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Here is the GNU Makefile for building *.java files and *.class files and running them.
.PRECIOUS: .PRECIOUS: %.class JAVAC_FLAGS = -source 1.5 -Xlint:unchecked -Xlint:deprecation JAVA_FLAGS = -enableassertions SHELL = /bin/bash %.jtw @echo "* Stage 1 : Debugging $*.jtw and building $*.java file" emacs --batch --eval "(setq *stump* \"$*\")" --load jtw-build-jtw.el --funcall doit %.class: @echo "* Stage 2 : Debugging *.java and building *.class file(s)" javac $(JAVAC_FLAGS) $$(find . -name "*.java") |& emacs --batch --eval "(setq *stump* \"$*\")" --load jtw-javac.el --funcall doit |& grep "input0-9:" - |& sed -e "s/input0-9:s//g" - %.class @echo "* Stage 3 : Running $*.class File" java $(JAVA_FLAGS) $* |& emacs --batch --load jtw-java.el --funcall doit |& grep "input0-9*:" - |& sed -e "s/input0-9*://g" - build: clean
The first line .PRECIOUS without any arguments clears the list of precious files, the list of files not to delete during the build process.