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7.1 Pairs

This section describes the simple operations that are available for constructing and manipulating arbitrary graphs constructed from pairs.

standard procedure: pair? object

Returns #t if object is a pair; otherwise returns #f.

(pair? '(a . b))                        ⇒ #t
(pair? '(a b c))                        ⇒ #t
(pair? '())                             ⇒ #f
(pair? '#(a b))                         ⇒ #f
standard procedure: cons obj1 obj2

Returns a newly allocated pair whose car is obj1 and whose cdr is obj2. The pair is guaranteed to be different (in the sense of eqv?) from every previously existing object.

(cons 'a '())                           ⇒ (a)
(cons '(a) '(b c d))                    ⇒ ((a) b c d)
(cons "a" '(b c))                       ⇒ ("a" b c)
(cons 'a 3)                             ⇒ (a . 3)
(cons '(a b) 'c)                        ⇒ ((a b) . c)
SRFI 1 procedure: xcons obj1 obj2

Returns a newly allocated pair whose car is obj2 and whose cdr is obj1.

(xcons '(b c) 'a)                       ⇒ (a b c)
standard procedure: car pair

Returns the contents of the car field of pair. Note that it is an error to take the car of the empty list.

(car '(a b c))                          ⇒ a
(car '((a) b c d))                      ⇒ (a)
(car '(1 . 2))                          ⇒ 1
(car '())                               error→ Illegal datum
standard procedure: cdr pair

Returns the contents of the cdr field of pair. Note that it is an error to take the cdr of the empty list.

(cdr '((a) b c d))                      ⇒ (b c d)
(cdr '(1 . 2))                          ⇒ 2
(cdr '())                               error→ Illegal datum
SRFI 1 procedure: car+cdr pair

The fundamental pair deconstructor:

(lambda (p) (values (car p) (cdr p)))
(receive (a b) (car+cdr (cons 1 2))
  (write-line a)
  (write-line b))
-| 1
-| 2
standard procedure: set-car! pair object

Stores object in the car field of pair. The value returned by set-car! is unspecified.

(define (f) (list 'not-a-constant-list))
(define (g) '(constant-list))
(set-car! (f) 3)                        ⇒ unspecified
(set-car! (g) 3)                        error→ Illegal datum
standard procedure: set-cdr! pair object

Stores object in the cdr field of pair. The value returned by set-cdr! is unspecified.

standard procedure: caar pair
standard procedure: cadr pair
standard procedure: cdar pair
standard procedure: cddr pair
standard procedure: caaar pair
standard procedure: caadr pair
standard procedure: cadar pair
standard procedure: caddr pair
standard procedure: cdaar pair
standard procedure: cdadr pair
standard procedure: cddar pair
standard procedure: cdddr pair
standard procedure: caaaar pair
standard procedure: caaadr pair
standard procedure: caadar pair
standard procedure: caaddr pair
standard procedure: cadaar pair
standard procedure: cadadr pair
standard procedure: caddar pair
standard procedure: cadddr pair
standard procedure: cdaaar pair
standard procedure: cdaadr pair
standard procedure: cdadar pair
standard procedure: cdaddr pair
standard procedure: cddaar pair
standard procedure: cddadr pair
standard procedure: cdddar pair
standard procedure: cddddr pair

These procedures are compositions of car and cdr; for example, caddr could be defined by

(define caddr (lambda (x) (car (cdr (cdr x)))))
procedure: general-car-cdr object path

This procedure is a generalization of car and cdr. Path encodes a particular sequence of car and cdr operations, which general-car-cdr executes on object. Path is an exact non-negative integer that encodes the operations in a bitwise fashion: a zero bit represents a cdr operation, and a one bit represents a car. The bits are executed LSB to MSB, and the most significant one bit, rather than being interpreted as an operation, signals the end of the sequence.6

For example, the following are equivalent:

(general-car-cdr object #b1011)
(cdr (car (car object)))

Here is a partial table of path/operation equivalents:

#b10    cdr
#b11    car
#b100   cddr
#b101   cdar
#b110   cadr
#b111   caar
#b1000  cdddr
SRFI 1 procedure: tree-copy tree

This copies an arbitrary tree constructed from pairs, copying both the car and cdr elements of every pair. This could have been defined by

(define (tree-copy tree)
  (let loop ((tree tree))
    (if (pair? tree)
        (cons (loop (car tree)) (loop (cdr tree)))



Note that path is restricted to a machine-dependent range, usually the size of a machine word. On many machines, this means that the maximum length of path will be 30 operations (32 bits, less the sign bit and the “end-of-sequence” bit).

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