nst0 @TEMPDIR/@FILENAME.@WEEK@YEAR
       # Action between lastaction and endaction tags will be performed after
       # all logfiles has been rotated/archived
         mt -f /dev/nst0 offline

Example 9. Archive log.daemon only on 15th day of the month, and will compress the archived logfile next month.

     /var/adm/log.daemon {
             # These actions will be performed after archived each logfile
                 /sbin/killall -HUP syslogd
             # rottlog will handle this file only on 15th day of the month
             period 15

Example 10. Rotate fetchmail.log five times before overwriting, each three days, So the file fetchmail.log.1 will be overwrited each 15 days.

     /var/log/fetchmail.log {
             # Handle this file every three days
             period 3d
             # Handle logfile on a 5-period basis. So fetchmail.log.1 will be
             # overwritten every 15 days
             rotate 5

Example 11. Archive log.auth using different behaviour in different year periods. If we are in summer (july to september), log.auth will be archived on monday or friday at 22:00. If we are not in summer, the file will be archived from monday to saturday at 01:00.

     /var/adm/log.auth {
             # rottlog will handle this file:
             # monday or friday on 22:00 during summer (july to september)
             # from monday to saturday on 01:00 otherwise
             period mon+fri jul-sep 22:00, !jul-sep mon-sat 01:00

Example 12. Rotate log.auth with logrotate algorithm.

     /var/adm/log.auth {
       rotate 4

Example 13. Rotate log.auth using logrotate algorithm and rottlog create parameter. This means that the new logfile will be created with 0600 mode and owner stefano, group root.

     /var/adm/log.auth {
       create 600 stefano root
       rotate 4

Example 14. Rotate log.auth using logrotate algorithm and create parameter. This means that the new logfile will be created with same permission and of just-rotated log.auth.

     /var/adm/log.auth {
       rotate 4

Example 15. Store apache logs from many virtual hosts each odd days if it is not Summer, otherwise it will store logs only Wednesday and Saturday

       /hosts/,/hosts/ {
       # @1 stays for: first token in path parsing
       # @2 stays for: second token in path parsing
       storedir @1/@2/log/@MONTH-@YEAR
       # Create new directories if not yet existant with specified
       # permissions, owner and group
       createdir 0644 apache apache
       # Defines archived filenames
       storefile @BASENAME.@DAY.gz
       # Create new 0-size logfiles in place of archived with specified
       # permissions, owner and group
       create 0644 apache apache
       # Force archiving of logfiles:
       # 1 - Monday, wednesday, friday and sunday if actual month is not
       #     between july and august
       # 2 - Wednesday and saturday if actual month is between july and
       #     august
       period !jul-aug mon+wed+fri+sun, jul-aug wed+sat
       # Handle this file even if it is empty
       # Don't mail to administrator report for each log file handled

Example 16.

     /var/adm/messages {
        # Store compressed messages in $packdir/messages
        storedir messages
        # These actions will be performed before archiving the logfile
        /sbin/killall -STOP myprogram
        # Rotate logs with extensions from .1 to .5
        rotate 5
        # Don't rotate log if it's empty