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Read the proxylist from local file /tmp/mylist.txt:
proxyknife -i /tmp/mylist.txt
Do the same with 100 threads:
proxyknife -i /tmp/mylist.txt -t 100
Find http proxy supporting CONNECT:
proxyknife -i /tmp/mylist.txt -H1
Find http proxy supporting ftp with GET method:
proxyknife -i /tmp/myhttplist.txt -c 'ftp://somesite/' -k 'pub'
Print the result to a file named myoutput.txt
proxyknife -i /tmp/mylist.txt -o myoutput.txt
Check the newlist again with CONNECT checking for the HTTP proxies:
proxyknife -i ./myoutput.txt -H1
Identify as firefox 2.0:
proxyknife -g 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061010 Firefox/2.0' \ -i /tmp/mylist.txt
Print more to screen:
proxyknife -i /tmp/mylist.txt -o . -d